The Best Male God

Chapter 995: Allegation Phoenix 14

My son has a son, but he has a grandson! This is a big shock for Gu Fu and Mu, because his son died only twenty years ago 26 years ago, although they had long wondered whether to freeze his son's sperm before. The Gu family continued the offspring, but was opposed by his son.

In the son's thoughts, children need to be born with the love of their parents. Gu Gu and his mother could n’t understand his son. Later, something like that happened, and he did n’t have time to do that. The son died. There are no more thoughts in this life, but a grandson came out?

And is a 26-year-old grandson! !! !!

After calling Meng Yin, the Gu family and his wife took Liang Fengyi to the hospital. Many times they did not need the facts to prove that when they saw this person, they could actually feel it.

Human blood is a very magical thing. It can make you feel a lot of strange feelings. If a person is connected to your blood, just seeing him really feels in your heart.

Several people quickly arrived at Zhou Zekai's senior ward. The eyes of Gu Fu's mother fell on the child lying on the bed. Their eyes constantly described Zhou Zekai's face, because this face was almost like his son. It ’s very similar, and sometimes even the father and mother would imagine, if their son grows up, what will it look like, will it be the same?

Finally, Gu Mu's tears fell down, and she was very sure that the young man lying in the hospital bed was definitely his son's son and his grandson. Because of this appearance, it was enough to prove everything.

Gu Gu also had complex eyes. After looking at people, he looked at Liang Fengyi.

"Can he wake up?"

The newspaper said that it was vegetative, but Gu Father knew that the newspapers were exaggerated and could not be the same as what the newspaper said, so Gu Father had some expectations in his mind.

"He will definitely wake up, dad, even if he doesn't wake up, I am his mother, and I will take care of him forever."

Hearing this, Gu Father's face became cold and cold, thinking of the situation in the newspaper, his heart was indescribably angry, and his grandson was treated so much that Gu Father couldn't accept it.

And Gu's mother couldn't take care of that much anymore. She reached out and held Zhou Zekai's hand, her eyes were full of nostalgia.

"Old man, look at it, how similar he looks to A Rui, almost exactly the same as A Rui, if A Rui can grow up, it must be like this?"

She said, a kind smile on her face made Gu's heart soften.

"A Rui would be very happy if he knew he had a child."

He gave the answer, but he actually wanted to know if the child who had been sentenced to a vegetative state could still wake up? Is it that their Gu family is destined to be lonely in this generation?

Liang Fengyi saw that her parents had accepted her child and hurriedly said.

"Dad, mom, I believe he will wake up. He was broken by his family before. Now we are all his relatives, the closest ones. As long as we insist on telling him, we are waiting. As he wakes up, he will definitely wake up! "

This belongs to a mother's obsession. Liang Fengyi does not believe that God wants to reunite with his son, just to face such a thing, at this time the tone is very firm.

"Well, I also believe he can wake up."

Gu Fu decided that the medical level here was not good enough and grandson had to be transferred to a better hospital.

Gu's mother took Zhou Zekai's hand and couldn't bear to let go. The warm hand made Zhou Zekai lying on the bed feel it. At the same time, I heard these people's words and realized that she was not a Zhou's child, It was a child of another person, and now the family member who came from him was found, so his previous plan similar to tearing was not used, so Mimi quietly moved her finger.

The mother Gu holding Zhou Zekai's hand suddenly became stiff, and then directly raised her voice.

"Old man, he moved! He just manually operated it! Is he about to wake up?"

Looking at Zhou Zekai with excitement, Gu Fu and Liang Fengyi also looked at the past, and even Meng Yin from the side looked at him. He was in his early sixties, and now seeing Zhou Zekai ’s eyes really reacted. A joy.

"His eyes are changing. This is a sign to wake up." He looked at the machine aside, and found that the other person's heartbeat had also fluctuated violently. "You call him quickly, call him, maybe he immediately Will wake up !!! "

Meng Yin, who had dealt with vegetatives, knows that some vegetatives are also able to hear outside speeches, so they will stimulate the nerves in the brain and cause various reactions in the heart. Now Zhou Zekai must be waking up!

Liang Fengyi, they were very happy and excited, and kept talking.

"Akai, I'm a mother. Would you wake up and see if your mother is OK? I was sorry for you in the past. As long as you wake up, let mom do whatever she wants."

"Good boy, I'm grandma. You wake up, you can go home with grandma ..."

Even Gu Fu could not bear to say.

"Child, wake up. When you wake up, I will buy you many good things and teach you to manage the company ..."

The enthusiastic call seemed to respond quickly. After a few minutes, the doctor had already come, and the moment of witnessing the miracle had also taken place. Zhou Zekai was held by his hand, and he actually opened his eyes, only when he opened After opening his eyes, he was confused.

After looking at the ceiling for a while, he turned his head to look at the people around him, looked around, and fell on the hand being pulled.

"That one……"

As soon as I wanted to speak, my throat was very uncomfortable and very hoarse, so Liang Fengyi quickly got the water and took a cotton swab to Zhou Zekai's lips, hoping his son would feel better.

The doctor hurried over.

"Now don't talk first, make your throat comfortable for a while, otherwise it will hurt."

Everyone looked at Zhou Zekai with expectant eyes. Zhou Zekai seemed a little embarrassed. His eyes were somewhat dodged. Because he was told by the doctor that he couldn't speak, he could only lie there, and then quietly waited for his throat.

The Gu family was happy to die, especially after Zhou Zekai opened his eyes. They felt that the child and his son were more imaginary. Even Meng Yin, who was on the side, felt that the family saw Gu Jinrui, who was once surprised. Zhou Zekai's identity is beyond doubt at this moment, it is definitely biological.

Within an hour, because the patient had just woke up, everyone remained silent, waiting for Zhou Zekai to recover.

Zhou Zekai was lying there, thinking that his mother-in-law might still be a superstar, and the identity of his father-in-law was not ordinary. In this case, he should always be able to get rid of the former Zhou family. Originally, I wanted to use Jin Chan to remove the shell and pretend to have amnesia to accomplish this result, but now that there is such a family, Zhou Zekai decided to restart a new life.

The past things should be forgotten. I believe that both the Gu family and the mother named Liang Fengyi should hope for a clean self?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zekai decided that his ideas were perfect.

Almost half an hour later, the doctor came to check, and after checking, it was determined that Zhou Zekai had no problems on his body. When he was about to leave, he heard the patient speak.

"That ... Doctor, I seem to forget who I am. Can you tell me, who am I?"

This directly caused the air in this senior ward to freeze. When the Gu family and husband heard this, they immediately looked at Liang Fengyi, and Liang Fengyi nodded. In fact, they were very satisfied with such a result, as long as the child was no longer Think of those hurts, everything is easy to say.

"You're Gu Gu, my grandson. I'm your grandfather."

Grandfather Gu directly spoke at this time. This is the name he had saved for his future children. Now he just happened to fall on Zhou Zekai's head. The mother beside him also groaned with a smile and reached out and held Zhou Zekai's hand.

"Little sister, I'm a grandma. It doesn't matter if you don't remember grandma. Later, you will slowly learn about grandma."

Her eyes were full of care, and Zhou Zekai nodded unconsciously, and Liang Fengyi on the side also opened her mouth.

"I am your mother Liang Fengyi, and you are my child."

Meng Yin saw this family member ’s reflection, and it ’s hard to say anything. I secretly called the doctor to ask me in the past to see what happened to the amnesia. Is it a temporary or permanent amnesia?

In short, what to do if you accidentally restore your memory at that time? Anyway, Meng Yin is still very worried.

This hospital belongs to Zhou Zekai's attending doctor. After seeing Zhou Zekai's amnesia, he was blinded. Then he performed a series of inspections on Zhou Zekai to determine that he was okay, but that he had amnesia. He may have permanent amnesia. Over here, it seems that they are both rich and expensive, so even if there is amnesia, is it okay?

Because of amnesia, Zhou Zekai is close to the Gu family and his wife and Liang Fengyi. This intimacy makes the three of them happy. He seems to have forgotten a lot of things, but he still remembers some things, such as learning, Let Gu's father be more satisfied with Zhou Zekai, and think that even if the child has amnesia, he is so clever. It really comes from his son's inheritance.

Especially after accidentally hearing that his father liked music, Zhou Zekai quickly showed off his musical talents, which made the Gu family husband and wife have red eyes, and Liang Fengyi also seemed to see her brother again.

# 失忆 计划 通 #, Zhou Zekai successfully turned himself into a young master Gu Gu of the Gu family.

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