The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4806: Star City

The commander of the Fourth Army could not be a wise warrior, equivalent to the counselor of the commander of the Star Army.

What he is best at is not combat, but proficient in arrays like Wuliang.

However, it is impossible to study the matrix method deeply.

He is good at arranging all kinds of terrible traps,

Once caught in its formation,

Stronger than the eternal emperor.

Seeing it impossible, Xiao Yifeng not only remembered the immense generals of the Star Hall during his time as the master of the sky.

Since the other party left the ancient world, there is no news.

Until now, Wuliang has n’t heard anything.

Of course there is Bailang.

Bailang is not only a general in the era of his star master,

It is also one of the five emperors of the Star Hall during his starry sky.

It ’s just that the other party has no audio until now, I do n’t know where they are! !! !!

"The other party is the power of the nine hegemons in the flood era."

"The era of floods is an era of martial arts earlier than ancient times."

"The strong in that era are like clouds."

"Even in ancient times, it could not be compared with it."

"The nine royal families were the most powerful forces in the flood era."

"They are very strong, and they will even exceed our imagination."

"Are you afraid?"

Xiao Yifeng opened his mouth and said, in the last sentence, he looked at the people of the Star Corps.


"The word fear does not exist in the Star Corps !!!"

A group of legions said.

"I want to see how strong they are in the power of the flood era !!!"

Ge Henxi was cold.

"All Star Corps obey orders !!!"

Immediately, Ge Henxi yelled at the army of millions of stars.


Suddenly the top ten army corps, the million army screamed,

It sounded like it was going to upset the whole world.

"Who is your master?"

Ge Henxi drank.

"Star Emperor !!!"

The million star army yelled directly.

"The owner's son has been arrested now."

"What should you do?"

Ge Henxi drank again.

"Kill the enemy, Savior !!!"

The head of the nine regiments took the lead.

"Kill the enemy, Savior !!!"

The million-strong army was as imposing as a rainbow, yelling at the weapons in its hands.

At this moment, the fighting spirit and warfare of all the Star Warriors in the Ten Legions erupted.

Condensed into an unstoppable supreme power! !! !!


Ge Henxi said, looking at Xiao Yifeng's fist and saying:

"Master Qi, the ten major legions of the Star Corps have been assembled."

"You can go and rescue the young master at any time !!!"


Xiao Yifeng raised a smile in the corner of his mouth.

"But this time, we don't need to send together with the Ten Legions."

"The First Army guarded the base camp."

"Second, the Third Army went to Tianwu Starfield and waited for me to be dispatched."

"The other seven major legions followed me to the floodland !!!"

Xiao Yi said coldly.

"Master, how can you not give us such a chance of war?"

At this time, Mu Zhucha, the commander of the Second Army, and Luo Yuntian, the commander of the Third Army, said one after another.

"Don't worry, there are still many opportunities for war."

"By then you will need the continent and other star domains."

Xiao Yifeng said with a smile.

The leaders of the remaining seven legions were given the opportunity to follow Xiao Yifeng's expedition.

They all looked excited.

"Ken Xi, you go with me this time !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Ge Henxi.

"Yes, master !!!"

Ge Henxi bowed.

Next, they arranged something,

Xiao Yifeng led the seven star army, and the 700,000 star army went to the flood plain.

And in the flood and wasteland, in a large hall.

Nine royal patriarchs gathered here again.

"Now he knows his son is in our hands."

"According to the people we secretly installed in the Tianwu star field."

"He has left Tianwu Starfield, and it is likely that he came to the floodland."

One of the nine patriarchs said directly.

"I didn't expect him to really come."

"It seems that his life is not as ruthless as his predecessors."

"It's stupid to dare to run to death for a child."

A royal patriarch scorned.

"Our previous choice was correct."

"Bring them to the flood plains with their sons and daughters, and then be on our site."

"No matter how powerful he is in this life, as long as he hasn't unlocked the Nine Astral Realms and restored the power of previous lives."

"Then he will have no choice but to die !!!"

The third royal clan said Shen Sheng.

"This time, as long as he dares to come, he will definitely die !!!"

The fourth royal patriarch hummed coldly,

His eyes flashed with terrible murder.

"By the way, I've informed the sage saint about this and let him come over."

Said one of the oldest royal patriarchs.

"What did the old man do?"

"Can our nine royal families still not deal with a guy without astral power?"

A royal patriarch did not marry.

"He's not so easy to deal with, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to live to this day."

"And even if his nine astral forces are sealed."

"No guarantee he won't have any other cards."

"After all, he is called a taboo legend."

"Just in case, hit it completely."

"I deliberately asked the Sages to come."

"With the presence of the Sage of Heaven, you can be sure of everything !!!"

The oldest patriarch said solemnly.

"That makes sense, this is our only chance."

"If he cannot be killed this time."

"I'm afraid next time he will unseal the Nine Astrals to destroy us."

"So there must be no problems this time."

Another Queen patriarch said indifferently.

"Well, everyone is going to make the final preparations !!!"

The oldest patriarch of the royal family said lightly.

Next, the whole flood and wasteland has a feeling of war and wind! !! !!


In a flash, a new day came.

On this day, the rising sun has just risen.

There was a roar in the universe.

Countless stars have descended on the stars and all realms.

The next second, on top of the sky of the stars.

A huge, splendid blue city emerged.

With the advent of this palace ~ ~ the supreme cosmic envelops every world.

This is the city of stars! !! !!

The starry city only appears at the beginning of each starry sky list.

All the people participating in the starry sky arrogance list and the major forces need to enter the city of starry sky to participate in the starry sky arrogance list.

However, although a starry city has appeared in all circles of the starry sky.

But this is just the entrance to the city of stars,

There is only one true starry city.

As for the origin of the Starry City, no one knows it.

This may only be known to the talents who created the starry sky.

PS: remaining night updates

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