The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4805: False state

boom! boom! boom!

In a loud roar.

This trial tower, which was created by the great work of the Star Emperor, has been completely destroyed.

Endless energy capsized like the flood of a dyke,

Terrible coercion suppressed the army of millions of stars.

In this bright light,

A majestic figure came out slowly,

It is like the return of the demon, exuding the supreme power! !! !!

In a blink of an eye, an ordinary man was not tall,

It seemed that a man in his thirties appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng and others.

This person has a cold face and a calm eye,

It looks like an ordinary person.

But he is the commander of the Star Corps who commanded the ten major legions and the million star army: Ge Henxi!

It is the first combat power of the Star Army! !! !!

Stronger than the Star Corps, the first legion of combat days, including the remaining nine top legionnaires together, are not the opponents of Ge Henxi.

The origin of Ge Henxi is not simple.

He was brought out of a forbidden space by the Great Star Emperor.

Ge Henxi was less than ten years old,

But he appeared alone in a terrible forbidden area.

Even if the forbidden area is as strong as the great emperor stepping into it, there is only a dead end.

However, a child under ten years old appeared in Ge Henxi, and was not damaged.

This situation shocked the Emperor Xingkong at that time.

Star King asked about it,

As a result Ge Henxi only remembered his name.

I don't remember everything else.

Including his origins and how he came to this forbidden area,

Ge Henxi all forgot.

After some thought, the Emperor Xingkong took him out of the forbidden area.

Later, after discovering Ge Henxi's powerful talent and the mysterious blood he possessed,

Then he fully cultivated it, and eventually cultivated it into the commander of the Star Army.

Today, Ge Henxi has not disappointed Xiao Yifeng's training.

Its strength is the existence of the pinnacle even in ancient times! !! !!

"See Commander !!!"

At this time, the head of the Ninth Army Corps and the army of millions of stars present cried directly at Ge Henxi.

"See the master !!!"

"Welcome the return of the host !!!"

Ge Henxi went straight to Xiao Yifeng and screamed.

"not bad, very good!!!"

Xiao Yifeng watched Ge Henxi spit out four words, which represented his mood at the moment.

"Why can't I see your strength at all."

"And there is no breath leaking from you."

"What strength do you have?"

At this time, the wonder of Yaoshan's Virgin Yaochi looked at Ge Henxi, and his look changed continuously.

Apparently, Ge Henxi brought too much shock to the Yaoshan Virgin.

She would like to know if this person really broke through the legendary state! !! !!

Dao state, this state, even in the flood and drought era, is a state that makes countless days arrogant! !! !!

It ’s not so easy to talk about entering the realm,

This is 10,000 times more difficult than stepping into Jiupin Emperor.

Even among the 10,000 Emperors,

It's pretty good to have one or two who finally step into the realm.

But even the 10,000 Emperors and Emperors are extremely large numbers even in the flood and drought era.

I can imagine how difficult it is to get into the road! !! !!

In the flood and drought era, many of the top powerhouses were trapped in the threshold of the half-walk path during their entire lives, and were unable to rank in the path.

Of course, the inheritance of the entire flood era has a long history and has gone through many eras.

Each epoch is 100 million years.

The age of Our Lady of Yaoshan already belongs to the last era of the flood era.

It is unknown whether there were a large number of powerful men in its previous era.

Because every past epoch, most of the strong and inherited civilization of an epoch will be erased inexplicably,

Therefore, it is difficult for future generations to know the situation of the previous era thoroughly.

But the era of Our Lady of Yaoshan,

There are almost only a few powerful people in the realm.

Even she can only be regarded as a strong man of falsehood! !! !!

Above the Jiupin Emperor is a half-step path.

There is also a pseudo-state between the half-step state and the state.

This false state did not exist.

Just because it ’s too difficult to break through the realm,

Some strongmen stayed at the threshold of the half-step path for tens of millions of years.

His accumulation of power and understanding of the state has reached an extremely terrible level.

Although they have not yet stepped into the realm, they can already control part of the power of the realm.

They are far more horrible than the half-walker.

So it is called a false state! !! !!

Our Lady of Yaoshan is a strong man of falsehood! !! !!

However, the Virgin Mary of Yaoshan had already exerted great efforts to hope to enter the path.

However, because of one thing, he missed the opportunity to be in the position.

So now Yaochi is very shocked when he looks at Ge Henxi.

She also wants to know if the other party is a false state or a real state strong,

If it is a true strong person, it will make it hard to accept.

After all, as the Holy Mother of Yaoshan in the flood and wasteland era, she could not enter the realm.

This era is far worse than the flood era in any aspect,

How could anyone step into the realm?

"you are?"

At this time Ge Henxi glanced towards Yaochi.

"It's impossible for anyone to step into this era."

"You are at best pseudo-realm."

After Yao Chi stared at Ge Henxi for a while, he said directly.

"Is it true that the strongest are so heavy?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.


Yaochi snorted and stopped talking.

After confirming in his heart that Ge Henxi was not a strong man of state.

She no longer had any interest in it, and stood quietly aside.

"Master, did you come here this time, did something happen?"

Ge Henxi looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Well, my son was kidnapped."

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"Master has a son?"

Ge Henxi was shocked first, then sank:

"Somebody dares to move the young master, so brave !!!"

"Who is the owner who kidnapped the young master, we will go and destroy them now."

The tenth legionnaire's exterminator directly shouted ~ ~ The exterminator is as his name.

The whole body exudes a fierce atmosphere, like a true tyrant! !! !!

Although he is only the leader of the 10th Army.

But his combat power can be ranked among the top three in the Star Corps.

Its combat power can even compete with battle days! !! !!

It was just that when the Great Emperor of the Stars encountered the annihilation, there were already nine commanders of the army.

That's why he became the head of the 10th Army.

"Dare to attack the master's son."

"I'm afraid the identity of the other party is not simple !!!"

The commander of the Fourth Army could not speak.

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