The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4023: Thunder

But when he came to Xuantianjie, Xiao Yifeng didn't know where Mengyue was now.

Although he can feel that Dream Moon is still alive, he can't perceive where the other party is.

"Master, what shall we do next?"

Xuan Tian looked at Lei Zhi's avatar Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Since Mengyue is returning to the Helian emperor, find the Helian emperor and go to find out."

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

"Master, this emperor's place is usually not so easy to find."

Xuan Di said.

"No hurry, find it first, Mengyue should be fine for the time being."

Xiao Yi sighed, and they descended directly into the heaven.

Then they walked in this heavenly world, ready to find a place to find out about the situation of heavenly world.

Roar! !! !!

At this moment, a sound very similar to the sound of dragon yin suddenly came from a distance.

Xiao Yifeng noticed a strong breath of thunder.

"There is something ahead. Go and see."

Xiao Yifeng said.

They went towards the source of the sound.

Soon Xiao Yifeng they came to a mountain stream.

At this moment there is a large group of warriors.

In this mountain stream is full of strong thunder power.

A terrible thunder filled the mountain stream with thunder.

It exudes a breath of destruction and makes people dare not approach.

But these are not the points.

The point is that there are hundreds of feet long in this mountain stream, covered with blue scales.

There are two long dragons with small antennae on the head.

No, it should be nagging.

Xiao Yifeng saw at a glance that this was a thunder that had not yet fully evolved into a dragon, not a dragon.

However, there is a trace of dragon blood in this thunderbird's body, if you get a chance.

It is possible to evolve into a member of the Dragon Clan Thunder Dragon.

However, even if he has not evolved into a dragon, this thunderbird is also a very powerful beast.

In the future, it can become a holy beast and even a respectable beast, which is also a very rare beast.

At this moment, a large group of warriors looked at the thunder, all eyes were glowing.

Many people are eager to move and want to win this thunder.

But they didn't have the courage to shoot.

Huh! !! !!

At this time a group of people came from the sky and appeared over the mountain stream.

Headed by a beautiful woman with strong hair and long hair.

Looks like twenty-four, fourty-four, looks exquisite and beautiful, a strong imperial demeanor.

His eyes were gazing at the thunder, with bright eyes.

"Isn't this Miss Lei Yunzong Lei Ziqing?"

"I didn't expect even her to come."

A group of warriors gathered outside the mountain stream looked at the woman in the void and marveled.

This woman is Miss Lei Yunzong, a powerful martial arts genius.

However, Chitose is already a super power in the imperial realm.

It can be counted as a real martial art demon in the entire universe.

"Lei Yue, obediently be my mount !!!"

Lei Ziqing looked at Lei Yu in the mountain stream and hummed directly.

Roar! !! !!

This thunderous roared, releasing a very terrifying atmosphere,

A terrible thunder was released.

"Dare to provoke me to see how I surrender to you !!!"

Suddenly Lei Zi hummed coldly.

She wielded a long sword flashing with the light of thunder, exhaling a sharp breath.

"Miss, this thunder is so powerful, you can't be impulsive !!!"

At this time, the strong Lei Yunzong who followed Lei Ziqing said one after another.

"Well, I can't surrender to a thunderbolt, how can I be a woman of Master Yihuai."

Lei Ziqing snorted coldly.

She waved her sword and rushed towards this thunder, bursting into a terrorist attack.

Rumble! !! !!

Suddenly, the young lady Lei Yunzong exploded all her strength in the early days of the emperor's realm.

She was holding a sword, and the terrifying thunder force broke out and the thunder was fighting fiercely.

Although this thunder is a nine-level beast.

However, its combat effectiveness is not something that the strong men in the early emperor's realm can compete with.

Even if the top of the imperial realm wants to fight against this thunder, it is impossible.

Not to mention the bloodlines of the Silk Dragon family contained in this thunderbird's body.

The Thunder power gathered in its body alone is enough to make it sweep across the great emperors.

boom! !! !!

Lei Ziqing fought fiercely with Lei Ye, but there were only a dozen moves.

She was hit by a thunder spit out of Lei Yi's mouth.

Huh! !! !!

Lei Ziqing spit blood on the spot.

She was bombarded directly in the mountain stream, fell to the ground, and coughed.

His face turned pale and he was seriously injured.

"Miss !!!!"

Seeing this, Lei Yunzong's face changed.

All of them attacked towards this thunder.

Roar! !! !!

Seeing so many people attacking, this thunder also roared angrily.

There was a terrible thunder flickering all over Lei Yue's body, exhaling a breath of heart.

Its huge **** tail swept out directly towards the people of Lei Yunzong, and a terror attack erupted.

Puff puff……

Suddenly, facing such a terrible blow from Lei Yu.

All the strong men in Lei Yunzong were blasted out.

Blood was spit out in each mouth, and they were all badly wounded.

This scene shocked everyone outside the mountain stream.

They looked at this scene with anxiety.

Then Lei Ling's huge pupil glowed with Lei Guang staring at Lei Ziqing lying on the ground.

Lei Zheng looked at himself, Lei Ziqing's gaze fixed.

She took an elixir to recover her injuries and urged her weapon to perform a trick.

Blasted towards this thunder again.

boom! !! !!

Lei Yan opened his mouth wide, and a thunder arrow shot out.

Boom directly above Lei Ziqing's attack.

Destroy it instantly.

Huh! !! !!

Lei Ziqing smashed to the ground again, spitting blood in his mouth, his expression looked extremely ugly.

Later, this thunderbolt wielded a huge tail as if sweeping thousands of troops and blasted to Lei Ziqing.

Kill it completely.

In the face of this blow, Lei Ziqing at this moment has no ability to resist.

If she were bombed, I'm afraid it would instantly turn into powder.

"Miss !!!!"

Seeing this, the look of the strong men in Lei Yunzong has changed, and his eyes are full of anxious look.

But they were all seriously injured by this thunder.

There is no time to rescue Lei Ziqing ~ ~ As for the strong men outside this mountain stream, they have a pity in their eyes.

But no one dared to shoot.

"Am I going to die like this?"

Lei Ziqing looked at the tail that attacked like lightning.

Feeling the terrifying energy contained in it, he couldn't help sighing.

At this moment, Lei Ziqing dreamed that her brother, Yi Huai, could come down from the sky and rescue him.


Suddenly, a roaring explosion sounded.

There really is a figure falling from the sky.

He banged his thunder on the thunder's tail, knocking his entire huge body out. (Best CEO of Beauty CEO: 7878608)-(Best CEO of Beauty CEO)

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