The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 823: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (9)

"So this is wrong." After Xu Yin sent a thank you message to Jiang Zhaoyu, she went to wash some cherries and gave them to eat, "Well, after eating the cherries my brother rewarded, everyone is the same as me. , work hard! Don’t let four years go to waste.”


  The three of them each held a handful of cherries, suddenly wondering whether they should eat them or not.

  Don't eat it, gluttonous!

   Such big and sweet cherries, they can't afford to eat them even if they want to eat them. I'm afraid there will be no such shop after passing this village.

   It's edible, it seems that there are still conditions? If they want them to be like Xu Yin, go out early and return late to study, this... sorry, I can't do it!

  Zhao Wenyi groaned: "Six o'clock in Shengxia is okay, but six o'clock now... emmm is too early, I'm so sleepy that I can't keep my eyelids open."

  Chen Lu touched her face: "The lights are turned off at eleven o'clock, and I don't come back until half past ten. Half an hour is not enough to apply a mask."

  Qian Mingyue: "Does this happen every day, seven days a week?"

  The three of them just felt that their eyes were dark. From six to ten, this schedule is so **** up to the third year of high school.

   After finally being admitted to university, shouldn’t we enjoy campus life? Graduation is about to become a hard-working social animal. University can be said to be an environment where you can enjoy life leisurely in the last few years of your long life. Is it necessary to work so hard?

  Xu Yin’s brainwashing ends here. They don’t want her to force her, and she is not their parent.

She also washed a bowl of cherries for herself, sat at the desk and ate while soaking her feet, with a professional book spread out on her lap, turning back a page in an average of 20 seconds. Will stay for a while.

  Qian Mingyue was tongue-tied: "Xu Yin, do you remember?"

  Xu Yin had a cherries in her mouth, she used a pen to draw the key point without raising her head: "It's okay."

  She turned on the scene simulation, and learning everything seemed to be at double speed.


  The next day was Sunday, Xu Yin still carried a bag of books and went out at six o'clock.

  First go to the playground and jog twice to refresh yourself, then go to the cafeteria to have breakfast, and then go to the library to find a quiet corner to start a day of brushing books.

The exam week of this semester is at the end of January, and the time given to her is less than two months. The sophomore year is the most intensive year of courses. Especially this semester, the majors she is studying, professional courses + common courses + elective courses have a total of ten courses. Six subjects, it is still a bit of pressure to get full marks in all subjects.

   But fortunately, she has scene simulation.

  Last week, she brushed the knowledge points of the two most difficult professional courses for her - "Food Chemistry" and "Food Analysis Technology" to the proficient S level.

  Next week, we will focus on "Food Function" and "Instrument Analysis".

   Today, I plan to brush up the two courses of "Food Microbiology" and "Human Kinesiology".

Of these two courses, the former one was studied in the life of brewing wine; the latter one is somewhat related to "Pathology". She has studied Chinese medicine and has done in-depth research on the physiological structure and pathology of the human body. Although it has been a long time, the skills This thing, once you master it, is your own, no matter how long it has been, it is as if it is engraved in your bones - picking it up is quite fast.

I read one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I didn’t go back to the dormitory during the lunch break. After lunch, I went to the end of the quiet wisteria flower corridor on the campus to take a bag of cherries that I washed in the morning, and took out half of the landscape. "Yuan Ye", one of the must-read books for design, is a pastime while eating.

   Those in the dormitory with her have to wait until the lights are turned off to see her, let alone the students in other dormitories.

   "Mingyue, what has Xu Yin been up to lately? I haven't seen her except in class. Could it be a relationship?"

   In the dormitory next door, Zhou Shiwen, who is also a major, met Qian Mingyue when she went to the cafeteria for dinner, and asked about it with a smile.

  Qian Mingyue asked strangely: "Even if she is in love, why are you so happy?"

  Zhou Shiwen choked: "I just care about her."

  Qian Mingyue glanced at her, and said in her heart: You can pull it down! When Xu Yinfen's idol almost collapsed, she gloated and said that it wasn't you who sympathized with her? Still concerned? It's really a cat crying and a mouse pretending to be merciful!

   "Hey, don't go so fast!" Zhou Shiwen chased after a few steps, "Okay, okay, to be honest, someone asked me if Xu Yin is single."

   "Who is it?"

  Everyone has the heart to gossip, Qian Mingyue stopped.

  Zhou Shiwen made a fool of himself: "It's a handsome guy from the School of Physical Education. I won't tell you who it is. If Xu Yin has a boyfriend, he will save face."

  Qian Mingyue shrugged: "Even if she is single, she probably has no intention of dating recently."

   "Huh? Why?"

   "She said that she must study hard and make progress every day, and she will get full marks in the exams this semester."


   Zhou Shiwen doesn't believe it.

  If Xu Yin can pass the test, she can get the National Encouragement Scholarship.

  Qian Mingyue definitely just made up an excuse and didn't want to tell herself.

  Being entrusted by others and being loyal to others, Zhou Shiwen wanted to block Xu Yin and ask her personally.

  But she can't get up for the eighth class in the morning; for the evening class, she has to go on a date.

  Looking at it this way, only the afternoon class has the opportunity.

But Xu Yin always chooses the seat in the middle of the front row to attend classes, but Zhou Shiwen doesn’t want to attend the whole class under the teacher’s eyes, but go find her after class, Xu Yin will either run to the next classroom or go to the library Grab a seat.

   After being blocked for a week, no one was blocked, Zhou Shiwen: "..."

  What the **** is Xu Yin a rabbit?

  Why is it so difficult to talk to her?

   This day I finally got stuck at the entrance of the cafeteria.

  Zhou Shiwen put his hands on his waist and was out of breath: "I said you, what are you doing so fast? Chasing, chasing makes me tired, exhausted."

  Xu Yin looked puzzled: "I came to the cafeteria to eat in a hurry. I am not active in eating, and I have problem thinking."


   "What do you want from me?" Xu Yin glanced at her watch, "If you're not in a hurry, let's chat in the dormitory at night."

  Zhou Shiwen smiled angrily: "The dormitory is waiting for you, do I need to block you here?"

  503 is a wonderful dormitory. As soon as the lights are turned off, she really turns off the lights and goes to bed. After applying the mask, she sneaks over and knocks on the door.

   "Then let's go to eat first, and chat while eating."

  Xu Yin is still very satisfied with the food in the cafeteria of University A, especially the sweet and sour pork tenderloin served every Wednesday at the No. 5 window of No. 3 cafeteria.


   After finishing the meal, I found a seat by the window, sat down and started.

   Zhou Shiwen saw her satisfied face, the corner of her mouth twitched, and cut to the point: "Xu Yin, do you have a boyfriend?"


  Xu Yin looked at her suspiciously: "I'm not Lily."


  The smile on Zhou Shiwen's face froze instantly, and a few words were squeezed out between his teeth: "Me neither! And I have a boyfriend."

   "Then why are you asking me this?"

   "If you are single, let me introduce you to a high-quality man, from the gym next door, 185..."

  Xu Yin shook her head: "I don't fall in love in college, and falling in love will affect my study."


   It wasn't until Xu Yin finished eating and walked away for a while that Zhou Shiwen realized that this is really what Qian Mingyue said, planning to study hard? Isn't it funny to say that colleges don't fall in love? When do you not talk about love in college?

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