"You just... all attacked me, right?"

The long skeleton snake spat out these somewhat mocking words again, and it raised the bone knife in its hand.

"Li Geng, help me determine the location." Only half of the largest skull of the Skeleton Snake was left. It used only half of its mouth to speak to Li Geng behind it.

If it wants to use three knives in a row to chase down the three guys who have attacked it, it needs other characters to help it determine its position.

"Okay." After the long snake, three or four voices responded, and then a pale eye suddenly opened in the gloomy sky.

The bottom of the eye is pale, and the pupils are slightly darker gray-white. This eye is extremely agile. From the moment it appeared, it stared at the people below from the air, and designated Li Huachao, Adventurer and Zhong Chen as attack targets.

"Oops, we're locked." Li Huachao was very aware of this skill. He realized that he had been caught by the white eyes that suddenly appeared in the sky. This feeling lingered like a gangrene attached to the bone. , no matter how he performed tactical evasive actions, it was useless.

It was definitely unstoppable. Even the toughest soldiers were almost killed by a knife. The ability of this long skeleton snake was more terrifying than they imagined.

"The crime of greed shall be punished by lying down!" The money-keeper appeared in front of Yu Liang, and as soon as he came out, he tried to use the wealth in the jar to control the long skeleton snake in the distance.

Unfortunately, because the distance between the two sides is too far, the supernatural power it can exert cannot affect the Skeleton Serpent at all.

"Okay, okay, can't you just give me money?"

At this moment, Aze threw out a lot of paper money. His heart was bleeding, but now it was the best choice for him to take action.


Underworld money

Name: banknote

Texture: gold

Note: Money can make you go around, and those who are bribed will immediately stop all infringements on their own camp from a subjective point of view.

Just after he threw out a lot of colorful money, the long skeletal snake in the distance immediately put down the knife in his hand, started teleportation, and transferred himself to Aze's side, crawling on the ground. Staring straight at the money scattered on the ground.

"Hey, little money, my little money." The long skeleton snake made a somewhat obscene sound of joy.

In just one second, the pile of paper money in front of the skeleton snake became less visible to the naked eye.

"Come on, this ghost money has no obvious effect on it. This guy has strong mental resistance, damn it." Aze made a judgment immediately, immediately poured out all the ghost money in the inventory, and then greeted Ask Yu Liang to leave quickly.

Lu Mingzhe reacted quickly and teleported with Li Huachao and the others back to the Tank Road Mansion. Everyone got on the car quickly, without even having time to look back at the skeleton snake that had lowered its bone knife.

"Now that it's under control, how about I try to crush the skull?" Li Huachao released his desire to attack when he passed by the long skeleton snake.

"No, once you attack it, the control effect will be lifted immediately." Aze stopped Li Huachao's behavior, "The best choice now is to leave this place quickly."

When everyone got on the tank, An Buchen quickly started up and increased the speed. At the same time, Li Geng paved the road to make the road in front of the tank as smooth as possible so that the road would not be blocked by the Bone Mountain and waste time.

After getting on the bus again, everyone felt a little relieved. Too many things had happened in just half a minute, and the sudden change caught everyone off guard.

It would be great to be able to organize an effective counterattack, but this counterattack seems to have no effect.

The Dream Sleeper had just turned on his ability and wanted to set up the Sleeper. Xu Cixi had just turned into a giant rat and wanted to attack. Most of the other characters were like this. In the blink of an eye, the Skeleton Snake ran a hundred meters away.

This terrifying teleportation amplitude directly gave them a feeling of helplessness.

"What a pity, that thing also has the ability to open its eyes in the sky." Lu Mingzhe sighed.

This basically means that his idea just now cannot restrain the Skeleton Snake. Even if all its skulls are smashed, it still has a way to see the world clearly.

"This guy is like a collection of all of us, and just now... I heard it shout 'Li Geng', and then that white eye appeared in the sky." Li Huachao looked at the civil engineering brother who was working hard to make bricks. Li Geng said, "Coupled with the previous two times, this thing must be able to imitate our abilities."

"Absolutely. The control time of my underworld currency should be longer. It should also simulate the 'fighting spirit' of a soldier, and the mental resistance is very high." A Ze looked at the empty inventory, and a thought appeared on his face. A slight pain in the flesh.

That was money that could forcibly buy even the origin of the resuscitated state. It was a good thing that could save lives at critical moments, but it was all wasted on this damn skeleton snake.

But there was nothing he could do. In the previous situation, he was really afraid of the three swords swung by the Skeleton Snake.

If the hunter, adventurer and bodyguard fall together, then this trip to Forgetting the City can basically go back the same way.

When talking about Ming Chao, the money-keeper seemed to have triggered a certain keyword and instantly turned his head to look at Aze.

Money can be considered wealth, right?

"If we really want to fight, we should be able to deal with this ghost thing. I have basically figured out its path." Li Huachao has the blessing of a natural hunter's aura. This skeleton snake looks like a python, so it must be under his control.

"It can indeed be handled, but the cost is too high. We have already lost one person." Aze shook his head and revealed the one detail that really made him determined to use the money immediately, "And I saw it on that skeleton snake. There are only spores on a few small bones, but this thing will gradually spread and it will disappear sooner or later."

He continued: "It is unwise to continue fighting with it. If it breaks the protective clothing and gets those spores on your body, you will be completely ruined. It is better to run away first, and it will disappear on its own anyway." .”

"Is that true? It makes sense." No matter how stupid Li Huachao was, he knew that spores should not be touched. They were more terrifying than poison. If they were touched, they would not be considered human beings.

The tank accelerated all the way and sprinted along the planned route, hoping to leave the Land of Bones in the shortest possible time. In the process, the skeleton appeared again.

However, this time there were talismans arranged by An Buchen in advance, so everyone found the skeleton easily, dismantled the guy, and once again gained fifteen minutes to escape.

As the Tank Daofu completely left the Land of Bones and submerged into an area enveloped by the setting sun, they in the tank truly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally we're out. This place is harder than I thought." The adventurous parent breathed out. He looked at the temporary inventory that was no longer beating, looked at the number "856" marked on it, and showed a satisfied smile. .

"Indeed, if there are too few people, they will not be able to withstand a few attacks from the skeletons, and all the bones may be stolen in two or three waves; if there are too many people, the subsequent skeleton monsters will be able to imitate more player abilities." Yu Liang After this encounter, I have deeply realized the disgusting nature of the ghost story.

If they hadn't had a fast and mobile tank palace, if they hadn't been able to quickly find new skeletons many times, they might have fallen into the trap of the White Bone Ghost Talk.

And this was just the first source of ghost talk that they encountered when they entered Forget City. No, they didn't even see the face of the source of ghost talk.

"This is not bad. At least we haven't lost too many manpower. The losses so far are controllable." The adventurer was very happy because he made a lot of money in this game.

The current White Bones ability can only repair and make bones, but he just saw a more advanced ability to use it.

Simulation skills.

This is much more useful than imagined.

"But after you leave, no one will go back to suppress the Bone Corrosion Spores. We have to take a detour when we come back. I don't want to enter the Land of Bones for the second time." Azze thought of the spore lurking in the dark. The roots of white bones can't help but the hairs on the whole body stand on end.

This wave must have offended them to death. Unless this Bone Bone Root has any special habit of letter circles, he must be trying to settle a score with them.

I can't afford to offend him, and I definitely don't want to do it a second time.

"Now we are entering the bookmaker's territory. How did you meet the bookmaker last time?" Yu Liang walked to the wall of the room and looked down along the regional scene displayed by An Buchen.

At dusk, the golden full sun in the sky shines its light into the city streets, tracing a slender golden edge to everything in front of you.

There was no one on the street, and all the buildings looked old. The roofs were blown away by the wind, and some dark marks eroded by rainwater appeared on the bottom. Many walls had collapsed, exposing the internal reinforced concrete structures.

At first glance, this area is very dilapidated, but it still has a harmonious and warm feeling, which is much better than the atmosphere in the Land of Bones just now.

"Hey, it's strange. When we were in the Land of Bones just now, there were no clouds in the sky. Why couldn't we see the sun?" The illusionist noticed something different and was a little surprised.

Is it because the Land of Bones deliberately blocks the sun, or is it that the Bookmaker's Domain deliberately creates the sun?

"I don't know." Yu Liang shook his head. "This area has been abandoned for a long time, but there are still no plants growing and no animals."

"It still remains dead and silent. No living thing exists here forever." Xu Cixi added following Yu Liang's words.

She looked down and continued: "Let's get off the car. It's better to walk the rest of the way."

"Is it forbidden to fly here?" The adventurer was puzzled.

"The bookmaker may not like the strange creatures, so we'd better put them away, and if it's in the air, I'm worried that I'll miss its presence." Xu Cixi explained that she also had her own set of logic for dealing with strange incidents.

Compared to Yu Liang Aze and the adventurers, she is actually the most professional in handling the world of ghost stories in this team.

Because she is weaker in comparison, she won't do anything extraordinary.

Yu Liang is good at letting go of dogs, and can be used all over the world with one move. After accumulating enough strength, he is not afraid of strange incidents; A Ze has turned the word "creating unrest" into his own special performance art; as for the adventurer... …

Just don’t mention it.

In the weird incident, if the original method has been confirmed to be effective, then of course you should not make changes.

The last time they entered the bookmaker's territory, they met a kind bookmaker on a group walk, so this time they just had to do the same.

Flying randomly over other people's territory may not be a good choice.

"It makes sense." The adventurer nodded.

The Tank Road Mansion circled and landed on a street. Everyone left the Tank Road Mansion and came into close contact with the second piece of Forgotten City territory.

Yu Liang looked at the Zaizi, the Scrooge, and Room 225, and then took them into the universe.

Since Xu Cixi said that bookmakers don't like talking about strange creatures, it would be better to put them away.

When he looked down from high altitude, he did not see any strange creatures in this area.

Under normal circumstances, the source of the resuscitation state would be to cultivate several monsters to drive them. After all, they would not do everything themselves, which would be too out of character.

Just three minutes after everyone left the Land of Bones, there was new movement in this area again.

All the piles of money in front of the long skeleton snake had disappeared. It was stunned on the spot. It took a long time to realize that it seemed to have been tricked by something, and it immediately roared angrily.

"Damn, damn, damn, you dare to trick me, Mr. Chao Chao!" The snakehead uttered human words, and his screams spread far across the wilderness.

Echoes echoed from behind.

"Sooner or later we have to kill them."

"We need to capture them and peel them off to see what kind of ghost dares to impersonate us."

"A bunch of cowards who know how to run away if they can't be beaten!"

At this time, Li Geng opened his white eyes in the sky and squinted towards the area next to the Land of Bones.

He has the Eye of God, so he can naturally spy on the situation in other areas.

But this time the result was completely different from what he wanted. He only took a glance and found that the area next door had been completely wrapped by some kind of blur filter, making it difficult to see clearly.

When he wanted to look at it again, his God's Eye felt like it was stabbed by a needle, and there was an extremely sharp pain, which made the long skeleton snake roll crazily on the ground.


New changes have taken place in White Bone Mountain.

A white jade-like person walked out of the mountain.

She is three meters tall, but she does not look strong in body shape. Instead, she has a slender figure that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve, and her well-proportioned lines reveal a plump and feminine charm.

His whole body was pale and clean, as if he were a person carved from a clean piece of white bone.

Wearing a slightly tight long skirt, she wore an oversized hat on her head. The brim of the hat drooped slightly, covering her face and shrouding her whole body in shadow.

If you look carefully, you can see that the hat has grown together with her life. If you look at it as a whole...

She is like a fungus, a fungus that can move.

"This beautiful sister, from the moment I saw you, I realized that the meaning of my birth is to protect your existence. I am willing to be a knight by your side forever!" The long skeleton snake swam quickly. He came to her side and knelt in front of her.

There is actually a flattering expression on half of the snake's skull.

"Sister?" She repeated the words, slightly raising the corners of her mouth exposed under the brim of her hat, just smiling slightly, and said in a self-deprecating tone, "I have long passed that age, you can call me ——”

"Mrs. Bones."

The pale and clean Lady Bones that the group of friends wanted has arrived.

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