The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 822: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (8)

  Here, after breakfast, Xu Yin cleaned up the kitchen, left a note for Dad Xu, and pasted it on the refrigerator.

  Jiang Zhaoyu changed his clothes and went downstairs. Seeing the situation, he also left a few words to persuade Dad Xu not to be too tired. He still has the mortgage. He will work hard to write songs and sell more money.

   "Brother, it would hurt your stomach if you don't eat breakfast. I'll put porridge and steamed buns in a thermos for you. Take some with you on the way."

   In addition, she also washed a bagful of cherry tomatoes and cherries that she could eat, put them in a fresh-keeping bag, and put them in the same food bag as the thermos bucket.

  These fruits are all from home, and the cherries were brought by Jiang Zhaoyu. Dad Xu is reluctant to buy such expensive fruits.

  But she secretly soaked it with spiritual mist for two days, hoping to help his body.

  Xu Yin is not sure whether Jiang Zhaoyu is currently taking medicine for depression, but the medicine is three-point poisonous, and eating more fruits can help detoxify.

  Jiang Zhaoyu saw her lowering her head to put fruit in the food bag, and suddenly felt that Xiao Cen had turned less.

   But it seems too late to notify him now, Xiao Cen is already on his way to pick him up, and he is almost there, so you can't be distracted while driving, and you can only turn around later if you want to turn.

   Forget it, let Xiao Cen get him a credit card with a secondary card, and give the secondary card to his sister, so he doesn't have to worry about her lack of money.

  Thinking about this, he said to Xu Yin: "I transferred some money to that card today, and you spend it first. In a few days, I will ask Xiao Cen to go to school and send you a secondary credit card."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Brother, could it be that you were also impaled? The one that wears you is a domineering president who flicks cards at every turn?


  Jiang Zhaoyu sent her to the school gate.

  Xu Yin said to him before getting off the car: "Brother, there are many people at the gate of the school. When I get off the car, you leave and don't stay."

  After speaking, she opened the door of the nanny's car and jumped out of the car. Before Jiang Zhaoyu could say anything, she closed the door behind her backhand.

  Jiang Zhaoyu: "..."

  Xiao Cen was dumbfounded: "Brother Yu, your sister is quite strong. I have never seen a girl who can close the car door with one hand."

  Jiang Zhaoyu glanced at him lightly: "I've never seen an assistant who asked a girl to open the door by herself."

   Bai gave him such a high salary.

  Xiao Cen rubbed his nose: "Isn't it too late? By the way, brother Yu, you are in a good mood when you go home this time?"

   will make fun of him.

  I used to catch up on sleep as soon as I got in the car, and there were so few words that I could count them on one hand.

  Jiang Zhaoyu didn't answer the topic, picked up the phone and asked, "How do I activate the supplementary credit card?"

   "Brother Yu, do you want to apply for a secondary card?"

   "Well, when it's done, you can send it to Yinyin."

  Although Xiao Cen was surprised, the things his parents told him must be done perfectly.

   No, after the payment was expedited, the secondary card was delivered to Xu Yin in less than a week.

   "Brother Yu said, this card has no limit, you can use as much as you want, and he is responsible for the repayment."

  Xu Yin looked down at the secondary card of the credit card handed over by Xiao Cen, and couldn't help feeling a little headache.

  That night, shouldn't she have accepted that bank card? One after another?

   "My brother, how are you doing?"

"Brother Yu has been very active in his work recently. In the past, people in the circle asked him to ask him to sing, and he rarely agreed. Since returning home last weekend, it seems that he has found his goal in life. He has picked up more than a dozen songs in just one week. Ge, I'm afraid I'll be busy until the end of next year."

  Xu Yin is confused: She is so active at work, it doesn't look like she is so depressed that she has no nostalgia for the world.

  In addition to sending her a secondary card, Xiao Cen also brought her a box of 4J cherries, saying that it was a gift from a friend in Jiang Zhaoyu's circle, and he couldn't finish it all by himself, so he asked Xiao Cen to bring a box of cherries.

  Xu Yin returned to the dormitory with the cherries in her arms.

   "Wow! Xu Yin, is this the cherries you bought? They are so big! You won the lottery? You actually bought the original box!"

  Qian Mingyue lay on the guardrail of the upper bunk and exclaimed, then lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

   "Did Xu Yin buy cherries?"

   "How much is it? 1J is also sold in the school supermarket, and the price has come down. It's more than 20 yuan a box, and a box has 400 grams."

  The other two roommates Zhao Wenyi and Chen Lu poked their heads out from behind the bed curtain.

  Seeing the big gold label on the box clearly, Qiqi let out a "wow".

   "4J? Xu Yin, are you rich?"

  Xu Yin laughed dumbfounded: "My brother sent someone to send it."

   "Your brother? Do you really have a brother? Is it your real brother?"

  They don't think Jiang Zhaoyu is her own brother, that's just a nickname given to idols by fans. Who didn't shout that? Don't the three of them also call Brother He Shi?

   What's more, just looking at the surnames, you can tell that the two cannot be brother and sister. After all, her surname is Xu, and Jiang Zhaoyu's surname is Jiang.

   "It's my brother." Xu Yin nodded.

She couldn't figure out one thing: Since Yuanshen hated Jiang Zhaoyu so much, and he didn't even want to live in the house he bought with the down payment, why did he call him "brother" so affectionately in front of his classmates and tell his roommates to stay up late every night to help him? He fights black fans, so he can't get up in the morning, and often misses the eighth class.

  Since you hate him so much, you want to break up with him, so why let outsiders know about their relationship? Isn't it enough to secretly hack in private?

"Your brother treats you so well." Qian Mingyue glanced enviously at Che Lizi, who was as good as a dinosaur egg, "My brother only bickers with me, and since he married his sister-in-law, he doesn't remember me as a younger sister." gone."

  Xu Yin thought for a while and said, "My brother has always hoped that I would study hard. Maybe I did well this week. He is very pleased."


  Speaking of this, the three roommates wanted to complain a long time ago, maybe Xu Yin has fallen into a learning bug?

  For six consecutive days, I went out after washing up at 6 o'clock in the morning every day, and came back when the lights were turned off at night. I basically spent time in the library except for class.

   "Xu Yin, you suddenly become so hardworking, the three of us can't get used to it."

   "Yes, yes, your brother just asked you to work harder, but he didn't make you work so hard. If you do this every day, your body won't be able to bear it."

   "I originally wanted to go to the library with Xu Yin to grab a seat, but I got up early in the morning and couldn't get up the next day."

   "Xu Yin," Qian Mingyue pulled Xu Yin to her desk, and asked mysteriously, "Is there nothing wrong with your family?"


   "Then why do you..."

"I just suddenly figured it out. We worked so hard to get into University A, but we didn't sleep in every day when we entered the university. We didn't go to the eighth class as long as the teacher didn't roll the name. The afternoon and evening classes depend on the time and mood, and the exam is also the same. 'Long live if you don't make up the exam, one more point is wasted'... Is this worthy of our three years of hard work in high school?"


   Qian Mingyue and the three looked at each other blankly.

  This...who is not like this? How many of them can be found in one department if they are still self-disciplined and hardworking after entering the university?

  Aren’t most of them like this? Boys are even more exaggerated. They play games every day. After a semester, they have only a handful of attendances.

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