Chapter 864: Gaia's morals are like clouds in the sky, the wind will never come back

Fujibayashi's grievances were all vented on the white devil. Not only did he find a "evenly matched" enemy for the white devil, but also temporarily resolved their crisis, but also made the original thrilling and blood-filled place that can be ignited. The battle turned into cheating and spitting out, and the joy was infinite.

Even if she is an atmosphere killer, it doesn't seem to be a problem.

But no matter how happy the battle is, it will be dead if you are not careful. Although at this time Lin Luo has the opportunity to summon the heroic spirit and let Shiina come to kill with one blow, even the Diablo Six Kings can be killed in seconds. I don’t believe that there is no one in a second. LV3 Abyss Demon Race.

But with their current level of strength, if there is a danger, it would be necessary to rely on heroic spirits to solve it, it would be too wasteful, even if eating soft rice is not such a way to eat, soft rice king Xu Xiandu still knows to resist Fahai.

Taking advantage of the time when the white demon was dragged by the dictionary emperor, Lin Luo used his only mind to the limit, observing the energy flow in the white demon, trying to find the opponent's weakness. Although this is a rule-level powerhouse, in theory, even if you find weaknesses, you may not be able to fight, but the abyss demons are different from humans. After all, they are anti-world races and will not be restricted by world rules. In other words, their rule level is only an improvement of the realm, not the real rules of formation, after all, their existence itself is destroying.

Therefore, as long as it can find its weaknesses, it still has a great chance of winning.

In addition, he also tried to change part of the energy flow with his mind and eyes. Although the enemy's high level prevented him from doing too much, at least the external energy flow was still controlled by him.

On the other hand, Osmanthus Daisy is also mobilizing her mind, trying to find a way to solve it as much as possible.

Two mindful users are undoubtedly a huge advantage.

Altria had no eyes and could only hold the sword of the king, and was in a state of being able to attack and defend at any time. Her combat intuition would tell her when is the best time to attack.

As for the Lihua Concert, it flew into the air as early as the very beginning, and the arrow tip that exuded the cold light was aimed at the white demon, only waiting for Lin Luo's order.

boom! boom! boom……

In the battlefield, the battle between the dictionary emperor and the white devil is still in a tense state. The two behemoths are like boxers, both of them are real attacks. You come and I will not give in.

But Fujibayashi's strength is still not enough after all. The dictionary emperor made by her is far inferior to the white devil's combat power. With the passage of time, under the white devil's heavy punch, the dictionary emperor smashed. Nor can it be reorganized.

"Do it!"

At this moment, Lin Luo finally shouted the slogan of attack.


The pages of paper flew in midair, countless black dictionaries blocked the white demon's sight, and a feather arrow interspersed through these dictionaries, shooting directly into the white demon's eyes like a cold light.

"Roar!" Even if the Abyss Demon is a flesh and blood body, not a concrete compound, its fragile eyes are shot, and a burst of blood bursts out on the spot, causing it to roar in pain and anger, and its two thick arms are waving around. , Set off a frantic storm.

How terrifying the rule-level powerhouse is, only people who have been in contact will know it. If it is a powerhouse of the same level, it may not feel anything, but for people who have not reached the rule-level level, this violent state is enough. Let anyone tremble.

Even if it is a fearless king like Altria, there is a hint of instinctual fear in the face of the white demon at this time. But the feeling of fear is a real person, and it is not a shame to be afraid. The person who chooses to escape in the face of fear is a coward. It is brave to face difficulties with fear.

Of course Altria is not a coward. Even if she is afraid, she still suppresses this feeling. With a "drink", the whole person leaps up high, and the sword of the king brings a golden light toward the size that has just fallen. The arm was cut off with a sword.

Although the white demon's body was very tough, it couldn't stop the sharp iron of the sword of the king. The moment the sword was smooth, blood shot out suddenly.

However, this kind of injury was not enough to severely inflict the white demon, on the contrary, it aroused its ferocity even more, and the other palm slammed down towards Altria.

The Altria people couldn't escape in midair, and they were about to be photographed into mud, and a figure flew to the right side at an extremely fast speed.

"True Long Xiangshan!"

The figure of Osmanthus daisy swept from below, the sharp sword light bloomed, and the **** of the white demon were cut off immediately. The direction of its palm was forcibly changed during the blood spray, and it fell from the sides of the two girls, booming. Pressed on the ground with a sound.

Altria escaped dangerously, and she felt like she had survived the catastrophe, but the enemy had not been eliminated, and she could not tolerate her sigh.

At this moment, the two white demons that landed on their palms suddenly seemed to have lost their center of gravity, and fell backwards.

"Quickly control it!" Not far away, Lin Luo stretched out his hands as if grabbing something, his face was full of sweat, and shouted hoarsely.

In terms of attack intensity, he is still inferior to Fujibayashi and Altria. In order to exert a more effective combination of combat power, he never thought of knocking down the enemy with swordsmanship. Instead, he used the power of the heart and eyes to forcefully change the white demon's surroundings. The flow of energy temporarily controlled its body.

But the disparity in the strength of the hanging beads proved that this was only a temporary measure. He felt a strong resistance at the moment of control, because the power to control the energy was concentrated in his hands, which also gave his hands. Feeling broken at any time.

But the facts also proved that his approach was correct, because he was not fighting alone.

"Avalokitesvara of Thousand Hands!" At the moment he shouted, Lihua's voice came from the sky, and on her slender hands, suddenly there were countless people much bigger than her. Each arm holds a bow and arrow, and the bowstring is connected to the full moon.

"Thousand arrows penetrate the heart!"

When the contractor and the contractor are fighting in the same field, the combat effectiveness of both parties will be improved to a certain extent, and as the number of people stacks, the effect of the increase will become more obvious. At this moment, Lihuazou broke out far beyond her strength line. Combat power.

Hundreds of spear-like arrows were shot down, pierced through the air, making a terrifying whistling sound, and stabbing all the limbs of the white demon in the next moment, nailing it firmly to the ground. Although some arrows hit its head, the combat power of Lihua was obviously not enough to kill it.

Because of the pain of Wanjian's piercing, the white demon also broke out a more terrifying aura. The angry roar was shaking the earth, and even the earth trembled under its violent struggle. It seems that even this seems to be unable to contain it completely.

"What a terrifying guy..." Fujibayashi stood not far away frowning. Although the dictionary emperor consumed most of her strength, she was not without the strength to fight anymore. She immediately tore off a few pages of paper, "Treasure. Gu Liancheng-the silk of binding!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen translucent silk threads shot out from her fingers, tightly binding the hands and feet of the white devil, finally letting it calm down a bit.

"Just now, kill it!"

Without Lin Luo's reminder, Altria and Gui Daisy also knew that the best opportunity was coming, and the two immediately started their actions.

Altria held the sword in both hands and shot forward like a flash of light, reaching a distance of tens of meters in an instant.

"Ahhh!!!" In the shout filled with endless momentum, the sword of the king swept away with a crash... the huge head of the white demon was suddenly cut in half by her.

On the other hand, Osmanthus daisy stepped on the white demon's body, leaped high with the toughness of its body, came to the top of its chest, retracted the white cherry in the scabbard, and calmly closed its eyes. When the body fell, she had already accumulated her energy in the air, and finally, when she was still three meters away from the white demon, she opened her eyes sharply and burst into brilliant light.

"Fast speed... cut off the air!"

Bai Ying came out of her sheath, and the vibration of the air shook into the left chest of the white demon like a mad dragon, and immediately exploded a huge blood hole, which instantly pierced its body.

The attacks of Osmanthus daisy and Altria were almost completed at the same time. When the attack fell, they were already far away, leaving only the white demon struggling in situ...Although there was immortality, the head and heart were simultaneously affected. The hit has already announced the end of its life, and as time goes by, its struggle is getting weaker and weaker.


The hall of restraint.

Alaya stood in front of the huge screen, watching Lin Luo and the others' battle with the white demon. When it was confirmed that the white demon had died, she shifted her gaze, wherever she looked, it was next to her. Gaia playing "Empire 3 Uniform Uniform".

"Gaia, what do you think is the most important thing for a woman?"

"Ha, what are you talking about?" Gaia was confused when he heard Alaya's question, but he said without looking back, "You are a collection of human consciousness. You know this kind of thing best, right? Why ask me."

She didn't have time to care about the most important things for women. For her, toppling down the blond head was the most important task at the moment, and then conquering the universe and toppling more beautiful girls.

"Because I am a collection of human consciousness, I have many answers, but in my opinion, none of them are applicable to her, so I want to hear your answers." Alaya shook his head, in a tone of voice. Show a little fluctuation.

"Who is she referring to?"

"You know."

"..." Gaia understood this kind of thoughtless words, but didn't want to answer it, but at this moment, she suddenly saw that the game process had reached the stage where the blond head could be overthrown, and she was overjoyed. Two words were spit out.


It was a tone without a hint of suspicion.

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