The starry sky city has appeared since the birth of the starry sky.

But no one knows where the city of stars comes from?

The starry sky city is the most mysterious city in the entire sky! !! !!

this moment,

With the emergence of the city of stars,

The whole starry sky was a sensation.

This means that the starry sky arrogance list that most attracted the starry sky world arrogant people is about to begin! !! !!

Huh! !! !!

"The starry sky proud list, this day is here !!!"

"I must be on the starry sky list !!"

"I want to be the first !!!"

At this moment, the starry sky and all realms, the various sacred gate families in the major star worlds, and even the major races other than the human race, all appear.

They looked at the starry city in the void.

There were loud and confident sounds in each mouth.

Then they all rushed towards the starry city.

At one time, thousands and thousands of Tianjiao all stepped into this starry city.

Each time this starry sky arrogance is held,

Even if there is no other Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list, they will get huge rewards in the game.

This leads to countless strengths, even if they do not belong to the top, those who know that they have no hope of being on the starry sky list will participate in the starry sky list! !! !!

"The starry sky rolls out officially."

"This time, the starry sky competition list can be used for anyone who is above the highest level and under the age of ten thousand years."

"Whether it is a member of the Starry Sky Pride List or not, you can enter the Star City and compete for the Starry Sky Pride !!!"

Immediately afterwards, a loud voice burst out from the starry city.

As the voice came out,

Once again, the geniuses of the worlds are excited.

I didn't expect the rules to change this time.

As long as the state of supremacy is above, even those under the age of ten thousand can participate in this starry sky proud list,

It doesn't matter whether it has been ranked in the Stardom Sky Ranking before.

This has led to more martial arts Tianjiao people going to Star City to participate in the Starry Sky Pride list.

Even if they can't get the ranking,

But it can compete with the best Tianjiao in the entire sky.

Get some other rewards,

This is also a good thing for them to improve their strength and growth insights.

Ahhhh! !! !!

At this time, many people in many worlds just wanted to step into the city of stars.

As a result, they were destroyed by the terrible power of the Star City.

These people are those who have not reached the extreme state of strength or are over ten thousand years old and have the fortunate mind to step into the starry sky.

And they were all killed by the power of the starry city without exception.

This also leads to the fact that the starry sky city can only be entered by those who participate in the starry sky.

The predecessors of the major forces in the starry sky and the world can't step in.

They can only stay in their respective worlds waiting for the outcome of the game.

Flower world, flower temple.

A group of people came out.

Led by Xiao Yifeng.

But this is just a clone of Xiao Yifeng,

His deity has gone to the flood plain.

It is just that Xiao Yifeng's avatar is a little different from the previous avatar.

The breath on this avatar is terrifying.

And mixed with many different forces, there is the breath of wind, the smell of ice, and even the smell of earth.

In fact, Xiao Yifeng's avatar is a new avatar formed by merging the ice avatar, the earth avatar, the gold avatar, and the wind avatar, the thunder avatar, and the fire avatar.

Xiao Yifeng took control of the entire Qing Dynasty together.

Not only did I get a way to increase the power of the avatar and deity.

He also got a trick,

Can be directly merged between avatars and avatars.

Before that, Xiao Yifeng could only make the avatar into the deity.

But now he can make the integration between avatars and avatars.

And it ’s not just a fusion between the two,

It is even possible to merge three or more avatars into a new avatar.

This greatly enhances the strength of the clone,

It is a huge help for Xiao Yifeng.

Now the eight major avatars of Xiao Yifeng,

Wood's avatar controls the roots of life and death in the dead.

The thunderstorm wind came back first,

The avatar of water is in charge of the origin of Yao Realm, one of the refining ancestors.

The remaining avatars of gold, avatars of earth, avatars of ice, and the three avatars of thunder, fire, and wind returning from the dead world are integrated into one.

Now this avatar controls the power of ice, the power of earth and the power of gold, and the three powers of thunder, fire, and wind.

You can also control the power of the earth and the origin of the heavens,

Can be described as extremely powerful.

With his strength, it was more than enough to win the starry sky arrogance list.

"Be careful!!!"

At this time, Hua Shen came to Xiao Yifeng's avatar and said.


Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"Master, just go to the Starry Sky Rankings."

"I'm afraid they will recognize you as soon as you show up."

Broken bones looked at Xiao Yifeng could not help but said.

"That's right !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said softly.

Now his face is known to all major worlds.

He would definitely not be able to participate in the Tianjiao competition in true colors.

Then a light shone on his face.

Immediately, this new avatar's face changed into another very ordinary face.

"Well, let's go !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

This time, not only will he participate in the starry sky proud list,

He will also bring a group of people to participate.

Broken Bones, Anti-Sky Cang, Wu Fei, Yan Ruyu, Leng Feng, Purgatory Sky, Wild Beast,

There are also Ling Yun, Lan Linger, Chu Yu, Xue Wuji, Yan Hao, Lu Qingling, Yexue, Tang Qian, Shao Yu, Ye Wudao, all the ten gods all participating in this starry sky.

Including the dragon mad who had the dragon blood battle body and Bai Hao who is the holy place of the holy land.

They all gathered here, and followed Xiao Yifeng's avatar to participate in the starry sky.

Immediately they rushed towards the starry city in the void.

The next second, they stepped into it.

The flower god, the war god, and the sword emperor are all waiting in the flower **** temple.

Starry sky and various realms, every world has Tianjiao step into the starry sky city.

They pass through the starry cities of the world,

In the end, all are located in the real city of starry sky ~ ~ 唰! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng After they stepped into the starry sky city of the flower world, they just felt a flash of light in front of their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, they had a feeling of weightlessness and time travel.

In an instant, they fell into a city.

The city is full of blue stars, with a starry sky above it.

Even the ground is composed of stars.

It all looks very dreamy,

It feels like standing in the real starry sky.

This is obviously the legendary city of stars.

"City of Starry Sky, I am back again !!!"

Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself.

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