The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3109: The starry sky is a chessboard, and the emperor is a chess piece!

"I know, they are very strong, and they fought against their master!"

He said solemnly and solemnly.

"The two of them are not easy. You stay here!"

The beast **** groaned, his body rushed out, Yuqi, Tongyi, Xiaosi, Wuliang, Tiansha rushed out.

Soon the large array opened, and their figures rushed out, standing in front of the two mysterious strongmen.

"Who are you? What is the intention of climbing the holy mountain?"

The beast **** looked at the two men indifferently and said.

"I didn't expect that there were already so many quasi-reincarnation men around the kid, and he was indeed the master of the stars.

"But because you still can't stop us two, hand over the **** body and sister Chu!"

The two vomited coldly.

"The two of you didn't expect that after so many years, they are still there, but you don't think that the host is away."

"You can do whatever you want, and if we are here today, we won't let you take anyone away!"

Tiansha watched the two drink.

"Just because you go back and forth a half step, you are not qualified to say this!"

One of the two mysterious men looked at Tiansha with disdain and waved his hand.

A terrible force blasted out towards Tiansha.

Immediately that day Shasha's face changed, and she felt a thick breath of death.

boom! !! !!

Just then, a epee above the void split down, helping Tiansha block the opponent's blow.

Xuan Jun's figure appeared here, holding the epee in one hand, staring at the two men with stern eyes.

"Who dares to move here alone, kill !!!"

Xuan Jun sighed coldly.

"Let's take a look at how your masters of Starry Sky have increased their strength over the years!"

The two vomited coldly.

Boom boom! !! !!

Immediately Xuan Jun, Wuliang, Tong Xi, Tiansha, Hei Qi, Beast God, Xiao Si all rushed towards the two men.

A fierce battle started.

Huh! !! !!

With one blow, Tiansha and Tongyi, Wuliang was directly hit, and his body flew out.

Xuan Jun, Yu Qi, Beast God, and Xiao Si displayed their full strength to fight the two.

"How can you guys be so strong?"

After a fierce battle, the two eyes stared at the beast god, Yu Qi and Xiao Si.

The combat effectiveness of these three men is even stronger than that of Xuan Jun, especially Xiaosi.

The gas she released even had to consume a lot of power to resist them.

It also shocked them both.

This battle will break the world apart, and in another place.

There is a gazebo covered by a cloud of smoke. At this moment, it is extremely bright and looks like a fairyland.

An old man looking like a beggar was sitting in the gazebo and drinking.

He was the old beggar who had previously given the spirit of the Xiao Yifeng rule and the star key.

Just then, the void was torn, and a figure appeared in the gazebo.

This figure is an old man with white hair, wearing a white robe and a beard, and looks like an immortal wind bone.

If Xiao Yifeng were here, he would be shocked.

Because this old man is exactly his dead Master Xiao Yunzi.

"Meet Master Di Shi!"

Looking at Xiao Yunzi, the mysterious old beggar quickly got up and shouted respectfully to him.

"Old friends, don't be so polite!"

Xiao Yunzi said indifferently, and sat down directly.

"Master, it seems that you are fully awakened!"

The old beggar said looking at Xiao Yunzi.

"Well, thanks to that kid, I was fully awake!"

Xiao Yunzi nodded.

"Master, what are your plans for next? His vitality is exhausted this time. It is not easy to recover!"

The old beggar said.

"He will find the next way by himself. The game is already set. Whether he can break it depends on his chess piece."

Xiao Yunzi's eyes glowed with deep light.

"The starry sky is a chessboard, and the emperor is a chess piece. For millions of years, the game is finally set!

"Whether you can break the chess game and break the starry sky, everything depends on him!"

Xiao Yunzi murmured to himself.

Deep eyes seemed to be full of endless starry universe.

"The one chosen by the emperor must not be wrong!"

The old beggar said.

"I'm afraid the one who won't let this game go too smoothly!"

Xiao Yunzi looked at the sky above the void, and lightly scratched his beard and said softly.

"I'll leave it to you next, I have some things to do!"

Xiao Yunzi looked at the old beggar and said.

"Yes, Master Emperor, rest assured, I will arrange it here!"

The old beggar nodded respectfully.

Then Xiao Yunzi's body disappeared here.

The old beggar flashed a complex look in his eyes, took the jug and took a sip.

"Boy, if you don't want to be bound, you have to break out!"

The old beggar took a sip of wine and muttered to himself.

The earth and the sea, in Xiao's Villa.

These days, each of Hongmei and other women has an inexplicable panic and palpitations inside.

This feeling is only when Xiao Yifeng has an accident.

"Sister Hongmei, what happened to that guy?"

Lu Xueqing looked at Hongmei and said helplessly.

"Dad will be fine!"

At this moment, an immature child's voice suddenly sounded, and this talking turned out to be Xiao Xue, daughter of Lu Xueqing.

At this moment Xiao Xiao was less than one year old, and he was already able to walk on the ground.

It is even more complete to speak, just like a five or six year old child.

"Xiao Xiao, you will also call dad!"

Lu Xueqing hugged Xiao Xiao and kissed her on the face.

"Even Xiao Xiao said he would be okay, so let's not worry about that guy's life is so high that he will be okay."

"Let's practice well now. Even a child as big as Xiao Yaochen has surpassed us. It's too shameful!"

Hongmei said.


At this time, Xiao Yaochen ran into the arms of Hongmei ~ ~ At this time, Xiao Yaochen looked like a two- or three-year-old child, and spoke very fluently.

The most important thing is that these two little guys are now highly scary.

A divine spirit realm is ninefold, and one has reached the nirvana realm.

It's almost like a monster, so women like Hongmei are ashamed.

And in the small courtyard house where Su Yan lives.

Su Yan, Xiao Fan, and her uncle Jiang Yan who took care of her, together with Xiao Lei who likes Su Yan sitting and eating together.

"Come, Xiao Lei, eat more!"

This Jiang Yan has been enthusiastically feeding Xiaolei.

"Thank Jiang Yan!"

Xiaolei said quickly.

"Come and taste, these are all dishes made by Xiaoyan. They are very good!"

Jiang Yan said with a smile.

PS: Ask a wave of WeChat public account to pay more attention to the broken bone WeChat public account. In the future, various character plots may introduce spoilers in advance in the public account. There are also many benefits. Pay attention, it is definitely worth it!

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