The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4827: Heavenly Court Day 1

boom! !! !!

The **** prisoner's Tianyin directly made a roar,

Gathered in the Quartet in an instant,

Released a terrifying atmosphere.

It makes people feel completely imprisoned.

In the end, the twelve wars will work together to cast out the flood-fighting ancient array of Prison Sky Array, and directly imprison Xingtian in it.

At this time, the battle sky and the beast **** saw the scene in front of them.

They shot straight and rushed towards the twelfth war.

"The four of you solved them."

One of the twelve war generals said.

The four war generals rushed towards the battlefield with their war halberds.

Boom boom! !! !!

Battle days, beast gods, death beasts, top ten fierce beasts and these four battles will be fought together.

The remaining eight warlords joined forces to urge Prisoners to imprison Xingtian completely.

Boom boom! !! !!

At this moment, the prisoners were in a prison formation.

He kept waving Xingtian Tomahawk to fight against this large array.

A series of roaring explosions sounded.

As an ancient battlefield, the power of this prison formation is extremely terrible.

Even though Xingtian wields the Xingtian Tomahawk in full force, it is difficult to break it.

And its power began to be restrained by the power of the Prison Array.

As for the wood avatar is still being restored.

boom! !! !!

After a while, Zhantian took a giant sword and sent out a war fighter directly.

Although the giant sword in his hand did not crush the opponent's armor.

But the terrible power was introduced into the opponent's body through the armor, directly hurting the opponent.

The metamorphosis of the death beast is also extremely powerful, a war general will be hit hard.

Immediately after the war, the United Beast Gods and the top ten fierce beasts will hit the remaining two generals one by one.

Rumble! !! !!

At this time, Zhantian held a huge sword and rushed towards the remaining eight generals who were in control of the Prisoner's Array.

The eight of them looked at the unstoppable charge of the battle sky, and their expressions changed.

"The three of you stop him !!!"

The one who spoke immediately will speak directly.

Immediately, the three war fighters rushed towards the sky with their war halberds and blocked them.

And now there are only five wars that will spur prisoners,

For a while, the power of this gigantic array was greatly weakened.

Although it is an ancient battlefield, any array method requires human manipulation to erupt its true power.

Now these five wars will not be able to spur the real power of the prison battle,

This also gave Xing Tian a chance.

Xing Tianzhe! !! !!

A roar came out of the prison crowd.

Xing Tian directly displayed a trick to forcibly burn the blood in his body.

At the same time, he performed a trick that he had realized by himself,

Coming out with the tortured tomahawk,

For a moment, a devastating power broke out.

Rumble ...

Suddenly, there was a roar of explosions in the whole prison sky.

Endless energy burst out.

At this time, there are ten beasts of the beast **** and the death beast directly rushing towards these five war generals.

Make them have to share a part of their power against the beast gods.

As a result, the power of this gigantic array weakened again,

In the end, he couldn't resist the blow from Xingtian.


A deafening roar sounded.

This ancient famine from the flood and famine era was completely destroyed by Xing Tian with an axe.

These five warriors were also impacted by this energy, and all were blown out.

Including the beast gods, they were all blown out by the aftermath of the energy generated by this terrible burst of fragmentation, all wounded.

But these five warlords are the ones who control the formation,

Now that the formation is broken, they are back bitten and their injuries are more serious.

On the other hand, Zhan Tian displayed the strongest blow and these three wars will compete.

In the end, a surge of energy broke out.

All four of them flew out.

One by one, spitting blood on the ground, can be described as losing both.

And Zhan Tian alone fought three top warlords who were personally cultivated by the chiefs of the God of War tribe.

As a result, both can be lost.

If this spread to the heavenly realm, it would be enough to shock countless powerful people.

As for Xing Tian, ​​she was also trembling at this moment, half-knelt on the ground.

The tomahawk in his hand was stuck on the ground, his face paled, and blood dripped from the corners of his mouth.

In the end this war, the twelfth war will be hit hard.

In Zhantian, Xingtian and his party were all injured.

It can be said that there is a real loss of both.

Huh! !! !!

At this time the void of the dead realm was distorted.

A golden light shone out, dissipating the vitality in the dead.

A figure emerged from the golden light,

Exuding a sacred and noble temperament, unparalleled coercion swept out.

This person is the emperor of the court of heaven, Emperor Tianting,

Or the first day of pride recognized in the heavenly world! !! !!

For 100,000 years, Dijiang was at the top of the martial arts in heaven,

Suppressed millions of martial arts cultivators in the heavenly world.

The heavenly world is the higher world,

The strength of the strong is naturally much stronger than the strength of the strong in the starry sky.

In only 100,000 years, Dijiang can suppress the powerful older generations in the heavenly world.

It can be seen that its strength is talented,

It is indeed the first day of heaven! !! !!

At the moment Dijiang is wearing a golden cloak,

Under his feet was a big bird burning red scary flames and emitting terrible power.

This big bird is the red flame **** bird of the heavenly beast, with half-step emperor strength.

Half-step Emperor belongs to the top combat power in the world of the starry sky.

In heaven, it is just a mount for others.

It can be seen that the gap between the high world and the middle world is large.

"God of punishment !!!"

"I finally saw you !!!"

Dijiang came to Xingtian on the Red Flame Godbird and looked down at the other side.

"who are you?"

Xing Tian looked at the indifference of Dijiang.

"Prince of Heaven, Emperor Jiang of Heaven in the future !!!"

Dijiang said with a strong look.

"It turned out to be the son of that old guy."

Xingtian hummed coldly.

He was beheaded at the beginning, and was reduced to what he is today.

He was naturally full of hatred for the Lord of Heaven.

"I have been listening to your legends since I was born."

"I always hoped that it would be great if I could be in the same age as you ~ ~ so that I can teach the style of the first day of the **** of war in the court of heaven."

"I didn't expect that I would wait until this day."

"You are back again, giving me a chance to compete with you."

Dijiang looked at Shen Tian Shen Sheng and said.

"But you don't see the presence of the first God of War in the heavens."

"Disappointed me a bit !!!"

"It seems that even if you reincarnate and rebirth, the original God of War, Xingtiantian, who had overwhelmed the heavenly world, no longer exists and cannot be returned.

Di Jiang shook his head while watching Xing Tian, ​​his eyes full of disappointment.

"Prince of Heaven, can you pretend like this?"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded suddenly.

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