The Best Male God

Chapter 994: Warrior Phoenix 13

Liang Fengyi was kneeling on the ground, but Gu's parents were still expressionless. All the mood of the daughter had disappeared at the moment when the son died. The Gu family had asked Liang Fengyi to come back to accompany his son Gu Jinrui. The girl turned her attention to her son. Eventually that happened, so Gu's parents kicked people out of the house so ruthlessly, except that because she always saw Liang Fengyi as her biological daughter, she found that her daughter and her son were together. In addition to the discomfort, it was because after that happened, his son Gu Jinrui lived in the hospital.

My son has congenital heart disease. I can imagine what kind of blows he would cause if he experienced such a stimulus. Later, his son really died, and his father and mother could n’t forgive him. Liang Fengyi has let her in now, but she also wants to know what she said about her son.

"What do you want to say?"

Gu mother first spoke, her son has died for so many years, even if she dreams about her at midnight, she will still dream of her son, which is her only son, so she ca n’t let go at all. In addition, sometimes it is inexplicable. Thought of Gu Fengyi.

How many people used to say that Gu Fengyi is a girl who will take advantage of anyone who marries in the future. After all, Gu Fengyi is not only elegant and elegant, but also born so beautiful, just like her development in the entertainment industry, she succeeded. Let everyone be fascinated by her, and finally became an internationally renowned film.

Gu's mother was distressed and secretly paid attention to everything about Gu Fengyi, but the death of her son made her still resent the little girl, and she always unconsciously blamed anything on the little girl's head.

Now I see Gu Fengyi again, no, she is already Liang Fengyi. In her early forties, she was still so thrilling, reminding her that when she took her son to the orphanage, her son looked at Liang Fengyi, who looked beautiful. Is this the wicked edge?

Gu Fu said nothing, maybe it should be said that he didn't know what to say. The man who used to speak and laughed became indifferent with the death of his son.

This kind of condition of Gu family is actually okay to want other children, but when Gu mother gave birth to Gu Jinrui, it was difficult to give birth. Later, the doctor said that she had better not to have children again. In addition, Gu father, Gu Fu has a good relationship with his mother, and has no ambitions. For such a long time, there has been no illegitimate child. There is not even a woman outside. Now that he is older and no one is under his knee, this is how he became The reason for gloomy old man.

Liang Fengyi knelt on the ground, raised her head, tears had fallen from her eyes, and she looked at her old parents, and she realized what she had missed. She shouldn't have escaped at first, and shouldn't have escaped because of guilt and fear.

If you want to enter the entertainment industry, you want your parents to be able to see themselves anywhere. Now, when she sees her old parents, Liang Fengyi regrets that she has not been with her parents for more than 20 years, and she is back now. However, only being able to see them so old made Liang Fengyi regretful.

"Dad ... Mum ... I came back this time to tell you something. The thing that happened was that I was not right, and I shouldn't have wishful thinking about my brother. Later, I was really sad when my brother had an accident, so I fled abroad. I don't want to tell you not to blame me, I just want to tell you that when I went out from home, I was actually pregnant ... "

When the three words of pregnancy came out, the Gu family husband and wife were confused, and the indifferent faces, at this time, looked at Liang Fengyi with an unspeakable strangeness, because they did not expect that their son had died for so many years. There will be children!

These days, the Gu family and husband and wife have already begun to prepare their heritage. They originally left part of the heritage to Liang Fengyi, and then donated part of it, but now when they hear Liang Fengyi, the Gu family and husband are unconsciously expecting something in their hearts. They do not know themselves. What were you looking forward to, but looking at Liang Fengyi's eyes became hot.

"I always blame me. I secretly went to my brother's room and happened to my brother. My parents pushed me out of the house. I didn't think it was my parents' fault at all, but I was a bit afraid of facing my brother. My brother hated me, so I never dared to come back. After I escaped, I found out that I was pregnant, and I thought, if I can give birth to my child, my brother will definitely not hate me, but I want so hard I gave birth to a child, but I was afraid that my brother would find me, so I went to a poor hospital, and two days after the child was born, it was stolen ... "

Liang Fengyi said, the tears on her face made Gu's mother feel a little distressed, but at this time, she could not take Liang Liangyi's thoughts into consideration. When she thought that her son might have a son-in-law, she might have become a grandma, and Gu's mother was excited. Look directly at Liang Fengyi.

"You say your brother has a child? Where is he now? Is it a boy or a girl? Did you find him?"

Gu's mother will not doubt Liang Fengyi's words, because Liang Fengyi's feelings for Gu Jinrui cannot be felt by ordinary people. Even after Liang Fengyi became a star, she did not miss Gu Jinrui's birthday or death. In the line of the word, Gu's mother was very sure that Liang Fengyi had not forgotten her son, even if it is now an internationally renowned film, but there is still no object, which is enough to prove her idea.

"Mom ... it's all my fault. When the child was lost, I couldn't find it for a long time. Then Uncle Wang called and told me about my brother, and I came back. I knew that my brother had some collapse after his death and fled. Abroad, this child ... I found it two days ago. I have already done a paternity test. He is a boy. He is 26 years old this year. "

She said, there was a calculation in Gu ’s father's side. The boy is now 26 years old. It should have been Liang Fengyi's birth at that time, because Liang Fengyi was also the little princess in the palm of their family, other boys. It was impossible to do anything to her. The only time she was willing to do it was that it was time for her son Gu Jinrui.

"Where is he? Why don't you bring him over?"

Gu's mother was excited, and her eyes were red at this time. In fact, from her heart, she expected her son to have offspring. At that time, her son had been treating congenital heart disease. The doctor said that it is better not to let his son be intimate with the woman. Contact, this would cause him to be seriously ill, such a child, how can the life of his son be important?

Because of this, Gu's mother was so sad that she drove Liang Fengyi out of the house. Now, Liang Fengyi suddenly said that her son had a child! Gu's mother didn't believe it, but she believed in Liang Fengyi.

"Mom, it's all bad for me, I'm too late to find him ... this is his picture, he looks like his brother."

Take out the photo taken for Zhou Zekai. In the ward, Zhou Zekai lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed seems to be just asleep, and such a picture made Gu's mother look, the hands holding the photo were shaking, aside Gu Gu could n’t care about his identity anymore, so he hurried to look around, and when he turned his eyes on the young boy, he was also stimulated, because if his son can grow to twenty-six years old, it should be Do you look like this?

Gu Jinrui died at the age of 20, and the best age in life has disappeared.

Gu Gu shook his hands and tried to touch the person on this photo, but later found that the photo seemed to be in a hospital. The child was lying on a hospital bed?

"What's going on? Why is he in the hospital? Is he sick?"

Almost just by seeing the picture of this child, Gu ’s father was able to determine that this is definitely his son ’s child, because this looks almost exactly the same as his son, and his eyebrows are similar to Liang Fengyi, which made Gu ’s father think of a lot of things.

"Dad, he's unconscious in the hospital right now. I've found a private detective to investigate what happened that year. His name is Zhou Zekai. I don't want to tell you what happened. Please read this newspaper."

Liang Fengyi didn't want to let go of the person who abused her child, so this time, I also hope to unite the father's ability to deal with the person who bullied her child!

Gu Fu picked up the newspaper and looked at it, but it turned out to be unsightly, with the headline of "Venom and no food" and the sensational vegetative words, making Gu Fu's hand holding the newspaper trembling.

After all, after so many winds and waves, Gu ’s father calmed down and took a hard look at the newspaper. Now he understood what was going on, and thought his grandson would be vegetated by others, Gu ’s father felt Can't stand it.

At this moment Liang Fengyi gave out two more documents to her mother.

"Mom, this is the DnA appraisal of me and that kid, and the DnA appraisal of my brother and that kid. Before I came, I had found Uncle Meng, got my brother's blood from Uncle Meng, and made an identification. If you don't believe me, you can ask Uncle Meng for another identification. Uncle Meng already knows everything. "

Uncle Meng is Gu's personal doctor. He is not too young this year. When Liang Fengyi went to see him before, he was startled. He only knew that there might be blood in his family, and he was also happy for his family.

Mother Zhou looked at Meng Yin to prove that her hands holding the documents were shaking, and then set the documents aside.

"He, where is he? Take me to see him, I'll see him now !!!"

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