The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3111: Accident at sea

"Do you ship out to sea?"

Xiao Yifeng asked.


The woman nodded.

"My wife and I want to go out and see. Can you take us for a ride?"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"This one……"

"No problem, yes, come on!"

The young woman hadn't answered yet, and the young man on the side said excitedly.

Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin were then taken to the cargo ship.

At the same time, they also knew that the young man and woman were siblings, named Liu Jie and Liu Ying. They were from a chamber in Dongzhou.

Their cargo ship was carrying cargo to the North Sea.

Xiao Yifeng hasn't been to Beihai yet, but this time he took the opportunity to take a look at Beihai.

The North Sea and Western Regions, East Island, and Southern Deserts are collectively referred to as the four major areas of the ancient world.

However, the North Sea forces are on a sea island, and rarely interact with people in other parts of the ancient world.

Some chambers in Dongzhou also regularly transport some goods to the North Sea for sale.

"What a beautiful girl, I never thought it would be a waste to follow an old man!"

Liu Jie looked at Ye Yaxin's back and sighed.

"Brother, wouldn't it be because of that girl that got people on board?"

Liu Ying looked at his elder brother and said.

"Of course, how can such a beautiful girl belong to an old man!"

Liu Jie snorted coldly.

Soon the cargo ship set sail and began to sail slowly towards the endless sea.

Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin stood on the deck, facing the sea breeze, looking at the blue sea and enjoying themselves.

"I'll get you something to eat!"

At this time Ye Yaxin looked at Xiao Yifeng and said, got up and walked towards the cabin.

"Miss Ye, is that your husband?"

Liu Jie came to Ye Yaxin and said.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

Ye Yaxin said.

"I don't think he deserves you. You are so young and beautiful, how can you follow an old man?"

"It's better that you follow me. I'm the chairman of the Red Sea Chamber of Commerce. You are definitely better than following the old man!

Liu Jie looked at Ye Yaxin and said, his eyes were full of greed.

"Sorry, I just like my husband alone!"

Ye Yaxin said coldly, and left directly.

Liu Jie came to Xiao Yifeng with a somber look.

"Old man, I give you a chance. Leave Miss Ye, I can give you a bunch of spar!"

Liu Jie looked at Xiao Yifeng and said with a high toe, with his head raised and looking high.

Xiao Yifeng glanced at Liu Jie and said, "I don't want crystals!"

"Then what do you want?"

Liu Jie coldly.

"If you are willing to die for Yaxin, I will leave my wife!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.


Liu Jie's face sank, and there was a look of anger in Xiao Yifeng's eyes.

"Hum, you wait!"

Liu Jie snorted and turned away.

Xiao Yifeng seemed very calm about this, if not promised Yaxin not to use his strength casually.

He had long slapped the guy into the sea to feed sharks.

Dare not to remember his wife, he is not afraid of death.

"Damn old guy, dare to play with me, I will let you see and see how powerful Liu Jie is!"

In a cabin room of this cargo ship, Liu Jie hummed coldly.

"Brother, don't mess around, I don't think the two of them seem easy!"

Then Liu Ying came to Liu Jie and said.

"What are you afraid of, an old man, a woman, what is not easy, and this is on our cargo ship, so many of us, and my father is in town."

"I treat them as I want to deal with them. Tonight I chopped the old guy to feed the fish, and then the chick is mine!"

Liu Jie hummed with a cold look on his face, with evil eyes flashing in his eyes.

Liu Ying sighed and said nothing.

In an instant, night fell.

The sea in the night seemed very silent.

On the rough sea, the cargo ship was slowly moving.

Outside a cabin, the Liu Jie came here with a group of warriors.

It is Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin who live in this cabin.

"On, men's chopped, women are not allowed to hurt!"

Liu Jie told his men that the cabin door was opened immediately.

Liu Jie rushed in with his men.

Huh! !! !!

At this moment Xiao Yifeng got up from the bed, looked at Liu Jie with cold eyes, and said coldly:

"Do you really want to die?"

"Boy, the dead is you!"

Liu Jie snorted coldly. As soon as he waved, the men waved their swords towards Xiao Yifeng.


Ye Yaxin gave a cold drink and waved out her palms. All of Liu Jie's men were suddenly blasted out, spitting blood on the ground.

Liu Jie was shocked by Zhen Fei.

Xiao Yifeng got up and came to Liu Jie, stepped on his body, and said coldly:

"Just because you dare to remember my woman, it seems you really want to feed the fish in the sea!"


Just then, a loud clamour suddenly sounded.

Liu Ying quickly walked over with a man in his robe wearing a robe.

That man was a strong man with five lives and death, and it was Liu Jie's father.

"Father, save me !!!"

Watching the man appear, Liu Jie screamed while lying on the ground.

"Let my son go!"

The middle-aged man yelled at Xiao Yifeng.

"Your son seeks death by himself, no wonder others!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

Boom boom! !! !!

Just then, there were sounds of waves from outside.

A huge torrential storm came, and the whole sea was filled with endless waves, and the cargo ship that was hit kept shaking.

Xiao Yifeng they were shaking.

"what happened?"

Xiao Yifeng frowned.

"Get out and see!"

The father of Liu Jie called out hastily, and a group walked towards the outside of the cabin.

Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin didn't bother about Liu Jie anymore ~ ​​ ~ came to the deck.

At this time, the entire sea surface was setting off huge waves, as if to overturn the cargo ship.

At this time, Liu Jie's father waved his hands, and the entire cargo ship was suddenly shrouded in a huge mask, which was a defensive formation.

"How come such a big storm and waves suddenly?"

Liu Jie's father frowned.

"Father, what do you think it is?"

At that moment, Liu Ying screamed at the sea in front of the cargo ship.

At this moment sharp angles appeared on the sea in front of the cargo ship.

Rushing towards the cargo ship, it looked like a huge shark.

"No, it's a sea shark!"

The father of Liu Jie changed his face immediately, with a look of fear in his eyes.

Soon the entire cargo ship was surrounded by a large group of sea sharks with sharp angles.

These sea sharks all changed into humanoid shapes and appeared around the cargo ship.

There was a huge fork in his hand, and he was surrounded by a coat of animal skin.

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