The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 821: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (7)

  Xu Yin let out a long sigh, went to the bathroom to fetch a basin of clean water, took a rag, and wiped off the dried lipstick painting on the mirror.

After cleaning the corners of the room again, she changed into a new set of bedding, and picked out some seasonal clothes, shoes, socks and bags suitable for this world and for her from the system warehouse. cloakroom.

   There are a few commonly used skin care products on the dressing table, and a small desk next to it contains a few books, a few pens, and a small retro vase with a bouquet of dried flowers.

  The bottles and jars of different heights on the dressing table, and the disorderly and orderly books and notebooks on the desk add a bit of vitality to the room.

  From now on, this will be her home.

  Afterwards, she went to the bathroom to take a shower, put on her silk pajamas, and leaned on the bed to log in to the system to check the task settlement status of the last small world—

   Energy point balance: 20000.

  Task progress bar: 44%

   Time Ratio Maximum: 4400:1

  Currently possessed random skills:

  【Permanent divine power】

  【Floating Light and Misty Rain】(Limited excitation)

  【Universal voice actor】

  【Concealment (non-permanent)】: There are 4 chances left, and each time is limited to 0.5 hours.

  【Avoid water】

  【Catch the big with the small】

  [Collective bullet screen wall (non-permanent)]: It can be used 3 times in total, each time is limited to 5 minutes, and there are 2 times left.

   Except for energy points, there are no changes in the other items.

   As the energy points are temporarily unavailable, Xu Yin exited the system, resting her elbows on her bent knees, resting her cheeks to think about the next direction.

  The original major is food quality and safety, and he is currently a sophomore, but the task issued by the system is garden landscape, and the two have nothing to do with each other.

  She herself prefers landscape design, which is very close to her present job after all.

  I don’t know that it is inconvenient for colleges and universities in this small world to change majors.

  She thought of the mobile phone. The ancient world wore a lot of clothes, and she was always not used to the existence of the mobile phone, so she remembered it only when she needed it.

  Log in to the search engine, enter the university A you are studying, first search for majors related to garden landscape, but there is one—environmental landscape design; secondly, search for the procedures for transferring majors between undergraduate departments.

   After browsing carefully, I found that the requirements for changing majors are higher than those for minoring in second majors, and only those who rank in the top three in their grades have the opportunity to apply. However, the original body's performance ranking did not even reach the top 30%.

  Pass is a pass, but with this score, you don't even have the qualifications to minor in a second major.

  Xu Yin couldn't help feeling a little toothache.

  Yuanzhen spent most of his college time, except for eating, eating and sleeping, to deal with Jiang Zhaoyu.

   Fortunately, he is only a sophomore, so there is still time to catch up.

She made some calculations: this semester will focus on scoring, and try to get enough grade points; next semester, I will see if I can successfully study the second major. If I can, I will study by myself in the library while attending lectures, combining theory with practice, and I will graduate by then The design also has a logical topic - the landscape design of the own courtyard.

  After making the decision, Xu Yin took action.

  The next day, instead of rushing to buy vegetable seeds and flower seeds, she went to the bookstore first and brought back a bunch of professional books on garden landscape design and supporting reference books.

  This type of book has many illustrations, high-quality paper, and the price is not cheap. Fortunately, Jiang Zhaoyu gave her a card last night, otherwise she would have to pick two or three books out of them, and it would be too much to want to move back.

  Yuanchen’s usual expenses are actually not that big, but hiring a sailor is quite expensive. Even if Dad Xu gave her 2,500 yuan for living expenses every month, she still couldn’t save much.

Although you can find this kind of books in the library, but really take it as a major to learn, Xu Yin likes to make annotations and notes while reading, even if you don’t need it in the future, you can also store it in the system warehouse and take it to the next and next class. The world will never be wasted.

  Sometimes, she inevitably thinks: the system allows her to wear books again and again, in worlds with different eras and backgrounds, does she want to use her to collect civilizations and technologies from various planes?

  But then I thought again, how advanced is a systematic civilization, and is it necessary to spend so much trouble?

   If you can’t figure it out, just don’t bother thinking about it, let’s read a book.

  On Sunday, Xu Yin woke up early, washed up, changed into light sportswear, and ran downstairs briskly.

   Dad Xu got up earlier than her. Before dawn, he drove the scooter to buy the ingredients for the day, and then went directly to the store.

In the kitchen, there was a pot of porridge with mushrooms and chicken soup, and a basket and two drawers of thin-skinned steamed buns that were steamed and kept warm. There were shrimp stuffing, shepherd's purse stuffing, and three ding stuffing. In short, they were brothers and sisters. Two favorite flavors.

  Xu Yin filled a bowl of porridge with two small steamed buns stuffed with shrimp and two diced stuffing. She sat at the dining table and logged on to the campus official website while eating to check her current grade points.

  Forget it, if you get full grades in all the thirteen courses this semester, you will be qualified for the minor of the second major.


  Xu Yin raised her arms to cheer herself up.

   There was a chuckle from behind.

  Xu Yin turned her head and saw that it was Jiang Zhaoyu.

  He probably just woke up not long ago, his hair is naturally messy, and the pajamas on his body have not been changed yet.

   I just accepted a card from him the day before yesterday, so should I be more polite?

  So she asked: "Brother, do you have breakfast?"

"Not urgent."

  Jiang Zhaoyu pulled away the chair opposite her, sat down, poured himself a glass of warm water, and drank it slowly.

  The atmosphere at this moment was so good that he couldn't bear to open his mouth to destroy it.

  Going home this time, he didn't feel his step-sister's rejection at all.

   Could it be that she is short of money? So I gave her the card the night before, and she accepted it.

  In the past, if Dad Xu or other relatives and friends were present, she would say "Thank you brother" sweetly and accept the red envelope or card he sent.

   But if there were only him and her on the scene, even if she took it, she would just throw it into the trash can. But this time, she didn't throw it.

  Thinking of it this way, she is in urgent need of money? And he happened to give her a sum of money for emergency, so he no longer hated and rejected himself?

  Thinking about this, he raised his eyes and asked, "When are you going back to school?"

  Xu Yin drank the porridge and said, "I'll be back later."

  The textbooks for this semester are all in the dormitory, and she is going back to start the small motor to study.

   "I'll wait for someone to pick you up and take you back to school on the way?" He asked too cautiously.

  Xu Yin didn't think much about it, she stuffed a small steamed bun into her mouth, and said with bulging cheeks, "Okay, it saves me taking the subway, thank you brother."

  Jiang Zhaoyu confirmed once again: she has really changed, she never called him "brother" when she was alone before.

  He felt a little sour.

   This scene was something he had longed for all along. Now it has come true, but because she lacks money.

   Immediately thought again: My sister is short of money, so if she doesn’t ask her brother for it, why should she go to an outsider?

  Even if it's only temporary, even if it's just using him as a tool to make money, he's still happy.

  Thinking about this, he lowered his head and sent a message to the assistant who came to pick him up.

  Xiao Cen, who received the news, was full of suspicion: What difficulties did Brother Yu encounter? Why do you have to withdraw so much cash all of a sudden? He was also asked to transfer to a new card that was issued not long ago.

   If you don't understand it, you don't understand it, but Xiao Cen complied.

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