Someone beat the prophet.

After Yu Liang reviewed the memory implanted by the magician for himself, he immediately thought of this matter in his mind.

I don’t know if it’s because the magician has a special ability, but this memory feels both natural and unnatural to Yu Liang. He can tell that it’s the magician’s fault, but when he recalls it, he subconsciously feels it. It's really happening.

This vague and abrupt feeling is like someone building a stone city wall in the game, but after repairing it until there is no stone left, they can only use a piece of wood to make up the number.

You said that the functions are similar, but they look different, and there are subtle differences in essence.

After thinking carefully for a while, Yu Liang finally understood what was wrong with the memory implanted by the magician.

The simple reason is that there is no "Yu Liang" in this memory.

Normally, oneself will not appear in the memory, but subconsciously, one always knows that one has oneself. All memories are essentially stories that take place from the first-person perspective of "Yu Liang".

The memory implanted by the magician is different. It tells Yu Liang very straightforwardly that this is not what you saw or what you heard. You are only the recipient of the information, not the feeler of the information.

Essentially, the problem arises here, so Yu Liang can feel the difference, and he is glad that he can discover the difference.

If the memory inserted by the magician is no different from his original memory, wouldn't it be possible to influence and interfere with his cognition at will?

Just like the moon in the Moon dungeon, the ability to modify memories at will is too disgusting. If you have a source of ghost talk in your body, you can barely maintain yourself. Without the source of ghost talk, it may become a mere plaything.

So, are magicians worth trusting?

Yu Liang felt a little hesitant. After listening to the magician's words in this memory, the other party specifically emphasized one thing to him.

The magician is a person who has "stealed" time, similar to Yu Liang. This seems to be revealing his identity and telling Yu Liang that he is also a member of Qin Haijian's secret team.

This is somewhat possible.

Qin Haijian is at least on the side of human players, right?

Yu Liang made a judgment in his mind and decided to trust the magician for the time being, but he needed to be careful.

"Extracting the memory of the corpse needs to be done alone?" The priest frowned slightly, "Is it because of the specific requirements of the ceremony that there must be no one around, or is it because you simply don't like people around you?"

The priest's question is not unreasonable. He knows that the magician is used to being loose and doing whatever he wants. This guy can really do such a thing.

Because I didn’t like people around me, I made up lies and said it was a matter of rituals and procedures.

"Of course it's because... I can't trust you." The magician chuckled, but there was not much malice. "As you know, there may also be strange 'human beings' in the founding chair. Although it is said that the strange 'human beings' did not enter the City of Forgetfulness before they entered the Forgotten City. He doesn’t even know his identity, but who knows if he will suddenly awaken his memory?”

This is the most disgusting thing about the strange "human beings". Maybe the player thinks that he is normal, just like a lawyer, but at a special moment, the memory hidden in his mind suddenly awakens, and then he becomes a "civilian" "The most hidden "werewolf".

"In this case, let me watch from your side." Yu Liang said. He originally wanted to monitor the magician, so he naturally wanted this situation to happen.

He is not the founding chairman, and he is not suspected of talking about "human beings". Moreover, he discovered the lawyer's body and the memory of the strategy team. He is considered to be a good man and can fully shoulder such a responsibility.

Naturally, Yu Liang's proposal was well received by all the founders. I don't know why, but for the writer...

They basically trust me.

The coach is because the emergence of the writer has indeed strengthened the overall strength of the Haicheng Alliance. The priest is because the sponsor adventurer is the writer’s friend, and the beekeeper and the programmer also don’t have much objection. After all, the writer has shown Not weaker than their strength.

Well, it might have been weak, but once the words came out, it basically put the writer one version ahead.

"Okay, then come with me and bring the lawyer's body, and we'll go to the tent over there." The magician waved to Yu Liang, and then led the way.

The founding chairs looked at each other and followed suit. They would not enter together, but they had to look after each other at the door anyway.

The lawyer's body was moved from Aze's inventory to Yu Liang's inventory, and then was carried to the tent. Yu Liang opened the curtain of the tent and walked in. When he looked up again, he found that he had arrived at an abandoned building. Rooftop.

Yu Liang: "???"

Wait, this tent has become a portal?

When did this happen?

He subconsciously felt something was wrong, and his eyes quickly searched for the magician.

Yu Liang really didn't expect such a move. Maybe it was because he was in the camp and surrounded by many powerful founders, which gave him a sense of security.

In addition, the magician's ability is already weird and hard to guard against, and he actually got caught.

However, "Zhi" is still in his shadow, and because the character's ability to avoid "Half" was placed in the universe before, he is now in his prime, and he is not too worried about the magician's tricks.

"Don't be so guarded. I don't have any grudge against you." The magician walked out from behind the water tank on the rooftop and threw a can of iced Coke in his hand. "No, I originally wanted to bring you a can of beer. But it feels like you don’t drink?”

"Indeed." Yu Liang took the Coke and lowered his hand naturally. The shadow under him immediately fluctuated. A pure black slender hand reached out of the water and snatched the Coke from Yu Liang's hand accurately and quickly.

Of course, this was what Yu Liang did deliberately. For a magician who didn't know his true identity, he naturally needed his sister to help test the poison.

"Oh? Is there someone else in your shadow?" The magician noticed Yu Liang's loud noise, so he smiled, walked to the water tank again, reached out and opened the water tank.

However, his action was not like opening the water tank normally, but more like opening the refrigerator.

The water tank was divided into two parts from the middle, half to the left and half to the right. The magician took another can of Coke and threw it to Yu Liang.

"What did you bring me here for? Is there anything we can't discuss in the camp?" Yu Liang was the first to question, unable to restrain himself.

The magician took a sip of beer, took out a handful of peanuts from his inventory, and replied while eating: "Although I do have the ability to install soundproof enclosures, there are also people in the founding chair who can. The guy who bypassed the soundproof enclosure (chew-chew-chew) so it’s still not safe enough.”

After saying this, he took a big sip of beer and let out a loud burp.

Yu Liang: "..."

Why don't you talk nicely?

Let's use "chewing peanuts" as punctuation here, right?

He looked like a cold and mysterious handsome guy when we first met him. Why did he look like this after leaving the camp?

Aze saw me like this, the magician is faster, he just saw me like this...

Am I some kind of downgrader?

Yu Liang complained in his heart, but the magician had no intention of stopping. He just drank beer and cracked peanuts.

"After all, what I'm about to say next (chew chew chew) is not suitable for those guys to hear (chew chew chew)." The magician is very good at eating peanuts. His dexterous fingers that are supposed to be born for magic quickly eat the peanuts. The shell peels off, and then the peanut kernels are taken out and accurately thrown into the mouth, and they are all eaten quickly.

He casually threw the peanut shells off the rooftop, with a happy smile on his face: "It's so nice to forget the city. No one cares about me when I throw garbage. Do you know? The last time a programmer caught me like this, she threw it directly at me. I have a three-day temporary procedure written on my body, and all the garbage thrown outside the trash can will appear in my pocket... I am really convinced."

The magician chatted and spoke to Yu Liang like a chatterbox: "Guess what happened? I happened to be stuck in the dungeon on the third day, and killed a giant python, and took out the remaining things from the snake's guts. threw……"

Yu Liang didn't reply, just listened to these chatter silently, while observing the nearby landmark buildings.

There is a dilapidated church here, but unlike other buildings, the glass of the church is colored and printed, and it is still colored today, and the reflection under the eyes is breathtaking.

Obviously, the church was probably inhabited, otherwise the stained glass would have been covered with a thick layer of dust and would never be as dazzling as it is now.

"Where is the trash can in that replica world? I didn't notice it at the time. I didn't know until I got home that the giant python appeared in the pocket of my favorite suit..." The magician took a sip of beer and said He revealed a bit of regret, "It is said that the scene was very spectacular at the time, and it looked like the scene of a murder. Fortunately, the beekeeper's carrion bees helped me dispose of the body in advance."

"Well, is this what you want to prevent the founders from eavesdropping?" Yu Liang still couldn't hold it back and stopped the magician's thoughts.

I thought he was the cold-blooded type, but I didn't expect him to be so talkative. Sure enough, are all the people on the stage essentially talkative?

The magician took a deep look at Yu Liang, and there was sadness in his eyes that was too subtle to be noticed: "No, what I mean by saying this is... I actually cherish them, because I really don't have many friends. I became a ghost story player. It became even more rare after that.”

"But no matter what, there may be weird 'human beings' among you. This is an indisputable fact." Yu Liang heard what the magician meant.

"Yes, I know. Before awakening their memories, they were still able to maintain their original intentions, but after awakening their memories, their impressions of them disappeared in my impression." The magician continued, "So I have entered forgetfulness before. City, try to solve the matter of Forget City before them, so that maybe the memories of one of them will not be triggered, and personal consciousness can be preserved."

"It seems you failed." Yu Liang sighed in his heart.

Unexpectedly, this magician actually values ​​the friendship between the founders.

I heard Aze say that this guy's personality is simply extremely narcissistic, but I didn't expect that he has such a side.

"I 'stole' time, so I have thirty days more than you. During these thirty days, I tried to solve the problems in Forgotten City." The magician went around and around and finally came to the fundamental issue. , "It took me a long time to finally get close to the source of the crisis, but I failed without any power to fight back."

"Origin? What is the origin?" Yu Liang felt that the magician seemed to have detected something, and asked quickly.

The magician shook his head: "My memory is wrong, my cognition has been modified, and they have engraved the words 'cannot be changed' in my mind, so it is difficult for me to say too much about preventing the restart." Come on with the fighting spirit.”

"The memory is wrong? Then what happened to you..." Yu Liang thought of something and looked at the magician.

"Yes, I don't have a source of ghost talk in me." The magician nodded solemnly, "I admit, this is my biggest mistake. I thought I didn't need the power of the source ghost talk. This is my personal speciality, but in fact Not having the source of ghost stories is my greatest weakness, because I cannot maintain the accuracy and integrity of my memory."

The magician seemed to have thought of something, and finally just sighed and said: "But according to Qin Haijian, I still succeeded, because I 'cheated' time, which caused the current timeline to deviate even more seriously. The subsequent development No one can figure it out."

Qin Haijian?

Yu Liang thought of this guy from the magician's situation. It seems that the first thing Qin Haijian saw when he saw him was to borrow the moon from him, right?

Isn’t the moon’s ability to modify cognition and memory?

What does this guy want to do?

Anyway, it’s definitely not just about controlling one more source ghost story and obtaining more possibilities of word symbols.

"But I still did some things after I separated from you. I tried to find the traces I left behind during the 'thirty days of disappearance'. Although I have no memory, the traces left in the City of Forgetfulness are still there. It will be preserved." The magician continued, "Judging from some of the traces I left behind, I have tried some relatively basic methods to destroy Kaidan's human plan, but they all failed."

"First, it is very difficult to break through the defense line of Kaitan 'humanity', because they have a group of allies who want to 'chickens and dogs ascend to heaven', and the quality of those guys is higher than the current Haicheng Alliance."

"Second, destruction is ineffective. The strange story is that 'human beings' possess a wordless tablet that records the words of the root. It was something brought out from a certain copy, and the original body is protected by special rules."

"Third, preventing the 'migration' is also ineffective. The strange 'human beings' have already collected most of the needed 'words', and the rule words can be reused, so it is only a matter of time to complete the restart."

The magician looked at Yu Liang seriously: "I only have one method left and I don't have time to experiment."

"What method?" Yu Liang asked. He could make a judgment on his own, or he could ask someone in his heart who was solving math problems to help him make a judgment.

The magician said: "The solution is not in the present, but in a higher dimension."

"Higher dimensions? Four dimensions?"

"No, time is meaningless to them, it needs to be higher." (End of Chapter)

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