The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4808: Angels Tianjiao

ancient time,

Before Xiao Yifeng became the star emperor, he participated in the star sky arrogance list.

At that time, he also stepped into this starry city.

The starry sky that time,

Xiao Yifeng won the first, and then he became the star emperor who suppressed the world.

And the reason why he can become the great king of the sky,

It has a lot to do with this mysterious starry city.

The reason why he participated in the star sky list again this time,

It's also to step into the starry city to get something back.

As for what it is, you'll know after ending the starry sky.

In short, this starry sky city has a great relationship with Xiao Yifeng becoming the starry sky emperor.

As for the origin of this starry city, even Xiao Yifeng did not know.

If you do n’t know, listen to the names of Starry Sky Emperor and Starry Sky City,

You might think that the city of the starry sky was created by the starry sky emperor.

But in fact, it is because of the city of starry sky that the birth of the starry sky emperor.

Xiao Yifeng did not know who created the Starry City.

After he became the Emperor of the Sky, he also checked the origin of the City of the Sky, but had no clue.

Even the founder of Xingkong Tianjiao,

Until now, Xiao Yifeng could not find out who it was.

Even Xiao Yifeng didn't know exactly where this starry city was located.

Such a strange and huge city,

If you were in a world, you would have been discovered long ago.

But no starry city exists in the universe.

This starry sky city is likely to be literally in the starry sky.

Can build a city in the starry sky,

This is not something anyone can do.

Now in this starry city,

Except Xiao Yifeng and his party.

There are also a lot of Tianjiao who come from other worlds.

In an instant, tens of thousands of people gathered in this starry city, and the number continued to increase.

After all, the sky has tens of thousands of worlds,

Remove some low-level worlds and deserted worlds,

In other worlds, even if there are a dozen people in each world,

Hundreds of thousands of people will eventually appear in this starry city.

The lowest strength of these people is a state of supremacy.

Most of them are between the first grade and the nine grade.

As for Emperor Realm, there are few.

After all, it is not so easy to reach the emperor's realm under long live.

Only those powerful forces with deep foundations or those who truly have powerful blood and physical talents can enter the realm of emperor under long live.

So most of them are the strength of the supreme realm.

"Is this the city of stars?"

Wu Fei, Broken Bone, and others looked around with curiosity in their eyes.

Every other way Tianjiao is admiring this fantastic starry city.

"Look, those people have wings."

"Are they the legendary angels?"

Then exclaimed sounds.

Xiao Yifeng and others looked away.

I saw the distance,

Suddenly appeared a group of men in white, with a pair of white wings on their backs.

They look proud and cold,

Through a gesture of contempt for sentient beings.

And they are angels from the angel world.

Among the worlds of stars, the number of human races is the largest, occupying a dominant position.

In addition to human races, there are various races.

They are not human and do not have a huge population.

But they all have special physique and powerful strength,

In the starry sky, occupy a part.

For example, the angel tribe is a major race other than the human race.

They have powerful angelic blood lineage inheritance power, and the starting point is a lot higher than the starting point of countless Terran arrogance.

Before in the ancient world, Xiao Yifeng met the angels in the Western Regions.

At that time, the patriarchs of the angel clan in the ancient world still helped to rise to the angel world with their help.

And Yu Di, one of the five emperors of the Star Hall, also belongs to the angel family.

Before the Emperor Yu awakened the blood of the angel family and went to the angel world.

I don't know how it is today.

"Every time the starry sky is on the list, you people come here so much, but what's the use?"

"A bunch of waste !!!"

"The starry sky arrogance list is not what you human race waste can do !!!!"

After the arrival of Tianjiao of this group of angels, the Tianjiao who looked at the people present were unceremoniously mockingly.

Only one of them remained silent and remained indifferent.

The rest of the people looked at Tianjiao, who was present, with a look of disdain and contempt.

The angels have always been high and proud.

They even look down on human race.

If not, their population is too small.

I am afraid that they will directly destroy the human race.

The Tianjiao people present heard the ridicule and insults from the angelic Tianjiao.

Eyes were filled with anger, but they did not dare to move lightly.

Although these angels are arrogant and proud, they have arrogant capital.

This time, more than 20 Tianjiao angels came.

And all of them are emperor strength without exception.

And it is not the strength of the general lower and middle emperors.

The worst of them is the strength of the superior emperor.

There are even strong men without God.

Such a power lineup is not at all present. These arrogant people with extreme strength can compete.

Even if the human race Tianjiao have the emperor realm strong.

But they will not easily go out and offend the angel tribe.

"Look, I've been scolded like this, I dare not snor."

"Human races are really a bunch of waste counseling."

"There is no pressure to compete with them for the starry sky rankings !!!"

Tianjiao, an angel with a superior emperor's strength, sneered with disdain.

"This group of guys is too arrogant !!!"

"I can't watch it anymore !!!"

At this moment, Wu Fei beside Xiao Yifeng could not help talking.

"Not urgent!!!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

Huh! !! !!

At this moment, a dazzling radiant blade suddenly burst out,

Head towards Tianjiao, the angel clan with the strength of the superior emperor.

This knife came too fast and too fiercely! !! !!

Fast people are unaware, fiercely unbearable! !! !!

Immediately the angel tribe's look changed.

A sacred milky light burst out of him,

The angel wings behind it slammed in front of them.

He felt a thick breath of death from this knife,

So he can only burst out to resist fully ~ ~ Boom! !! !!

A deafening roar exploded directly.

In an instant, this terrible knife fell on the angel wings of the angel tribe,

The white wings were smashed by this knife.

Huh! !! !!

As for the angel tribe.

His entire body was blown out, hitting the ground and spitting blood.

The terrible aftermath of knife power spread,

Let the surrounding tribe and angel tribe's Tianjiao retreat.

There was a shock in their eyes.

Literature Museum

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