The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4021: Become the owner

Shen Shuang glanced northward to the city.

He looked coldly and said, "You broke into the saintly realm?"

"How? I didn't expect it."

"Do you know why your father was killed by my father?"

"It's because your father found a broken holy fruit."

"He wanted to get you something to take you out of the sage, but unfortunately was discovered by my father, and then he died."

"This broken holy fruit naturally came to my belly, allowing me to step into the realm of saints smoothly."

"Speaking of which, I have to thank your father."

"If it were not for him, I would not have been able to step into the saintly realm !!!"

Bei Xiangcheng said with a smile.

Shen Shuang's eyes were full of scarlet killings staring at Beixiang City.

The anger in his heart was inspired by the words of the other party.

"Cousin, don't be impulsive."

At this time, the man in black came from the ring and stood beside Shen Shuang and said.

"Shuang Shuang, I said I want you to be my woman."

"You have to be my woman, and this is your ultimate fate."

Bei Xiangcheng sneered.

"Even if I die today, I will kill you."

"All the city's governors listened to the order and slaughtered Northward City."

Shen Shuang drank coldly.

"No !!!!"

"If Beixiang City dies here, Beihan City will surely attack us, Youshuang City."

"When Bei Hantian comes, we all have to die."

Several sage strong men in the main city of Youshuang City quickly said to Shen Shuang.

"you guys……"

Immediately Shen Shen stared angrily at the group of guys, his eyes filled with unwillingness.

"Will you just avenge your father?"

"Who can be the owner of this city of frost?"

At this time Xiao Yifeng could not help saying.

With a word, everyone's eyes were turned towards him.

Shen Shuang looked at Xiao Yifeng and nodded, "Yes, but aren't you ..."

"Boy, I think you are fascinated by the woman Shen Shen."

"It was delusional to want revenge on his father."

"Do you know who killed her father?"

Bei Xiangcheng looked at Xiao Yifeng with a sneer, his eyes full of disdain.

"Know, isn't it your father?"

"But I killed you today, just as interest !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Bei Xiangcheng with a smile, his eyes were radiant.

"Boy, I think you are daydreaming, come."

"Kill me this daydreaming kid."

"I want to let him know the difference between reality and dreamland !!!"

North Xiangcheng sulked directly.

Immediately, a sage strong behind him shot.

The terrible sage power broke out to destroy Xiao Yifeng.

"You leave quickly."

Shen Shuang's expression changed, shouting at Xiao Yifeng.

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng waved the Chi Yan sword, and a sword swept out.

Destroy the other saint's power in an instant.

At the same time, the red flame sword mang that erupted from this red flame sword directly devoured the saint, and his body instantly turned into powder.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked surprised.

As for this Shen Shuang and Bei Xiangcheng, they were stunned.

Xiao Yifeng then held Chi Yan sword.

Step by step towards the north towards the city.

"You ... give me !!!"

Watching Xiao Yifeng come.

There was a hint of fear in the north-facing city that broke through the sage's realm, and he quickly yelled.

All the strong men in the Bei Han city he brought to Xiao Yifeng were killed.

The monstrous energy burst out, and the void exploded.

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng swept out again.

With today's power of fire plus the power of this Chiyan sword, these people are not his opponents at all.

In a blink of an eye.

The dozens of saintly strong men brought by Beixiang City were killed by Xiao Yifeng's strong decisiveness.

All of them turned into powder, leaving no trace of death.

At this moment, the scene was directly silent, as if time was still.

Everyone was looking at this scene with their eyes wide open, their faces were incredible.

As for this northward city, he was completely stunned, his expression was stiff, and he looked at Xiao Yifeng dullly.

Xiao Yifeng stood in front of Beixiang City.


boom! !! !!

Bei Xiangcheng watched Xiao Yifeng was about to open his mouth.

As a result, a horrible flame swept out of him, and instantly swallowed the northward city.

The north screamed extremely loudly.

Eventually, he was burned into powder.

Seeing Bei Xiangcheng's tragic death, everyone in the room took a sigh of relief, and his heart seemed extremely shocked.

This scene was completely beyond their imagination, and even this frost was stunned.

She didn't think it would be such a result

The host of the North Han Dynasty and dozens of saints in the North Han City died here.

It's incredible.

"Northbound City is dead, let's give you some interest first."

"When the time comes for Bei Hantian, I will kill him myself and take revenge on your father."

Xiao Yifeng turned and looked at Shen Shuang and smiled.

Listening to his tone, it seems that it is a very simple matter to kill the North Hancheng Lord.

"You ... who are you?"

Shen Shuang looked at Xiao Yifeng involuntarily, his eyes flickered with a strange look at Xiao Yifeng.

"My name is Xiao Yifeng, you can call me Xiaofeng."

"I don't know if you can fulfill your promise."

Xiao Yifeng said.

Soon Frost's expression recovered.

She looked at Xiao Yifeng and said, "Be assured. I will never regret it.

"You killed Beixiang City for me now, you can count as revenge."

"After today, you will be my new owner of Youshuang City, and tomorrow I will hold the successor ceremony of the city owner."

"The identity of your Lord of the Frost City is officially announced to everyone."

"Thanks a lot."

Xiao Yifeng smiled.

The reason why he took the shot was naturally for the Lord of the Frost City.

Now that he has just arrived in the sixth blood domain, he needs a base.

And this frost city seems to be not low in the sixth blood, it is the best choice.

It just so happened that he couldn't miss it.

"Miss, this ..."

"Well, don't say it. If you still remember my father's kindness to you, don't say anything else."

When the strong men in the main cities of this group heard the words of Shen Shuang, they started to stop.

Shen Shuang looked at them and hummed coldly.

And Shen Shuang's words made them silent.

"Okay ~ ~ Gong Xiao, come with me."

Then Shen Shuang looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Okay, I have some followers."

Xiao Yifeng said, with a wave of his hand, Xuan Jun and others came out.

Looking at Xuan Jun and others, Shen Shuang flashed a strange color in his eyes.


Shen Shuang said intimately to Xiao Yifeng.

They walked towards the city's main mansion.

The man in black who called his cousin Shen Shuang looked a little ugly.

After reading the old book, you may wish to take a look at the new book Broken Bone "Super Demon Sinner Supreme". The main character of the new book, Chu Feng, is our lord of the Chu Dynasty. You can support it.

. (Best CEO of Beauty CEO: 7878608)-(Best CEO of Beauty CEO)

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