The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3110: Go to sea

"Well, Xiaoyan's dishes are really delicious. They are definitely good wives and mothers!"

Xiaolei praised.

"So Xiaolei, do you have any thoughts on our Xiaoyan, we are rare in such a good wife and mother!"

Jiang Yan said with a smile.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Let's eat!"

Su Yan, holding Xiao Fan aside, said quickly to Jiang Yan.

"Don't be shy, I think the two of you are very suitable. We might as well be together so that I can rest assured!"

Jiang Yan said.

"I'm afraid the small research institute will abandon me!"

The little Thunder said.

"How come, our Xiaoyan is not the kind of girl who thinks that she is poor and loves the rich!"

Jiang Yan quickly said.

Su Yan remained silent about it and did not speak.

After dinner, this thunder returned to his home.

what! !! !!

Suddenly the thunder screamed, and the whole person suddenly felt that his head was about to explode.

The blood in the body boiled rapidly, and blue rays of light suddenly appeared on his body.

The whole person seemed to be hacked by lightning and turned into a thunderman.

Then Xiao Lei floated in the air, shuttled by the light of thunder and lightning, transforming his physique, muscles, and meridians.

His eyes were closed tightly, digesting a large group of information that suddenly came out of his mind.

An hour later, the little thunder fell to the ground, his eyes opened sharply, and he shot a fascinating light.

There was a strong momentum on his body, and the whole person seemed completely different from the ordinary peasant before.

It's like being a different person.

"Unexpectedly, this world is so amazing. I turned out to be an ancient descendant!"

At this moment the little thunder murmured and glanced at his body.

At this moment he was full of a thunderous thunder force, and his physique was completely different.

"Tian Lei Ti, I didn't expect that I had such a strong physique. In the future, I will be the most powerful man in the world!"

Little Ray muttered to himself.

"Xiaoyan, I will make you my woman!"

At this moment, Xiao Lei said with a firm and confident look.

His identity made him inferior to dare to face Su Yan before.

Now his whole life is completely different.

It can be said that it is completely heaven and earth compared with the previous one.

Now he has enough ability and confidence to make Su Yan his woman.

Even if the other person had a child, he didn't care.

And in the ancient world Dongzhou.

Above the emptiness of the holy mountain.

At this moment, the battle between the beast gods, the Xuan Army and the two temple strongmen is still going on.

However, at this time, under the joint siege of the beast god, the two men have begun to resist, both of them are injured and their strength is declining.

Obviously, they didn't expect Xiao Yifeng to have so many powerful people beside him.

With the strength of both of them, they couldn't resist.

boom! !! !!

A roar sounded.

The energy of terror exploded, and both sides retreated.

Huh! !! !!

Blood was vomiting in the mouths of the two temple strongmen.

As for Xuan Jun, Beast God, Yu Qi, Xiao Si, all four looked cold, and stared at them coldly.

At this moment, the two temple strong men stared at each other.

They directly operate a trick of taboo.

Boom boom! !! !!

A horrific roar erupted within the two men.

Terrible energy burst out from them.

The two of them are totally like taking hormones, forcibly improving their strength by several levels.

Obviously, they will take Chu Yu away anyway today.

That's why he did not hesitate to lose his life and practiced the taboo technique.

Now the horrors erupting on the two men have completely suppressed the momentum erupting on the four of them.

Seeing this, the looks of the four beast gods were all condensed.

The others on the holy mountain had a solemn and tense expression.

But they were not able to help at all in the face of this battle.

"Dead !!!"

The two yelled, urging the ultimate move.

It is necessary to completely kill the four beast gods.

The beast gods have exhibited their strongest forces today, and are ready to fight to death.

"The two little guys didn't sleep in the middle of the night and ran here to make trouble!"

Just then, an old voice suddenly sounded in the dark night.

The next second, a wine gourd popped out and hit the two temple strongmen directly.

puff! !! !!

puff! !! !!

The two men spit out blood on the spot, such as being hit hard.

The power that was just inspired by the taboo secretion in the body instantly vanished.

They were hit harder, and their strength was reduced by more than half.

With a shocking look in their eyes, they looked around.

But they could not find any trace of the strong, which made them even more shocked.

How terrifying it would be to make them completely undetectable.

Thinking of this, the two people had no time to think of the other, and fled.

Now they have lost all the power of the Secret Act, and their bodies have been severely damaged.

Stay here again, Chu Yu they were not taken away, I am afraid they have to die here first.

Seeing the two men running away, the beast gods were slightly relieved inside.

And they looked around, but found no trace of anyone.

As for the wine gourd just disappeared.

In the distant horizon, the old beggar drank wine with a gourd in his hand and said lightly:

"Boy, I can only help you so much, the rest is up to you!"

In a flash, a new day came.

Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin sat hugging each other on a seashore in Dongzhou, blowing the sea breeze.

Feeling the magnificence of the sea, it's nice.

"Husband, the scenery here is so beautiful!"

Ye Yaxin leaned on Xiao Yifeng's head and said.

"Yeah, do you want to go out to sea?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Ye Yaxin and said ~ ~ We said that we should be an ordinary person! "

Ye Yaxin said.

"Ordinary people can go to sea, hello, isn't that a ship about to go to sea."

"We can follow them and go out to sea!"

Xiao Yifeng said pointing at a cargo ship in the distance.


Ye Yaxin nodded, apparently thinking of going out to see.

Then they went directly to the cargo ship.

At this moment a group of workers are carrying things on board.

A pair of young men and women stood beside, directing.

"Hi, are you the owner of this boat?"

Then Xiao Yifeng took Ye Yaxin to the men and women and said.

"Yes, do you have any questions?"

The young woman looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

The young man next stared at Ye Yaxin.


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