The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 543 You just attacked me, right?

In just one second, the Tank Daofu, which was already thousands of meters away from the Skeleton Serpent, appeared next to the Skeleton Serpent.

Since the Tank Road Mansion appeared directly at the original location of White Bone Mountain, in mid-air, and Li Geng did not place any earth and rocks under the Tank Road Mansion, the Tank Road Mansion instantly lost its balance and then fell rapidly.

"Holy shit!"

"What the hell?"

There were curses in the Tank Road Mansion for a while, but their reactions were also very fast. First, Aze took out the props, and then Li Geng quickly built a stable platform under the Tank Road Mansion, caught the Tank Road Mansion, and saved the day.

As soon as Room 225 came into contact with the ground, it began to flee away from the Skeleton Snake. Out of the instinct of a strange creature, Room 225's heart was filled with fear, and it just wanted to get away from this place as quickly as possible. A long skull snake.

Even if the outside of the body is covered with thick armor, even if powerful weapons are installed on the inside of the body, it is still a T2 monster creature in the final analysis. It will have an instinctive fear when facing the long skeleton snake.

as if……

The opponent is a creature that is superior to it, and it can be completely devoured by just one encounter.

"Our position has been switched, and this skeleton snake has taken action against us." An Buchen took charge of the rudder of the Tank Road Mansion like a captain, and followed Li Geng's guidance downhill.

Since the Skeleton Snake has this ability to switch positions, there is no point in simply escaping.

The range of the Skeleton Snake's switching position reaches thousands of meters, and it switches the entire Bone Mountain and the entire Tank Palace. The effect of this ability is too terrifying.

"This is a bit like my ability, but the range and quality of transfer are far better than mine." Lu Mingzhe said solemnly. As the owner of [Thousands of Arts], he naturally knows best how powerful this ability is.

Judging from the transfer just now, if they don't suppress the Skeleton Snake here, I'm afraid they will never be able to leave the Land of Bones.

However, the skeletons that were randomly refreshed in the Land of Bones were also the swords hanging above everyone's heads. No one wanted to stay in this place for a long time.

In other words, the Skeleton Snake is an enemy they cannot avoid.

"There are still three minutes until the next skeleton appears. Now deal with it in the tank. Wait until three minutes later to deal with the next wave of skeletons and then get out of the car and kill the snake in seconds." Yu Liang quickly judged that they could not possibly Get out of the car and fight the Skeleton Snake now, because An Buchen's method of retrieving the Skeletons requires them to stay in the Tank Mansion.

"Okay." Everyone agreed and checked their inventory to see if there were any useful props.

You can't do nothing while staying in the Tank Road Mansion, right?

First attack the Tank Daofu twice to feel the strength of the Skeleton Serpent. If you can figure out the approximate capabilities of this thing, it will be easier to encircle and suppress it later.

"Haha, this car thief can drive almost as well as me. He has good skills." The long skeleton snake let out a sharp laugh. It stared at the tank tunnel with the eye holes of the more than ten skulls on its body.

If it had eyes, its eyes would be extremely fiery at this moment.

On the other hand, Yu Liang and others in the Tank Road Mansion did not understand what the words of the Skeleton Snake meant. On the one hand, it was because the Skeleton Snake's words were overlapping and mixed together and they could not be heard clearly; on the other hand, they were mixed together. The aspect is the keyword "car thief".

Car thief?

What car thief?

What are you talking about?

"Ta-ta-ta!" The bone machine gun at the rear of the tank began to roar under Cao Ying's control, and sprayed a long stream of bone at the long skeleton snake.

The bullet hit the skeleton, instantly shattering some of the not-so-hard bone armor. White bone fragments fell off from the skeleton snake's body, but it did not dodge or dodge. It just coiled its body and raised it. Upper body.

The long skeleton snake coughed twice, and the voices from several skulls reached unity at this moment, revealing the same joking meaning: "Wait a minute, you just... took action against me, right?"

At the same time, An Buchen, who was controlling Room 225, was shocked. The danger perception brought by the title ability reacted instantly. She turned around and shouted at Yu Liang: "Take back the tank!"

Yu Liang didn't think too much. He had never seen An Buchen lose control of his emotions so much, so he believed it without hesitation and took back Room 225.

At this second, the disappearance of the Tank Taoist Mansion caused the dozens of people in the Taoist Mansion to scatter like dandelions blown away by the wind. A similar early warning also appeared in their hearts, and they immediately used their own methods to escape.

The huge bone knife passed through the crowd, completely scattering the crowd with just one cut. Then the bone knife stayed in the position after completing the horizontal slash quite coquettishly. The blade remained motionless, showing the long snake's power. The absolute control of the bone knife.

It was only at this moment that the sound of the bone knife piercing the air sounded like a scream, irritating everyone's ears.

The long snake slowly sheathed its sword, as if a swordsman had completed its mission, and then it turned back, with a satisfied smile on its more than ten skulls.

"Cough." The soldier spat out a mouthful of blood. He turned around and looked at his empty left side. There was nothing where his left shoulder and left arm should have been.

The speed of the knife just now was so fast that even he had no way to defend himself. Half of his body was chopped off like a melon or a vegetable.

Unfortunately, he was the one who was hit by the knife. I am afraid that there will be one less main force in the next battle. Fortunately, the same is true. If it were anyone else present, if he was hit by this knife, he would be seriously injured. Probability of immediate death.

"You're not dead. You're so tough." The long skeleton snake made a surprised sound. It used its own inspiration to find the guy with the strongest aura among the dozen or so people in the air just now.

Then when it saw clearly the people who fell to the ground in front of it, it became a little confused.

These familiar figures and faces all surprised the Skeleton Snake at this time.

At this moment, more than a dozen thoughts in the consciousness space of the Skeleton Snake reached an astonishing unity.

"This...Yu Liang?" A skull named "Li Huachao" looked at Yu Liang who fell to the ground and was picked up by Princess Zhong Chen, and called out his name in shock.

"I'm here, why are you calling me?" Another long-necked Yu Liang turned to look at Li Huachao.

"Wait, who are they?" Confusion arose in the space of consciousness. They saw humans who looked exactly like themselves, and they emerged from the tank palace they were most familiar with.

All signs indicate that these dozen people are the real players, Yu Liang and Li Huachao themselves.

"Of course they are Yu Liang and Li Huachao." The skeleton Lu Baoshen said firmly. He had completely figured out the identities of the people opposite him. "Except for Lu Baoshen, they are all real. Only Lu Baoshen is fake, because the real Lu Baoshen is trapped inside the skeleton!"

As he spoke, Lu Baoshen began to scream. He suddenly realized that he seemed to have fallen into a den of thieves, so he twisted his body crazily, trying to escape from the shackles of the skeleton snake.

"No, no, no, they are not real. They are some kind of special monsters in the land of bones. We are trapped in the bones, and they took away our bodies!" At this time, Aze quickly issued the correct command. Judgment, and made a certain guess, "As long as we kill them and let our initial bones return to the body, we can become ourselves again!"

"Okay!" Yu Liang, the secretary and the hypnotist immediately agreed.

"But I don't want to leave you. The time I spend with you is the most secure time I can feel." At this time, the skeleton An Buchen expressed different opinions, and her statement was immediately contradicted by Lu Baoshen and The hypnotist supported it.

"Is there a possibility that we are the ones who are lying?" At this time, the soldier who had been silent for a long time told the truth that others were unwilling to accept.

For a moment, all the skeletons turned back to look at the soldier, with more than a dozen pairs of empty eyes staring straight at him.

After a long time, An Buchen said it again in the same tone as before: "But I don't want to leave you. The time I spend with you is the most secure time I can feel."


"That's right."

Lu Baoshen and Dream Sleeper immediately expressed their support.

It seems like a repeat of what just happened, but it's more like a restart.

After the restart this time, there was no rebuttal from the soldiers.

In this [group], there is no need for individual voices.

Just when there were differences in the consciousness space of the Skeleton Snake, Yu Liang and others who were separated did not waste the opportunity. They quickly found their team, and then organized a new round of attack while analyzing the situation just now.

"You guys stabilize the soldier's injuries first. I'll have a way to save him when we leave the Land of Bones." The adventurer said to the other people. He still cared more about his teammates.

In just a few seconds, he had already thought of a way to help the soldiers reshape their bodies.

There are still some canned meat paste used in the Moon dungeon, which can reshape the body of the soldiers. With the power of the bones, he should be able to help the soldiers regain their combat effectiveness.

Unfortunately, the reshaped body cannot exercise vigorously, so it is impossible for soldiers to fight at 100% condition.

A small piece of the body was cut off directly. This is not an injury that can be easily recovered.

And because the bone knife was too large, even if it was very sharp, the cuts were not neat. The cut half of the body was almost shattered. It was completely smashed after falling to the ground from a high altitude. It looked like Can't take it back.

"Come back, soldier." Aze took back the soldier without any hesitation and looked at the secretary at the same time.

The secretary understood immediately and hit Aze with two "plural" characters in succession.

Since the assistant chosen by the secretary was Aze, the effect of these two "complex" characters was very good, and Aze's body immediately emitted a little golden light.

"Will this be able to restore the injury? How long will it take?" Yu Liang's frown relaxed. He knew that Aze was not injured, but the secretary used the character "recover" for him.

Judging from Aze's behavior in taking back the soldiers just now, it is obvious that this can help the soldiers recover from their injuries.

"At least two days. This injury is too horrific." Aze knew that Yu Liang had guessed it, so he didn't hide it.

"Okay." Yu Liang nodded, in his heart he was once again amazed at Aze's team ability.

This kind of injury takes two days to recover, so is there a possibility that if it is a minor injury, it will only take a few minutes to recover?

In this case, Aze can completely let the personality clones form teams of three or three for wheel battles. When one team is tired or injured, they can return to his body to rest...

Terrifying sustained combat capability.

It's a pity that no one has yet been able to make Aze show such sustained combat capabilities.

"The sword just now must be my ability, and the previous replacement must be Lu Baoshen's ability!" Li Huachao's sense of combat is very keen. He can feel that the sword has the shadow of a hunter, but it is like switching positions and the real [Qian Shu] ] Just like there is a difference, the shot speed suppression shown by the Skeleton Snake is also the result of mutation.

As long as the opponent attacks you, you can counterattack faster than the opponent's attack.

In a simple blow, Li Huachao read a lot, and the other party's joking words before attacking, "You just attacked me, didn't you?" further deepened his judgment.

"Be careful, this thing can imitate our abilities, and the results after imitation are even more abnormal than when we use it." Li Huachao looked from the head to the tail of the skeleton snake, trying to find the opponent's shortcomings.

"Follow me." Lu Mingzhe forcefully took over the gambler's body and said to Li Huachao and Zhong Chen beside him.

Based on his absolute trust in his companions (mainly because he recognized that Lu Mingzhe was speaking now), Li Huachao rushed up with Lu Mingzhe without hesitation, while Zhong Chen subconsciously looked at Yu Liang. After receiving permission, he rushed forward.

During this period, the adventurer also followed. His alienated profession gave him physical fitness comparable to that of a physical warrior, and in terms of resistance, he was the second most resistant in the current team.

He may be the only one who can resist the Skeleton Serpent, so he must go up to it.

"The weak point is the skull. Their vision is provided by the skull. Each skull has different abilities." Lu Mingzhe moved himself within the attack range of the Skeleton Serpent, and at the same time opened the domain Naihetian.

When the long snake uses the ability to switch positions and draw the sword, its posture is very strange. Once it is upright and once it is sideways, this shows that the abilities of different skulls may be different, so they need to use certain abilities when using their abilities. Just have the skull facing them.

From this we can know that vision is probably provided by the skull.

Lu Mingzhe's thinking was brief, but he was willing not to think that such a decision was wrong, because no matter how he looked at it, the skull looked like the weak point of the long snake.

As Naihe Tian opened, the virtual chips began to fall around Lu Mingzhe. At the same time, Yu Liang summoned Room 225, and An Buchen controlled the Taoist government to add chips to the domain.

By alternating positions between Cao, Li Huachao and others, Lu Mingzhe placed them in the most suitable position.

"Die!" Li Huachao flashed and appeared next to a skull. He cut off the skull with one knife, and then started a round of back rubbing along the long snake of the skull, hitting it from the tail to the middle, and rotating sideways. Then he cut off three or four heads.

Zhong Chen appeared in mid-air, slightly above the skull of the snake, temporarily blocking the sun and casting a shadow on the snake's skull.

"Go on!" The adventurer threw a sledgehammer out of the inventory, just in time to catch up with the falling Zhong Chen.

Zhong Chen took the sledgehammer, and the power hidden in his body continued to erupt. The dual roots were added to his body. The moment his entire body was released like a bow, it erupted with power comparable to the sun.


The sledgehammer smashed into the ground, throwing up a lot of sand and dust.

"It ran away." Zhong Chen looked to the other side, and the long skeleton snake had appeared a hundred meters away.

Unfortunately, when the sledgehammer touched the skull, the long snake reacted and teleported away.

"You just... all attacked me, right?" Half of the long snake's bone face had been smashed, but it didn't care and just raised the bone knife in a sinister manner.

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