The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 820: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (6)

  When Jiang Zhaoyu arrived home, dusk had already fallen.

  Xu Yin was helping to serve the dishes, and just put down the new dish that Dad Xu was thinking about—beef stuffed with bitter gourd, when she heard movement from the door, she looked up.

  He was wearing a black windbreaker and a black baseball cap, with one hand in his pocket, unlocked the combination lock of the door and stepped in, carrying a gust of late autumn evening wind.

   "Has Zhaozhao arrived? Is the road blocked? Are you hungry? Yinyin, what are you doing in a daze? Go get your brother a pair of slippers."

Hearing this, Xu Yin trotted to the entrance, took a pair of men's linen slippers Dad Xu bought from the shoe cabinet, put them in front of his feet, bent her eyebrows and smiled: "Brother, your old slippers were thrown into the washing machine by Dad." Washed out."

   Dad Xu laughed and cursed: "Did I make you sue?"

  Xu Yin turned her head and made a face at her father.

  Jiang Zhaoyu looked down at the khaki handmade linen slippers on the ground, his eyes thoughtful.

   This pair of slippers can be seen to be brought by Wu Ming, the waiter in Dad Xu's shop, from his hometown.

Wu Ming's family conditions are not good. There is a blind father and a disabled mother in the family, but his mother is very good at craftsmanship, and the linen slippers she made are very comfortable to wear. After Xu's father found out, he would ask Wu Ming to order a few pairs every year. Let the son and daughter take two pairs to the dormitory.

   He was not surprised by these, but the surprise was that his step-sister just smiled at him, before Dad Xu came over.

  That smile was bright and real, without any hypocrisy or affectation, and she was completely different from the previous her.

  Xu Yin noticed that Jiang Zhaoyu was looking at her all the time.

   One meal made her toothache and brain ache.

  Recalling the plot and character design carefully, the original body is in front of Dad Xu or other relatives and friends, isn’t it because he is very warm and friendly to him?

   She asked herself if she was telling the truth.

  What's wrong?

   No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't figure it out, so I simply put it aside and didn't think about it.

   "Dad, you promised me just now that the yard is empty, so I can plant whatever I want, so I'll go buy seeds tomorrow."

  Papa Xu is serving soup for the two children.

  Ever since his son entered the entertainment circle and became a singer, he has never made too complicated soup. Being a singer has many taboos, such as what you can’t eat, what you can’t eat, so let’s keep it simple.

  Yesterday, I entrusted the owner of the aquatic product shop to get two wild crucian carp native to a large reservoir, and stewed a pot of milky white shredded radish fish soup, without any seasoning except salt, to invigorate the spleen and dampness, nourish yin and nourish the lungs.

Hearing what his daughter said, Sheng Tang's hands trembled: "Do you really want to plant it? The lawn has not been taken care of, and it looks ugly, but it is a bit green anyway. If you want to turn them over to plant flowers, why can't they grow?" manage?"

  Then isn’t there any green in the yard?

Look at the neighbor next door, the yard is like a garden, with flowers blooming all year round; look at my own yard, except for the natural lawn planted by the developer before, nothing has been planted, and it has not been planted since I moved in. In the autumn, the dead leaves of the street trees in the backyard floated in. At first glance, it was indeed a bit shabby.

   No matter how shabby it is, it is better than turning over the lawn and exposing the soil.

Jiang Zhaoyu took the first bowl of soup that Dad Xu handed him, and put it in front of Xu Yin: "Yin Yin likes flowers? There's no need to grow them yourself. I have a friend who owns a flower shop and sells potted plants. What do you like?" Flowers, let me pick some pots for you."

   Dad Xu nodded again and again: "This is a good idea. It doesn't need to take care of it, and it also decorates the yard."

  After serving soup to the two children, he sat down and poured himself a cup of tea.

  As a cook, meals are early, and he basically has to wait until the restaurant closes to have time to sit down and eat, but he is very satisfied watching the children eat.

  Xu Yin took a sip of the soup and said, "I didn't mention planting flowers, I plan to plant vegetables."


   Dad Xu choked on his tea.

  Jiang Zhaoyu also almost slipped the spoon in his hand.

"Yinyin, do you have any misunderstanding about growing vegetables?" Dad Xu talked about his experience growing vegetables when he was a child. Listen to your brother, I'll buy you some potted flowers and put them in the yard, it's convenient and beautiful!"

  Jiang Zhaoyu nodded, took out his mobile phone: "I'm going to contact my friend now."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Is this battle too big?

  She just picked up a topic at random, and found something to do for herself by the way.

  【Ding—Yuan Hening and Jia Hexing! Create the most beautiful garden and enjoy a better life! The courtyard landscape has been appreciated by tens of thousands of people, and 2,000 energy points will be rewarded; the appreciation of 100,000 people will be rewarded with 20,000 energy points; the progress bar will increase by 1-3% if it is appreciated by a million people. 】


  Dog system, did you use the energy points commissioned by your sister to buy a villa and then need to decorate the garden?

   Are you going to give her a difficult problem again?

  Landscape garden is simply planting flowers or vegetables?

  But the reward thrown out this time is really tempting—the progress bar advances by 1%-3%!

  She completed a small world task, and she only made this progress.

   I don’t know if she saw the entanglement written on her face, but when she was upstairs at night, Jiang Zhaoyu handed Xu Yin a card.

   "Don't you want to go shopping tomorrow? Buy whatever you like. If it's not enough, call me."

  Xu Yin subconsciously wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, she took it over: "Thank you brother."

   Want to pull him out of depression, breaking the barriers between each other and sending the warmth of relatives is the first step.

  Jiang Zhaoyu seemed relieved, glanced at her, waved his hands and said nothing, walked through the corridor, and returned to his own room.

  Xu Yin's room is at the other end. It was originally the master bedroom, with an independent bathroom, a cloakroom, and a large terrace.

  When the room was divided, Jiang Zhaoyu left this room to Xu's father, and Xu's father gave it to his daughter. The two men chose the guest room.

  Daughter is getting older, Dad Xu won’t knock on his daughter’s door if he has nothing to do; Jiang Zhaoyu seldom comes to the other side of the stairs, let alone knocking on the door because of his step-sister’s rejection of him.

   But I am afraid none of them would have guessed that the girl's room was so empty.

  Yuanchen probably didn't want to move here at all. She felt that living in the house that Jiang Zhaoyu bought with a down payment was equivalent to accepting him and his mother. This was a betrayal of her own mother.

   Therefore, after moving, she quietly moved out her belongings in several trips by borrowing suitcases and schoolbags, some in the dormitory, and some in Qian Mingyue's house.

  Qian Mingyue is a native of the capital, and his family owns a pet hospital. Originally, he keeps his infrequently used luggage and items in the storage room of the Qian Family Pet Hospital. The bedroom is as empty as a guest room that no one lives in all year round.

  The only trace left is two foxes, one big and one small, drawn with lipstick in the lower right corner of the vanity mirror. A long knife pierced through the bodies of the two foxes. The sharp point of the knife seems to be able to pierce the mirror.

  The lipstick has been air-dried, it can be seen that it has been painted for a long time, maybe it was painted just after moving in.

  The original body's hatred and disgust for stepmother and stepbrother is so deep.

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