The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4826: 12 generals

At the same time, the realm of life and death,

In a dark and dark abyss.

Here is a palace full of death.

"I sense the breath of death !!!!"

"The master is out of sleep."

At this time, a voice came from the palace and spread throughout the abyss.

Huh! !! !!

At this time, a group of figures exuding deep death gathered together outside the palace.

There are thousands of people.

There was a terrible breath on each of them,

All are powerful men above the realm.

"Are you finally waiting for this day?"

An old man led by this group vomited.

"The master is out of sleep, and our death protoss can finally reappear on earth !!!"

"It's time for life and death to change owners !!!"

"The Protoss of Life has been in control of life and death for so long."

"Now the owners are out of sleep, their good days are over !!!"

At this moment, this group of people are talking.

They all looked excited.

And they are undoubtedly the descendants of the Lord of Death.

At the beginning, the Lord of Life and the Lord of Death created the life protoss and the death protoss to jointly lead the realm of death.

Flee as the Lord of Death is dominated by the Lord of Life.

The Protoss of Death was also slaughtered by the Protoss of Life.

Only a thousand of them have fled to this dark place, and countless years will pass.

Now their elders sensed the breath of death.

The Lord who proved their master's death was out of trouble.

Then they leave this place to reappear and the world is just around the corner.

It's just that they don't know, though the origin of death has appeared.

But the person who controls the root of death is not necessarily the master of death, there may be others.

Of course, they did not expect that in this world, except the Lord of Death, there are others who can control the origin of death.


Dead world,

Waves just flat, waves again.

Boom boom! !! !!


There was a roar suddenly from the sky of the Dead.

The twelve streamers descended from the sky like twelve meteors.

Suddenly, twelve of them were wearing black battle-printed armor, holding long halberds.

They came straight to the person of Mu Zhiren and others.

Extremely terrifying warfare exudes on each one.

Their eyes were cold and ruthless, like robots.

Terrible warfare swept through, suppressing the entire dead.

People feel a thick choke.

"Twelve war generals of the God of War tribe !!!"

At this time, Xing Tian stared at the twelve men, watching the battle characters on their armors.

His expression was frozen, and his eyes glowed with complex light.

The twelve of them are the famous twelve war generals of the **** of war.

The Twelfth World War was founded by the original God of War Xingtian,

Select the twelve Tianjiao who have the strongest war will,

Cultivate them into the twelve warlords of Megatron heaven.

At that time, the twelfth battle will follow the God of War, the invincible world, invincible.

It became a nightmare and fear in the hearts of countless forces in heaven.

However, the twelve wars in front of me are not the twelve warlords I personally selected when Xingtian was founded.

After all, they were all confidants of Xing Tian.

Naturally, his brother Xing Mo could not keep them.

These twelve wars will now be organized by the Devil.

However, their armor and halberd belonged to the first generation of the Twelve Warriors.

It was also created by Xing Tian personally by the top refiners using countless precious and rare materials.

The defense and attack power are amazing, even the Emperor can not break their armor.

Seeing them, many memories of Xingtian emerged from his mind, and his body was filled with a cold air.

"You are the God of War!"

These twelve wars will watch Xingtian yell directly.

"What about the real master of this armor on you?"

Xing Tian Shen cried.

"You're talking about the first generation of Twelve Warriors you cultivated?"

"They're loyal to you, they don't swear to the patriarch."

"So the patriarch sent them all into purgatory."

"Let them suffer from purgatory year after year."

"I'm afraid that even the **** has long been tortured."

"Now we are the real Twelve Warriors !!!"

One of the Twelve War Generals hummed coldly.

"Purgatory !!!"

Hearing these two words, Xuan Tian's eyes shot out a raging anger and murderous intention.

Purgatory is a terrible place in the heavenly world than hell.

Anyone who steps into it will endure the torture of life, and no chance to leave,

Until tortured to death in it! !! !!

Heaven is punishing some of the most sinful people,

They will be sent to purgatory.

Xing Tian did not expect his brother Xing Mo to be so fierce,

He will be sent to purgatory with the twelve wars that followed him.

This made Xingtian's anger burn like a volcano erupting.

The hatred of the demon in his heart has reached the extreme.

He could not wait to rush into the heavenly realm and kill his brother Xing Mo himself,

Not for him, but for those twelve loyal soldiers loyal to him.

"You don't deserve to be called the Twelve War Generals."

"You are even more unworthy of wearing this armor and holding this war halberd."

Xing Tian watched the twelve people drink coldly, his eyes were murderous.

"Xingtian, you're all dead, and dare to say so."

"Do you think you were the invincible God of War?"

"Today we will take you back to the heavens by the twelfth battle."

"By then we will be the number one hero in the heavenly world."

This so-called Twelve Wars will watch Xingtian Leng hum.

"Come on, let me see how much the twelve wars will be produced by Xingmen."

Xingtian was holding the Xingtian battle axe, and his eyes were gazing coldly at the twelve.


Then the twelve people looked at each other.

They rushed directly to the side and trapped Xing Tian.

The next second, they each took out a black seal.

"Prisoner's Seal?"

"It seems that the devil is cautious enough to let you bring even prisoners."

Xing Tian was cold.

The prison formation is the top formation in heaven.

It is said that it is the Honghuang Ancient Array ~ ~ that was passed down from the Honghuang era to the amazing power.

Once it is cast, even the sky can be imprisoned, so it is called the Prison Sky.

The Prison Faction has been in charge of the God of War clan.

Unexpectedly, this time the sentencing demon sent the twelfth war will deal with the punishment day,

Even the Prisoner's Array was taken out.

Obviously, the other party intends to completely take the punishment day.

In the hands of the twelve of them was the prisoner's seal, which was the foundation upon which the great array of prisoners was cast.

"With my blood, the prisoner's seal is printed, and the prisoner's team is in battle !!!"

At this time, the twelve of them threw the prisoner's seal in their hands directly.

They murmured in their mouths, waving their hands.

Blood rushed out of their palms and rushed directly into the prisoner's seal.

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