The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 568 I want this ninety-eight thousand betrothal gifts!

Li Huachao was definitely not a person who kept his word, so after making a promise to these players from Ningcheng, he rushed to the lair of the Lord God Brother without hesitation, preparing to select some valuable championship prizes.

As a judge, I personally went into the rat hole to select prizes for the contestants. I wonder if you feel touched?

Wait a minute, it seems that I am still the producer and producer of this variety show.

That's okay, prizes and stuff should be my concern.

Li Huachao followed the guard with a rat head and a rat brain. Of course, he didn't know where the Lord God Brother's lair was, so he needed a rat to lead the way.

Of course, as the smart and witty successor of the Yuliang Group, Li Huachao threw a "hunting mark" on the high jumper He Yingying when he left.

It's like a sign that guides him at critical moments.

Even if you get lost in the underground world, don't panic, as long as you find this strange XP He Yingying, you can escape.

Following the rat guards, Li Huachao walked through the long tunnel and arrived at the living area of ​​the rats.

The living area was located in a huge pit, and they passed through it from a high-altitude corridor.

Looking down from both ends of the railing, Li Huachao could see that the living area was divided into standard grids, with a family of rat people living in each grid.

Most of the utensils used by the mice are made of clay themselves, or they are iron tools or other tools taken from human ruins in the above world.

And Li Huachao was like a curious baby, observing the lives of some rat people below.

There were mice chasing each other, rats washing clothes by the dark river, and then moving the entire tub of clothes to a marble in the center of the living area for ironing.

Judging from the heat rising from the marble, there should be some kind of heat source underneath it, allowing the mice to "dry" their clothes in the dark underground world.

Looking down like this, it looks a bit like the life of ancient people, because there are no electronic products here, everything is original, but occasionally you can see some high-tech products that humans have used.

It has become a world. Although the number of rats is not too many, it can barely be regarded as a civilization.

With the protection of the source of ghost stories, one can survive well in the Forgotten City.

The only thing that made Li Huachao feel uncomfortable was that in some of the grids, some rats were cooking something smelly. Wave after wave of stench floated upwards and got into Li Huachao's nose.

"Sneeze." Li Huachao sneezed. He definitely didn't like this smelly thing, so he quickly took out Tuyou's big white leg and took a few sniffs to relieve the stench in his nose.

"My Lady Queen, this was just now..." The rat guard faintly saw something white and colorful flashing in front of him.

Li Huachao waved his hand and said: "It's nothing, you can't get used to it."

He looked down at the rat living area below, feeling like he wanted to do something but didn't know what to do for the time being.

Whenever he saw this primitive prototype of civilization, Li Huachao had a strong impulse to influence the development path of civilization.

Just like the great men in history, they single-handedly reversed the course and route of history.

He may not be that awesome, but at least he wants to leave a mark in history.

Anyway, he has already done the same thing in the Cao Ying civilization on the flesh and blood planet, and now the Rat and Rat civilization...

Let me think about it.

Li Huachao began to think seriously, but not long after, he looked up at the rat guards and asked, "By the way, your pit is so deep, how do you usually get down there?"

He looked around the pit and saw no ladder or anything like that.

"Of course we're going to fly down." The rat guard blinked. It raised its hands, revealing the two small wings on its sides, and flapped it slightly.

"You actually have wings... yuck!" Li Huachao said in surprise, and then he felt a mixed odor coming from his face, like a big cake full of feces, sweat and swill. People suffocate.

The rat guard came forward with a concerned look on his face: "What's wrong? What's wrong, Queen?"

"When facing me, don't raise your hands or flap your damn wings, okay?" Li Huachao calmly put the knife in front of the rat guard's neck and said while holding his breath.

It was almost impossible to take a bath on a rat who was known for his odor, so the armpits were definitely the hardest hit area. After being fanned by the rat guards for a few times, Li Huachao couldn't stand it any longer.

But he couldn't tell the truth yet, because how could the queen, with her gorgeous body, refuse such fragrant armpits?

It's obviously not in line with the character.

"Okay... okay." The rat guard clamped his armpits tightly and nodded in a small manner, trying not to touch the tip of Li Huachao's knife.

"Yeah, very good." Seeing how sensible the rat guard was, Li Huachao smiled charmingly (the rat guard looked like this).

"By the way, what is that?" He stretched out his hand towards an incomprehensible circular building in the center of a living area. When the rat guard looked over, he immediately turned away and pulled Tuyou's big white legs away when he wasn't paying attention. He took it out and took a couple of strong sniffs, and then he came back to his senses from the painful state of the three-water wet pancake on his face.

Sure enough, it was an extremely smart decision to bring Tuyou's leg with him. It can be used to detoxify at this time, and you can also eat explosive seeds at critical moments...

There are really not many Fu Rui who are as considerate as Tuyou.

But having said that, these rat people seem to be bats, not mice. The wings are really small, so they look like mice.


I don’t know what this means yet. I just know that when these guys spread their wings and fly high, they will be in a mess.

"Your Majesty Queen, you guessed it right. The big house in the middle is the house of the Lord God. It is directly connected to the second underground floor and leads to the space where the Lord God lives." The rat guard said, "We just entered through that gap to steal the wine. Yes, we can go in from there later."

"Is this so? It's interesting." Li Huachao noticed a small gap on the side of the dome house, which was obviously dug out by something.

Indeed, the Lord God's brother lives in the living area, so those rats just now were able to steal the Lord God's brother's moonshine with ease.

Now, all you need to do is follow the rat guards into Brother Lord God's lair, move all the betrothal gifts, then go back to be a judge, and prepare to run away at the same time.

A cheerful smile appeared on Li Huachao's face, urging the rat guards to lead the way. He was about to go in and search.

The rat guard stretched out his hand, spread his small wings and flew down.

Li Huachao, on the other hand, used [Spider Man] and swung down below in a few strokes, landing just in the gap of the circular fortress.

"Let's go, you lead the way." Li Huachao still had some basic awareness of precautions and chose to let the rat guards get into the gap first.

The rat guard didn't care. He got down and got into the gap with ease. He stuck out his butt and called Li Huachao to come in: "Come on, come on, this is the hole."

"Hiss--" Li Huachao squatted down, and a smoky fragrance greeted him at the entrance of the cave, stinging him so much that he could hardly open his eyes.

It's bad, it's a mistake, we shouldn't let the rat guards go in front, because they will follow behind and eat the exhaust fumes.

Li Huachao bared his teeth and felt regretful, but he had no choice but to tear off a piece of clothing, wet it with water, cover his face, and slowly move towards the gap in the cave.

"Hurry up, don't waste time." Li Huachao turned around and kicked the rat guard on the butt without any courtesy at all.

The rat guard was stunned at first, then flushed a little, nodded repeatedly, and crawled forward.

Soon, one person and one mouse entered the lair of the Lord God Brother. The space here is very large. It can be seen that it is divided into living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and other areas. Most of the furniture here is made of compacted soil. It is made of clay, but its texture is completely different from ordinary soil.

"Pang Pang -" Li Huachao knocked on the table with the handle of his knife, and there should be two sounds of gold and stone clinking on the table.

The furniture is made of earth, but it has been completely compacted, creating a feeling that is not earth at all.

Is this the ability of the strange creatures in this area?

No, only the furniture here is like this. It looks like the ability of Brother Lord God, or simply the ability of Lord God.

Li Huachao made a simple judgment in his heart, and then followed the rat guards into the basement. The first thing that caught his eye was a large door.

The door showed an abnormal dark black color. Li Huachao tried to stab it with a dinner knife. The knife, which originally cut iron like mud, could only scrape off a layer of black mud from the door.

"This door?" Li Huachao looked at the rat guard on the side, and saw the rat guard smiled mysteriously, and then waved to Li Huachao.

The rat guard came to the side of the door and took off a layer of mud board used to cover it from the wall where the door connected.

Behind the clay tablet was a vertical gap carved out by the rats. The rat guards sidled their way into the treasure room of the Lord God Brother.

Li Huachao: "..."

Well, the door is reinforced, but the wall is not, right?

The wall is not as strong as the door. It is like digging through the wall to enter the treasure room. It can only be said that the Lord God brother really knows how to hide treasures.

Entering the treasure room is another world. The small treasure room is divided into three or four areas, many of which are filled with large boxes of open resources.

There were six large clay jars stacked in one area. Each jar could hold 50 liters of wine. Li Huachao stepped forward and took off the lid of one of the obviously opened wine jars, scooped out a small spoonful and sniffed it. , confirming that these things are moonshine.

If there are five or six cans, it will be almost three hundred liters. Every three hundred milliliters is a dose, which can help the player's overall physical fitness increase by one. There is a total that can be packed here...

How many servings are there?

Li Huachao blinked and couldn't figure it out, but he was too lazy to do it and immediately walked to the next area.

There were boxes after boxes of sundries in the second area. He rummaged through them and found that most of them were daily necessities.

Such as brushes, buckets, sanding paper, etc.

Li Huachao carefully studied these daily necessities and found nothing strange, so he cast a somewhat puzzled look at the rat guard: "What are these?"

"In this case..." The rat guard squatted down. In the past, it basically came here to steal wine and drink, and it didn't pay much attention to what else was here.

The main reason is that other things don't smell good and have no taste.

The rat guard rummaged around in the box, and finally picked out a transparent hair from the brush, and handed it to Li Huachao tremblingly: "This, this, this... this is the hair of Lord God, so this brush is The Lord God has used it!”

Its voice was filled with excitement and a little nervousness.

"Oh? Lord God's hair?" Li Huachao reacted instantly. He seemed to understand what these boxes were.

They are probably all things that the so-called Lord God has used, right?

These things actually appeared in Brother Lord God’s basement...

Li Huachao's expression changed, showing a slight expression of disdain.

Hey, this big brother is still a perverted brother-in-law. Why are you trying to steal my husband from me?


Shameless stuff.

Wait a minute, no, I'm going to escape the marriage after grabbing the bride price.

Li Huachao calmed down and left these boxes of things alone. According to his values, these boxes were all garbage.

He is not a husband maniac, he is very realistic, what do you want these things for?

So Li Huachao turned to the next area. Once the box here was opened, the neatly stacked coins glowed faintly under the dim light.

"Ah?" He was stunned for a moment, and he didn't understand why such a thing would appear in the treasure room.

No, coins?

Are you serious, brother?

Li Huachao picked up a coin and observed it in his hand, but he didn't see anything interesting about it.

There are probably about 100,000 coins in these small boxes. Even a poor guy like Yu Liang can get this amount of money, so what's the use of it?

"Alas." Li Huachao's face darkened visibly, and he obviously looked down upon the eighty-eighty-eight thousand or ninety-eight thousand as a gift.

She is gorgeous, fragrant and beautiful, just spend tens of thousands of dollars on it?

Why is this source of weird stories so poor!

Sure enough, a small family in a remote rural area could not squeeze out any betrothal gifts at all.

"This...this thing is!" The rat guard on the other side looked at the coins in Li Huachao's hand and said in surprise, "Is this a coin that has been blessed by the Lord God? There are so many of them!"

"Oh? What do you mean? What's wrong with this coin?" Li Huachao put the coin under the light and was shocked when he saw a light-colored fluorescence. "Is this thing radioactive?"

"No, no, no, this is what this thing is used for." The rat guard took out a coin from the box, pinched it gently with two fingers, and then flicked the coin hard with his other hand.

I saw the fluorescent light on the coin, and then it escaped from the rat guard's hand and was ejected towards a location at super high speed.

"Ping!" The sound of a sonic boom rang in Li Huachao's ears. He stared blankly at the coins that had completely penetrated into the dirt wall. He then tapped the wall with his dining knife and felt the texture of the wall again. hardness.

Hey, can you punch such a deep hole in a wall that has been reinforced by such a god? Are these coins so powerful?

"So the method is to flick the coins?" Li Huachao looked at the box of coins and became excited.

"This kind of coin can record the direction of the last force it received, and then trigger it within three seconds, forcing it to move at the super high speed just now." The rat guard said, "But the recorded force must be greater than a certain value. Handle it gently. There is no problem in letting go.”

"So, if a box of coins like this is accidentally dropped on the ground, the coins will fly all over the sky?" Li Huachao touched his chin, looked at the coins, and had a bold idea in his mind.

It seems that there are some very interesting ways to play!

I want this ninety-eight thousand betrothal gift!

Finally finished the final homework, and it’s time for a hearty winter vacation!

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