The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 819: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (5)

  Even if he bought a house for the family with the down payment, he never saw her smile from the bottom of her heart.

  The sense of alienation that cannot be expressed in words is like a wall between the two, which is difficult to cross.

  When I was young, I didn’t understand it. I thought she had two faces, one was smiling, and the other was as cold as ice.

  As I got older, I finally realized that my step-sister actually repulsed him, or even hated him.

  This sense of rejection has existed since he came to this home with his mother. Not only did it not disappear with the passage of time, but it intensified.

  But she probably didn't want Dad Xu to know, so she always treated him politely.

  Due to the divorce of his parents, he has been particularly sensitive to the emotions of others since he was a child. It is difficult for him not to mind the sweet smirk of his step-sister in front of others and the disgust and rejection of her queen.

   This is also one of the reasons why he often lives in the apartment provided by the company and does not often go home.

  As for Yuanshen, he doesn’t go home very often. He told Dad Xu that the school is far away from home, and on weekends, he often organizes colorful campus activities such as folklore gathering, trail walking, volunteer service, and practical experience.

  The real reason is—Jiang Zhaoyu bought the house with the down payment.

   So what, although it is brighter, more spacious and nicer than the previous rental?

  In her eyes, both he and his mother were the ones who took away her father, his mother was a big vixen, he was a little vixen, his mother was dead, and he still stayed at her house and her father.

   To her, he is an enemy.

  How could she bend down to live in a house bought by her enemy? I hate it even if I look at it more.

  If she hadn't knocked him down completely and dragged him into the mud, she wouldn't even bother to pretend.

  Only Dad Xu didn't know the twists and turns in his children's hearts, thinking that they were really busy and really missed them, so he thought about a new dish and called the siblings home for dinner.

  Reviewing the plot, Xu Yin was quite emotional.

  When Xu's father divorced his ex-wife, Yuan was only six years old. As a big man, he had to support his family and take care of his daughter who hadn't gone to school. It was always inconvenient. After all, when Yuanzheng was eight years old, she met Jiangma through the introduction of an acquaintance. Both of them were divorced and had a child. Neither of them disliked the other, and they formed a new family.

Yuanshen had always hoped that her parents would remarry, so naturally she hated Jiang Ma who suddenly appeared, but she was very scheming at a young age, she supported Xu's father's remarriage on the surface, was polite and polite to Jiang Ma and stepbrother, and secretly longed for a kiss Mom came back, remarried Dad, and took Dad back from the big and small vixen.

   As everyone knows, the original mother divorced Xu's father because she couldn't bear the loneliness and cheated. After the divorce, she followed the cheating partner to another place. She also voluntarily gave up her daughter's custody.

  Yuanchen has been looking for his own mother all these years. Last year, he went back to his hometown with Dad Xu to worship his ancestors and finally got in touch with a relative next door.

  Her mother learned on the phone that Dad Xu had made a lot of money in business over the years, and had also bought a townhouse on the East Fourth Ring Road, and her mind came alive.

  The man she was with before was not financially capable, and he has not treated her as well as before in the past few years, so she said to the original body:

"Yinyin, mom has been missing you a lot these years. If your dad hadn't told me not to appear in front of you, I would have come back to see you a long time ago. Now that you have been admitted to university, mom is relieved. I really want to Find a time to come back and celebrate with you."

   "Mom, come back! Remarry Dad, okay? Our family of three lives happily together and will never be separated again!"

  Yuanchen's mother was overjoyed, and said, "But your father..."

   "I'll convince Dad."

  The original words are convincing.

  But thinking that there was an outsider in the family, she narrowed her eyes and decided that she couldn't drag it on any longer.

  So, taking advantage of another trend of Heijiang Zhaoyu on the Internet, she timely released the incident of his breakup with his ex-girlfriend in the year of his debut.

The breakup was true, but it wasn't Jiang Zhaoyu who dumped him, but the other party dumped him; the time of the breakup was not after he became a black and red top class, but not long after his debut; the reason was not the netizen's speculation that "you don't want a bad wife if you are successful" ", but the woman was obsessed with luxury goods, and felt that he had no money to give her branded bags and clothes at that time, and was controlled by the company and could not come out often, so she posted it as the rich second generation she met in the bar.

  Speaking of which, that woman is still the cousin of Jiang Zhaoyu's art school classmate, and she was the one who chased after him back then. When she chased him, she valued his face and the light curtain of the entertainment industry, but after she caught up, she thought he was poor.

  The original body clearly knew everything, but turned black and white and exposed black material.

  The purpose is to ruin Jiang Zhaoyu's reputation, make Dad Xu completely disappointed in him, and get out of this house from now on.

  If Xu Yin hadn't passed through at this time, the original body would release the second and third waves of specious black material one after another.

Jiang Zhaoyu was not only scolded by netizens and reluctantly accepted the arrangement of the company Xuezang, but also named by the national TV station, becoming a negative example of artist virtue, which was tantamount to blocking his career in art and becoming a street mouse that everyone shouted and beaten, resulting in The depression got worse, and I finally chose to kill myself and leave this world.

The original body was disfigured by the splashing of sulfuric acid, Xu's father endured the grief of losing his son, and forced himself to run around to treat his daughter. The mortgage on the row house has not been paid off, and the restaurant has no business without him. I had to sell the house and transfer the store... It can be said that I have been busy all my life, and I turned my head empty and sad.

   Now that she is wearing it, she will definitely not let these things happen.

   "Dad, I'm back."

  Xu Yin stepped into the East Fourth Ring Road and moved into a home not long ago.

A small townhouse with a single-storey area of ​​139 square meters, a total of two and a half floors, the first floor is the living room, dining room, kitchen and storage room, the second floor is three bedrooms, the third floor is a pointed attic, designed as a study, attic Going out is a big terrace.

  Because it is a frontier household, the area of ​​the gifted yard is not small. The front and back yards are connected to the west yard, and the total area is 150 square meters, which is larger than the inner area of ​​the apartment.

  It’s just that Xu’s father is busy with the restaurant’s business, and he leaves early and returns late every day. When the business is busy during holidays, he thinks it’s a waste of time to go home, so he directly lays the floor in the store at night.

  The monthly mortgage for a row house is quite a lot. Although Jiang Zhaoyu will give him money from time to time, as a father, he always wants to do more when he can, so as to reduce the burden on his children.

  People are rarely at home, so there is no time to take care of the yard, resulting in some natural lawns withered, some yellow, and some weeds.

  As soon as Xu Yin stepped into the yard, her hands were itchy—a sequelae of too much farming.

   "Hey, Yinyin is back? I'm afraid your brother is still on the way and will be late. Come and have a bowl of chicken soup first. Dad has been cooking it for a long time."

   "Dad, can I grow something in the yard?" Xu Yin asked while drinking chicken soup after washing her hands.

   "Yes! You can grow whatever you want." Xu's father immersed himself in cooking, but he didn't miss his daughter's words, "But, what will you grow?"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  I can plant everything, do you believe it?

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