The Best Male God

Chapter 993: Alleged Phoenix male 12

Sister Wang was really helpless with Liang Fengyi. Her reasoning told her that she should stop all actions of Liang Fengyi, but she also felt distressed to see Liang Fengyi's red eyes. After all, she was a mother. She was able to Understand Liang Fengyi's feelings in the heart, this kind of hard to find a son, but found that the son has become a vegetative thing, I am afraid anyone can not accept it ...

Because the relationship between the two was determined, Liang Fengyi did not leave the hospital, and even spent money to transfer Zhou Zekai to a quieter senior ward. Sitting in the ward, Sister Wang looked sad.

"Feng Yi, Director Sun still wanted to find you to play a movie. If you release such news at this time, how do you let fans see you? Having a child at the age of sixteen is a bad thing, and you are When you leave the circle, you leave the circle, but the company has promised a good endorsement. If you do n’t go, the company plus you need to pay for it. You have saved a lot of money for so many years, but now this child has become What would you do if you didn't work hard to make money to feed him? "

Sister Wang tried to persuade Liang Fengyi, hoping that Liang Fengyi would not disclose the matter, at least not for a short time now.

Liang Fengyi watched Zhou Zekai lying on the hospital bed gently, holding Zhou Zekai's hand very tenderly.

"Sister Wang, I have a feeling. He just fell asleep and didn't want to wake up. He didn't become a vegetative. He knew that I had come to him, and he would definitely wake up. Since I have found it, why don't I Under him? He was bullied so much that he did n’t know how much he suffered from childhood. When I watched the video, I was absolutely the most incompetent mother in the world. Not only did I lose my child, but also let my own child bear it. That kind of thing ... "

Regarding the Zhou family, Liang Fengyi has sought a private detective to investigate. At first, her son was stolen and she was in the hospital. She tried to hide that person's search, so she went to a poor hospital, but the result was Thinking that the child was stolen, there was no camera in that hospital, so I didn't know who the child was stolen. At that time, Liang Fengyi was almost crazy.


What did Sister Wang want to say, but Liang Fengyi turned to look at Sister Wang and said.

"I'm going to Gu's home tomorrow, sister Wang, help me prepare. I'm going to see Gu's second elder."

Looking at Liang Fengyi inconceivably, she learned what happened to Liang Fengyi that year. Sister Wang even thought that Liang Fengyi would never go to see Gu's second wife in her life, but she did not expect that Liang Fengyi would go back.

That's right! Yes go back! Liang Fengyi had no surname Liang and Gu, she was a child of the orphanage. After being adopted by the Gu family's husband and wife to accompany the couple's two sons with heart disease, only when Liang Fengyi came out of the orphanage, she already had a memory and knew herself. Not a child of the Gu family. After gradually growing up, he fell in love with his 'brother' Gu Jinrui, and even pursued Gu Jinrui after a confession for a while. After knowing that this relationship had no results, he even went to his brother's room in the middle of the night. A relationship with Gu Jinrui.

Zhou Zekai came from that night.

After that kind of thing happened, two people were caught by the Gu family husband and wife on the spot. At that time, the Gu family husband and wife were terribly angry, and they didn't talk well. It was impossible to stimulate Liang Fengyi who was only 16 years old at the time. Hiding, she found she was pregnant, very happy and sweet, so she secretly found a place to give birth to her child.

Unfortunately, she gave birth to the child, and just wanted to tell her favorite person, but found that the child was lost, and almost crazy Liang Fengyi searched for the child for a long time, but received the news of Gu Jinrui's death, and his heart attack Now, I haven't survived this operation. After that, the Gu family's husband and wife gave white hair to people and no other children. Gu family's roots were broken here.

At Gu Jinrui's funeral, the Gu family said that Liang Fengyi was not allowed to take another step into the Gu family. Today, Liang Fengyi is going back to that place for his son.

"Feng Yi ..."

At this time, Sister Wang understands how determined the woman has been. It has been twenty-six years since then. The Gu family is now in their seventies, but they are still no successors. I heard that Gu family The side branch of the family always wanted to cram the children in their own family, but the Gu family husband and wife did not agree.

Now I do n’t know that the Gu family ’s husband and wife know that they still have a grandson. They have been abused in this way, and now they are going to become vegetative. What will they do?

When Liang Fengyi first developed in the entertainment industry, she also encountered problems. At that time, Wang wanted to ask the Gu family for help. Liang Fengyi refused to let her die. Now, for her own son, Liang Fengyi is going back.

In the end, Sister Wang said nothing and planned to inform the company to arrange public relations. This matter seemed to be exposed!

Just after Sister Wang arranged the company's affairs, and there were still a lot of media people, she also posted her own Weibo for the first time after returning home in the early morning of the same day.

[Liang Fengyi V: My mother is an irresponsible mother, and you have suffered a lot. From today on, no matter what happens, I will stay with you, my son, my mother is waiting for you to wake up. [image]】

As soon as this Weibo was posted, all the fans were blinded. You know, although Liang Fengyi's gossip message said that she was in love, she never exposed that she was married. She is forty-two years old. It is said that all the time of life is devoted to making movies, but now, why suddenly became a mother?

In the picture is Liang Fengyi's hand. She is holding another beautiful hand, a man's.

Such news is almost like a bomb. The whole entertainment circle that blew up is dizzy, what's the matter? Isn't Liang Fengyi busy filming all day? Why did you suddenly become a mother? And the hand in this picture is a man's hand, and it's not small ... Is this so-called son filming?

# 梁凤仪 生日 ## 梁凤仪 当 妈妈 # These hot and fast rushed to the top of Weibo, the company side is to deal with all those bad comments one by one, when Liang Fengyi developed a conference by himself Back to the detailed description.

On the second day, Sister Wang brought Liang Fengyi's clothes. After changing, Liang Fengyi left with Sister Wang, but someone in the hospital was still chasing the news of Zhou Zekai. It turned out that Liang Fengyi was filmed. Wake up that sentence, let the reporter's brain quickly diverge, think that this Liang Fengyi, will not have something to do with Zhou Zekai who has been vegetated by his relatives recently?

With this in mind, the reporter hurriedly investigated.

And Liang Fengyi was sitting in the car and was going to go back to the place where she was the most beautiful for ten years. After the death of her brother, she never wanted to go back to that place. One was because of fear, the other was sad, because she also sometimes I wonder if my brother's death had a lot to do with myself?

When the car finally reached Gu's villa, Liang Fengyi got out of the car and stood at the door of the villa. When the security of the gatekeeper saw Liang Fengyi, he was shocked.

"Miss ..."

Yes, even after more than 20 years, the security is no longer young, but he still remembers Miss Gu's family, Gu Fengyi, because the appearance of Miss Gu's family at that time was incomparable to any woman. As a star, I also said that I got the best actress of Oscar a few days ago ...

It's just that Baoquan hasn't seen Gu Fengyi for a long time. I don't understand how she came back at this time.

"Uncle Wang, I'm back."

Liang Fengyi smiled like a child, very gentle, making Baoquan a little embarrassed, and a little awkward, because a long time ago, the master and his wife said that Miss Feng Yi was not allowed to come back.

"Miss, this ... both the master and the wife are at home, but I can't let you in, or else, you call the master and the wife?"

How did things go back then? I did n’t know about the security, but just knowing well, Ms. Feng Yi was kicked out of the house. Later, she developed well in the entertainment industry, but Gu ’s family was different. When Gu Jinrui died, Gu ’s family ’s Vitality is like death.

"Uncle Wang, you also know, my parents didn't answer my call at all, you can help me to communicate it, and say that I am back, there is something I want to tell them about my brother."

Liang Fengyi knows that her abilities can also let her son's grievances be vented, but her brother has died, she ca n’t be so selfish, and do n’t let her parents know that Akai exists, even if Akai is only a vegetative now, but she knows Ah Kai will definitely wake up.

He looks so much like his brother, and will definitely be liked by his parents.

When my brother died, my parents were almost ashamed, and Liang Fengyi was uncomfortable, so she was near hometown, and she was filming abroad all day. Now, she wants to admit mistakes, she wants to bow, because she knows that she can give her brother That's all it brings.

There was no other way to protect him, so he called and the babysitter picked it up at home.

At less than eight o'clock at this time, the Gu family had just had dinner and were working on some documents. As a result, they heard that the nanny said Liang Fengyi was here, and the looks of the two were not very good. For this daughter, the two really loved them at the beginning. Yes, it happened only after that, how could they not get through this level in their hearts. Now when they hear their daughter come back, it's because of the son, and eventually the father cares about it.

"Let her come in."

It has been twenty-six years. It has been twenty-six years since the death of his son ...

When Liang Fengyi walked into this long-seen home, and saw the Gu family sitting there, her former parents, she walked over to her knees ...

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