The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 858: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (44)

  Chapter 858 Black and red top-class scheming stepsister (44)

  Xu Yin really thinks that the Jia brand camera is easy to use, even if it is free, she is willing to accept this advertisement, not to mention that Jia's mother gives a lot.

   With this advertising fee, you can go to the entertainment industry to hire a well-known star.

  Xu Yin knew in her heart that the Jia family asked her to shoot commercials, most likely because she took in two birds and agreed to use Jia brand cameras to broadcast live broadcasts, so that the old man could see Jinsi and Huahua every day at home.

   But the advertising fee of seven figures a year is still too much for Xu Yin.

Mother Jia laughed and said on the phone: "Not much, not much. Our cameras may not have a good reputation in China. The business is mainly abroad, and the annual output value is not bad, so you don't have to worry. This advertising fee is not enough to let us go. We're hurting."


Fortunately, in Xu Yin's live broadcast room, after the smart camera with alarm function went out of the circle, it gained more than 100,000 fans, and many of them had fans of "Sound Into My Ears". The courtyard of the house, full of spices and two smart and beautiful birds, left a deep impression on them, and they rushed to tell each other when they were excited——

  [Jiang Zhaoyu’s younger sister has a live broadcast room where she broadcasts her yard and two little birds 24 hours a day. The little birds are so cute! ]

  [Dead fish is not bad, but his sister is really good. According to my brother, she is still a top student in A university. She is studying for a double degree and can still get full grades. I can only look up to the scumbags. ]

  [Jiang Zhaoyu is okay, this show made me get to know him again, and it doesn’t feel as bad as the outside world. But Lin Luoxin is too funny, is she really a singer-songwriter? The lyrics written are worse than my cousin in fifth grade. ]

  [It’s not bad to write a complete lyrics in three days, don’t be so strict. ]

  [Everyone for three days, and not just him. By the way, the ancient style lyrics written by Jiang Zhaoyu really kill me! ]

  [Jiang Zhaoyu, among other things, his musical talent is indeed impressive. ]

  [I only care about when my elder brother will play. ]


  With the presence of fans from all walks of life, more and more people know about Xu Yin's live broadcast room.

  Jia brand cameras are also known to more people, and sales in the country, which were originally tepid, have skyrocketed.

  Xu Yin breathed a sigh of relief, as she lived up to the seven-figure annual advertising fee.

   At the same time, the courtyard landscape she designed and arranged has also been praised and appreciated by more and more audiences. The achievement of 100,000 praises has come true before the winter vacation of the junior year.

   And also received many private messages from viewers, wanting to ask her to design a spice-themed garden landscape.

   "Yinyin, do you still need an internship? Open a studio on the spot, and countless orders will come to you, so you don't have to worry about getting a job."

  Qian Mingyue also followed her live broadcast, and saw many fans leave messages in the comment area asking her to design a garden, envy is not enough to express her mood at the moment.

   "Yinyin, does your studio need people? Do you think it's okay for me to be a handyman?" Chen Lu leaned over and asked half-truthfully.

  Zhao Wenyi hurriedly said: "I can do it too."


  Her studio? Not even a shadow yet.

  Xu Yin supported her forehead: "Don't make trouble, you are all future leaders in the food industry. Even if I open a studio, most of them are in the design category."

   "It's okay. The employment situation is severe now. It is said that less than half of the majors are suitable. It is a blessing to find a job to support yourself after graduation. It doesn't matter whether you are right or not."


  But the roommate's unconstrained discussion inspired her.

  If there are many design orders, you can indeed start your own business and open a studio.

  Advertising expenses are more than enough for starting a business.

  But Professor He wanted her to study in graduate school, his graduate student.

The junior year is a critical time for postgraduate studies. Professor He sent messages more than once to remind her to prepare the materials for postgraduate studies. After April, the school will release a large amount of information related to postgraduate studies, such as summer camp registration, pre-recommendation exemption, Push notifications, etc., let her keep an eye out and don't miss it.

  Professor He rarely meets such a potential student who is willing to study hard. Naturally, he does not want to see her get a job hastily after only one and a half years of contact with design.

  Xu Yin is thinking about the design industry, and she really needs to be steady. Only a solid theoretical foundation and practical ability can support her to go further.

   Having made up her mind, she began to prepare for the graduate school.

   This busy, junior year is over.

  As soon as the senior year started, the school affairs system released the list of the first batch of students recommended by the school for graduate students. Xu Yin was on the list, and she breathed a long sigh of relief.

   Throughout the summer vacation, she stayed in the library and seldom went home. She was afraid that if the recommendation application was not passed, she would have to squeeze the single-plank bridge of the postgraduate entrance examination with millions of undergraduates across the country.

   Now that I have successfully secured research and landed ahead of schedule, I can finally give myself a few days off.

  Internships are arranged for her two majors this semester, and her roommates are busy with internships, which may not be easier than her. Xu Yin decided to go home for a few days, to spend time with Dad Xu, and to tidy up the garden scenery by the way.

There are a few potted spices that need to be repotted. The nutmeg and pepper trees also need to be pruned. There are also two birds that have not only grown up a lot, but also gained a lot of fat due to her father's conscientious feeding. .

  The feeding of the elders is like this. I am afraid that the children will not have enough to eat, and they will always exceed the normal amount, and they will feed them fat without knowing it.

   It’s been a long time since I logged into the live broadcast room. When I went up to take a look, many fans felt the same as her:

  [Is Jinsi getting fat? ]

  [Huahua is also getting fat, eating so much every meal, can she not get fat? ]

  [I don’t like sports very much. The ones who exercise the most are flying on the branches and singing, or pecking at those flower buds. ]

  [Why hasn’t my sister come back yet? It's time to move out of the house and take care of these two lawless birds. ]


  Ever since the fans in the live broadcast room knew that she was Jiang Zhaoyu's younger sister, they all called her "sister" regardless of her age.

  However, it is kind.

  Xu Yin doesn't dislike their title.

  When she got home, she changed into a sports suit that was convenient for working, and came to the courtyard with a ponytail and a bucket and flower shovel.

   When Jinsi and Huahua saw her, they flapped their wings and flew to her shoulders, occupying one left and one right shoulder.

  The camera followed the movements of the two birds and captured Xu Yin.

  [My sister is here! ]

  [Sister, long time no see! ]

  [I finally got my sister! ]

  Xu Yin faced the camera, greeted the squatting fans, and then sent the bird back to the bird house. She was about to start working.

  The vanilla pot needs to be repotted.

   The bright flowering period of thyme has passed, and the seeds can be collected and dried as spices.

  Fennel has also reached the mature stage. The whole plant is harvested, and the dried fruit is aniseed.

  Saffron has been grown for two years, and it finally bloomed this year. In a few months, when the flowering period is mature, you can pick the style and stigma with medicinal value—that is, "saffron" in the usual sense.

  (end of this chapter)

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