Chapter 866: The switch of H can't be turned off anymore

Regarding the host, Lin Luo’s subconscious mind has such a point of view: the host is the object he wants to fight with and the object he wants to protect. Because of the relationship between life and death, he and their lives are connected, so the host is him. Woman.

This has nothing to do with the harem or the harem, but a natural possessiveness of human beings. Perhaps he himself hasn't realized it, but in behavior, he has acted in accordance with this subconscious mind.

But even so, Lin Luo will not mess with the host, but give them the utmost respect and freedom. At least he still dare not play three Ps, at least he will not force it, but on both sides you wish me. Under the circumstances, but...

After it was determined that Gaia's loli was playing tricks on herself, Lin Luo's heart itch with hatred. He wouldn't care if he wanted the two loli to admire the **** pictures. Anyway, he would enter the Crystal Palace sooner or later. Let them get acquainted in advance, tacitly, but now is not the time to overthrow Altria.

He has just settled Fuji Lin Xing and Osmanthus Daisy, so that these girls will form a stable atmosphere in which there is contradiction but will not intensify, and can compete with each other under the same roof but live in peace. As long as time goes by With the passage of time, such a state of life will slowly form a habit. Even if they propose "you all come to be my wings" at that time, even if they will resist for a while, but they have the premise of war of gods, plus the number The experience of birth and death this time should be barely acceptable.

This is the harem development record that only he knows.

You can’t expect to let all the beautiful girls fall into their arms with a single shot of your own arrogance. It might have worked five years ago, but it’s not popular anymore. The only way in the harem is to "Let everyone be together." The idea of ​​"a happy life" forms a habit, and this is the kingly way.

But now that the habit has not yet formed, it seems that it is about to be interrupted.

If he overthrew Altria here, this incident will let Fujibayashi and Katsura Daisy know that this small team, which has only just been established, may instantly drift away like clouds...Of course, there is also a very small one. The possibility is that everyone will come together.

However, Lin Luo didn’t expect the latter, so he stepped back again and wanted to leave this room. Even if Gaia could merge him with Altria’s room, he didn’t necessarily have to sleep in the room. Inside, it’s nice on the sofa outside.

Lin Luo had a good idea, but it was a pity that Dao was one foot high and the devil was one foot high. When he wanted to open the door, he found that the door had been locked, and all the energy on the walls of the room had completely solidified and stopped.

"...I rely on it, even the escape route was blocked." Lin Luo was completely speechless. It's amazing for Gaia to be able to do this, but he can still sleep on the floor, don't want to succeed!


As soon as Lin Luo's thoughts appeared, it was as if he had received information there. His body suddenly moved towards the bed uncontrollably. He couldn't even make a sound. He could only watch his hand lift. Open the quilt on the bed, and then a hungry tiger rushes to eat...

Such as a question, this is really amazing!

Lin Luo wanted to cry without tears. With a bang, his body was already heavily pressed on Altria's body. Both of them were naked. This direct contact stimulated every inch of his senses. It also stimulated the most primitive instinct in his body.

Altria originally slept very dead, but at the moment it may have been because of this violent contact that shocked her, or Alaya had withdrawn the power to suppress her. In short, when Lin Luo lay on her, she would Opened his eyes.

"Ah! You..." When I was half asleep at night, I suddenly found a man lying on him. Everyone would be shocked. Of course, Altria was no exception, instinctively attacking, but not yet After she moved, Lin Luo hugged her arm first, making her unable to move.

Altria quickly realized the current situation, embarrassed and indignant.

And Lin Luo was also in tears. He didn't know when the play started or when it would end. He only knew that, no matter what, his name as a **** might not escape.

"You, what are you doing! Don't hurry up and let me go!" Altria found that her strength couldn't escape, so she blushed and said. The contact between the two not only made Lin Luo feel, even she felt it. When there was something faintly wrong, the body temperature gradually began to rise.

"Uh..." Lin Luo's voice was blocked, and he didn't know how to explain, but instinctively opened his mouth but found that he could speak again, and immediately explained, "It's not my fault, I am also the victim, it's all from the world. wrong!"

Lin Luo used to say that the world's fault was shirking responsibility, but this time he was justified and not very different from the facts, but in many cases the truth was not believed.

"What's not your fault, the person pressing on me is you...ah!" Altria scolded very angrily, only halfway through the scolding, she suddenly felt that her **** had been given by something hard. The top came, as if being touched by an electric current, causing her body to tremble instinctively.

She is not a fool, nor does she not know the physiological structure of a man, let alone what might happen next, the shameful scene flashed in her heart, and she immediately stopped the scolding, turned her head, and never dared again. Looking at Lin Luo.

The lion, who was still aggressive, suddenly turned into a weak kitten. This sudden change was somewhat incomprehensible to Lin Luo, but he didn’t know why. His mood calmed down at this moment and he didn’t want to explain anything. I just feel that the fiery desire in the body is unbearable if it is not vented.

Fire-like desire is intertwined with water-like reason. No one has the upper hand, and no one wants to be overthrown. Lin Luo's reason is very clear. He is enthusiastic in his sobriety. Although he knows that this is a bit wrong, but see This beautiful girl with a shy face under her body can no longer suppress the feelings in her heart. Whether Alaya and Gaia are watching is no longer important. The matter of Fujibayashi and Gui Daisy will be considered in the future. , There is only one thought in his mind now.

Feeling that all the restrictions on her body have been removed, Lin Luo stretched out her hand to pull the girl's face over, caressed gently, and said softly, "Can you?"

The girl's face was already shy and shy, her amber eyes were shrouded in mist, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly, showing her inner tension. After staring at Lin Luo for a few moments, the girl suddenly closed her eyes.

Although she didn't get a positive answer from her, Altria's behavior clearly showed her own thoughts. Lin Luo understood her intentions, and without hesitation, he directly lowered his head and printed those two attractive cherry blossoms. lip.

When my lips and tongues met, I immediately felt a very soft scent in my mouth. The head that was still sober suddenly became a little blank. The desire that had been suppressed for more than a month was completely ignited at this moment, and I forcefully caught it. The little lilac tongue greedily sucked the sweet liquid in the girl's mouth, making the sound of water.

At the same time, Lin Luo's hands were also walking around on the girl's smooth and watery skin, as if to melt her completely, touching every part of her body.

The girl groaned slightly, her eyes opened as if she were closed. Under the gentle but intense caress of the man, her petite body couldn't help but began to twist, and responded enthusiastically.

In terms of age, Altria is not young anymore, but physically, she is still a fifteen-year-old girl, and in terms of sex, except for occasional hugs or shallowness with Grüneweil There is no more intense experience except for a touch of fragrance.

At this moment, her nose was filled with Lin Luo's male breath, and her body became extremely hot under his caress. The fierce enthusiasm made her sanity completely disappear, her body was eager, and her heart was eager too. , Want to get more pleasure, want to get more love.

At this moment, she put aside the restraint of the girl, and even put down the identity of the king, just as a woman, she made a suggestion to the man on her.

The girl's delicate hands stroked Lin Luo's chest, and when her tongue licked each other, her body couldn't help twisting, rubbing against the hard as iron with her lower body.

Feeling the girl's fiery feelings, Lin Luo subconsciously reached out and touched it, and found that the girl's lower body was already muddy. And his movement also caused a violent reaction from the girl. She arched her body, cupped his face with both hands, her eyes were as warm as silk, and she said foolishly, "Give it to me."

This sentence was undoubtedly the best catalyst. The girl’s personal appeal caused Lin Luo’s uncontrollable desire to erupt completely, and immediately opened her legs, pushing the hardness into the girl’s soft and slippery restricted area. In the end, in the girl's uneasy and expectant eyes, he slammed the girl firmly and completely entered the girl's body.

"Ah!" The first time I tasted the acquaintance of fish and water, the tearing pain caused the girl to breathe out in pain. While blood was flowing from her lower body, tears also flowed from her eyes.

"Go on, don't stop..." The girl endured the pain and gave orders to the man below her.

The compactness of the girl's lower body made Lin Luo unable to bear the order, and he was ordered to immediately send a stormy attack on her body, watching this beautiful girl tactfully and moaning passionately on her body, besides the pleasure of the flesh, there was more Spiritual enjoyment.

Finally, when he reached the peak of bliss, he finally injected all the essence into the girl's body.

The girl is like an octopus, holding his body tightly, and groaning contentedly in her mouth, but once the switch of desire is turned on, it can't be turned off.

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