The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 592 The jumping prophet!

Symbols: restrained!

"Ban" noticed the word symbol at the first time, but he could only see the word "JU" in it, and could not see the other character combined with the "JU" character to form the word symbol.

See the meaning of the word. "Ban" has also memorized and memorized Chinese dictionaries, so it is natural to know the meaning of the word "Ju".

Arrest and seizure, restraint and detention, restraint...

This is most of the meaning of the word "Ju". Presumably as a symbol, its meaning cannot avoid these meanings.

Now, the word symbol was obviously heading towards the clawed beast in the dimensional cave, and "Half" was also a little panicked.

As a member of the Kaidan "Humans", his function is to reduce the power of all hostile groups.

This kind of ability cannot interfere with most of the root ghost stories, because the root ghost stories are not as fragile as humans and can easily survive in the netherworld. After finding a loophole in the space, they can return to the real world. It is just a matter of how long it takes. .

However, for some creatures below Root Kaidan, this set of combos is almost impossible to solve.

The number will be reduced by half every five minutes, and under normal circumstances not even the root ghost talk can do anything to him.

Half virtual and half real, neither human nor strange.

"Half" has come to an end on its own path. Each member of the strategy team needs to have its own function in order to become a member of the Kaitan "human beings".

And he is a special power of the strategy team, which represents the absolute restraint on the concept of "quantity".

No matter what kind of human wave tactics it is, it is meaningless in front of him.

In one hour, he can destroy two thousand target units; in two hours, he can destroy nearly 10 million units.

Except for the sound propagation range that barely limits his abilities, his functions are almost flawless and irreplaceable.

If he could, he could even wipe out ordinary humans around the world in one day and completely fill the Nether Space.

At the same time, "Half" also possesses an invincible ability to protect himself. Having mastered part of his causal power, he can easily avoid most attacks. Only a magician's special attacks that are accurate to every cell can do this. Hurt him.

But it is only possible, because he can completely escape his body into the netherworld, and then replace the clawed beast in the netherworld space to "represent" his existence.

The claw beast is an irrational creature that will attack all targets around it madly. It can only vaguely understand the instructions of the creature that is also contaminated with the aura of the netherworld, which is him.

Attacks against him will cause more and more clawed beasts in the real space, until all visible life forms in the surrounding environment have been wiped out.

This is an invincible strategy. The only flaw is the claw beast used to "represent" his existence.

The claw beast was born in the netherworld, and it is also half virtual and half real. Ordinary attacks cannot kill it at all, and the process of its arrival in reality is actually a conversion between substances, making it immune to almost all attacks.

The moment before it appeared in reality, the clawed beast effectively "disappeared" and could not exist in the real space. Only then could it have the opportunity to interfere with him, making him unable to escape into the netherworld and passively bear the damage covering his whole body.

Exactly at this moment.

The accident happened too suddenly. Before "Half"'s panic was generated, the clawed beast traveling through the netherworld was hit by the "Juju" symbol and included in the universe of "Yu Liang".

The priority is higher than anything else, which means that the speed of the word symbols taking effect is the highest.

"Half" could not summon the clawed beast in the netherworld again, and the 1/512 body that should have escaped into the netherworld was forced to stay in reality and withstood the terrifying arc ball attack.

Electric current surged through his body, and the violent power completely extinguished all life in "Half".

If it is a normal attack, it can only damage 1/512 of "half". There is no problem for him to discard such a small part. Anyway, most of the body is still in the safe netherworld.

However, this is an arc carrying the [Chain] rule. This energy follows the 1/512 body to find the part in the netherworld and kills it completely.

"You... you..." Half of the phantom opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to say something else, but the arc did not give him a chance, killing him quickly and absolutely.

The breath of the root ghost story emerged from the "half" figure, slowly drifting away like a wisp of fragrance until it completely disappeared.

Kaidan "Human" has died, and Kaitan "Half", the root of his body, has naturally returned to his origin, without giving anyone else a chance to stop him.

In other words, the source of this ghost story is already living in the netherworld, and very few people can find it, let alone communicate with it.

Just as the source of the ghost story disappeared, the 39 players who had just disappeared into the real space reappeared in the sewer.

Xu Cixi, adventurers and others immediately came to the aid of these returning players and brought them to an air circulation area on the surface for treatment.

These "disappeared" players probably entered the netherworld for about four minutes. Asphyxiation is indeed dangerous, but some physical warrior players have strengthened their bodies, so four minutes of lack of oxygen will not completely kill them.

Some of the weaker non-physical warriors died of suffocation, with their cheeks turned purple and blue, while more players died due to attacks by special monsters in the netherworld.

In order to avoid monsters, you need to move, but activities will consume more oxygen in the lungs. In addition, the attack desire and lethality of the ghost monsters are terrifying. Therefore, after statistics, the Haicheng Alliance obtained a data.

15 people.

Only fifteen of the thirty-nine people survived, and six of them lost their limbs. Two of them suffered brain damage due to long-term lack of oxygen and required a period of recuperation to recover.

After Yu Liang solved the "half" problem, he took the time to make some "Ju" characters for "Yu Liang" to use.

With the "wolfberry" and "dog" in the Scrooge's jar, the "Ju" characters were not too difficult to synthesize, and nine were quickly completed.

Originally, using word symbols was a very time-consuming task, but "Zhi" couldn't bear Yu Liang's pleading, and with some special requests, he finally helped Yu Liang conquer the remaining nine clawed beasts.

The requirements are also very simple. "Zhi" has recently become obsessed with new games, but since there are too many dogs hanging in sword tombs in these games, she wants to have her own server.

Well, almost every game that can be connected to the Internet wants to set up a server and have someone to maintain it.

She may not play at ordinary times, but she must be able to have a good time when playing, at least not because the hanging dog will affect her playing experience.

If it weren't for the restriction of Yu Liang's character field, "Zhi" would really be able to do things like follow the network cable to find someone to settle accounts.


Nether Claw Beast

Gradient: T1

Abilities: [Combining Virtual Reality] [Armor Breaking] [Start-Up Acceleration]

[Combining reality and reality]: Always keep part of the body in reality and part of the body in the netherworld. This feature can be used to avoid a lot of damage.

[Armor Breaking]: It has huge claws and provides a high armor breaking bonus. After the armor breaking is completed, the attack power bonus will be obtained depending on the enemy's defense level. The higher the defense level, the higher the attack power bonus, and the duration is 5 minute.

[Startup Acceleration]: Gain instant acceleration and high attack power bonus when entering reality, causing a heavy hit to the target hit for the first time, causing it to bleed, be seriously injured, and become disabled.

The panel of the Claw Beast is not complicated. [Combining Virtual Reality] increases its strong defense, [Armor Breaking] is an attack-amplifying skill, and [Start-up Acceleration] is an instant-kill skill.

Yu Liang experimented and found that the effect of [Start Acceleration] is to give the newly summoned claw beast a very strong initial speed to achieve a sudden advance effect.

At that moment, wherever you point within a 20-meter radius, it will hit you with an instant wind-piercing thorn, which can effectively kill the enemy with [Armor Break].

However, this rush will only be triggered once within fifteen minutes. It probably takes a certain amount of time to restore the energy of the clawed beast. Otherwise, Yu Liang can release-recall-release-recall, completing an extremely unusual [Thousand Techniques] Silver coin array.

He controls a T1 claw beast, and it can reach the ten-claw realm, which is much more powerful than Lu Mingzhe's five-talisman realm.

After conquering these 10 claw beasts, Yu Liang has gained a lot. After all, even the coach will find the claw beasts more difficult to deal with, and it is even more difficult for ordinary T1 physical warriors to harm the claw beasts.

No matter what type of attack, it is very possible to dodge it with [Combining Virtual Reality]. This characteristic is disgusting.

Not everyone can learn the magician's full-coverage attack.

By the way, the magician...

Yu Liang thought of this and immediately searched for the magician. This was the player he was most curious about.

Let's not talk about the feat of killing T1 alone with a mortal body. Just the explosive magic effects he just made showed how powerful this guy is.

It is worthy of being the "top two seats" alongside the coach. One takes the ultimate warrior route, and the other takes the ultimate mage route. Their strength is extremely terrifying.

Yu Liang had met magicians before, but most of the time he saw magicians in pajamas. This time he finally saw him in formal attire.

The other party perfectly matched the image and temperament of a magician in Yu Liang's impression. He wore a neat and well-fitting black suit, a high hat on his head, and a pair of pure white gloves on his hands.

Yu Liang stepped forward and listened silently to the conversation between the founders and the magician. Now with his status, it was natural for him to participate in the founders' meeting.

"Writer, you are here. Thanks to your word symbols, we were able to capture this 'half'." The programmer noticed the writer and showed a kind smile.

Although the programmer's dress is old-fashioned, a plaid shirt that is common for programmers and a white T-shirt as a base is her daily attire. A pair of thick glasses detracts from her appearance, but if you look closely, she is kind-hearted and has a gentle temperament. The foundation is still very good.

Following the programmer's words, the founders all looked at Yu Liang and praised Yu Liang's performance just now.

"I didn't expect you to master the glyphs so quickly. We are still communicating with our own origins." The priest sighed, as if the progress was not optimistic.

It is not so easy to convince a root monster to integrate itself with the players and unite them closely.

Not everyone in the founding chair has the source of ghost talk, but everyone has the power of the source level.

Those who have the root ghost talk need to communicate and master the temporary power of the root ghost talk. This power is definitely not as powerful as the root ghost talk's own use of rules. It is only comparable to the level of using word symbols, but this is enough.

Players just want to use word symbols instead of applying the rules like the real root monster.

Founding seats with root-level power need to be sorted out slowly, because this power is likely to be mixed with other chaotic powers. It needs to be completely picked out and the power of rules alone can be extracted to form words.

For example, Li Huachao's regular ability is shot speed, but this is a small item included in [Weapon Mastery], as well as the three abilities of "Overall Constitution +9", "Cold Weapon Mastery" and "Dagger Skills at the Peak" .

If you want to use the rule of shot speed alone, you must temporarily abandon the other three items and return to the roots to use the word symbols.

This is too difficult for hunters, so it is only theoretically possible, but is basically not considered in practice.

"You are very good. You can see the connection between 'half' and the big claw from a distance." The magician thought of the battle just now.

Thinking that it was not difficult to attack the clawed beast, he also thought about it, but he had no way to make the "clawed beast" disappear instantly.

Everyone has a monster column, but not everyone can use this extremely special word symbol.

"Well, it's still too late. If it had been earlier, maybe so many players wouldn't have died." Yu Liang sighed, he really felt sorry for these players.

Living players can promote consumption and can be hired to work and create economic value when the safe zone is built; while dead players are also valuable...

The most troublesome thing is the current situation. So many players have died inexplicably. The Haicheng Alliance can only help them collect their bodies, and then collect some of their relics into the Haicheng Alliance's warehouse and distribute them to players based on their contribution points. other players.

Maybe this is disrespectful to the dead, but in the world of ghost stories, this is inevitable.

Living is the most important thing, and in order to let more people live, everything can be temporarily given up.

Even the founders themselves are like this. If they die, they will also "whale" and have endless blessings.

The only exception is the original engineer Xue Wubin. That is because Xu Cixi is his legal heir, and the relics naturally belong to Xu Cixi.

After some communication, the magician learned that the lawyer's corpse contained the memory of the raiding team, and immediately stated that he could extract the memory of the corpse to some extent.

"But I need to perform this ceremony alone and confirm this memory first." The magician continued, his eyes scanning the founding chair present, "Is that okay?"

At the same time, Yu Liang suddenly felt an extra memory in his mind.

It appeared very abruptly, but blended in very naturally, as if he had known about it a long time ago.

Magician, he once "stealed" time.

This is the guy with Qin Haijian, who is also a member of the secret team.

There is another item in the extra memory, which is the magician's words, which were added to Yu Liang's head in a magical way.

"Help me, there may be a mole in the founding chair, and I need to catch him/her out."

Yu Liang couldn't help but hiss in his heart and looked around at the founders' seats, feeling a little undecided.

Now this situation is like a magician leaping into a prophet, but is a leaping prophet really a prophet?

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