The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 538 Spores have grown.

"Did you feel that something was wrong with the bones you just pressed into your body?"

The tank was driving smoothly in the air, while Li Huachao was constantly wandering around the room. Judging from his face, he seemed to feel uneasy.

"What's wrong?" Yu Liang looked back.

"It just feels like there's some delay." Li Huachao thought for a while, but wasn't too sure.

He stretched out his left hand and tried to move the finger bones of his left hand, but the current experiment made him feel that his fingers were extremely sensitive and did not seem to be delayed.

"Delay? Is it because Wangcheng's network is not good?" The adventurer made a joke, but it didn't seem funny because not even Li Huachao responded to his joke.

"Tell me carefully what this delay means." Yu Liang walked to Li Huachao's side and looked at his left and right hands.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but he suddenly felt that Li Huachao's left and right hands seemed to be different sizes.

"Hiss - your left and right hands seem to be different sizes!" Lu Baoshen noticed this in a rare way, probably because as a gambler, he has a keener observation of other people's hands.

"A person's left and right hands are not guaranteed to be exactly the same size." The secretary said calmly.

"No, they are different." Yu Liang shook his head and picked up the hands of An Buchen and Lu Baoshen for comparison. "They are 'conceptual people', and their left and right hands are exactly the same size."

"It seems so, this feels a bit strange." Li Huachao frowned, "The delay is actually not high, probably only a few milliseconds. Even if it were placed on me, I only have a vague feeling like this, and I can't be completely sure."

"Is there something wrong with the bones that were just assembled? I don't seem to feel anything." The adventurer shook his thigh, still a little hard to judge.

"Maybe it's the difference between hands and legs? Under normal circumstances, hands are much more flexible than legs, so it's easier to find problems with the hands." Li Geng pointed out this point, and then asked, "Li Huachao recycled his left hand, you guys Who out there is recycling their right hand? Try it and see if you feel this kind of delay."

"My right hand." At this time, the secretary raised his hand to indicate. He felt his right hand and continued to control his right hand to move, but he could not feel the sense of delay that Li Huachao mentioned.

Ten seconds later, he just shook his head and said, "I don't have the feeling you mentioned."

"No, you are not a physical warrior. Your ability to control the body is not that strong. You cannot feel it." Li Huachao responded casually, but he still focused on his body.

As a T1 physical warrior and a hunter who requires fine hand movements, he could feel the strangeness.

"Try guessing with your left and right hands. Don't have any ideas. Just follow your instincts and do whatever you want." At this time, Azze, who had been observing, patted the secretary on the shoulder. He recalled what had just happened and had some ideas. .

"Okay." The secretary nodded, and then began to fight with his left and right hands.

I saw him punching or moving quickly with his left and right hands, without any thought at all, it was completely instinctive of the body.

After a dozen seconds of demonstration, everyone present could discover the problem.

First, more than ten times of rock-paper-scissors duels between the left and right hands have been draws, without any accidents.

Second, every move made by the right hand will be slower than that of the left hand.

If the secretary subconsciously asked the left and right hands to draw, then the speed of the moves of the left and right hands should be almost the same, which is more in line with human behavioral characteristics.

If this is the case now...

The feeling given to the players present was obvious. The right hand was imitating the left hand.

Since it didn't steal the secretary's thoughts, it didn't know what to do and could only imitate the left hand. This imitation caused a delay, so the right hand was slower to move.

"Sure enough, there is something wrong with the bones we just replaced." The secretary made a judgment. After Aze's advice just now, he could also feel the delay in his right hand.

"There is also a problem with our search for bones." Xu Cixi thought of a small detail when she just retrieved the bones.

If Li Huachao hadn't discovered something was wrong now, she would have ignored that small detail.

When Lu Baoshen used the goblin hook gun to retrieve the adventurer's leg bone, the adventurer simply placed the leg bone next to his thigh, and the leg bone adsorbed on its own. This shows that the appropriate leg bone is the same as the original owner. There is a slight attraction between them.

However, this was not the case when they dismantled the skeletons and filled the bones into their own bodies. They pressed the "bones" into their own bodies.

At that time, their focus was on how to find bones that fit their bodies, but no one paid attention to this issue.

Xu Cixi immediately told everyone about the difference he discovered. This discovery immediately silenced everyone present.

So the current situation is...

They replaced bones that didn't belong to them?

No wonder Li Huachao said there was a delay.

"In this way, we can confirm that the adventurer's leg bone is definitely real, and the other bones that entered our body may be fake." Yu Liang analyzed, this can be regarded as the only good news.

Based on this, he began to think more deeply.

"Really? My leg bones can't be fake?" The adventurer blinked and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, if all the parts on the leg bone skeleton are fake, then Lu Baoshen's hook gun will not catch the parts on it." Yu Liang explained that this judgment is not difficult to understand.

He continued to think: "In this case, it means that the skeletons replaced our bones with other bones, and our bones were left in other places."

"I understand, let's turn around." Aze nodded, already understanding Yu Liang's thinking.

The skeleton just now was almost always under Li Geng's sight, and it had only one possibility to replace its bones.

Bone Mountain.

The Skeleton Man traveled through several Bone Mountains, and they had absolutely reason to believe that the Skeleton Man's bones were replaced unknowingly during this process.

"What if the replacement of the skeleton is a void replacement, and the bones can be replaced through the air with the power of strange stories?" The illusionist was puzzled as to why Aze could give such a definite answer.

"If it were exchanged in the void, the skeleton in the earth and stone prison would be able to complete the entire exchange process, but it did not do this, which means that it is trapped and unable to replace its bones." Aze saw He glanced at the hypnotist and continued to explain.

While they were discussing the results, the tank that drove up the road turned back and gradually went downhill. They needed to retrieve their bones along the way.

Now that we have determined how the bones were lost, things become simpler again.

During this process, everyone also checked the status of their own bone count, and then looked at each other, understanding each other tacitly.

The fifteen-minute limit came again, and some of their bones were missing again, which meant that there was another skeleton among them.

But now they have been in the Tank Taoist Mansion. The door of Room 225 has not been opened, so the skeleton is also inside this Taoist Mansion.

Now that they can't find the skeleton, there is a high probability that they are affected by some kind of strange power, so there is no need to alert the snake now. They only need to let Li Geng have a God's perspective, and everyone can catch this new skeleton.

Li Geng also understood what the sudden silence meant. He quickly entered the God's perspective and observed the strange things in the Tank Road Mansion through the perspective function of the God's perspective.

Based on previous experience, they had no way of discovering the skeleton from a normal perspective unless they were guided to observe the skeleton for the first time, and this guidance had to come from Li Geng.

Li Geng's eyes quickly scanned every player present, but he did not find the skeleton that should have been extremely conspicuous. After searching for it three times and confirming it, he asked in confusion: "The skeleton is not among us. middle."

"Not here?" Li Huachao took a deep breath, and he had some bad premonitions in his heart. "Look at other places outside the Taoist Mansion. Our bones can't just disappear for no reason, right?"

Li Geng confirmed again and again that there were absolutely no skeletons within two or three kilometers of his field of vision.

"Could it be hiding in the Bone Mountain? But how did it break away from us and leave here through the confined space of the Tank Road Mansion?" The adventurer expressed confusion.

"Confined space... No, the Tank Hall is not completely sealed." An Buchen knew Room 225 best, and she instantly thought of the only possible loophole.


The barrel of the tank tunnel was connected to the inside and outside. Due to technical limitations and the fact that it was not used under normal circumstances, An Buchen did not carefully design the barrel.

"Did the skeleton really escape from here? If it breaks down into bones and leaves... it is possible." The adventurer lay down and looked out from the end of the barrel. He could see The sky outside.

The main gun barrel of the tank is a smoothbore gun. There is no rifling in it, but there are some scratches from different types of shells.

The marks were so messy that he couldn't tell whether there were any scratches from bones.

"Room 225 said she had never felt anything coming in and out of the main gun tube." An Buchen had already asked about Room 225 and got the exact answer.

"In this case, the ghost story will be difficult to deal with." Aze sighed, "If it is the influence of the root ghost story, then the derivative is probably evolutionary. It was visible to the architect just now, but now it cannot be observed. .”

"That means it might still be in the tank, but we can't see it?" the secretary summarized what Aze said.

At present, they still have too little information, so they cannot make effective judgments.

"Try this." The adventurer took out a jar of white powder. "Revealing powder is very useful for finding some weird creatures that have hiding functions. It can directly mark the medium through which the power of ghosts affects the world, so even if some Strange creatures will also appear if they cannot be touched."

So in the next few minutes, the adventurer took his powder and splashed it in room 225 one after another, and the revealing powder immediately exerted its effect, showing fluorescent red in the corner, exposing the skeleton to In front of everyone.

When the skeleton man saw everyone's eyes focused on him, the corners of his rib-shaped mouth suddenly dropped, as if he understood that he had been found again. He looked left and right, as if he wanted to leave Room 225, but it After all, he was unable to escape from the shackles of matter. He could only scratch the wall ineffectively and could not penetrate directly.

The second wave of bone separation was easier to handle. Since Yu Liang and the others already understood some of the characteristics of the White Bone Ghost Story, they did not give the skeletons a chance to replace their bones.

By disassembling the skeleton and piecing together their own bones, everyone was able to understand that their previous guess was correct.

The bones that belong to you will have a weak attraction when they are put together, and they can be installed smoothly. From this, you can judge that the bones of the first wave of decomposed skeletons are not their real bones.

In other words, every character now has a thirteenth part of them that doesn't belong to them.

"Skeletons like this do have the ability to evolve. The third wave of skeletons will probably not be found by the Apparition Powder." Aze looked at the Apparition Powder scattered on the ground and thought of the situation he might face next.

"Go down first and search around the Bone Mountains to get back the bones we lost the first time." Yu Liang patted Li Geng on the shoulder and motioned for the other party to put the tank on the road, "If you hurry up, Get our bones back in fifteen minutes and get out of the area.”

"No, what I'm thinking is... we should be more decisive and leave the Land of Bones directly." Aze put forward a different opinion, "It doesn't matter if we lose a dozen bones. After we leave here, we can replace the ones that don't meet the requirements." Take out the bones and replace them with some props. There is no need for us to waste time here for a dozen bones. This weird story is a quagmire, and I'm afraid it will get deeper and deeper."

Stop the loss in time before things reach the worst possible outcome. The dozen or so missing bones may not be that important to the characters present.

"No, what Zhong Chen is missing is the spine. If she leaves the Land of Bones, her power will be lost. She may die directly. There is no possibility of replacing the spine." Li Geng immediately refused. He didn't want to see anyone. casualties.

"Spinal bone? This is indeed a bit difficult to deal with." Aze did not insist anymore, just shrugged and returned the problem to Yu Liang, "Then let you decide. But I want to remind you that what you are facing now It’s a strange story about the origin of recovery... Don’t just think that you have the strength of T1 and just make it big, as this will kill a lot of people.”

He pointed to the land of bones below: "There are only a group of us in the entire area, but there are not many strange stories here. He is so quiet and strange."

A Ze said this, he would not treat Zhong Chen differently just because he was Yu Liang's man. If the person who was missing his spine was a soldier, he would leave the land of bones without hesitation.

This is his choice.

"I may not die. People have 206 bones, which means I still have a lot of time. I just need to find the most critical spinal bone during this time." Zhong Chen said, she looked at Yu Liang, her eyes The decision has been made, "I suggest you go first, there is no need to stay here and make things worse."

"Wait, come and take a look..." At this time, An Buchen's solemn voice suddenly came from the bridge.

Everyone followed her guidance and saw an enlarged projection of the outside world appearing on the wall of the Tank Mansion.

On the projection, the things on the top of the bones are clearly visible.

Fine colorful spores covered every corner of the bones. Such a strange and gorgeous sight made everyone present think of something very bad.

"The spores have grown."

An Buchen slowly exhaled.

They should have thought that this was the territory of the spores. If the bones had driven away the spores, they would have seen the spores further out, but they didn't.

Because they grow together.

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