The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 562 This is the deeper soil

Looking at ability alone, the effect of a lawyer's direct battle will definitely not be too strong, which is also one of the reasons for his poor performance.

Facing the physical warrior's face, the lawyer's own ability is almost useless. At most, he can only seal the physical warrior's ability through [refutation], but the actual effect is limited.

The so-called scholar meets the soldier, I'm afraid that's what it means.

However, if you put lawyers into a well-equipped team (such as Writers Universe), the situation will be different.

This ability to secretly judge and play dirty tricks behind the scenes is really amazing!

In a head-on fight, they will definitely not be able to defeat those physical warriors with brute force, but in the legal system, physical warriors with violent means cannot compete with lawyers.

Okay, okay, very realistic.

Then again, like him...

No, big capitalists like Scrooge should have supporting laws to protect them. Otherwise, wouldn’t this wealth be accumulated in vain?

Isn’t that how the power of the rich comes? Haha.

Yu Liang nodded with satisfaction and looked carefully at the parts that made him a little confused.

[After the verdict is established, all evidence will become facts. 】

At first, he subconsciously thought that this was a kind of fantasy ability that could make illusory crimes become facts, but when he thought about it carefully, he found that this was not in line with the principle of ability.

The premise makes it very clear that the evidence will become facts only after the verdict is established.

For example, a lawyer accuses player A of murdering someone. In order for the verdict to be established, the person must be dead, and there is evidence (even if it is perjury) to prove that player A killed someone. Only in this way can the verdict be established.

Just letting the perjury turn into fact and convicting Player A of murder cannot reverse the case.

It's somewhat similar to reality.

It may be possible to "realize the fantasy" to some extent, but the difficulty is definitely much higher than imagined, so there is basically no need to consider it.

Yu Liang smiled in his heart and turned his attention to what he thought was the most perverted detail.

The sentencing process is based on the target gradient level, and the sentencing penalty is based on actual law (reduced by 500 times).

It is not difficult to understand the previous point. The length of the judgment process is linked to the target gradient level, which can basically be understood as——

The more capable the person, the more difficult it is to convict, and the more energy and effort the judicial authorities need to expend.

This is in line with reality, but the latter rule is even more terrifying - the sentence is based on actual law.

Although it was reduced five hundred times, the effect was still extremely terrifying.

Don’t forget, in real life, a simple fight will result in seven days of detention, but in this environment of the ghost story world...

Who can guarantee that they will not get into fights?

If the seven-day detention period is reduced by 500 times, it will become a detention period of 0.33 hours, which is about twenty minutes.

Although Yu Liang didn't know what the so-called detention was, he probably knew what it meant to be detained for twenty minutes.

These are definitely twenty minutes that can turn the tide of the battle!

If the soldiers had been given a court-martial during the fight with Aze and detained for twenty minutes, the situation on the field would have been completely different.

And this is just a fight. In the world of ghost stories, robbery, theft, maiming, etc. are all very reasonable things, and these penalties are much deeper, starting from three years at least.

That means detention...

Yu Liang simply calculated in his mind that a one-year sentence translated into 17.5 hours in jail, which was the ultimate torture.

If it is a more serious crime, then the sentence of three to five years or even ten or twenty years will mean that the opponent will spend a few days in jail. Who can bear this kind of thing?

Moreover, lawyers can also fabricate evidence, and once convicted, it will become a fact and the verdict will be sealed.

How did you get in?

I...I ate the dumplings without dipping them in vinegar.

When Yu Liang thought of such a scene, he looked forward to the alienated profession of lawyer even more.

And so far, he still doesn't know how the "life sentence" and "death penalty" are sentenced.

Logically speaking, a life sentence divided by five hundred times is still a life sentence, and a death sentence divided by five hundred times is still a death sentence. There should not be any difference, but it is not clear whether the lawyer's rule judgment can achieve this level.

Yu Liang didn't know much about the law, but he seemed to have heard that the maximum sentence for a single crime is 20 years, and the lawyer's ability seems to be designed for one crime, so the maximum sentence may be 20 years. Year.

Unless the chosen unlucky guy commits crimes one after another and treats the world of Kaitan as if it were GTA 5, then it is basically a death sentence.

Thinking of this, Yu Liang immediately came up with the idea of ​​​​some illegal drugs.

It seems that in the local legal system, transporting that thing over 5g is the death penalty, right?

If you use this thing to harm other players, wouldn't it be accurate to tell them right away?

However, Yu Liang thought about it and gave up this dangerous behavior.

There is no other reason. Every Chinese is in awe of this thing. Even a born writer like Yu Liang dare not touch this thing.

If you mess around, it won't be good if the entire Kaidan world disappears.

Alas, I am still too kind.

I just don't know what this prison situation is like. If it's just a simple detention and being put in a special space "a small dark room", it's actually not unacceptable.

According to the logic of the world of ghost stories, players who are imprisoned in a small black room should be in an absolutely safe state, and external forces must not be able to affect the prisoners inside.

Put in a real prison, can you imagine a prison robbery in the current season?

Only people who have lived enough would do this.

Since the lawyer has the ability to rely on the rules to punish the players he chooses, then the prison cell should have the ability to protect the players locked in it.

If that's the case, you can find yourself a jail cell if you have nothing to do, and let the lawyer arrest me and put me in a cell. The moment you enter the cell, all the created characters will be brought into the universe and jailed together. Can you avoid it? Invasion of root ghost stories?

Yu Liang recorded this idea. This is a relatively normal idea, and it is estimated that the lawyer himself can think of it.

As long as the lawyer is caught for committing perjury, he can go to jail for a while. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as a golden body to avoid harm.

It's just that the time for the golden body is a bit long, and when he comes out, there may be unexpected disasters waiting for him.

Yu Liang put away his thoughts. According to convention, the lawyer he created must have unusual gameplay, and would most likely criticize the original lawyer.

He didn't think too much about it. He only needed to know that the lawyer's ability was relatively unsophisticated, but it would be of great benefit to the writer's universe.

With the help of an excellent lawyer, the advancement of capital will naturally be smooth.

The only thing that worried Yu Liang a little was the lawyer's title - Litigation Stick.

Every T1 player will receive a powerful title based on performance after experiencing the Kaidan dungeon, and Lawyer is no exception.

Judging from the name "Litigation Gun", this lawyer did not do many human affairs after being promoted to T1. He used his ability to play with the law and make profits from it, so the title of "Litigation Gun" is probably related to it.

Judging from the alienated profession alone, the lawyer's combat ability is not very strong, but with the title ability, it is not necessarily so. I just hope that Li Huachao will not fall into the hands of the lawyer because of his carelessness.

Yu Liang thought for a while, and then took Li Geng to the floor where the lawyer was preparing to kill Li Huachao.

There are no players on this floor anymore. All the players are on the priest's floor, so Yu Liang can safely arrange the prison.

The three-dimensional world drawing prison is something modified from the octagon. It can be regarded as a formation, which has the effect of "ghost hitting the wall".

This is where the lawyer disappeared. After learning about the lawyer's skills, Yu Liang suspected that the lawyer might have avoided the odor attack by going to jail.

Regardless of whether it was or not, he had to set up a painting prison here, and then let An Buchen place some sensing talismans in the painting prison, so that he could receive messages once something was trapped.

Maybe we can catch the lawyer. Anyway, the octagon can create a three-dimensional prison. This thing is not valuable, so it is useless if you don't use it.

After quickly completing the prison painting, Yu Liang received news from the priest. They seemed to have found a suitable passage in the underground palace and were preparing to try to leave here.

The location of the underground palace is still relatively deep. The priest's plan is to find the edge of the underground palace through the tunnel, and at the same time find a location closer to the surface, and then rely on the power of [God] to directly open the tunnel.

Escape underground before the Lord God notices them. If the Lord God is offended by this, the priest will try to communicate with the other party to see if he can pay some price to make amends.

Relying on [God], the priest's ability is still relatively strong, and he can barely sit at the same negotiation table with a source ghost talker.

The priest also knew about the existence of the architect Li Geng. With an apology and Li Geng helping to repair it, the Lord God should not go to war with [God].

As long as we can escape from the underground world, everything will be much easier.

The main problem now is to leave the underground area controlled by the Lord God before the Lord God sets his sights on them. The more players that leave the dangerous area, the more confidence the priest will have in negotiating.

Due to Li Geng's presence, Yu Liang and the others were at the forefront of the player team together with the priest, following Li Geng as they moved upward along the tunnel.

Li Huachao left poisonous gas accumulated in many tunnels, and Li Geng needed to avoid the poisonous gas while finding a way out.

Smelling poisonous gas in such a small place is a hardship for the entire team.

What surprised Li Geng a little was that the poisonous gas in the tunnel was relatively thin from God's perspective. He guessed that it might have been absorbed by the soil, but he also found it strange. After all, the absorption efficiency was indeed high.

The average size of rat people is slightly smaller than that of normal humans, and they all crawl in tunnels, so players need to crawl in the same posture and open up crowded tunnels from time to time.

Fortunately, the main part of the tunnel is soil, so it is not too difficult to dig.

It is dark here and extremely quiet. Everyone has an extremely limited range of activities and the crawling speed is not fast, so it is still a bit difficult to move forward along the way.

Fortunately, there are no pure novices among the players at the scene. Basically, they are all players who have experienced more than four dungeons and will not have any complaints about this difficult journey.

For them, being able to survive such an unexpected situation is already pretty good.

And these players did not gain anything. Not to mention the Cao Ying blind box, the alienation professional experience alone was enough for them.

If you want to improve the gradient of the alienated profession, you need to stay in the Kaitan dungeon as long as possible, and you will gain a fixed amount of professional experience every hour.

Some players can obtain experience acceleration through outstanding performance, or even receive gradient promotion by name, but these are all low-probability events.

This happens to be the case at the moment. It may be that there are few people in Forgotten City, and the power of Guaitan is in a relatively abundant state, so the speed of each player's professional experience is 1.5 times that of the past.

If we stay at this rate for a few more days, I'm afraid there will be many more lucky ones among the player base who can break through the gradient.

What's more, it is possible to harvest some special ghost resources in Forgotten City. After all, there is almost no sign of player activity here, and it is as rich as the Great Northern Wilderness.

"That's almost it. Thirty meters up from here is the surface. It should be 300 meters north of where our building is. We can let the coaches and others greet us in advance." Li Geng saw the situation on the surface through the Eye of God. After a little bit of identification, they were able to identify their current location.

The priest pointed above himself and asked as if to confirm, "Is this here?"

"Yes." Li Geng answered affirmatively.

The priest quickly wrote on the back of the messenger bee's note, "Three hundred meters behind the building site, help protect it." Then he released the messenger bee and watched the messenger bee turn left and right in the tunnel, and finally suddenly Disappear into the dirt.

Li Geng's suggestion makes sense. If you let the coach guard the exit, you can put enough pressure on the so-called main god.

The priest knew that the coach had a root sword in his hand, which was a great threat to any root ghost.

Just like arguing with someone and seeing someone pull out a gun, anyone will quickly calm down at this moment.

"Next, I will open a spiraling upward passage. Everyone should line up and leave here as quickly and steadily as possible." The priest said loudly.

Although using the power of [God] continuously is more energy-intensive for him, if he can evacuate all the players, it will naturally be the best result.

"God said that there will be a winding and upward passage here, which can lead the lost people up to a distance of forty meters." The priest's body glowed with golden light again, and he read every syllable of each word as much as possible. Yes, the drops of sweat on his forehead meant that what he was doing was definitely not easy.

Fortunately, the passage was generated in just a few seconds, and the players had a way back.

Yu Liang tapped his blind cane to confirm that the passage was an entity and not a space-time tunnel, and he felt emotional in his heart.

The lawyer's imagination is just his imagination, but the priest's imagination is real.

Is this usage of "God" so broad?

Is it really what God says it is?


The group of people spiraled upwards along the passage, and soon some players emerged from the ground and took their first breath of fresh air.

"Coming out?" He looked around him excitedly, and then showed a puzzled expression, "Wait, here..."

There was no sun, moon, or sky. They were in an empty wilderness, but there was still darkness above their heads. Looking carefully with the eyes given by God, it seemed to be soil.

The top of the head is still mud.

"Is this different from what I saw?" Li Geng was stunned for a moment, exited and entered the God's perspective, and restarted, but what he saw was still the scene on the ground.

Dilapidated high-rise buildings and streets are slowly forming in front of you.

"The gravity here is reversed, and our direction is also reversed." The priest grabbed a handful of soil and felt the composition of the soil.

This is deeper soil.

Going up, I saw deeper soil.

"The upper level of the underground level is not the ground, but the second underground level. The rules of this root ghost story are a bit strange."

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