The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4820: Swordsmanship

"Jianyun, since ancient times swords have been the two strongest weapons."

"Today I want to see if it is my sword strength or your sword strength !!!"

Candao looked at Jianyun and said directly.

There was a terrible knife in his body.

"Okay, then I'll study with you."

"However, as our masters, we can just click !!!"

Jian Yun said directly.

"it is good!!!"

The residual knife nodded.

He waved his long sword directly.

A sword that broke through the sky was released on his body, exuding the breath of the avenue.

As for Jian Yun, no weapon was used,

A sharp sword was released from him.

"Sword out !!!"

Can Dao looked at Jian Yun and said.

"I don't need a sword !!!"

Jian Yun groaned.

Then a frown on the knife left, saying:

"Did you cultivate to the state of no sword in your hand?"

Immediately, the remaining sword waved the sword and rushed towards Jianyun.

And the eternal Emperor Wei of terror erupted on him.

Now the strength of the residual sword has broken through to the eternal emperor realm.

He and Xiao Yifeng were separated for less than half a year.

It is from the Supreme Realm to enter the Emperor Realm directly.

In the end, it has reached the eternal emperor's realm that others can't reach for hundreds of thousands of years.

This promotion is almost as fast as sitting on a rocket.

If this is to let those who have practiced for hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years have not yet stepped into the state of no god, they will know.

I am afraid these people will be ashamed to hit the wall.

This person is so furious than others! !! !!

The residual knife has no strong physique, and there is no terrible blood.

However, the residual sword can advance so fast that it enters the eternal emperor's realm under the longevity.

Becoming a powerful person who has been practiced for hundreds of thousands of years is difficult to reach.

It's all because of his terrible realization of knife path.

Plus he has gained some strong opportunities outside these months,

That's why his strength has improved so quickly.

It is estimated that few people can compare these cultivation speeds in ancient times.

Of course, his speed of improvement is a bit worse than Jianyun.

But he has already killed 99.99% of the entire sky.

The talent and understanding of Cando for the horror of knife path is not lower than that of Jianyun for the talent and understanding of kendo.

Boom boom! !! !!

The residual knife was waving a long knife, and the terrible knife power broke out.

He exhibited a series of knife skills,

The whole space is full of various swordsman.

While Jian Yun turned his sword into a hand, he resisted all the attacks of the residual knife.

And Jian Yun seems to be at ease, obviously his true strength has not yet been exerted.

boom! !! !!

In a fierce battle, the residual knife directly spurred his avenue area.

Jianyun did not urge the avenue area, but stepped into the avenue area of ​​the residual sword.

Around this moment a group of martial arts Tianjiao appeared.

They stared at the battle before them, waiting quietly.

And they waited for the time when Jianyun and Candao both lost.

They can then take the opportunity to slay these two people and get high points.

Behind this group of martial arts Tianjiao still stood a group of people.

They are the strong of the angel tribe,

Tianjiao, the angel tribe that made Xiao Yifeng a little more elusive, was among them.

"Finally found this guy."

"You must not let him go today !!!"

The angels of the tribe hummed coldly.

In their eyes was the cold killing intention.

And they said that the person is the residual knife.

Before in the city of stars,

Can Dao shot at them, abolishing one of their companions.

They hit their faces fiercely.

They did not forget this feud.

Now encountering this residual knife, they naturally want revenge.

"They are not easy !!!"

At this time, Tianjiao, who made Xiao Yifeng a little impenetrable, said directly.

"Adolph, you are too cautious."

"So many of us, can't we deal with him?"

"What's more, you have the purest angelic blood in our family of angels."

"It also has the legendary Divine Wing."

"What are you afraid of with you?"

Tianjiao, an angel family, looked at this Tianjiao and said.

This Tianjiao was named Daofu, but this time they were the strongest Tianjiao sent by the angel family.

Has the purest angel blood,

It also has the legendary **** wing that the ancestors of the angel family can have.

The angel family sent this time to win the top spot in the starry sky! !! !!

boom! !! !!

At this time, a harsh word roar broke out from the knife field of the residual knife,

Immediately afterwards, swords were fired.

In an instant, the avenue area where the residual knife was cast was destroyed by Jian Yun.

Pedal Pedal! !! !!

Can's body receded again and again.

He snorted and spit blood in his mouth.

"I didn't expect your understanding of Kendo to reach that level !!!"

"I'm far worse than you."

Can Dao stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, watching Jianyun said.

"Your understanding of knife path is not bad."

"It won't be long before we get to the next level."

"By that time, you can reach the level of the knife path !!!"

Jian Yun said looking at Can Dao.

"I borrow your good words !!!"

Can Dao said in a deep voice.

And they would not think

After many years, they became the two sword masters in the universe.

It has become a double sword for Xiao Yifeng! !! !!

Huh! !! !!

At this time, the martial arts Tianjiao who had been ambushing around for a long time directly shot.

Their swarm of bees showed their strongest force and rushed towards Jianyun and the residual sword.

Want to have a praying mantis to catch cicadas, cardinals behind! !! !!

It's just that they underestimate the strength of the two peerless Tianjiao and Jianyun.

"court death!!!"

Can Dao looked at these arrogant screams.

He rushed straight up, waving the sword in his hand.

Puff puff! !! !!

Instantly, a few martial arts Tianjiao who had the strength of the imperial realm died tragically under the knife of the residual sword.

Jian Yun also waved with one hand,

Turned into a sharp sword blast,

In the next second, all five or six martial arts Tianjiao also died tragically.

In the end, the two remaining eyes fled with fear.

Huh! !! !!

At this time, the angels of the tribe of angels rushed forward, fluttering the wings of the angels, and surrounded the residual knives.

One by one, their cold gleaming intentions flickered in their eyes and they looked at the residual knife ~ ~ the horrific killings spread.

"Are you coming to death again?"

Can Dao looked at the angels' Tianjiao coldly and hummed.

His eyes flickered with disdain.

"Boy, the person who died today is you."

Tianjiao of one of the angels hummed coldly.

"You want to kill me, you guys are not good enough !!!"

The blade of Remnant was full of disdain.


The top Tianjiao of this group of angels cried directly.

A wing of angels behind them,

The holy angelic power erupted, all blasting towards the residual knife.

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