The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4825: Panic of Life Protoss

"There are no impossible words in my dictionary !!!"

"In other days, I will be the Lord of life and death."

"It's a pity you can't see that day."

The avatar of the wood looked at the three powerful protoss of the gods in front of him.

He waved his hands at the two powerful gods of life,

Suddenly an incredible scene happened.

I saw a towering tree behind Mu Zhi's avatar,

This is exactly the ancient tree from which he refined his life.

"Ancient source tree?"

"You have control of the ancestor's source of life?"

"how can that be?"

Seeing this scene,

The elder of the life protoss looked at Mu Zhi's avatar with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

Immediately, the life forces in the other two Protoss of the Protoss were all devoured and absorbed by the avatars.

As powerful protoss of life, although they do not control the origin of life.

But when they practice the exercises left by the master of life, they all contain the power of life.

And they realize the power of the avenue of life.

Today, the avatar of the wood is directly engulfed by the vitality of the ancient source tree.

boom! boom!

In the end, the two top protoss of the life protoss were swallowed up by the avatars of Mu.

Their bodies exploded and turned into a **** sky.

At this moment, the elder of the Protoss of Life looked extremely ugly.

His eyes were gazing at Mu Zhi's avatar with various complicated and shocking eyes.

"You ... who the **** are you?"

"How can you master both the roots of death and the roots of life and the roots of the world?"

The elder looked at the avatar of Mu Zhi and said unbelievably.

He has never seen such an evil pervert! !! !!

Is this the freak that emerged from there?

"I said that there are no impossible words in my dictionary !!!"

"What I want from Xiao Yifeng is to break all the impossible !!!"

The wood's clone drank directly.

"The Protoss of Life will never let you go."

"Wait until the day when his ancestors return and use his power to dominate."

"Even if you control the origin of death, the origin of life, and the origin of the dead world, you will undoubtedly die."

"The power of **** is beyond your imagination !!!"

The elder of the Protoss of Life shouted at Mu Zhi's avatar.

"Master of life, I want to see how powerful he is !!!"

The wooden clone is cold.

Although the Lord of Life sounds terrible,

But Xiao Yifeng is not afraid.

He can't fight now, but once he awakens, he restores the identity and strength of Honghuang I.

He is dominated by mere life, and he is not in his eyes yet.

After all, in the dream,

In his great famine, he suppressed the light and dark masters with one stroke.

Presumably, the strength of the two light and dark masters should not be worse than that of the life master.

That being the case, what fears he has! !! !!

"go to hell!!!"

Suddenly, the elder of the life protoss roared directly.

He forcibly performed a trick, burning his strength.

boom! !! !! !!

The next second, the elder's body exploded directly,

His body turned into a bomb,

The endless power of destruction erupted,

Destroy the entire dead world.


The wood's clone drank directly.

He twirled his hands with Yin Jue, and the origin of the dead world broke out.

Turned into an invisible light wave, all the destructive forces formed by the self-detonation of the elder elder of the living gods were shrouded in it, preventing its spread.

Once this power has spread completely,

The entire dead world is about to be destroyed.

Zhantian and his party have the potential to perish.

However, the force generated by the elder's forcible self-explosion was too horrible.

Even if the avatar of the wood urges the origins of the dead world, it is difficult to completely control.

He erupted again from the origins of life and death.

With the avatar of the wood, the forces of the three major sources are forcibly urged out.

In the end, it took him a great deal of effort to annihilate this self-destructive force and save the dead.

Mu Zhi's avatar was pale, panting heavily.

Although he obtained these three basic sources, he did not have enough strength to show them.

This time the avatar forcibly urged the three major sources, which also consumed his strength and energy.

Mu Zhi's clone sits on the ground and begins to recover.

As for battle days, punishment days, beast gods, death beasts, and the top ten fierce beasts all gathered around Mu Zhi's avatars, protecting them.

At the same time, as the elders of the living protoss and the other two strong men fell,

The Protoss of Life learned the news as soon as possible.

In a moment, the entire life protoss immediately made a sensation.

The strong of all living protoss were alarmed.

In the hall of the Protoss of Life,

At this moment, all the powerful men above the eternal imperial realm of the life protoss gather here.

A horrific atmosphere filled the hall, making people feel extremely depressed.

The strength gathered in this hall is the top strength of the entire life protoss.

Of course, there are some old monsters in the life protoss who have lived for countless years. They are all in retreats,

They will not appear unless the life protoss are in danger of life and death.

No one will never see them once in millions of years.

"Even the elder died, it seems that the Lord of Death really escaped."

"What shall we do next?"

"The Lord of Death is out of trouble, and he will never let go of our life protoss."

"The ancestor is not here now. If he comes to seek revenge, we are afraid ..."

At the moment in the hall, a group of elders of the life protoss, defending the law one after another.

Their expressions were dignified, and their eyes were a little panic and fearful.

"What panic?"

"Look at how you look, it's a shame on the Protoss of Life."

At this time, a white-haired old man chuckled coldly, full of majesty.

He is the second elder of the Protoss of Life, and it is also the most powerful existence of the Protoss of Life, except the patriarch.

As the second elder spoke, everyone stopped speaking.

"Even if the Lord of Death is out of trouble, it is not easy for him to return to his peak strength."

"He wants to deal with our protoss of life is even more impossible ~ ~ My protoss of life has developed from the era of floods to the present day, and he is the master of the descendants."

"Are you afraid of a guy who just escaped the seal?"

"As long as the Lord of Death dares to come, my life protoss can seal it again !!!"

The elders yelled coldly.

"The second elder is right."

Suddenly the remaining elders nodded in agreement.

"Now the patriarch hasn't left the border yet, so don't set yourself up."

"Everything will wait until the patriarch comes out."

"Simultaneously start up !!!"

"No tribe of the living protoss shall go out."

The second elder began to command.

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