The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 542 Thousand Techniques!

"Successful?" Yu Liang looked at Zhong Chen who was already moving freely, feeling a sense of unexpected joy in his heart.

"I have never been so powerful." Zhong Chen stood proudly in the room, his eyes involuntarily filled with a scornful aura.

After collecting the bones from the god general Lu Bu, Zhong Chen shared the other person's memory to a certain extent, so his behavior also had some of Lu Bu's characteristics.

The Lu Bu referred to here is not the historical Lu Bu, but the Lu Bu whose personal bravery value has been deified in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Therefore, Zhong Chen's whole temperament has become extremely different.

If the previous Zhong Chen was a restrained Long Aotian, then the current Zhong Chen is an outward-looking Long Aotian.

Yu Liangshang still remembered that Zhong Chen once told him that there seemed to be some kind of special power hidden in her body, which would make her body explode with stronger power when her emotions were high.

This kind of arrogance that looks down on the world now may be regarded as a kind of emotion. At least Zhong Chen is really confident at this time.

The only thing that made him feel a little regretful was that Zhong Chen inherited Lu Bu's spine.

Wouldn't it be better if it was Dian Wei?

The one Lu Bu saw in Cyber ​​City at that time was riding the invincible Dian Wei. Compared to Lu Bu, maybe Dian Wei would be more suitable to be a bodyguard, right?

Forget it, now that you have received this epic level enhancement, just have fun and don't need to think about anything else. Maybe Zhong Chen's transformation from a bodyguard to a general will be a good thing.

Yu Liang is surrounded by Tank Daofu and Xiangu An Buchen, and the security level is already very high.

"It's actually root-level power again." Aze looked at Zhong Chen with envy in his eyes. He never thought that the power he dreamed of would be so abundant.

You just have to say that Yu Liang has a ghost story about his origin. Why does even a T2-level ordinary alienated professional bodyguard under Yu Liang have a ghost story about his origin?

Now it’s become two!

Aze took a few deep breaths and tried his best to calm his unbalanced heart.

His research on the source of ghost stories is much higher than that of Yu Liang. Now he can see Zhong Chen's current state at a glance, so he is even more jealous.

"If your guess is correct, it turns out that the root power in Zhong Chen's body is just part of some kind of root ghost story. It was driven by Zhong Chen unconsciously, but it sometimes failed to work." Aze asked Yu Liang about this kind of clock. He had some guesses about Chen's original source of ghost talk.

"It should be so. Sometimes it's very useful, and sometimes it's useless." Yu Liang thought of Zhong Chen in the past and nodded.

Sometimes he can burst out with enough strength to knock Li Huachao away with one punch, but in the battle with Azena, Zhong Chen's protective desire for Yu Liang almost reached its peak, but he still failed to stop the soldiers. In the end, he relied on General Lu to protect himself. Only when people move away can the danger be saved.

Under normal circumstances, Yu Liang only regarded it as a dispensable explosive skill, and rarely let Zhong Chen take the initiative to use it.

Of course, if he had known that this was a powerful ability at the root level, Yu Liang would have started helping Zhong Chen to study it.

"That's because this root power is incomplete, has no self-awareness, and is in a semi-recovered state." Aze looked at Zhong Chen, jealous beyond recognition, "What a lucky guy, but this is too wasteful. ! Not to mention what kind of realm you have mastered, but you didn’t even realize its existence before... Isn’t this too much?”

"Then what's her state now?" Yu Liang knew that Aze had seen something.

"The Lu Bu bones she just obtained and the source ghost story she had mastered before are both in a incomplete state. They form a dynamic balance with each other. When they suppress each other, it gives Zhong Chen an opportunity to control both parties." Aze continued, " They are not all the power of a root monster, but in this case, the superimposed effect of the two is far beyond what a T2 body warrior can exert."

"Sure enough, that book did not deceive me. The Supreme Bone is indeed the key to improving one's cultivation. It is a treasure that even a son of great fortune wants to obtain." Zhong Chen clenched his fists, and there was a tiger and leopard hidden in his body. The sound of the roar was like thunder rolling to the ground, and the movement was extremely loud.

"Yes, and more importantly, under the stimulation of Lu Bu's broken bones, the original root in Zhong Chen's body has changed from semi-awake to fully-awake. Since it has no self-awareness, it is completely driven by her." Ah Ze sighed, he knew that Zhong Chen was right, this guy was indeed a son of great luck.

Semi-awakened root-level power?

Or unconsciously?

Yu Liang thought of something wonderful in his mind, and he seemed to be able to guess where the power in Zhong Chen came from.

On the flesh and blood planet, there exist unconscious root-level forces - root microorganisms.

They are things generated by the "will of the planet" from the source ghost talk. They are naturally special creatures that possess part of the power of the source. However, they do not have their own consciousness. After all, they are just microorganisms. Everything obeys the instructions of the will of the planet.

On the flesh and blood planet, there are some special characters who can drive the root microorganisms, such as a guy who controls the microorganisms that travel through time and space. Another example is that among the upper echelons of the whistle beast group, there are also existences that control the root microorganisms.

Source Microorganisms, strictly speaking, cannot be regarded as Source Kaitan, but can only be regarded as some derivatives directly created by Source Kaitan, but in terms of the level of power they can use, they do belong to the level of Source Kaitan.

Extremely powerful ability.

Naturally, the planetary will of the flesh-and-blood planet does not exist on the earth now, so the microorganisms on Zhong Chen's body are in a semi-revived state. Without the direct drive of the planet's will, they will occasionally be stimulated by Zhong Chen to produce powerful power.

Lu Bu's broken bones happen to belong to the same level of power as the root microorganisms. It should naturally awaken the root microorganisms to check and balance each other, and at the same time be used by Zhong Chen.

To a certain extent, it can be considered that Lu Bu's remaining bones and the root microorganisms were in a confrontation, reaching a state of death, and Zhong Chen could freely use the two revived root powers at will.

Even if it is only one thousand percent of the power of the Origin Ghost Story, it is still the power of the Origin Ghost Story, which is enough to make Zhong Chen stand out from the crowd.

So at this moment, Li Huachao and Lu Mingzhe looked at Zhong Chen together. The two looked at each other again, and they could see faint worry in each other's eyes.

It seems that the combat situation in the universe is about to change again. Let the hunters (gamblers) try to find out the details of Zhong Chen first.

I didn't expect that Zhong Chen, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, could control the power of the source ghost story without saying a word, nor did he expect that Li Huachao would dig out an entire bone of the source ghost talk by accident.

It can only be said that there is a unique attraction between dogs and bones, right?

"It's a pity. If your life hadn't been in danger, this spinal bone would definitely have fallen on me." Li Huachao looked at the white jade-like hand bone in his hand and felt that it didn't smell good at all.

The white hand bones look good, but they are definitely not as attractive as the remaining bones of Lu Bu.

"It fell on you? The one whose life is in danger is you." Lu Mingzhe sneered coldly. He was also lucky that it did not fall on Li Huachao. If Li Huachao took control of him, his combat status would be in danger. .

"Don't worry, everyone, I have never been a fighter in my life, I only like to resolve fights, and I have no intention of competing for such a reputation..." Zhong Chen spoke in a strong Lu Bu accent. She was stunned for a moment, and then blinked, as if she had realized it. Something was wrong with what he said, so he shut up suddenly and stood silently behind Yu Liang.

She is a bodyguard, and bodyguards have to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers. They have to hide their edge and stand behind the eldest lady.

That's what the books say.

After all, the bodyguard in the book has no failures, and Lu Bu in the book doesn't end well. Isn't it clear who he is going to be?

"Now that you have found the bones, let's leave this place now, shall we?" Azze glanced at the time and urged.

If his estimate was not wrong, the next skeleton would appear in about seven minutes. With the speed shown by Tank Daofu, he might not be able to escape the range of the Land of Bones.

However, he also has some props to increase his speed. With these props, he can barely leave the Land of Bones before the time limit.

With Zhong Chen's foundation, the next bone replacement shouldn't be too difficult. After all, the most difficult thing is the spinal bones. What others have lost are basically the bones of the soles of the feet and ribs, which are relatively less critical bones. It is more difficult to replace them. quick.

"Do you want to leave?" The adventurer took the white jade bone handed over by Li Huachao, pinched the opponent's wrist, pushed the white jade bone away with a slight push, and then slapped hard, and the bloodshot hand bone was squeezed. come out.

With Zhong Chen's support, the subsequent bone replacement surgery will be much smoother.

"My suggestion is to leave quickly. The conflict between the two roots is not that easy to get involved in. Since there is no danger to your life, it doesn't matter if you leave directly." Aze said, "Our main purpose is to explore the Forgotten City, a bone root It’s not worth wasting too much of our strength, and we can take a detour without passing through His territory when we come back, so it doesn’t matter.”

"Indeed." Now Yu Liang also agreed with this. Of course, it was impossible for him to fight with the two root monsters here.

The source of the ghost talk is immortal, is it possible to summon "it" here to forcibly suppress the spores and bones?

It may be possible to do this using the character collector's enhancement function, but how can anyone come up and use the ultimate move?

They haven't encountered any "human" monsters yet. It's more in their interest to keep them after getting benefits. Anyway, the source of ghost stories inside Forget City is complicated. Even if Bai Gu hates them, they don't dare to really catch up. Otherwise, they will be provoking. The source of approaching ghost stories.

If another conflict breaks out...

At worst, let the adventurers break up the fight and continue to make a lot of money.

"Don't go here, go from here." At this time, An Buchen, who had rearranged the talismans, drew a new route in the Taoist illusion. Intuitively, the route she chose was longer, "Probably It takes fifteen minutes to leave the Land of Bones, but the advantage is that you can directly enter the bookmaker's territory."

"Bookmaker? In this case, we have to take a detour to go to the bookmaker's place?" The secretary was puzzled.

"It doesn't matter, I still have a way to identify the location of the skeleton. As long as I don't leave this Taoist mansion, I can still find it next time." An Buchen said, giving everyone confidence, "That is to say, what we have Not seven minutes, but twenty-two minutes.”

"That's good. In this case, as you said, we will directly enter the bookmaker's territory." Aze nodded. The bookmaker is the source of a good impression of human beings. If we take a detour without taking the risk of the skeleton, we can enter the bookmaker's territory. Craftsman territory is naturally a safer and more reliable approach.

At this time, Li Huachao felt something was wrong with the time mentioned by An Buchen. If he remembered correctly, An Buchen seemed to have said something similar before.

So he poked Lu Baoshen next to him with his elbow, and whispered: "Believe it or not, this guy found out at least once that the skeleton man's trump card was not revealed. We can stay here for at least half an hour."

Lu Baoshen thought for a moment and remembered that An Buchen had agreed to let him go out for five minutes in the sewers of Cyber ​​City. He immediately nodded in agreement: "At least one hour."

This sentence was caught by the clever little fairy. She glanced at Lu Baoshen and said nothing.

Now that the decision has been made, the Taoist government restarted and followed Li Geng's guidance on the road to heaven, heading towards the bookmaker's territory.

"Wait a minute, a big skeleton snake appeared more than one kilometer behind us!" Li Geng saw something from God's perspective and immediately reminded everyone.

An Buchen projected what Li Geng saw on the wall to let everyone see clearly what it was.

"Is this... a human snake?" Li Huachao looked at the familiar skeletal snake, and for a moment he had the illusion of dreaming back to a flesh-and-blood planet.

If I remember correctly, he had built something like this on the flesh and blood planet, right?

Who is so tasteful that he can think of the same wonderful ideas as him? This kind of ruggedness with exquisiteness and ingenious artistic beauty is simply another masterpiece.

"It's a skeleton version of a human snake." Yu Liang made a simple comment, and then said to An Buchen, "Don't worry about that thing, let's go directly."

They had already decided to leave, and naturally he didn't want to waste any time on this seemingly untouchable thing.

However, he wanted to leave, but the Skeleton Snake didn't want him to go.

"It's my Taoist mansion!" An Buchen, Lu Baoshen and Yu Liang screamed in unison, their voices extremely penetrating, "Someone has stolen my Taoist mansion, hurry up and catch up!"

"It's not your Taoist mansion, it's our Taoist mansion!" Aze, the secretary, and the illusionist said.

During this period of time, the power of the group grew again, and they were already a collection of consciousnesses of more than a dozen people.

"Kill them! Kill them! Kill them!" Screams came one after another, and the long skeleton snake quickly activated, approaching the distant tank mansion at a super speed that was difficult for ordinary people to understand.

"Ahem." Li Geng frowned slightly. That special scream even reached his ears, causing his operation to be interrupted. The tank suddenly stepped into the air and fell several meters before continuing to drive on the road. .

"We have to go faster. At this speed, we will be caught up in two minutes." An Buchen analyzed the answer to the catch-up problem.

"Don't worry." Azze took out the props he had prepared a long time ago and slapped them on the wall of the Tank Dao Mansion.


Divine walking Taibao Talisman

Note: After use, it will gradually accelerate to 300% of the current speed in the next seven minutes, and after three minutes, it will gradually decelerate to the speed before using the talisman.

"talisman?" Yu Liang did not expect that Aze would take out such a thing.

"Well, the acceleration effect is very strong, and you can run out of this area very quickly." Aze was very confident in the effect of the talisman.

An Buchen secretly glanced at the talisman while operating it again and again, silently remembering the drawing method of the talisman in his heart.

The grade of this talisman is very high, and the lines are complicated. Fortunately, she is born with a Taoist body, and her Taoist memory is extraordinary, and she can fully remember it in her heart in one minute.

If you can copy it, it will be a life-saving thing.

On the other side, the Skeleton Snake suddenly became anxious when he saw that the speed of the Tank Daofu increased again.

"Lu Mingzhe, hurry up, let's get started." Yu Liang stretched out his long, alluring neck and said over his shoulder.

"Of course." Lu Mingzhe chuckled, raised his hands, and the white power in his palms surged crazily.

They don't need alienated classes anymore because they have better ones.

He saw the Tank Palace suddenly flashing in the distance, and then appeared next to him, switching places with the mountain of bones next to him.

Thousands of skills.

Bones Edition.

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