The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 563 Bad, I’m getting married

Li Huachao's current situation...

It's not good to say yes.

The good thing is that Li Huachao's eyesight has recovered.

Later, the rats brought treatment medicine to the rats who were blinded earlier, and used a golden liquid to heal the eyes of the rats.

When the Rats learned that their queen was also suffering from blindness, they immediately brought a special moonshine for Queen Rat.

It is said that this is a wine brewed by the eldest brother of the Lord God using a variety of extremely rare resources in the underground world. It has a strong healing effect and can strengthen the body.

But now, after seeing the queen, the mice ignored everything and directly stole a pot of moonshine.

To Li Huachao's surprise, this kind of moonshine wine didn't stink at all, it just had a special fruity aroma.

Fortunately, the fragrance that floats is not that of durian fruit.

To be honest, the taste of this wine is good. It doesn't taste like alcohol. The alcohol content is relatively high, but the taste is clear and tastes like juice.

Li Huachao was defensive, but not too much. After using the rats around him to test that the moonshine was not poisonous, he started drinking it with confidence.

Just after drinking half a bottle, he felt that most of his vision had recovered, and a prompt appeared on the page.

[You have drank 300 ml of Shushu’s moonshine, and your overall constitution will be permanently +1 (this effect cannot be superimposed)]

Li Huachao threw a tentative punch. He could indeed feel that his physique had increased, and he happily stuffed the other half of the bottle of wine into the inventory.

This is a good thing. Anyway, the effect can only be triggered once. The remaining half of the pot can be taken back to Yu Liang to drink.

For Li Huachao at this stage, a buff that permanently +1 to his overall constitution is very rare.

It's very simple. If he has this effect when fighting the swordsman, then in the extreme fighting state, he may rely on this small gap to suppress the swordsman.

From the mouths of these rats, Li Huachao also learned relevant information about the brother of the Lord God.

It is the embodiment of wisdom and strategy. It is the first creature created among the rat clan.

It is not accurate to say that it is a creation. Strictly speaking, it is one with the current main god, and is two parts resulting from the split.

It's a pity that the brother of the main god did not inherit the divinity of the root monster, and its strength is not very strong.

According to the estimates of the Rats, the Lord God's Brother's combat power is roughly equivalent to 20 Rats, and he is a very powerful rat.

Of course, this is what the mice said. Li Huachao did not think that the brother of the Lord God was very powerful in combat.

There were only twenty rats, and he could kill them easily.

Through the descriptions of the mice, Li Huachao could probably understand what this main god was like.

The "wolf" in "wolf and wolf", the wolf has strong strength, and the wolf can provide it with intellectual guidance.

This wolf is the main god, and Ao is the brother of the main god.

The power of the root ghost talk is more reflected in the main god, but this monster is much weaker. It may be just a ghost talk creature equivalent to the T1 gradient.

It may not be T1 yet, after all, T2 like the sea of ​​meat can eat enough in the rat swarm.

Now, it seems that Ao is looking for those human players. The previous plan to move the building was completed under Ao's guidance.

In short, Yan was not at home, so the mice had the courage to steal a pot of moonshine from Yan's lair.

Of course, from the perspective of the mice, this is nothing at all. After all, they are stealing wine for the queen.

Those good things collected by the Lord God's brother are still just betrothal gifts in the end. What's the difference if you give them early and later?

So far, this is good news, and the bad part...

Let’s start from the beginning of Li Huachao’s wonderful experience.

No, it’s actually Li Huaniang.

Because Li Huachao really couldn't adapt to the crowd of mice and people and make those charming moves that only belong to the queen.

But Li Huaniang can do it, and she is also proficient in it.

This is not because Li Huaniang is a woman with a charming temperament, but because she is very willing to use this body to express her charm.

As long as she could disgust Li Huachao, she would be very happy.

After all, the body is shared by two people. If Li Huachao uses it less, she will use it more. Isn't this a profit?

"Queen, queen, queen..."

Under the stage, countless mice were rising and falling, rolling like ocean waves, following the music blasting from the speakers.

The light was a greasy pink, dark but with a unique sexy charm.

The stage is made of pure soil and has no sense of design. How can these mice who have lived underground for a long time have any aesthetics?

Looking at the scale of the entire underground palace, it is indeed quite grand, but when the perspective is focused on a small stage, it is far from refined enough. To say that the style is rough is to describe it as high emotional intelligence.

However, Li Huaniang does not need these decorations to be "arty". As a natural soul dancer, she has no requirements for the venue.

The people in the audience looked at it, it was just one person, one machine, a broken stereo, a lamp, and a steel pipe.

This is the ultimate art for both refined and popular tastes, and no one can refute it.

If anything, use this steel pipe on the stage to make him unable to refute.

Of course, the nature of a hunter will not change. Even if she wants to return to her old profession, she will never turn this performance into her own personal dance party.

Li Huaniang's identity is not a "performer", but a "judge".

The pole dance performed by the chief judge just now is just the opening act of the show. Generally, talent shows and variety shows will have such a thing, and it is perfect for warming up the contestants.

Judging from the effect of the scene, Li Huaniang's solo dance obviously filled the stage atmosphere, and all the rats in the audience fell into frenzy.

Li Huaniang is also particularly good at stimulating the atmosphere of the scene. The odor glands brought by the [Skunk Man] seal continue to open and close as she dances, and the gas with smelly liquid is constantly sprayed along with the unique pole dancing movements.

From time to time, green smoke will appear on the stage, thick or light, showing a vulgar color in the dark red light, in which the steel pipes stand tall and the figures dance like rabbits.

Fanatic rats crowded around the stage, sniffing wildly at the green smoke screen in the stage special effects. They were always able to quickly clean up the stench, allowing the hot dancers on the stage to reappear.

The fusion of sound, color and light, coupled with the strong stimulation of smell, is definitely a hearty performance.

"Look, look, how much they like me." Li Huaniang smiled proudly, pacing back and forth on the stage, waving to the mice.

"Tch, I can do it, it just takes up my [Skunk Man] stamp." Li Huachao replied disdainfully in her heart, while urging Li Huaniang to carry out the next step of her plan.

He still prefers watching others pole dance than performing in person.

There are so many rat people here, it's bound to be fun to watch.

"Tsk, tsk, your tone seems not very good, what's wrong?" Li Huaniang giggled and teased Li Huachao, "Are you jealous? Don't you like me dancing in front of others? Do you like me as much as they do?"

Li Huachao: "..."

It's hard to hold back.

There are not many people who can take advantage of him in verbal conflicts, and Li Huaniang is definitely one of them.

Because it is really difficult for Li Huachao to see such a liberal woman, which makes him consider the identity of the other woman and appear less liberal.

Oh, this woman is himself, so that’s okay.

This woman used his body to perform a passionate dance on the stage with the body of a 1.8-meter strong man, showing the charm of human posture.

There is a kind of nondescript beauty.

After completing the opening show, Li Huaniang moved a worn-out gaming chair to the edge of the stage, and also moved a small table over, which became her judges' seat.

In order to cater to the drama of the variety show, she also specially picked a swivel gaming chair, just to click the button to turn the chair and say "I want you".

Unfortunately, Li Huaniang later remembered that this seemed to be a dance variety show. If she turned her back, she would not be able to watch the dance, so she had no choice but to give up.

It's said to be a variety show, but it's actually a dance of demons.

Li Huaniang randomly found a clever mouse man to be the host, and then started the performance.

With Zhuyu in front, the mice certainly knew what to do, so they all responded to Li Huaniang's call and went on stage to perform their own performances.

These performances can indeed be called good and bad. Good dances can resonate with Li Huaniang, but poor dances account for the majority. They are basically rat men convulsing wildly on the stage like epilepsy.

And this one was also called an audition by Li Huaniang.

Yes, audition.

This means that dancers are randomly selected from the sea of ​​​​rats to perform on stage. If they can be appreciated by the judges, they can enter the second round and officially enter the elimination round.

However, after more than ten contestants, Li Huaniang began to feel a little bored, because the dances of the mice were similar.

Perhaps it was because the mice grew up in similar environments, or because the amount of music stored in the speakers was limited, but Li Huaniang gradually began to feel bored.

It was either the mysterious and ancient campfire dance or the pole dance she had just performed, but it was just a poor imitation.

Occasionally, there are geniuses who can show unique dance postures, but after all, they are only a minority.

"Host, besides the rats here, do you have other similar species? Or other intelligent creatures." Li Huaniang asked the host next to her.

"Your Majesty Queen, there are still some words about Shushu, but they are scattered in other areas of the underground palace, and it is a little difficult for us to communicate with each other." The host answered Li Huaniang's question, and then began to think, "But the others Intelligent creatures... There seems to be some. Last week, some human creatures similar to you broke into the dungeon during the day and were caught by our guards."

It continued: "The Lord God's eldest brother planned to interrogate them at first, but a lot of things happened during this period, including territorial conflicts in the north and biological invasions in the west. The Lord God was too busy. This matter Small things were put on hold.”

"That's it." Li Huaniang thought for a while, and he could probably understand what the host was talking about.

In other words, the turmoil in Forgotten City probably started last week?

Other root ghost stories begin to invade the rats' territory?

As for those "human beings"...

Li Huaniang suspected that they might be the strange "human beings" that Yu Liang once mentioned.

Well, yes, that must be the case.

She made a quick judgment, but the first thing she thought of was not to learn any information from the strange "human beings" or to obtain any benefits, but...

These special ghost talkers should be able to pole dance, right?

"What about Lord God? Where is He?" Before finishing her work, Li Huaniang still wanted to know the location of the only person in this area who could affect her.

"He is deeper. In the conflict some time ago, our main god was injured." The host's face showed resentment. It seemed that their entire race loved their main god very much.

Li Huaniang felt relieved now: "Okay, then you tell the guards to bring over those imprisoned humans. I need to let them perform a show."

"This..." the host hesitated for a moment, then immediately beamed, "My Queen, you are really good at playing!"

After receiving the Queen's instructions, the host immediately stepped down from the stage to make arrangements.

"Chao Zi, don't tell me, I have quite a lot of power, but these rats trust me and serve me just because I am that gorgeous and fragrant person?" Li Huaniang thought happily, and then used Li Hua Niang to This strong body made a shy posture on the chair.

"Queen! Queen! Queen!"

This gesture immediately triggered a new wave of rats, and whistles continued one after another.

"Wouldn't it be better to be bigger? Let's see how those weird humans dance later. If they dance well, they will be selected into the second round of the knockout round." Li Huachao is obviously a career-oriented man, and Li Huaniang's I have no interest in showing off.

He thought for a while and noticed another thing: "By the way, the Lord God is now recovering from his injuries deep underground. The Lord God's elder brother has gone out to find Yu Liang and the others again. The entire Rat's Nest is under our control, so wouldn't we take the opportunity to go there?" Empty the treasures from the rat's nest? It sounds like that big brother really likes collecting them."

"That's right, I'll go take a look later. Just say that I'm picking out gifts for the winners of the dance competition." Hua Niang's eyes lit up and she immediately agreed.

Should I say it or not, the defense inside the Rat's Nest is very empty now. Don't you want to carry out a ruthless robbery?

Besides, the moonshine just now is definitely a good thing. 300ml can restore eyesight and increase all attributes by 1. How can such a good thing be found elsewhere?

If we could get the recipe for moonshine wine from Brother Lord God, wouldn’t there be one more best-selling product of Yuliang Group in the future?

Thinking of this, Li Huaniang immediately pulled up from the stage a taller and more powerful rat man wearing leather armor.

This guy looks like a little elite monster at first glance, so he probably knows more.

"Sir, I would like to ask if I can enter the warehouse where your Lord God stacks treasures. I want to select some prizes for the outstanding contestants in today's dance competition." Li Huaniang is full of charm, with every smile and smile. A fragrance that rats love.

The Rats and Rats were able to enter the nest and steal the wine, which means that the Rats and Rats must know the location.

"Of course, Your Majesty the Queen." The rat guard smelled the unique green aura and immediately became ecstatic. "Those are all your betrothal gifts. Your Majesty the Queen, of course they are yours to take."

"Ah? Betrothal gift?" Li Huaniang was stunned for a moment.

"Of course, the Lord God has been injured unexpectedly in the past few days, which is exactly the time when he needs to marry a wife!"

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