The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4821: 1 kill 7 pride

A total of seven angels, Tianjiao,

All of their strengths are above Godlessness.

Among them are four peakless strengths of Godless Realm,

Late immortal emperors,

The peak of an immortal realm.

Such a lineup is terrible! !! !!

The angel tribe can cultivate such a powerful arrogant son,

It is enough to prove the profound heritage of the angel tribe.

In the face of such a lineup, the strength of the eternal imperial realm cannot be resisted.

Even the seven angels Tianjiao displayed their hole cards and the blood power of the angels.

Even the strong in the early days of the Eternal Emperor's Realm are hard to resist.

But in the face of these seven people's blow.

Can Dao's indifferent expression had no fear in his eyes.

"Since you want to die !!!"

"I will fulfill you !!!"

The residual knife drank coldly.

"Apocalypse !!"

The knife exploded.

A horrific sword broke out on him.

A horrible force of the Blade's Avenue gathered frantically towards the residual knife.

Eternal Empire! !! !!

At this moment, the residual sword erupted once again the strength of the eternal kingdom.

At this moment, the Tianjiao of the seven angels looked at the residual sword and the power of the eternal imperial realm broke out.

Their eyes were widened, and they were stunned.

Obviously, they did not expect that Can Dao was so powerful that he stepped into the eternal emperor?

It's so incredible.

boom! !! !!

At this time, the residual knife mobilized the terrible avenue strength to match the sword intention he had realized.

Performing a terrible knife skill,

This knife blasted out directly towards these seven people.

The sword-sword full of fierce killings directly enveloped these seven people and oppressed their strength.

At this moment, they were all in a panic and had a feeling of panic.

And this terrible knife made them feel like they were about to step into death hell.

Seeing this, the look of the most powerful angel tribe, Tianjiao, changed.

He was about to fire, but Jianyun blocked him.

"They want to die, and it's no use figuring out your hand."

Jian Yun looked at Doffer and said.

"You're with him?"

The doffer looked at Jianyun indifferently.


Jian Yun said lightly.

Rumble! !! !!

At this time, the dreaded knife fell directly.

And these seven angel tribe Tianjiao were forced to cast a forbidden technique,

The strongest blow occurred, trying to block the knife.

Apparently this knife gave them a strong breath of death,

Let them have to fight to death! !! !!

Unfortunately, the strength gap between the two sides is too great.

Even though the Tianjiao of these seven angels forced their forbidden skills to improve their strength, they still couldn't stop the knife.

Eventually it sounded with a series of explosions.

These seven angels' top Tianjiao were all chopped under the knife.

Turned into the sky, and no dead body.

The residual knife's points have skyrocketed by tens of thousands, and the ranking of their points directly jumped to the top three.

Seeing this scene, Doffer's expression looked very ugly.

His brow frowned and his eyes kept blinking.

At this time, the knife of the residual knife glanced at the doffer:

"I think your strength should have stepped into the eternal emperor's realm. Would you like to fight? Let

"Look at the amazing top talents of the Angels !!!"

Doffer gazed at Can Dao, and said, "Your strength is great !!!"

"Are you giving up?"

Remnant knife cold.

"It's only the next day. Don't worry."

"What we have is a chance to fight !!!"

"Today you killed seven angels of my angel tribe."

"I took this account."

"I'll let you pay it back someday."

Astoria said directly.

Immediately the Astoria figure disappeared.

"This guy's strength is not low !!!"

Remnant knife said indifferently.

"His strength is very strong, compared to you, it is estimated that he is not weak!"

Jian Yun said.

"I want to see how strong his strength is !!!"

Residual knife's eyes flashed with brilliance.

"I did not expect that there is still a genius who has a deep understanding of Kendo and Kendo today !!!"

"Yeah, their potential in kendo and kendo is stronger than we were then !!!"

Suddenly, two low, hoarse voices suddenly sounded in Jian Yun and Can Dao's ears.


The knife slammed violently.

His face swept alertly, and the sword in his hand waved.

As for Jianyun's gaze.

A sharp sword swept out, covering this space.

And shrouded in its sword,

If anything happens, he can kill him at any time.

Huh! Huh!

At this moment two rays of light shone.

These two rays turned into two illusive middle-aged men.

The horrible sword and sword in their bodies were released.

"Ancient remnant soul !!!"

Jian Yun looked at the two men and said helplessly.

The two of them should be the remnants of ancient times left after the death of the strong in the Starfield Battlefield.



The terrible sword and sword will be released from these two illusive middle-aged men, directly covering the sword cloud and the residual sword.

Suddenly, the two of them were inexplicably nervous, and their bodies were tense.

Jian Yun and Can Dao looked at the two with a look of shock.

Just two remnants, and after nearly ten million years,

I can release such terrible sword and sword,

How terrible should their sword and sword be at their peak?

At this moment, the shock inside Jianyun and Candao was unimaginable.

They looked at the two with a solemn and solemn expression.

"Two seniors, sorry, bother you."

Jian Yun said fists directly to the two men.

"Don't worry, we didn't expect to do to you?"

"If we think, you don't even have a chance to speak now."

The middle-aged man with a sword in his body was talking lightly.

"The two predecessors should be strong in the early days of ancient times. They experienced the battle in the starry sky and fell here !!!"

Jian Yun continued.


"My name is Jianzun, and I am majoring in Kendo. His name is Sword, I am majoring in Kendo."

"We are friends and deadly enemies. We have fought each other for millions of years ~ ~ In the ancient war, we both fell here.

"There is only one remnant left to survive, to this day."

"Our remnants will die in a few days."

"We thought we were going to lose our stunt."

"I didn't expect God to help us, so we met you two when we were about to die."

Said the middle-aged man exuding a sword.

"Well, don't talk nonsense."

"Our goal is to pass on to you both all our perceptions of sword and kendo and all the sword skills we have created."

"I hope you will let the world know the prestige of the sword double respect again !!!"

At this time, the knife respect said directly.

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