The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4822: Life and death 1 body

Immediately, the two of them smashed into the minds of Jian Yun and Can Dao respectively.

Suddenly a large piece of information popped up in the minds of both the residual knife and Jian Yun. ,

The insights and insights of these two supreme superiors from ancient times on kendo and knife path all came to their minds.

Immediately, the two of them found a place to sit down, quietly accepting the inheritance of the two swords from ancient times.

With this swordsman's understanding and insights on knife path and sword path,

The help for Jian Yun and Can Dao is great.

The strength of the sword double respect is at least the state of the emperor,

And their understanding and opinions on kendo and dao are definitely better than Jianyun and Candao.

Now with their heritage,

This will allow Jianyun Candao to quickly gain a better understanding of kendo and kendo.

Quickly enhanced their sword and sword intentions, making them stronger again.

This time they can be regarded as a huge opportunity.

In a blink of an eye, the starry battlefield passed the next day.

The third day! !! !!

After today, those Tianjiao in the Starfield Battlefield can crush Yujian and leave the Starfield Battlefield directly.

They can be regarded as one more life-saving means.

But now, more than one hundred thousand martial arts Tianjiao, less than two-thirds remain.

Nearly 50,000 martial arts Tianjiao fell in these two days,

Most of these are martial arts arrogances of supreme realm strength.

They are not beheaded by other Tianjiao,

It is swallowed up and killed by the remnants and war spirits of those ancient strongmen in the star battlefield.

Above nearly 50,000 supremacy, martial arts Tianjiao under the longevity fell.

This is definitely a huge blow to the starry sky.

Countless strong men in the Zongmen family are sad and regretful.

The battle for the starry sky this time is almost like death and purgatory, extremely brutal and bloody! !! !!

It's just two days passed,

Eight days after the end of the game.

After eight days, more than 100,000 martial arts Tianjiao can be left, it is unimaginable! !! !!

The death of so many people in return is a hundred points of Tianjiao in the standings.

At the same time new genius names appear on the standings,

There were people who had been on the standings before.

Competition is fierce! !! !!

The top ten Tianjiao points in the standings have all exceeded 100,000, which is far ahead of others.

And they are the seed players who are ranked in the starry sky.

The best chance to occupy ten positions in the starry sky.

As for Xiao Yifeng's points, he has just broken 10,000, which is a big gap from the top ten.

In the past two days, he did not go about hunting others.

But mainly looking for war souls, and then devouring them,

This will enhance the strength of his major avatars.

Although Xiao Yifeng's avatars did not break through the emperor's realm.

But their fighting power can continue to improve,

Like his deity, the realm does not rise.

But the combat effectiveness can be increased madly.

If the eight major avatars want to break through, they need an opportunity.

As for this opportunity?

When does it appear?

Xiao Yifeng himself is not sure! !! !!

This day, in the dead realm of the dead domain.

In the death temple in the abyss of death.

A roar rang suddenly.

A terrible light of gray and green intertwined and rushed out of the abyss, directly breaking through the dead realm and into the starry sky.

Then, a terrifying breath of death and life pervaded, covering the whole dead world.

In this temple of death.

The light of death and the light of life of Mu Zhi's avatar counter each other and reflect each other.

The half of the avatar exudes a breath of death, like a dead body.

Half of the body exuded a strong breath of life, and its vitality was extremely strong, like a newborn baby! !! !!

And in the wood-divided body,

There are two origins of gray and green.

It is the origin of death and the origin of life.

At this moment, the avatar of Mu has initially controlled the origin of life and the origin of death.

Although he has not been able to fully control these two sources.

But the avatar of wood can exert the power of death and life.

Taking control of these two forces is enough to raise the strength of Mu Zhi's avatar to an extremely terrible level.

The power of death and the power of life come from the source of death and the source of life,

Their power is naturally powerful! !! !!

Huh! !! !!

At this moment Mu Zhi's eyes opened.

The pupils of his eyes--

One pupil shone with the color of the dead gray, and one pupil shone with the green light.

The momentum of the whole person has become completely different.

"This is a big gain."

There was a smile of evil charm in the corner of Mu Zhi's avatar.

This trip to the death domain unexpectedly let him control the origin of life and the origin of death unexpectedly.

Although he hasn't completely controlled.

But for Xiao Yifeng, it is definitely a huge blessing.

Once he controls these two sources in the future,

Just relying on his avatar is enough to make him look out of the universe.

The power of the origin is the most terrifying force in this universe.

It is difficult for even a strong person to fully control the origin.

And they only control some ordinary original forces,

But the origin of life and death are one of the two most powerful origins in this universe,

Comparable to light and dark sources.

It is basically impossible to control these two origins,

But Xiao Yifeng's avatar did it.

If this goes to the flood era,

I am afraid that the strong men of the whole flood era will be stunned.

Xiao Yifeng immediately went out.

"the host!!!"

Immediately, the beast god, Zhan Tian, ​​Xing Tian cried while watching Mu Zhi's avatar.

"You have worked hard."

"How was the injury?"

Mu Zhi asked.

Before the strong of the Protoss of Life came, he also knew.

Fortunately, the Tower of Death helped at the critical moment.

At this time, the tower of death is in the body of the avatar of the wood.

"We're fine."

Beast God and others said.

"Master, are we going back now?"

Xing Tian said.

"Not in a hurry, I still have one thing under control !!!"

Mu Zhi's twinkling eyes flashed.

And what he said is the origin of the dead world ~ ~ controls the death origin left by the Lord of Death,

Xiao Yifeng also merged his memories.

He learned a lot of things, everything about the realm of life and death and the protoss of life.

Most importantly, he learned that the origin of the world of the dead is also in this death abyss.

The former Lord of Death fled from the world of life and death to the starry sky world, and unexpectedly discovered that the dead world contained a powerful death gas.

He took root here and developed the dead domain.

As early as in ancient times, the Lord of Death discovered the origin of the Dead Realm.

He tried to refine it, but it failed.

PS: Broken Bone has updated the top ten female emperor pictures in the public account. You can go to Weixin to search the public account "Broken Bone" to follow. Look in the character picture list. There will be many character pictures in the future

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