The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 861: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (47)

  Chapter 861 Black and red top-class scheming stepsister (47)

  Xiaolu only knew that the professor surnamed He from University A was Brother Shi's father, but he didn't know that the other person in the topic was by He Shi's side right now.

  He Shi saw the nonsense news and instantly understood: there are some **** who are bullying the people he has on top of his heart.

  His face was sinking like water, and his chest was boiling with anger, which could explode the furnace at any time.

   "Don't look."

  He raised his hand to cover the screen of Xu Yinhua's phone that was pulled to the hot search page.

  Xu Yin raised her head puzzledly, intertwined with his gloomy eyes.

   "I'll take care of it, don't read it."

   Such dirty content, I don't want to stain her eyes.

  He picked up his mobile phone and called his agent, and withdrew the hot search to call the police after keeping the evidence.

  Xu Yin gently moved the phone away when he was distracted on the phone, and with just one glance, she saw this ridiculous topic that was sent to the front row of hot searches by countless netizens like thousands of horses and horses.

  He Shi was halfway through speaking, realized that she was looking, and quickly covered it: "Don't look, dirty eyes."

  Accidentally, his slender palm with well-defined bones covered the back of her shiny, white and slender hand.

   Both of them were slightly taken aback.

  Xu Yin suspected that she drank too much.

  At this moment, she actually wanted to turn her palm over and interlock his fingers.

   Fortunately, she still had her senses. She pulled out her hand and gave him a steady look with her dark eyes: "I saw it."

  The implication, don’t hide it.

  When she scolded her brother back then, there were worse things than this. Not only did she end up being angry, but she also made the other party speechless. This kind of comment could not scare her.

   However, dirty is really dirty.

  She smoothed her sleeves, planning to go back and wash her eyes.

  He Shi stopped her dumbfounded: "There's no need to argue with them, just leave it to the police."

   "Are you afraid that I won't be able to beat them? Don't worry, I'm a little expert at fighting."

  As Xu Yin said, she patted her chest, resulting in a little belch.


  Xu · Resentful Little Expert · Yin Miao turns into a blurred little drunk.

  He Shi's chuckle with a trembling chest fell on her ears: "Have you been drinking?"

"A little bit."

  Xu Yin stretched out her finger to compare.

   Looks drunk.

  He Shi's softened eyes fell on her rosy cheeks, and he called her softly; "Xu Yin."

  Xu Yin raised her head to look at him, her reflection was reflected in the mist-soaked star pupils.

  He wanted to see more clearly, and gradually approached her face.

   Until his phone suddenly rang—

  The two returned to their senses at the same time.

   Answer the call while congratulating.

  Xu Yin turned her head to look at the window glass of the car, which was flooded by rain, completely lost her drunkenness.

   There is a voice in her heart questioning her: If he is not "he", you are betraying!

  So, is he Comrade Xiaojin?

  At this moment, she would rather the system erase her memory, and let the two meet and know each other without any memory, wouldn't it be good? Why are there any entanglements now.

  The call was from Jiang Zhaoyu.

  He also saw the trending search. At first he thought it was only his friend's father who was hacked, but he didn't expect to follow the comments of netizens and found that his sister was also one of the parties involved in the hack.

   He was so angry that he still had no time to work?

Immediately came to He Shi to discuss: "My agent found several comments pointing to Yin Yin, and I have also received many private messages from fans asking me if it is true. I plan to issue a statement, Ah Shi, your side Let's see if there is another one? Just say that I asked Uncle He to take care of Yinyin through you."

  At the same time, a message from @him popped up in the group of roommates in college: Ah Shi, did you see that post on the campus forum? Fuck! Professor He offended which Shuaishen, and was hacked too ridiculously, and he didn't make a draft for spreading rumors. It is said that the target is Jiang Zhaoyu's younger sister, I'll go!

  He Shi said to the other end of the phone without hesitation: "Okay, I'll send it right away."

  He just saw the topic and immediately asked his agent to call the police to deal with it, but he didn't expect that someone was posting it on the campus forum, and even named it by name, so it really couldn't be suppressed.

   hung up the phone, he logged into the platform to edit the post.

  Xu Yin couldn't help but said: "Actually, you and my brother don't need to end, I can do it myself."

"It is necessary." He Shi explained while editing, "Before I didn't think carefully, thinking that the behind-the-scenes person just bought the trending search. I didn't expect that there were also some on the campus forum, and you were already involved. If you suppress it, there will be people talking about it. Why don't you Spread it out and make it clear.”

  He and Jiang Zhaoyu posted a post one after the other.

  Jiang Zhaoyu's statement is very straightforward, frankly saying that the reason why Professor He took care of his sister so much at school was entrusted to his friend in private.

  He Shi didn't say that it was a friend's entrustment, but clarified that he was the one who called his father about the scholarship questioned by college student A.

  Although the police report had not come out at that time, the police had already obtained the evidence of the illegal newspaper office, but there were still some procedures to go through, but the publicity period for the scholarship was extremely short, which is why my father came forward to guarantee it.

  Xu Yin is already a victim, how can the victim bear the losses caused by rumors?

  He Shi also posted the timeline of the police, which indeed conflicts with the announcement period of the scholarship.

   In addition, he also said:

  [As for Baoyan, the little girl's hard work and full grades are obvious to all. Is it because I know her and I entrust my father to take care of her, that we have to deny the results of her own efforts? Then in this world, shouldn't there be family affection, friendship, and all kinds of friendship? Otherwise, it will be passed as a trick? ]

  As soon as the statement of the two came out, their respective fans were overwhelmed with excitement.

  Jiang Zhaoyu's fans were filled with righteous indignation: What! My brother's own sister was hacked? That's great! sisters! Go! Get rid of those marketing accounts that listen to the wind is rain!

  He Shi's fans vaguely heard something: Brother Shi, tell me honestly, do you have any... emmmmm thoughts about the little girl you're talking about? Otherwise, just say that you were entrusted by your friends to let your father take care of you? Why several paragraphs at length? The number of words in the statement is more than that issued by Jiang Zhaoyu? Is this still Brother Shi who shuns when he sees the opposite sex?

  The two groups of fans worked together and posted their statement on the trending searches.

  However, at this moment, a post that was posted a few seconds ago overwhelmed them and made it to the top of the hot search list.

  Jiang Yunru learned about this from her niece who was surfing the Internet. Huo Da got the title of "Flower Flower Workshop Master" and bought herself a top trending search:

  [Today is my birthday, my husband @A大设计堡院He Junru is the driver, driving me to get a cake near A University, pick up my little sister on the way, and go to my house to celebrate my birthday. ]

  Below the post, a set of Jiugongge photos are attached—

   There are photos of her holding flowers and a fragrance set given by Xu Yin with Xu Yin; there are also group photos of toasting and cutting the cake at the birthday banquet.

  The bottom row of three photos is a group photo of her and Xu Yin at the planting base in the suburbs of Beijing. The background is a large area of ​​spice plants in flowering period.

  The two laughed brightly at the camera, like a pair of sisters.

  (end of this chapter)

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