The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4022: 9 castles 18 states

Blood World, the sixth blood domain.

Youshuang City, the main city.

Shen Shuang directly brought Xiao Yifeng and his party into the city's main mansion, and arranged for them to stay.

"You live here temporarily, after the end of the ceremony by the city master."

"The son will live in the main hall of the city !!!"

Shen Shuang looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Thanks a lot !!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled.

"My son is polite. You helped me kill the **** of Beixiangcheng. I should thank you for that."

"But when this northward city dies, Beihantian will never give up."

"It won't be long before Beihantian will lead the North Hancheng troops to the city of Youshuang."

Shen Shuang frowned slightly.

"It's good if he comes, he won't come."

"How can I avenge your father?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled lightly.

When she heard Xiao Yifeng's words, Shen Shuang's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Xiao Gongzi, the strength of Bei Hantian has already reached the point of nine sages."

"All of the top saints among the nine saints are terrible."

"Do you……"

Shen Shuang looked at Xiao Yifeng with a look of worry.

"Relax, since I said I will take revenge for you."

"Then I will kill this Bei Hantian myself."

"Just wait and see."

Xiao Yifeng said confidently.

"Since Xiao Xiao is so confident, I will not say anything."

Shen Shuang said lightly.

"Yes, Mrs. Shen, can you tell me about the situation in the sixth blood domain and the division of the major forces?"

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Shen Shuang.

"Isn't Xiao Gongzi the sixth blood?"

Shen Shuang was surprised.

"No, I'm new here and don't know much about it."

Xiao Yifeng said.

"The sixth blood domain is divided into twenty-seven regions and nineteen states."

"Nine cities is my Youshuang city, Beihan city and the other seven big cities, and it controls the area of ​​nine cities."

"Each city has a powerful army to guard its own territory. The area controlled by the nine cities occupies one fifth of the sixth blood domain."

"The eighteen states are controlled by the eighteen state kings."

"The strength of these eighteen states is stronger than that of nine cities. The strength and territory of each state are stronger than those of nine cities."

"In total, they occupy four-fifths of the sixth blood domain and most of the cultivation resources in the sixth blood domain."

"And all of this is because the Eighteen States have the supreme strong behind them, so they are so powerful."

"The rest are some ordinary forces in the nine cities and eighteen states."

"Sometimes these forces are swallowed up and destroyed by people, and will not be fixed. This is the general situation of the sixth blood domain.

"Of course, in addition to these forces in the sixth blood domain, there are special forces such as the Branch of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce, Shaqi Pavilion, and Blood Dan Valley."

"The Branch of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce is responsible for the circulation of all cultivation resources in the sixth blood region, while the Shagaku Pavilion is used to refine various weapons.

"They basically do not interfere in the sixth blood domain and are neutral."

"The major forces in the sixth blood are afraid to do anything to them !!!"

Shen Shuang said one by one.

After listening to Shen Shuang's words, Xiao Yifeng also had a general understanding of this sixth blood domain.

This sixth blood domain is much more complicated than the seventh blood domain.

The strength of the warriors here should also be stronger.

And there are n’t any disciples here, all of them are in the form of military troops.

Shen Shuang then left Xiao Yifeng's room.

Then a man in black appeared in front of him.

It was the man who had given her cousin before.

"Cousin, why are you here?"

Shen Shuang looked at the man and said.

This man is Shen Shuang's cousin Cao Feng.

"Cousin, do you really want to marry this guy?"

"Give him the City of Frost?"

"You are so impulsive."

Cao Feng said directly.

"I said, whoever avenged my father's revenge, I will give it to him along with myself and Youshou City !!!

Shen Shuang said indifferently.

"But he just killed Beixiang City, not Beihantian."

"Although he has some strength, it is impossible for Bei Hantian to do it."

Cao Feng looked at Shen Shuang and said.

"Just kill him to the north, and I would marry him."

"And since he dared to kill Beixiang City in public, how do you know he can't kill Bei Hantian?"

Shen Shuang smiled slightly.

"Cousin, you just let an outsider who doesn't know where it comes from be the Lord of the Frost City."

"This will cause a lot of dissatisfaction in the city's main government."

Cao Feng said in a deep voice.

"Hum, who should I look at?"

Shen frosted coldly.

"Miss, the two deputies and the generals are convening a meeting, please go there."

Then a soldier came to Shen Shuang and said.

"Look, they have an opinion."

Cao Feng said.


Shen Seng snorted, and she came to a lobby.

The deputy city leaders and generals of Youshen City, all the powerful men above the realm of emperor gathered here.

As Shen Shuang walked in, everyone's eyes turned towards her.

"What are you discussing here?"

Shen frosted coldly.

"Miss, the owner of the city of Youshen City has a great relationship, and it is related to the lives of all the people of Youshen City and the hundreds of thousands of you.

"It must not be so easy to choose a new city owner, although the young man is powerful."

"But we don't know anything about his origins, how can such a person be the Lord of the Frost City."

At this time a deputy city owner said directly.

The rest were all second to none.

"I said that I wanted to be the owner of Youshuangcheng, and I just killed Bei Hantian."

"If anyone can kill Bei Hantian, avenge my father."

"Then he is the new owner of Youshen City, and I will hand over the token of Yousong City immediately."

Shen Shuang said coldly.

Her words silenced everyone present.

"Since you can't do that, shut me up."

"At least Xiao Gong dare to kill Beixiang City, he has the courage to you."

Then Shen Seng snorted coldly, turned around and left ~ ~ leaving everyone with different looks.

At this moment, the death of the North Hancheng City's son, North Xiangcheng, in the city of Youshuang directly spread throughout the Jiucheng area.

People in these nine cities are talking about it.

They did not expect that this frost city had just died, and without the backbone, they dared to kill the young master of Beihan City.

These two cities are about to go to war.

As for Bei Hantian, the leader of the North City, thunder was furious when he learned that his son had been killed.

"Tomorrow will destroy the Frost City !!!"

Bei Hantian's loud and cold voice spread throughout the entire Bei Han City, shocking everyone in Bei Han City.

And while the avatar of the fire stepped into the sixth blood domain.

Lei Zhi's avatar took Xuan Tian Xuan Di and two super powerfuls to Xuan Tian Jie, one of the eight realms of the Divine Realm. (Best CEO of Beauty CEO: 7878608)-(Best CEO of Beauty CEO)

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