The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 564 Li Chaoniang: Huh?

It wasn't until this moment that Li Huachao truly realized what this matter meant.

Queen, Queen, what does this "title" mean?

You have to marry someone to be considered a queen. A king is born, but a queen is definitely not born.

As for who this so-called king is...

Li Huachao had already guessed it from the conversation just now.

The main god, the root monster in this area, is hiding deep in the ground to heal his wounds.

To be honest, Li Huachao already wanted to run away at this moment. He didn't want to become some kind of darling wife with a strange origin.

It’s so scary just thinking about it.

There aren't many things that can send chills down Li Hua's back, but this kind of thing is definitely one of them.


Is marrying someone considered an act of aggression?

Will it not trigger [Root Insight]?

It may be considered an attack to some extent...

Li Huachao suddenly fell silent. He was thinking that he had not left Yu Liang for a long time. When he saw Yu Liang next time, the whole big job would open Yu Liang's eyes, but it was definitely not such a big job. .

When Yu Liang went through all the trouble to reach the core area of ​​the underground palace to meet the so-called Lord God, when he raised his head, he happened to see the hunter sitting shyly on the edge of the throne.

It is estimated that the soul will be hit hard.

"Hey, should we run away? Is there something wrong with this situation?" Li Huaniang called Li Huachao in her heart, and she also felt scared.

It's like skipping class to go to an Internet cafe and suddenly realizing that it's dark and it's past nine o'clock, past the usual time to go home for dinner. This kind of panic is definitely a fear buried deep in my heart.

"Of course, we have to run away." Li Huachao said silently, and then he thought about what the rat guard just said, "But before that, let's go see what good things are in the lair of that Lord God Brother."

Li Huaniang is indeed the same person as Li Huachao, and she has exactly the same idea: "Indeed, those are all our betrothal gifts."

Just now, I was worried about puffs and so on, but now I have started to think about the betrothal gift. It can only be said that both hunters are the type who will not shed tears until they see the coffin.

"Otherwise? We have to get part of the betrothal gift after all, right? We are also the bosses of the Ghost Bride and Groom Wedding Company, how can we not show our hands to the employees under us?" Li Huachao said plausibly.

Deep down, there must be some fear, but on the other hand, greed has overcome this fear and firmly gained the upper hand.

Anyway, depending on the situation, the so-called Lord God has no time to take care of them now, otherwise he would have appeared long ago, and the Lord God's eldest brother is still with Yu Liang.

Based on the level of Lord God Brother, it is estimated that even a T1 monster creature under Yu Liang's hand cannot be defeated. At that time, there may be help from Lord God.

The greater the commotion they make, the less able the Lord God is to take care of him. All he has to do is grab the bride price and run away.

It's not impossible to escape from marriage or anything like that.

And strictly speaking, the Lord God is just a source of ghost stories. Yu Liang has several such source ghost stories, so what is there to be afraid of?

After thinking about it, Li Chaoniang straightened her back and seemed more confident.

That is, the writer has several origins of strange stories, plus there is a priest helping him, there are coaches and beekeepers in the above world, and there is also a sneaky Aze hiding in the underground palace...

My power is so strong, and I am just a main god, so why should I fight?

The more Li Chaoniang thought about it, the more arrogant she became, and she had another thought.

break off an engagement!

That’s right, the engagement is broken off!

Lord Shushu, you also know that the Yu Liang Group has a strict family tradition, and the writer Yu Liang has high expectations for Li Chaoniang, and now he is basically training her as the successor of the Yu Liang Group. Due to some special rules, the successor is not allowed to have any entanglement with the source before becoming the official chairman...

After asking the court lady, Master Yu Liang learned that it had a marriage relationship with the Shushu family, so Master Yu Liang wanted to ask the Lord Shushu to dissolve the engagement.


Li Huaniang and Li Huachao thought of such a plot at the same time, and for some reason, they felt a sense of relief at the same time.

Oh, no, shouldn't this plot be about "suppression" in which the desire to rise is suppressed first?

How can it be fun?

Oh, it turns out we are Nalan Yanran, then it’s okay, it’s great to use power to force others to break off the engagement!

It doesn’t matter if you break off the engagement without giving Xiao Yan Qi Powder, but you can also take away the Xiao family’s betrothal gift. Is there anything more satisfying in the world?

Quack quack!

Li Chaoniang had already begun to look forward to such a scene in her heart. Her eyebrows were dancing with joy and her cheeks were slightly flushed, which made the rats in the audience crazy...

If the Lord God had any objections, he might go to court to sue, but unfortunately, the Lord Shushu, whose betrothal gifts had been wiped out, might not have the money to hire a lawyer, and the Yuliang Group has a gold medal lawyer.

By the way, the lawyer hasn't been caught yet, so let's get the bride price first, and then find out where the lawyer is hiding.

Now that he has recovered his eyesight, it is much easier to deal with that damn lawyer.

Li Huachao pulled open his T-shirt and glanced at the scabbed hole on his shoulder. He remembered clearly that this was shot by the birth lawyer. He would definitely take revenge for this arrow.

"By the way, the Lord God is deep in the depths now, and the Lord God's brother is not here for the time being. You must guard the underground palace strictly and pay attention." Li Huachao immediately took advantage of the situation. The Yunlan Sect and the Xiao family have not yet broken off their engagement, that is He hasn't broken his skin yet, so he can finally squeeze the remaining value of the Xiao family.

He continued to tell the rat guards around him: "There is a human in a suit who may have sneaked into the underground palace. He should be alone. You should pay attention to arrest him. Also, if you encounter a lot of humans, and there are a lot of humans wearing clothes, Guys in robes, they are not enemies, don’t actively use violence.”

"Yes!" The rat guard received the Queen's personal instructions, and his expression was so excited that some saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that the rat guard went down to make arrangements, Li Huaniang looked at the rats on the other side, and began to think about whether it was better to watch the ghostly "human beings" pole dancing first or to collect their own betrothal gifts first.

However, the rats had already made the decision for him. They all moved out of the way, leaving a path leading to the stage.

At the end of the road, five humans appeared there with their hands and feet bound by chains.

Two rat guards escorted them and brought them to Li Huachao.

Li Huachao's eyes followed the five humans until they were in front of him. He looked up and down at the four men and one woman, inexplicably feeling that they seemed familiar.

" are the hunter with the animal trainer!" Suddenly, the woman in the crowd recognized the hunter, and a strong will to survive appeared in her eyes.

Li Huachao looked at the woman. He had no impression of her.

However, when he noticed the woman's long legs, he had some associations in his mind.


I seem to have heard Yu Liang mention this person?

"I am a high jumper who formed a temporary team with the animal trainer in Cyber ​​City!" The woman continued to announce her identity, trying to stir up the hunter's memory.

Their group has been trapped for a week. Although the rat men will provide them with a slightly smelly food (the rat men are too smelly to give it to the prisoners), they know very well that with their own abilities, they can There is no escape from this underground world.

The current status of the hunter seems to be quite high among the rat people, and the hunter must be held firmly to have a chance to survive.

"High jumper? Oh, I seem to have some impression." Li Huachao's rusty memory slowly emerged, and he seemed to have indeed heard Yu Liang talk about such a person.

Of course, this was not because Yu Liang would report the itinerary to him, but just because this woman was impressive.

First of all, this woman fell in love with the human-snake in the universe, and wanted Yu Liang to subdue her into the Kaidan universe; secondly, her legs were indeed very long.

This is a pair of long legs certified by Yu Liangdu. They are strong, strong and full of healthy beauty.

Because of these two characteristics, Li Huachao remembered the identity of the other party, and his scrutinizing eyes wandered around this group of people.

The clothes were dirty and the people looked a little scruffy. The prison life during this period had obviously made them haggard.

Five T2s, can such a team configuration also be caught by the rats?

It seems that he was very unlucky and ran into the source of the underground ghost talk.

Li Huachao's eyes stayed on the high jumper's legs, and his eyes lit up slightly.

Not to mention, the current talent show lacks such a pair of good legs. If high jumpers are included in the talent show, the ratings will definitely be high.

As an athlete, his motor cells must be well developed, and his coordination must also be good. He must be a good candidate for a championship player.

"How did you get caught here? And you, the high jumper, I remember you are not from Haicheng, right?" Li Huachao suppressed the excitement of discovering a good prospect and looked at this group of people with a cold attitude .

Let’s have fun, let’s have fun, and take care of basic safety.

It's better to cross-examine first.

"We came from Ningcheng. About a month ago, several large player organizations in Ningcheng began to plan to enter the Forgotten City to explore. Our team was selected and is a seed team with high hopes." High jumper He Yingying explained to Li Huachao.

"Ningcheng?" Li Huachao still knew where his city was next door. He nodded and probably understood.

At almost the same time, player organizations in the cities surrounding Wangcheng began to explore Wangcheng's plan, and this is the case for this team now.

After accidentally entering the Rat Man's territory, they discovered the underground world and went exploring. Eventually they were captured by the Rat Man and imprisoned to this day.

There are five T2 level alienation professionals in the team, so it’s pretty much the same as a seed team.

After all, T1's alienated professionals are definitely rare goods and are high-quality resources that can only be encountered but not sought.

Ahem, quality talent, quality talent.

"Okay, I probably know your origins." Li Huachao waved his hand, "Next, use the character 'Mu' to clean your body, change into clean clothes, and prepare to perform on stage later."

These five people should be more sophisticated than the mice, and have seen more dances. They can also bring about a few good performances by imitating cats and tigers, right?

Just talking about those powerful long legs, it would be a pity not to do pole dancing.

" Performance?" Athlete He Yingying didn't react for a while. She really didn't expect this kind of plot development.

Either save them or ignore them. How come the option of performing appears?

"That's right, otherwise what do you think I'm doing now? The audition! It's very important! The ratings vary by minute!" Li Huachao pointed to the stage at his feet angrily, "Hurry up, go behind the scenes Get ready, the audience is waiting for you."

For a moment, the five people who thought they had been saved looked at each other, feeling unreal.

No, are you serious?

Why is the performance really about to happen?

There are so many weird creatures here. Instead of trying to escape quickly, are you here to put on a show for them?

The five players couldn't accept it. One of them asked He Yingying: "Has he been affected by any special strange stories? This performance..."

"Probably...probably not." He Yingying thought of the Li Huachao she had seen before. When he was in the cyber village, it seemed that the hunter looked like this.

And apart from the weird things they did, the hunter was in a particularly good state of mind, even though he was a little tipsy, as if he had drank some wine.

She looked at the player who had just asked the question: "No matter what, let's go with him first. This hunter's strength... is very, very strong, and now these rat people listen to him."

"I'm a ballet dancer. I know ballet, so I'll do the show." Among the players, a tall, handsome man stood up. He had good manners and looked like he was practicing dancing. .

"Is that so? A professional is actually here?" Li Huaniang's eyes lit up and she felt like she had found a treasure. She asked enthusiastically, "Then can you pole dance?"

"Ah?" The ballerina was stunned again, and then looked at the steel pipe in the center of the stage. She vaguely understood something in her heart, and nodded, "I haven't practiced before, but I should give it a try."

It’s true that I haven’t practiced it, but I have seen some of it. It may be difficult to reach the state of being elegant, but I can still understand the basic operations.

"Okay, then you teach them, and I will provide a few more steel pipes later." Li Huaniang said cheerfully, she was finally able to enjoy her eyesight.

Although watching these monsters pole dancing is her unique hobby, it is easy to get bored after seeing too many of the same monsters. Now if it were these humans, it would be nice to have a change of taste.

She ordered the rat guards to keep an eye on these five people, and then said to the five people: "Now I have something to leave for a while. You'd better not run around. Follow me honestly and you can still survive. If you encounter the source monster or something, then I will I’m too lazy to save you.”

Having said this, Li Huaniang smiled again: "By the way, there are prizes for dancing well. If you work hard, this prize will definitely be a good thing for you T2 alienation professionals. Don't worry. I won’t let your efforts go in vain.”

How can you not give a reward while watching dancing and listening to songs?

Isn’t that a free vote?

"This...can I not want the reward?" At this time, He Yingying shook her head, and she thought of a question that had been bothering her for a long time.

At this moment, the thoughts and emotions in her heart reached their peak, which made her say without hesitation: "I want the contact information of the human-snake trainer, I just want that."

Li Chaoniang: "Huh?" (End of chapter)

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