Chapter 865: Come on, girl, give me a smile

If the white devil is the final boss, then Lin Luo and the others can have a celebration banquet, eat and drink directly, and have **** for a year without shame or shame in a happy and harmonious life. It is a pity that although the white demon is strong, it is at most only a middle BOSS...maybe there is no BOSS that is far superior to it, but there are definitely stronger than it, and there must be more than one, so Lin Luo can't be happy too early.

But to achieve such a big victory, at least one must open champagne to celebrate. Although they usually eat pretty well, they still do a fine distribution in order to save food. After all, they may stay here for a year. If they eat too much, they may only eat wild vegetables in the later stage.

However, in order to celebrate this victory, Lin Luo was very extravagant to take out a week of food to treat everyone... Don’t underestimate the food of Stars, there is Altria, the big stomach king who can eat no matter how much he eats. , It's enough to compare to a month's food for a family of six.

Everyone enjoyed this small celebration banquet. Even the two girls who don’t know how to eat, Osmanthus Daisy and Fujilin Apricot, were a little bit supportive, and Lihua played Gujing Wubo’s face with excitement. Smile, because she can eat seven plates of Mapo tofu today, there is nothing happier than that.

As for Altria, let alone, the days ago, she could only eat 70% of her fullness every day, which kept her from getting up. Today, she can finally appetite and have a big meal. It's like flying to the blessing... Seventy percent of the food on the table fell into her stomach.

After eating and resting in the living room for a while, Lihua played back to her own room, turned on the computer, and devoted himself to the game world...that was the world that only she knew.

Several other girls also went back to their rooms to rest after taking a shower. Only Lin Luo stayed alone to clean up the mess... After all, he contributed the least during the battle, and it was always time-consuming for girls to bathe, unlike him. Just rush for it, because they are so tired during the day, so that they have more time to rest, it should be done by themselves.

Lin Luo turned into a family leader, just to let the girls rest early and recharge their energy, not deliberately, but his actions suddenly increased the favorability of all the girls by five points.

A girl likes a man. It does not necessarily require him to be a great hero, nor does it require him to have extraordinary abilities, not to mention his noble background. As long as he is sincere and caring, it is already the best standard for choosing a husband. Especially girls born in the world of the second dimension, they value this point even more... You see, in countless animation games, even if you are a useless man, as long as he is gentle enough, he can embrace the harem from the left to the right. Let countless rich and handsome tears burst into their faces.

And Lin Luo's unintentional action hits the softest nerves deep in their hearts, sweet in their hearts, they can smile like a **** even in the bath, even in the face of their rivals... Then It is still a matter of principle.

Fujibayashi and Katsura Daisy have both gone through a contract and learned about each other’s kiss. They can be regarded as kissing each other. Although they are a little depressed in their hearts, they understand their own special position, plus that is also for the sake of Survival considerations are still acceptable.

After all, they are still on the same starting line, aren't they... Although they are a step slower than Lihua, they are a big step faster than Altria. Lihua played the little three nos, the emotions were not obvious, and the sense of competition was not fierce. They were pressure-free. As long as they were ahead of the Cavaliers, that was something to be happy about.

But for how long this lead can be maintained, only heaven knows and earth, and Gaia Alaya knows.

After half an hour, Lin Luo cleaned up the living room and returned to his room, walked into the bathroom for the last activity before going to bed. There was a fresh scent in the bathroom, which made him feel a little familiar, but he didn't care. After taking a two-minute shower, he ran back to the bed naked.

The bed is still the same soft, rich and flexible, giving people a feeling of flying through the clouds, but Lin Luo felt a sense of disobedience at the moment of contact, because the elasticity of this bed does not seem to be as flexible as before? And the quilt is slightly raised, how do you feel that there is a person lying inside?


Lin Luo said that it was impossible, but he was 90% sure of this possibility in his heart. The moment he opened the quilt, the last doubt was dispelled, because there was a girl lying on the bed between a girl and a loli. The naked body, the **** with dull hair plus A attributes, is Altria... I didn't expect that she would still have the habit of sleeping naked.

Nimei! How is this going? Did I run into the wrong room? Impossible, I have never been to the second floor! Lin Luo couldn't calm down for a moment, but his gaze shot back and forth on the girl's naked body. When his eyes fell on the white flowers under the girl's body, an evil fire instinctively rose from the bottom of his heart.

"No way, no way! This can't be touched for now!"

Playing a **** game with my king is of course exciting, but the problem is that the time is wrong. Lin Luo had to suppress her desire, and found that the girl was not awakened by her own actions, and immediately re-covered her. I got up, then got out of the bed and picked up the clothes on the floor, walked out of the room cautiously, and closed the door quietly.

When he went out and looked forward, Lin Luo finally realized that he had indeed gone to the wrong room. No wonder there was a fresh scent in the bathroom, because Altria had just taken a shower, it was the smell of her girl, but... when did he Came up to the second floor? Do you have Alzheimer's disease before you are old?

Lin Luo was puzzled, but in order to avoid being caught, he didn't have time to think about it. He jumped directly from the railing on the second floor naked, and then rushed into his room like lightning. He was the moment he closed the door. Finally breathed a sigh of relief, and of course there was a trace of regret.


When Lin Luo turned and walked towards the bed, "Huh?"

He was surprised to find that although he had changed a room, the furnishings of this room were the same as before, and even the quilt on the bed was slightly raised.

"It's not so evil, right?" Lin Luo stepped forward again and lifted a corner of the quilt, suddenly revealing Altria's flawless pretty face.

This is really hell!

Lin Luo didn't think Altria could be divided into two, nor did he think he would go to the wrong room, but what happened to such a wicked thing? He didn't believe in evil, once again opened the door and walked out, and then jumped to the first floor to open his room. As a result, he saw the same scene again.

Except for the door, the two rooms have been combined, which is obvious!

No matter how stupid and stupid Lin Luo was, he knew that someone was deliberately making ghosts at this time, but the question is...who is doing this kind of cheating?

Altria? She is a knight, it is impossible to make this kind of magical mystery. Even if she could do it, she would not be so active. Moreover, she slept to death. Not only was she stripped into a little white sheep, she even had three in and three outs. Without affecting her, she was undoubtedly designed.

What about Fujilin Apricot and Osmanthus Daisy? It is possible for them to do this kind of thing, but this kind of thing is not in line with their character at all. Even if they are really so bold, at most they will lead themselves to their rooms and never send themselves to other women’s beds. .

In this way, all the people in this house are eliminated.

what! You said there is still Lihua? Just kidding! How could such a dull and pure person do such evil things? She wouldn't even dare to watch pornography!

Then, there are only two suspects left... Gaia and Alaya! Inferring from the characters of those two loli, Alaya shouldn't be so boring, most of them are Gaia's bear kid. However, even with his IQ of over 250, I can't understand why Gaia did this kind of cheating. Is it purely for fun? !

You hateful loli, when you enter the Crystal Palace in the future, I must train you well!

Lin Luo cursed viciously in his heart, but this time he wronged Gaia. During this period of time, Gaia had only the blond head of state in his heart. He kissed me and my love is so affectionate. How can I give him a chance to push girls? It was Alaya who did this thing he thought was impossible.


"What a useless man, a beautiful girl was placed naked in front of him for him to enjoy, but he still hesitated so decisively. When he pushes, he pushes. Why don't you understand this? If it was me, it would be too early. He rushed forward, is he already impotent?" Gaia looked at the naked blonde head of state in the computer, but he also knew Lin Luo's situation at a glance, seemingly disdainful.

"Perhaps the heat isn't enough." Alaya frowned slightly while standing next to him, then lowered his head and asked, "If you say it's you, you won't hesitate, then should I send him to your room? "

"It's really annoying." Gaia scolded, the tone of that babble was enough to make any man's legs weak, but what he said would make all men kneel down, "I'm not interested in men, I The only ones I like are girls, especially those with Jin Changzhi and blond ponytails... Ah, it's so cute!"

Gaia held her cheeks like a nympho, and suddenly noticed the smile in Alaya's eyes, then stood up, held up her chin like a strange uncle, smiled and teased, "Of course, like Alaya. I also like it very much, come on, chick, give me a smile."


Even Alaya, facing Gaia's molesting, couldn't help but shudder.

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