The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 567 The steel pipe is here, but where is Li Huachao?

"Yu Liang, you don't look good."

The adventurer regained his eyesight and even gained a sixth sense. He has been testing the use of the sixth sense since the beginning.

Now he is considered to be proficient in using it. Just by turning his back to Yu Liang, he can use his sixth sense to tell that Yu Liang's face is not looking good.

"It's nothing. I suddenly thought of something not so good and I'm a little worried." Yu Liang sighed.

The mask is on Li Huachao, this is the most frightening thing.

This so-called Bat Brother went to find the mask in Li Huachao's hand, and it was for the little wife of Bat Origin Ghost Story...

Obviously, Li Huachao will definitely make some mistakes.

There is a high probability that Brother Bat is not the source of the ghost story, but a derivative of some kind of transparent bat.

Similar to twins, one has great power and the other has more mature wisdom.

As for the cause of the split, Yu Liang guessed that a certain source of ghost talk invaded the big bat's territory, split the bat into two parts, then severely injured the bat and left.

Well, does this ability sound familiar?

Yu Liang looked at the tattoo of the toad-shaped god's eyes that he had deliberately hidden, and he vaguely saw the shadow of the toad-shaped god's ability from his guess.

Isn't this how Li Huaniang appeared at that time?

I feel like I am destined to have a relationship with the toad-shaped god, and I can't avoid it even if I want to.

After being blinded just now, Yu Liang thought about using the eyes left by the toad-shaped god to replace his original eyes, but after thinking about it carefully, he gave up.

He didn't want the toad-shaped god to have too many opportunities to intervene in his body, so if he could use the blind stick to solve the problem, he would use the blind stick for a while. Anyway, he still had many strange creatures to rely on, and it was not necessary to use the toad-shaped god. the point.

"Is it because of Li Huachao?" Xu Cixi noticed the conversation between the adventurer and Yu Liang, and her reaction was very quick. As a bystander of the mask incident that day, she immediately thought of something.

She asked in a low voice: "Is the mask in Li Huachao's hand something particularly valuable?"

"Absolutely not, and you don't want to know what it is." Yu Liang said sternly.

"Okay." Xu Cixi can probably understand why, because Li Huachao's eccentric habits are well known.

Even adventurers with similar ways of thinking are completely unable to accept Li Huachao's quirks, and it can be imagined that others.

"So you are worried that Li Huachao will attack the Lord God's brother..." The adventurer touched his chin while thinking, but he thought of something and his eyes widened, "No, based on my understanding of Li Huachao, he is not If he attacks the Lord God’s brother, his target must be the Lord God’s little wife!”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the three or two people around them all changed as they also thought of a special setting of Li Huachao.

NTR, can Li Huachao be able to resist talking about NTR’s mysterious little wife?

It's hard to say.

"No way... there is a high chance that the Lord God's little wife will be a rat-man, right? She's not a human, how can she like her?" Xu Cixi frowned slightly, feeling unbelievable about the thoughts of the other two people.

"Yes, my little wife may be a rat person." Yu Liang suddenly said, adding another important condition, and then he knew something bad was going to happen. "Now Li Huachao is even more excited."

"Eh?" Xu Cixi didn't understand what Yu Liang meant and made a confused sound.

Yu Liang just shook his head and did not instill any strange knowledge into Xu Cixi.

With Xu Cixi's world view, it would be difficult to understand that this kind of thing happened, but when it comes to Li Huachao, it can only be said that it is what everyone expects.

"Lu Baoshen, how long will it take for the goblin grapple gun? Once it cools down, grab Li Huachao." Yu Liang tapped Lu Baoshen's shoulder with the bottom end of his blind stick, indicating that he would do the same later.

Forget about other jobs, this NTR source ghost story is absolutely not allowed. The relationship with the transparent bat is pretty good now. Yu Liang just wants to return to the earthly world with all his beard and tail. He doesn’t want to do this because of such inexplicable things. The matter offended a source of strange stories.

"Oh, there are still about ten minutes." Lu Baoshen checked the cooldown of the goblin hook gun. He had no objection to hooking back his second brother.

When a gambler loses his eyes, he loses all room for operation and immediately loses his dream.

Now Lu Mingzhe was too lazy to come out, so Lu Baoshen took over the entire duties.

Without vision, he could not type characters. Now Lu Baoshen has simply become a mascot.

Lu Baoshen gradually adapted to the darkness after being blinded, and his mind became calmer, and he realized a level of Zen.

Silently, he actually exists in this team, but also seems to not exist in this team at all.

As long as there is no use value, there is no need to worry about being used.

To a certain extent, this state is similar to that of Little Fairy An Buchen, but it is different.

An Buchen is a Zangzhuo, while Lu Baoshen is pretending to be a Cangzhuo.

"I'm sorry, I can't create real life, so I can't create the bride you need." The priest shook his head, and still expressed his helplessness for the second request for the transparent bat. At the same time, a special feeling was born in his heart. sense of crisis.

Although he didn't know the specific consequences, he still felt that it was not a good thing to frequently reject a source ghost talker.

So his next sentence made up for it: "Because your brother is wholeheartedly looking for a bride for you, I can't let your brother's efforts go in vain, can I?"

"In this way..." Transparent Bat thought, and then smiled, "Yes, I just need to leave these things to my brother."

The priest saw that the bat's mood had improved, and his own mood had also improved. He knew that he had triggered the bat's friendliness keyword——

elder brother.

Just mention his brother, and then express or imply that he is the most important in his brother's mind, everything is arranged by his brother, and he only needs to obey.

This kind of communication is obviously more effective, at least the transparent bat is more likely to do this.

"In this case, it seems that I don't have anything else to ask you." Transparent Bat is in the space on the second underground floor. His mind is relatively simple, so what he wants is very simple.

I don't know how much trouble it would be if it were that guy in the form of a toad god.

Since there's nothing else to do, it's time for us to leave.

The priest was about to say this, but was blocked by the bat before he could say it.

"Yes, you are guests. In that case, I should entertain you." The transparent bat waved its wings, and its two small claws kept dancing on its chest.

The soil in this space was built into a dining table according to His wishes, and more than twenty chairs appeared beside the dining table, exactly the same as the number of players here.

"Okay, you guys sit down first, I need to prepare breakfast for you." The transparent bat said with a smile. He probably regarded this kind of entertaining guests as playing house, so he thought it was quite interesting.

Others were still waiting to see the situation, but the adventurer sat down on the chair carelessly, and called Yu Liang and others around him to sit down first: "Come on, why don't you hurry up and take a seat if the source of the ghost talk is treating you?"

"Well, I just thought of something, but I probably thought too much." Yu Liang shook his head and threw out his unrealistic thoughts from his mind.

He just suddenly thought that if the Lord God's brother wanted to use the mask Li Huachao had as a "hijab" for the bride, wouldn't its taste be a bit strong?

The younger brothers brought out by their older brothers with such heavy tastes are now going to make breakfast for them?

Well, I hope I'm overthinking it.

Yu Liang instinctively felt that something was wrong.

At the dinner table, the players saw that the Transparent Bat's thoughts were not on them, so they began to discuss quietly.

"In this situation...can I leave after my visit as a guest?" a player asked.

"Probably." someone answered.

In fact, no one knows the answer to this question, but some people have answered it with certainty.

Probably because the current atmosphere is pretty good, some people are paying attention to other things. For example, some people are studying the use of the snot-soaked diamonds just dropped by the transparent bat, and others are thinking about how to use the sixth diamond. I feel that this kind of good thing can be preserved for a long time.

The former are mainly people like An Buchen. She took out a large snot-soaked diamond from the inventory and was studying it by herself.

"What's the use of this thing?" Yu Liang noticed the diamond in An Buchen's hand, moved his chair, leaned over and asked, "By the way, where did you get such a big piece?"

"Be brave and grab it." An Buchen said calmly.

Yu Liang: "..."

No, can the words "be braver" come out of your mouth?

But he really didn't pay attention to An Buchen just now, and he didn't know what this guy had done.

Obviously their location is not close to the transparent bat, so why did they steal so many holy relics of the origin?

Don't understand.

"Throw this thing out. When it is in the air, everything around it will be attracted. The center point of attraction is the diamond." An Buchen gave a simple explanation, "This effect is like a diamond." What comes with the body has not weakened. The more diamonds are gathered together, the stronger the attraction will be."

She shook her head: "This substance is very useful, but I haven't thought of how to use it yet."

"Okay, you study slowly." Yu Liang moved his chair away again so as not to disturb the ghost story researcher in the writer's universe.

You might be able to research some black technology.

And those who study the sixth sense are naturally adventurers.

After mastering the sixth sense, he couldn't put it down.

When he turns on his sixth sense to the maximum, he can sense any movement within a five-meter radius.

If anyone steps into this area and attacks him, he will be able to react in advance. This sensitivity is much higher than without a sixth sense.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Now the adventurer has begun to think about where his sixth sense will go when the priest is gone.

After thinking for a while, he thought of his ability to "open boxes", so he cast his evil eyes on the priest.

At once……

Open a little, a small opening does not count.

The adventurer looked at his temporary inventory, and suddenly a grid was added to it. The icon in the grid was a golden cross, with a holy radiance.

5, 10, 15…

The numbers in the lower right corner of the grid beat every few seconds, and each beat will give the adventurer a full sense of fulfillment deep in his heart.

However, the priest sitting at the same dining table noticed something. His eyes turned slightly and locked onto the suspected adventurer without any hesitation.

"Stop." The priest glared at the adventurer. If it weren't for the fact that the adventurer provided a large amount of funds and space for the construction of the Sea City Alliance, he would have wanted to slap this guy.

Although I don’t know how the adventurer did it, this guy stole the power of [God] that he would use in the next five minutes...

It’s all given to the adventurer, so what does he use for himself?

If in a few minutes the source of this strange story turns against him, wouldn't he be able to get out the bullets to fire in resistance?

"Hey, let's get some more, some more." The adventurer chuckled and did not stop opening the box.

"Don't do it now, wait until it's safe." The priest whispered, with a hint of resentment in his tone.

He went down the T1 gradient quietly, why do he still have such a personality?

"Oh, okay." The adventurer smiled coquettishly, stopped opening the box, and then continued, "Wait until it is safe to smoke some, you promise me."

Priest: "..."

"How about building a church for you?" The adventurer saw that the priest's face was not good-looking, so he tempted him with a smile.

"...Okay." The priest finally agreed, but he also made his own request, "With a dome."

"Okay, okay." The adventurer waved his hand to indicate that it was casual. He was too lazy to care about what the church looked like.

Being able to steal more root power from the priest is something that no amount of money can buy.

He looked back at the map of Forgotten City that he had just taken out to cover up his embarrassment, and his eyes fell on the area of ​​the Rat God.

I saw that the favorability of this area was still 30, and there was no movement.

It has been 30 since they entered the second underground floor. Why is this?

Obviously this transparent bat is pretty easy to talk to, right?

The adventurer frowned, feeling something strange.

At this time, the transparent bat that was preparing something flew above the dining table again. He looked at the somewhat reserved players and felt that the atmosphere was a bit depressing.

He does not like this oppressive atmosphere.

"Sure enough, it's still too quiet here." Transparent Bat said, "I have a small stage, lights and sound, so let me bring them up to perform."

He laughed: "Is this called a tea party?"

Following the movement of the transparent bat, the lower part of the second underground floor suddenly bulged, and a stage broke through the constraints of the soil and appeared in front of everyone, and moved to the front of the dining table at super high speed.

On the stage, there are people, rat-men, speakers, and faint sexy red lights.

By the way, there is also a swivel chair that no one is sitting on.

"In the sea of ​​​​people, there are you and me, we meet each other and think about each other~" A hoarse song sounded from the old stereo.

On the stage, five players, four men and one woman, were surprised by their sudden movement, but they heard the music playing from the speakers and made an instant judgment.

Yes, this means it’s our turn to perform!

Sure enough, the reason why the hunter recruited us is to use it at this time, in order to give these...

Does the dignitary perform the opening act?

"Lord... Lord God!" The rat guard on the stage looked up and saw his Lord God, and immediately knelt down on one knee to salute.

An Buchen put down the diamond in his hand, sniffed the air, and asked Yu Liang next to him: "Did you smell a strange smell?"

It was a familiar stench.

"Yes." Yu Liang nodded silently, focusing on the stage.

The five players on the stage were wearing slightly revealing tights, and four men were guarding a woman.

There is nothing here, the main thing is a steel pipe stuck in the center of the stage.

Proud, towering, polished.

Traces of Li Huachao's existence have been found, but where is this guy?

A big question mark appeared in Yu Liang's heart.

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