The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 591 Symbol: Retention

"" Xu Cixi, who was forcibly brought to the ground by the soldiers, was still a little confused. She lowered her head and looked at the world under the manhole cover. There was no one in the sewer pipe.

Those players who were still there just now, those who showed concern and nervousness about the battle situation just now, disappeared in just an instant.

Only a series of traces such as scratches and footprints left when they entered the sewer remained, as if mocking the futility of their efforts.

At this time, Xu Cixi also heard Aze's explanation. Such cold and absolutely inhuman words stung her heart, but she was not an innocent little girl, so she knew that this was the best. Intend.

The trolley problem will always be the trolley problem, but as long as it is a question, there must be an answer. It is a question of how many people can be convinced by the answer.

"Stop talking, the responsibility for this matter lies with all of us. I will personally explain the situation to the founding chairs." Xu Cixi did not blame anyone, but said in a slightly lower voice.

From a team perspective, such a choice was understandable; from a moral perspective, a stinging feeling of betrayal of everyone's trust hurt Xu Cixi's heart.

The 38 people who went underground completely believed in them standing on the ground, so they were able to all enter the sewers in just a few dozen seconds. They never thought that the sewers were the absolute path to death.

At this time, Xu Cixi felt ashamed when she recalled that the soldiers went into the sewer to fish her out, so she would not let Aze take all the blame.

"Hey, why are you still depressed?" Aze couldn't help but be happy looking at Xu Cixi's appearance, "Of course there is a reason why I specially asked the old squad leader to rescue you. It's not because of your special status, but because of your special status. Because your hypnotic ability is needed to influence the cognition of that strange 'human being'."

He added an explanation: "His abilities are all based on the 'half' rule. If this understanding can be strengthened or weakened, it may be able to help the coaches. The 39 people lost in one minute is within my tolerance range." Within, but the disappearance of the second wave at six minutes is absolutely unacceptable.”

Haha, the main reason is of course your special status. If Yu Liang knows that I clearly guessed that the players in the sewer may die but don't save you, I will be damned!

Do you understand? It’s over!

Aze has a steelyard in his heart, and everyone's value can be weighed, including himself.

When necessary, anything can be traded.

"Is that so?" Xu Cixi frowned slightly and looked up at the hip-hop shota and the coach who were fighting together again, with a little firmness in their eyes, "I'll give it a try."

Aze's eyes shifted unconfidently, then turned to Yu Liang, and whispered: "And you, I'd like to think of something."

"I thought about it. I originally wanted to use the word talisman, but after looking at that guy's ability, I couldn't hit it." Yu Liang expressed his helplessness by spreading his hands.

The "restrained" word symbol is indeed extremely powerful, but the prerequisite for being powerful is that it must be hit.

If he can hit it, the coach's Root Sword is enough to "half" eat a pot. Do we still need to wait until he uses the word symbol?

Aze had an "as expected" expression and sighed: "You mastered the word symbols so quickly, you are the real pervert."

Now the players in the above-ground world gathered around, and some of them were eager to get answers to current questions from Yu Liang and others.

"Didn't you say that you can avoid 'disappearance' by disappearing from that little boy's sight?"

"The people who went to the sewers really disappeared..."

"What now? How can we be useful."

The main ones who spoke were the former lawyer's subordinates, mixed with some workers and peasants. Their words did not mean to strongly accuse Yu Liang and others, because strictly speaking, the actions of Yu Liang and others inadvertently saved their lives.

Being able to stand and speak at this moment is the best result.

As long as we don't drive them into the sewer now, everything will be fine.

"I believe that the Founding Chairs only had one minute just now. Time was too tight. Now that we have five minutes, the Founding Chairs will definitely be able to solve the problem." Xu Cixi gritted her teeth and decided to stand up. "Players who disappear may not die directly. If it doesn’t happen, everyone can think of new ways to deal with it.”

There were whispers among the player group, but most of them were wondering about the details of "Half"'s abilities. Some bold guesses were too bold and had no reference value.

After all, everything that can be used now is fighting the enemy on the street. For example, the choir led by the priest is constantly cooperating with the priest to release mana to restrict the activities of the "half"; for example, the programmer led by the programmer is releasing martial soul fusion. technology, and work with programmers to control that huge system screen.

Most of the remaining players are at the two gradient levels of T2 and T3. It's okay to ask them to use characters to attack "half", but it is a bit difficult for them to come up with a solution.

Based on their abilities, their priority is far lower than that of the Root Kaidan, and some special abilities cannot affect the Root Kaidan at all.

And if you use characters...

Now the main attackers on the field are only coaches and magicians, and even priests and programmers have been reduced to assistants. What can these ordinary players do?

There are already three clawed beasts on the field. Their fighting understanding is extremely high, and they have extremely strong physical fitness. Their huge claws can break rocks and break soil by slapping them casually on the ground, which is very powerful.

That's all. This kind of clawed beast may not be able to break through the coach's defense, and it certainly cannot hit the magician's body, but they are very rogue. The target has never been the coach and the magician, but to break through the encirclement and attack. Players behind.

With the clawed beast in this weird state rushing into the group of players, I'm afraid not many players can handle it.

That's right, the summoned claw beast inherits the characteristics of "half". Only part of the body is in the real space, thus immune to most attacks. It must use the magician's all-round and accurate flame vortex down to the cell level. Only then can it be completely killed.

The killed claw beast will return to the void, and the "half" body will be fuller than before.

When there are three clawed beasts, the "half" body in reality is only one-sixteenth at most, but after killing one clawed beast, it reaches one-eighth.

The magician no longer took the initiative to attack and kill the claw beast, because he realized that such a thing was meaningless.

Obviously, this is the most troublesome special creature so far.

An order was given in advance to reduce the number of players by half every five minutes, and his body fell into this weird state.

Normal people couldn't attack every cell in him, but the magician did it, but it still didn't work.

"Half" can choose to let his body completely enter the netherworld, thereby replacing half of the clawed beast.

From a practical point of view, attacking "Half"'s body actually makes him stronger, his body becomes smaller and harder to hit, and there are more claw beasts on the field to help...

Although they couldn't make any waves, the order they just issued has been running, and they don't have so much time to continue to waste it.

Just like the opponent chanted the "Song of Destruction", there is no need to do anything yourself, as long as time continues to pass, you will naturally win.

The magician remembered Qin Haijian's reminder that this "half" was very powerful and had the potential to destroy the entire Haicheng team.

"Disappearing" means entering the "netherworld", where there is no everything needed for human life, including air and water.

In other words, one to six minutes after entering the "netherworld", all players who "disappear" will inevitably die of suffocation.

Judging from the number of players present, it may only take half an hour for all of these players to die, leaving only the last lucky one.

"Half" will not do anything to cause extinction, but it will only leave one player behind, which has achieved his goal.

In any case, there's not much that can be done with just one person left, and it's even more impossible to contend with the monstrous "human beings" who have tens of thousands of people.

The magician, coach and other founders and the hip-hop shot were in a deadlock. It seemed that no one could do anything to the other, and this deadlock was exactly what "Half" wanted.

"You have never been able to change anything, so why don't you give up?" Ban Youyou said, "Hand over the body and memories of Strategy Group 72321, and I can leave now."

Hearing this, the coach's brows frowned slightly, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously pulled down.

Just as he thought, this "half" was indeed for the memory of the raiding team in the lawyer's corpse, which showed that the memory of the raiding team was extremely important.

The more this happens, the less likely it is that "human beings" will be blamed. The memory of the strategy team must be successfully extracted.

"Coach, give way."

Just when the coach felt that he was in trouble, the magician spoke softly.

The coach immediately turned to look at the magician, and happened to see the arc of light dancing in his eyes.

"Next, I will try my best to attack 'Half', so I need you to stay far away." The magician continued, "I want to try to see where this guy's endurance limit is. Since three clawed beasts are not enough to stop him, If the main body is reduced, then try thirty or three hundred."

There was only "half" left in his eyes, and his tone was inexplicably frivolous: "I want to know, if your body is reduced to one ten thousandth or one hundred thousandth, can you still exist in reality? "

"Then let's give it a try." An exaggerated smile appeared on Ban's face. He didn't have any fear, but said crazily, "Come on, let me try to see if 'humans' can resist." Root's power!"

Before that, even Kaidan "humans" had to master the Source Kaidan before they could stand equally in front of the Source Kaidan and master this same level of power.

If magicians can use "human" bodies to fight against the root ghost stories in their hands, it will provide them with a new research direction.

The coach silently moved away. He read a solemn meaning in the magician's tone, and at the same time he had some doubts in his heart.

Does this guy mean that the next moves may hurt him even with residual power?

Injury to him whose physical fitness has exceeded its limit several times?

Could it be said that the magician's skills have improved during this time?

But the magician's professional abilities are obviously fixed when he enters T1, right?

It seems that his growth as a coach is almost unlimited, right?

The magician did not reply. A huge ball of lightning light gradually condensed in his hand. The ball of lightning light kept rotating. The arc surge showed its instability, but it could be evenly divided into countless pieces. portion, covering "half" the entire body.

Whether it's solid or virtual, it's all covered.

At the same time, the leaking current was beating on the field and connected to a clawed beast.

When the curved ring formed by the electric arc enveloped one of the claw beasts, the same curved ring of electric arc appeared on the other claw beasts for no reason, locking them firmly in their original positions.

Not far away, "Half" was forcibly driven into the netherworld by the arc ball. The new clawed beast broke through the void and emerged from it, but as soon as it left another dimensional space, the exact same arc ring appeared on its body. , was imprisoned in place like his companions, unable to move.

"Tsk." Aze couldn't help but tut. He could roughly understand the mystery of the magician's move.

Arc warp is for "race".

If one claw beast is imprisoned by the arc ring, all other claw beasts will be imprisoned, and even subsequent claw beasts will be imprisoned together.

To put it simply, all creatures with the same name within the range will be affected by the arc loop, which is a magical skill.

At this time, only this move can prevent the newly generated claw beast from breaking through the defense line and entering the player's camp.

After all, the arc group's attacks are endless, "Half" can escape into the netherworld without limit, and the claw beasts that replace him are also being generated like an assembly line.

In just over ten seconds, there were already nearly ten clawed beasts trapped in place on the field. Their bodies were struggling and twisting in the thunder and lightning, exuding a special smell of burnt feathers.

"Tsk, tsk, if this kind of move is used in your Cao Ying Ranch, I'm afraid one move can make you bankrupt." Aze thought of something and looked at Yu Liang beside him and said.

Yu Liang, on the other hand, witnessed the constantly opening dimensional gates and the clawed beasts leaking out of them, and he came up with possible solutions in his mind.

"Xu Cixi, go try and see if you can interfere with 'half' and affect his definition and understanding of 'half'."

"Ren'an, try opening the 'half' box to interfere with the normal operation of this guy's abilities."

"Aze, what you said..."

Yu Liang glanced at this guy, shook his head and said, "I don't need you for the time being."

After completing the basic arrangements, he stepped forward. The shadow behind him grew from the ground and gradually evolved into another version of himself.

"Switch to Lu Baoshen and use 'Restraint'. Don't use it on 'Half', but use it on the clawed beast that has not come out of the dimensional hole and grab it directly into the universe." Yu Liang said "Hi" to his side. The evolved "Yu Liang" said, "This guy has no accomplices around him. We strive for success once and don't give him a chance to convey the message."

"Okay." He understood Yu Liang's plan.

Since "Half" uses the clawed beast in the netherworld to bear the attack instead of himself, then he should select this clawed beast and capture it into the universe.

Without the "half" of the replacement object, it cannot enter the void and can only passively withstand the magician's attack.

"Yu Liang" slowly entered the arc field, and the overflowing shadows on his body spread the current. Just as the arc ball once again released its power and submerged "Half", the dimensional hole opened again.

The claw beast got out of it quickly, but at the same time, another thing was faster.

The word symbol jumped among the silver coins according to Lu Mingzhe's control, and instantly hit the clawed beast that had not yet completely emerged from the dimensional hole.

[Juju]: means to capture.

The next second, the clawed beast was completely "captured" and sent into the universe by "it" himself, turning into a special purple-black character card.

"Word symbols? You actually mastered the word symbols?!"

Ban was immediately shocked and speechless for a moment.

Sewing after sewing, Palu is so fun QAQ

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