The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 569 Diamond Li Hua Dynasty, Tangtang appears!

"With so many boxes of Sister Pao's coins, I'm making a lot of money now." Li Huachao rubbed his hands excitedly.

In order to verify whether he had made a mistake in his calculation, Li Huachao also carefully studied how many coins a box could hold.

With the reminder from the rat guard, Li Huachao did not dare to be careless when counting the coins. If his hand slipped and something fell on the box of coins, he would not be able to avoid the situation at all.

It was probably like some kind of broad-blade mine, and it fired randomly.

It was similar to what he had initially estimated. Each box contained more than 30,000 coins, so three boxes would cost about 100,000 coins.

It is a very good weapon, and the most important thing is——

They can be regarded as cold weapons.

As long as it is a cold weapon, he can bring it into the villain's duel arena and become a weapon for him to kill his enemies.

Li Huachao tested another coin and roughly knew how much force it would take to activate the enchantment on the coin.

When the coin is activated, there will be a forced force pushing it to move. This kinetic energy is very scary and has some counter-physical intuitions.

His physical intuition is not very sharp, but he can still feel that something is wrong.

It probably has something to do with the ability to talk about the source of ghosts. He doesn't quite understand the rules of the source, and there is no need to understand them.

Just figure out how to use the coins.

In this experiment, Li Huachao also discovered that coins have the function of "propeller".

Put an object close to a coin, and when the coin is activated, it will push it forward with an unscientific force. This push is almost unaffected by the mass of the object.

No matter whether you put an apple or a big iron block, there is no big difference in the speed and distance pushed by the coin.

There is no doubt that this is another influence of the rules of the root ghost talk.

Of course, Li Huachao still has a basic sense of judgment. He knows that "not affected by the mass of the object" is not absolute, at least it is within a range.

Otherwise, if you put a coin on the ground and step on it, wouldn't the entire earth be pushed by the coin?

It’s really the Wandering Earth Project, right?

Li Huachao knew that the rules mastered by Lord Shushu couldn't do this kind of thing, but for some reason, he still didn't dare to experiment.

Why don't you put the coin on the ground and step on it? What kind of incomprehensible chaos will happen?

Well, he has always been such a cautious man.

But if these coins are propellers...

How about trying to make some more interesting gadgets?

For example, rocket thrusters can be installed on the tank to make the tank gain more power in the air and achieve faster speeds.

Now, the Tank Road Mansion can only rely on Li Geng's skills to move in the air, and there is no way to bring the engine or anything to the Tank Road Mansion for use.

Li Huachao didn't know exactly how to turn these coins into a permanent propeller, but he could probably guess that Li Geng, An Buchen and the Octagon could be researched.

Coupled with those grass-infant scientists, there is already a group of scientific research forces in the writer's universe, which can fully undertake the research task of thrusters.

With the help of modern scientific thinking, Cao Ying scientists have grown rapidly and are already able to help with many things.

Maybe the specific scientific research results are not too outstanding and are far inferior to modern human technology. After all, flesh and blood technology, cyber technology, and two-dimensional technology are very different, and they cannot be easily understood. But the Cao Ying scientists with scientific thinking are a dimensionality reduction blow compared to the Cao Ying clan on the original flesh and blood planet.

If the grass babies of the flesh and blood planet are the prototypes of goblins, then they must have suffered from a lack of scientific thinking and irregular scientific research traditions, resulting in the frequent creation of various alternative explosives.

Coins are fuel and can be made into propellers. A simple mechanical structure is used to start the propeller, and then a meat machine or other things are used to make wings. As long as the power is enough, a jet aircraft is successfully produced.

Li Huachao imagined the scene in his mind and felt that he must be the absolute hero.

Without him, how could the Yuliang Group get the big plane?

Not only are they large aircraft, they can also be used to create many simple small bomb aircraft, which can be activated by coins and loaded with collision bombs or incendiary bottles to strike at long-range targets.

The guidance is a little more troublesome, but this is the mission of the Octagon and the others, what does it have to do with him?

Even if that doesn't work, you can use coins to create a metal storm!

Stack the coins on one side, then stand behind and punch them, and the coins will be directly fired out of the barrage. Doesn't this sieve the enemy?

No, this metal storm seems to consume some coins. I heard that the prototype can fire tens of thousands of bullets per minute. I'm afraid these 100,000 coins are not enough at all.

Li Huachao sighed. This was caused by insufficient productivity.

It would be great if we could capture a source monster to work for the Yuliang Group. With the level of the source monster, the resources produced could probably support a production line of the Yuliang Group.

Root·Ghost Story Factory?

Sounds pretty good.

Li Huachao put away the boxes of coins and continued walking towards the next area. He was now a little curious about the last remaining area.

Walking into this area, Li Huachao's eyes were immediately attracted by the mountains of sparkling diamonds.

"This is..." He stepped forward, picked up a diamond, and bit it with his teeth to test the hardness of the thing.

"Bah, it's so hard." Li Huachao rubbed the painful and sore cheek and looked at the diamond up and down, "Although it's hard enough, why does it feel like it doesn't taste right?"

Why is it a little salty?

"My Queen, these things should be the skin shed by the Lord God, or something else. In short, most of them come from the body of the Lord God." The rat guard on the side saw what these diamonds were at the right time. What, tell that to your lord the queen.

"Shedding? Does the Lord God still shed his skin?" Li Huachao was a little surprised. He lightly tapped one of the diamonds with the blade of his table knife, and then saw a gap in the knife's "click".


No, the knife was broken in such a light blow?

This is a table knife that the blacksmith has strengthened to almost the limit!

Li Huachao felt a little confused. Looking at the knife with a small cut in his hand, he unconsciously felt disgusted.

"Don't do it, Li Huachao, you keep this broken knife, and I will use the good knife." Li Huaniang said from the bottom of her heart, she did not want to use the knife that was broken by Li Huachao.

"Tch, what's yours and mine, we should not distinguish between each other." Li Huachao said disdainfully, then he picked up a diamond, "Since this diamond is so awesome, wouldn't it be nice to just use the diamond to make a diamond knife?"

"Yes, our baby Hua Chao is so smart, so what should we use to cut diamonds and polish them into diamond blades?" Li Huaniang asked with a smile.

Li Huachao: "..."

This time the question really stopped him. He thought for a while and finally gave a normal answer for a scumbag: "Don't worry about it, there will definitely be a way when the time comes. Isn't that how diamonds are cut in reality?" ?”

"I hope the diamonds in reality will have the hardness that we stripped off from our original ghost talk." Li Huaniang continued to say in a sinister manner.

Li Huachao didn't bother to care about her, so he opened all the remaining diamond boxes and received the materials inside.

After all, they are also the parts produced by the source of Kaitan. Although they are retired parts, they are not comparable to ordinary materials.

Maybe like the coins just now, these diamonds are possessed by more special ghost stories, but he can't see it yet.

From the looks of it, this main god is really full of treasures, much better than the weird story about someone who has entered the shadow of a writer and only knows how to eat grass and not know the origin of milk production.

Look at others, how many good things have been created using their own rules and abilities?

It seems that the source of ghost stories is the primary productive force!

It’s literally a chicken that lays golden eggs.

Look at you again...

Uh, sister "Zhi", don't be angry, I didn't talk about you.

But then again, sister "Zhi" must have hidden some good things that she didn't show to Yu Liang, right?

In the past, it was okay to have low favorability. Now is it time to give our Yuliang Group some gold coins?

Li Huachao accepted the betrothal gift from Lord Mouse, but he thought about the wealth and resources of another source.

Alas, one single-handedly increases the productivity of the writer's universe.

Great, needless to say!

When he opened the last box, Li Huachao was slightly startled by what appeared in the box.

The denser diamonds reflected a large amount of light, and Li Huachao seemed to see the golden light that symbolized the legend.

A set of armor made almost entirely of diamonds lay quietly among them.

The helmet is so pure that it is almost transparent, as if it is made of crystal, and the position of the sky eye is inlaid with a light blue diamond with fine lines, and the diamond contains a dark blue sphere.

At this moment, the small ball in the diamond is spinning continuously, and special Qi is slowly flowing around it.

The shoulder armor is made up of finely connected small diamonds, and there is a large octagonal diamond on the shoulder, which is connected as a whole and looks extremely luxurious.

The armor on the front is similar to a chainmail style, except that the rings on it are replaced by the same small diamonds, which are inlaid on the armor one by one, providing a terrifying defense.

The two large diamonds on the chest provide the most critical protection for the user's chest. They emit bright light under the light and are slightly dazzling. Three words can be used to describe it very appropriately.

"Oh, Jia Nailiang." Li Huaniang exclaimed in surprise, and then commented on the whole set of armor, "This thing is much more awesome than I imagined. I can't believe it is made with things from the source ghost talk as raw materials. How resistant it is.”

"Of course, this thing is for me to use. It doesn't matter if I stand there and beat others." Li Huachao smiled, and the heroic appearance of himself wearing diamond armor appeared in his mind.

Wearing this thing, wouldn't it directly increase the defense power?

But as he looked, Li Huachao noticed something was wrong. He squatted down and looked at the front of the crystal helmet carefully, and then took out Rouhai's toenail visor.

He looked at the dark visor, then at the helmet, and instinctively wanted to reach out his hand to compare.

"Stop, if you put this helmet on, you can't wear it anymore, stop, stop, stop!" Li Huaniang's warning rang in Li Huachao's mind, stopping this guy's brain short-circuiting behavior.

"Oh, that's right." Li Huachao took back his visor angrily, thinking that he would spend a lot of money to build a better alloy visor when the time came, and he couldn't let his face become the only flaw in this armor.

After exploring all four areas, Li Huachao began to think about how to use his existing inventory to carry away so many things.

It was impossible to move it directly. He couldn't move so much stuff, and it was very dangerous to move it around.

Li Huachao first emptied his inventory and put everything he could carry on his body. He also put on all the rings and even the visor hanging on his waist.

Then he chose to put on the diamond armor together, which could save a lot of space.

"Hey, this armor is a bit small." Li Huachao tried to put on the armor and found that it seemed a little crowded.

"This set of clothes may be made based on our normal figure. Your Majesty Queen, your body is too tall..." The rat guard looked at Li Huachao who barely put on a shoulder armor and said aloud.

Li Huachao, on the other hand, thought for a moment and took off all his clothes until he was left with only a pair of underwear, and then put on his armor again.

After a few layers of skin were missing, the process of putting on the armor was much smoother. With the help of the rat guards, Li Huachao managed to put on all parts of the armor and moved his hands and feet.

Because the armor is too small, he is still a little stiff when moving, but it is much better than before. That's what it looks like——

The transparent diamond armor tightly wraps Guo Nan's alluring body. Li Huachao's figure is definitely outstanding among the others. The muscles all over his body are full of beautiful lines, and they don't look bloated at all. Everything is just right.

If someone with a figure like this is posted online, the comments section will inevitably be a chaotic scene with panties flying around.

It's just that at this moment, Li Huachao, wearing this transparent diamond armor, looked a little perverted, as if he was wearing some kind of special sexy underwear.

Well, it's very sexy, and at the same time, it's very unnatural. The strong body is encased in armor with different transparency, which is full of temptation.

The rat guards nearby blushed.

Of course, Li Huachao would not care about such external problems. He immediately came to the glove box and cleared out the large glove box to store coins.

Three boxes of coins require three inventory slots, but storing 100,000 coins in a glove box and then storing them in the inventory only consumes one inventory slot.

The same goes for moonshine. Anyway, there is no saying that the items in the inventory are moldy or not. You can just open the lid, take a sip, check the ingredients, and then put them together.

Several cans of wine are gathered into two large cans, occupying two inventory slots again, maximizing space utilization efficiency.

As for other things, Li Huachao basically just watched and took them, packed as much as possible, almost emptied the entire treasure room, and took everything with him that was useful and useless, and then rushed back to the stage with the rat guards. He had already thought about it. Well there are prizes for the dancers.

Well, this variety show is bound to become a hit, and maybe it will be a brilliant cultural fruit in the history of Shushu.

There is a black mask on his waist, and Tuyou's big white legs are carried on his shoulders. There are colorful rings on each of his ten fingers, and he is also dragging a sack of diamonds and the daily necessities of the Lord Rat.

Li Huachao, who returned from hunting in the wild, was very proud and appeared in front of the mice with a charming image that they could not resist.

The Diamond Fruit Man and the Black Mask fragrance he carries with him are simply the embodiment of all the good things about the incident.

However, when Li Huachao returned to the stage, he learned a piece of bad news——

"What? My stage was stolen? I don't know who did it? And the knockout contestants were taken away?"

"No, where are they going? If Uncle Li doesn't open your eyes, you probably don't know how high the sky is!"

Wearing full diamond armor, Li Huachao was very swollen at this time!

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