The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 818: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (4)

  Chapter 818 Black and red top-class scheming stepsister (4)

When mentioning the water army, he cursed in a low voice: "Lin Luoxin must be taking advantage of the fire, and recently he intends to compete with you for the endorsement of a new brand. Ah Yu, the more you are at this time, the more you have to keep your spirits up. Isn't that the idea Lin Luoxin hired to end the game? If you want the brand owner to withdraw you and replace him with him, we will never let him succeed."

  Jiang Zhaoyu responded with low interest: "Got it."


  The agent wanted to remind him a few more words, but Jiang Zhaoyu's personal mobile phone on the coffee table rang.

  He picked it up and saw that it was Dad Xu calling. He relaxed and pressed the answer button with a relaxed tone: "Dad."

   "According to you, are you free this weekend? Come back and try the new dish that Dad thought up."

   "I'm free, I just want to go home to see you these two days."

"Okay, okay. By the way, has Yinyin contacted you recently? I can't get through to her phone. This girl, I don't know what I'm busy with all day long. The line was busy when I called, and I didn't install WeChat. You have time to send A message to ask her if she wants to come back, Dad will prepare some big dishes to make up for you two."

   "Okay, thank you Dad."

  Jiang Zhaoyu had just hung up the phone when Zhou Minghui frowned and said, "Are you going home this weekend? Don't you know how many paparazzi are squatting on you now?"

   “Just go home and have a meal.”

  Jiang Zhaoyu said, and found out the contact information of his step-sister, and the line was indeed busy, so he switched to WeChat and sent her a text message:

  [Dad let us go home for dinner this weekend. ]

   "Your home is in the city, when can't you go back? Why this time..." Zhou Minghui still wanted to persuade him.

  Jiang Zhaoyu put down his phone, stretched his waist, and interrupted the manager's chatter: "Didn't the company want me to take a few days off? Just right, I haven't been home for a long time."

   "The company originally meant this, but isn't it already turning the tide? The endorsement matter is at a critical juncture, so don't lose the chain at this time."

   "Understood. It's just going back to have a meal, and there will be no delay."


  Xu Yin sat in the library until 4:30 in the afternoon, and her stomach was singing empty city plan, and she remembered that she hadn't eaten lunch yet.

  During the period, she changed the SIM card once, and was worried that Qian Mingyue would not be able to contact her when she asked her to have lunch with her. As a result, Aunt Qian Mingyue came, feeling upset and didn't want to go to the cafeteria, so she asked her roommate to pack a bowl of noodles.

  Xu Yin wasn't hungry at the time, and Qian Mingyue didn't go to the cafeteria, so she didn't rush to eat. She continued to switch back to the trumpet, and devoted herself to fighting the navy. When she felt hungry, she suddenly realized that it was already evening.

  She stretched, packed the things on the table and left.

  The "New Type of Agricultural Planting Technology" that she took casually as a pretense, she wanted to put it back in its original place, looked down at the cover for a while, and decided to borrow it back as a leisure book.

   What if the extra task in this world is farming again? Always find a source for the farming skills you are good at. Interest is the best teacher.

  On the way to the cafeteria, Xu Yin remembered that the phone hadn’t been switched back to the original SIM card, so she fiddled with it while walking. Just after switching back to the old SIM card, several unread messages and missed calls popped up on WeChat.

  While walking and watching, she suddenly bumped into a human wall.

   Covering his sore nose, he took two steps back: "I'm sorry."

  The person who was hit seemed to chuckle, with a lazy and casual tone: "Walk and watch the way, little sister."

  Little sister?

  Say who?

  Xu Yin looked up, but what she was left with was a slender figure from her back, stretched long by the afterglow of the setting sun.

  I always feel like I’ve seen this scene before.

After a long time, she withdrew her gaze, and now she didn't dare to look while walking. She ordered a simple set meal at the nearby cafeteria, found a seat by the window, and after she sat down, called back the missed call—"Dad" Made a phone call.

   It took Dad Xu a while to answer, but the background sound was noisy, which made Dad Xu's voice very loud:

   "Hello? Yin Yin? What have you been up to all afternoon? I can't get through to the phone all the time. Your brother is so busy at work, so you can always make a call. You are a college student, why are you busier than your brother?"

   "Cough, Dad, what do you want from me?"

"It's nothing. I have created a new dish. I want to make it for you to try. By the way, I will give Dad some advice. Are you free this weekend? Your brother is coming back, and you are coming back. Dad will make up for you, and specify Thin again."

  Xu Yin hurriedly said: "Okay, I will go back after class tomorrow."

   "It's almost the same, okay, let's do this first, I'm busy here."

   Father Xu hung up after explaining.

  He has opened a small restaurant in Feicui Hutong outside the East Third Ring Road for twelve years.

  To be precise, this restaurant was opened when he and Jiang Zhaoyu's mother got together.

   Xu Shi is more tolerant of relationships in middle age. Although the two are married for the second time, their relationship is even better than their first marriage.

  In order to raise two children, the couple tightened their belts and rented a small frontage in the big capital where every inch of land is expensive. Father Xu is in charge of the kitchen and Mama Jiang is the cashier.

   However, something unexpected happened, and just as the husband and wife restaurant started to improve, Jiang Ma got into a car accident and left.

  The driver who caused the accident was driving tired, and was still rushing forward at the red light. Together with Jiang Ma, he hit and killed three innocent passers-by.

  Papa Xu was devastated and his hair turned white all night. If he hadn't had two children to raise, he probably wouldn't be in the mood to start a business.

That year, Jiang Zhaoyu was thirteen years old. Looking at Father Xu's hunchbacked body and gray temples, in front of Jiang Ma's memorial tablet, he choked up his promise: "Susu, don't worry, Zhaozhao is your child and mine too." , I will definitely raise him up..."

  After that, Jiang Zhaoyu changed his tune and stopped calling Dad Xu uncle, and called him Dad.

  Papa Xu regards him as his own son, and he also regards Papa Xu as his own father.

  At the age of sixteen, he was spotted by a scout and participated in a "Star Development Project". After two years, he made his debut in a group at the age of eighteen.

   But he is like a complex of scandals. When he is extremely popular, there will always be scandals, but because of his appearance and talent, he will not leave this circle.

   Even if he doesn’t sing the songs he writes, most of the artists in the circle line up to buy them.

  In these years, because of the income he brought to the family, Dad Xu took down the facade of the restaurant and expanded the operation. The business is getting better day by day.

Last year, Jiang Zhaoyu made up enough down payment, and Dad Xu was in charge of the monthly mortgage. The two of them worked together to buy a townhouse on the East Fourth Ring Road, five kilometers away from the restaurant. The family finally had a house of their own in the big capital. House of.

   But when he started writing songs, he often turned day and night upside down, and as a star, it was not convenient for him to go home at any time.

   Plus, he always felt that his step-sister didn't like him.

Although he was always friendly to Dad Xu or other relatives and friends since he was a child, with dimples on the corner of his mouth, he called him "brother" sweetly; but when the two were alone, he never saw her face. Smile, even if it's just a light smile like a chrysanthemum.

  (end of this chapter)

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