The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 537 I am Li Huachao, where are you?

Seeing that everyone present was frightened by Aze's prediction of the Bone Ghost Story, Yu Liang immediately thought of a solution in his mind and was not too worried.

He coughed to attract everyone's attention, then patted Lu Baoshen on the shoulder and said to the others: "Don't worry, we still have Lu Baoshen."

Then Yu Liang looked at Lu Baoshen and said, "Come on, use the hook gun to capture that skeleton man."

"Yeah, there's this one too!" Lu Baoshen's eyes suddenly lit up, he took out the goblin hook gun from the inventory and started his spinning ritual.

In order to successfully use the precise person-finding function of the Goblin Hook Gun, Lu Baoshen first needs to have a clear understanding of the target, and secondly, he needs to have sufficient luck.

In the brief contact, Lu Baoshen had already established a basic impression of the skeleton, and now he was naturally able to catch the escaping skeleton with the goblin hook gun.

So Lu Baoshen threw out the goblin grapple gun after spinning in a circle, and then everyone looked at the direction where the goblin grapple gun shot, and they all showed expectant eyes.

Only An Buchen stepped forward and supported Lu Baoshen, who was dizzy and shaking due to his crazy circling.

"Uh... thank you." Lu Baoshen turned around and looked at An Buchen beside him. For the first time, he felt warmth from a member of the Dwarf Alliance.

It's a pity that Taoist Lolita is not my type.

Lu Baoshen shook his head, already rejecting An Buchen in his heart.

"You think too much, this guy just wants to rub your luck." Lu Mingzhe immediately reminded, "Anyone can help you sincerely, but it is impossible for these cultivators. "

Lu Mingzhe deliberately emphasized the word "monastic", and he didn't know who he was emphasizing.

Of course, Lu Baoshen looked like he didn't understand and turned a deaf ear to Lu Mingzhe's words.

Probably because the skeleton had just run away from a few people and had not yet gone far, Lu Baoshen felt the pull of the goblin hook gun in his hand in just ten seconds.

Lu Baoshen, who had used the hook gun many times, naturally understood that this meant being hooked.

"Caught it." Lu Baoshen began to recycle the end of the goblin hook and quickly grabbed the gun head back.

After another ten seconds, the gun tip returned to the hook gun.

"This..." Lu Baoshen looked at the thigh bone tightly grasped by the hook, and his eyes widened for a moment, "Why did you just catch a bone?"

"Obviously, the guy decomposed himself and ran away after being caught. This hook only brought back its thigh bone." Aze said coldly. He didn't have high expectations for the goblin hook gun. , so there is not much disappointment now.

He has cloud spots on his body to protect him, so he will no longer be captured by the Goblin Hook Gun. This proves that the Hook Gun is not invincible.

Although it can forcibly suppress the source of Kaidan and bring it back, it is still too afraid of the ability to separate the body.

It just so happens that the Origin Kaitan does not lack this ability, and even many Kaitan creatures do not lack this ability.

So at this time, the gloom in everyone's hearts gathered again, and Yu Liang frowned slightly, seeming to realize the seriousness of the matter.

"Haha, my leg bone!" Only the adventurer could laugh, because he had recovered the most critical leg bone.

Then he placed his leg bone on the edge of his leg in front of everyone. He could feel that there seemed to be a suction force between the leg bone and thigh. As soon as he let go, they were attracted together and reassembled.

It is impossible to rely on the goblin hook gun to find skeletons. Everyone will lose more than a dozen bones every fifteen minutes, and the hook gun can only retrieve one bone every hour. This is completely meaningless.

"Think of other ways." Azze glanced at the time, "I didn't pay attention to the time, but we should still have eleven or twelve minutes."

"Li Geng, if you enter the God's perspective again, the guy shouldn't have run far away. Li Hua used radar to guide him in the direction. After Li Geng finds it, he will directly use characters to build a cage to trap it and wait for us to catch it. "Yu Liang looked at Li Geng, an architect, and immediately paid attention.

If it looks like this, this thing is actually not difficult to deal with.

Li Huachao had already marked the skeleton with a hunting mark in advance. He probably knew the skeleton's location, while Li Geng had the ability to raise buildings on flat ground.

Skeletons can freely shuttle between the Bone Mountains, but they must not be able to freely shuttle between earth and stone buildings.

"Okay." Li Geng was reminded by Yu Liang, and he immediately realized what he should do. He came to Li Huachao, who pointed in a general direction.

"In the northwest, about 500 meters, it has not been running, it has stopped." Li Huachao accurately revealed the direction.

At the same time, Yu Liang pulled out the Tank Daofu from the universe and called everyone on board: "Let's go catch that guy."

An Buchen got into the driving seat naturally, while the others got in the car one after another.

"You don't need this good thing just yet?" Aze muttered in a low voice.

"It is a monster creature, so it will get tired." Yu Liang glanced at Aze, and continued, "But if there is something that can quickly restore the physical strength of the monster creature, it can be used multiple times."

Prior to this, the main reason why Yu Liang did not use Room 225 was because he was worried that the power of Kaitan in Room 225 might arouse the hostility of Kaitan.

There is no need now, the presence of the skeletons already shows that they may have been targeted by something.

There is no chance at all. They are the only ones in the entire White Bones area. A resurrected Source Monster will definitely notice them. Now we can only hope that the Bones Source Monster is not so boring and does not want to confront them head-on here.

It was indeed the first time for Aze to enter the Tank Road Mansion. He was very curious about this slightly crowded room. He kept walking around and marveled at the layout of the Tank Road Mansion.

This is the artillery shell area. There are about five types of commonly used artillery shells placed together, including goblin conventional artillery shells, steel potential energy bombs, cyber electric fire bombs, two-dimensional bombs and two-dimensional corrosive bombs.

The regular goblin shells are naturally the shells Yu Liang collected from the Cao Ying race on the flesh and blood planet. The storage capacity is quite large, so there is no need to worry about the remaining capacity for the time being.

The steel potential energy bullet is very simple. It is a more conventional artillery shell. Simply put, it is an iron ball that relies on the dynamic potential energy of the grass infant biological cannon to attack the target.

The cyber electric fire bomb is a little more sci-fi. It is a special cannonball that was temporarily modified by An Buchen and Li Geng.

Since the use of gunpowder weapons is prohibited in the world of ghost stories, bombs filled with explosives cannot be used under normal circumstances, and some bombs that do not use gunpowder in Cyber ​​City were targeted by An Buchen and Li Geng.

Conventional electric energy bombs can only be used in Cyber ​​City and cannot be carried back to the Kaitan World. An Buchen must modify them, remove some of its components and modify them to bypass the rules of the Kaitan World.

During his research on bombs, An Buchen also discovered that the talisman could be detonated remotely through electricity. This undoubtedly contributed greatly to the development of cyber technology and Taoist technology.

In the modified electric fire bomb, the explosive symbols completely replace the gunpowder under normal circumstances. The explosion symbols are filled in to detonate, producing a steel ball bomb blast, covering a large area, and at the same time generating an electric spark area at the impact point of the bomb. Cause secondary damage.

Although the damage of this electric fire bomb has been greatly reduced, it is generally not bad, at least it can be brought back to the real world.

Of course, the production process of this kind of bomb is very cumbersome and requires Li Geng and An Buchen to work at the same time, so they did not make too many. During this period, they only made about thirty or forty, which were piled up in the tank road. Generally not used.

And they are also studying how to improve this process and simplify the process. It is best to teach grass babies to learn.

In this way, they can take the trained Cao Ying to Cyber ​​City to set up a Cao Ying cannonball assembly line.

The Cao Ying Factory is not too far away. When this day comes, Yu Liang will truly have mastered a military factory and can unleash firepower unscrupulously.

As for the two-dimensional bombs and two-dimensional corrosive bombs, they are relatively simple. They are both transformed from octagons using things from the two-dimensional world. This is not too difficult, so he gave birth to the idea of ​​building a two-dimensional corrosive bomb in Flatland early. The idea of ​​​​a vitamin C baby factory.

As a scientific researcher, he should do more meaningful things instead of focusing on this kind of assembly line work.

There are a lot of screwdriver talents.

At this moment, Aze stood in front of the five types of cannonballs classified into different categories. His mind was full of doubts. He still didn't understand how Yu Liang managed to use such a "hot" weapon in the world of ghost stories.

These bombs...

It looks like contraband no matter how you look at it, right?

But what made him curious was that the gun barrel in the tank tunnel was very strange. It was not the design of a common tank. Instead, it was almost grounded and left a lot of space, as if it had been left behind by something.

"The writer didn't use all his strength in that battle." The dream sleeper who followed Aze looked a little serious, and he had a vague sense of crisis for his idol.

Although Aze's team fights with a playful mentality, this does not mean that their enemies are also qualified to hide their clumsiness.

Has that level of offensive not inspired the writer's inner strength?

Also, this is a tank, a mecha, and a heavy machine gun. It doesn’t feel like it’s the same game, right?

We are still in the supernatural running group in the feudal era. Why do you just open Civilization VI?

An Buchen was not as relaxed as others. When she arrived at the Tank Road Mansion, she had absolute say. She quickly walked up to the driver's seat, took out two talismans, put one on Li Geng's forehead, and the other Pasted on the control panel of the Tank Road Mansion.

Sympathy Talisman, you can choose one of the five senses to share.

Through the spell, An Buchen opened the illusion space inside the Taoist mansion, so external scenes appeared on the walls inside the tank, and there was also Li Geng's God's perspective scene in the driver's seat.

After turning on the radar system, An Buchen wanted to take out the meat machine and add six big legs to the tank road, so that it could travel freely on the road full of bones.

"Go to the left." At this time, Li Geng displayed his character and created a slope in front of the Tank Road Mansion.

As the earth slope appeared, the Tank Road Mansion immediately drove up, and then a series of earth slopes appeared, raising the Tank Road Mansion to an altitude of about twenty meters.

Since the soil slope with the "slope" character is simply in an invincible state when it is generated and is not affected by gravity, the tank road house only needs to drive up during this period of time to achieve the purpose of taking off.

After the tank road passed the soil slope, the originally suspended soil slope was completely formed, and then collapsed due to gravity, and became stuck on the highway ground.

After rising to an altitude of twenty meters, Tank Road Mansion could already cross most of the White Bone Mountain, so Li Geng began to create horizontal earth "walls" again, constantly creating paths under Tank Road Mansion's tracks. Give it direction.

On this magical sky road, Li Geng and An Buchen completed almost perfect cooperation, making the Tank Road Mansion feel as stable as walking on flat ground at an altitude of 20 meters.

Such a sight also shocked Aze. He blinked his eyes and felt something incredible.

Can you still play like this?

He can be regarded as well-informed, but he has really never seen this kind of scene.

God's perspective plus character-generated buildings, this should be the ability of the "architect", right?

That's interesting. Is there an architect profession in Haicheng?

How about I try copying an architect?

For a moment, Aze, a born actor, had the idea of ​​copying his homework and buried it deep in his heart. He planned to give Yu Liang a surprise.

Of course, if Yu Liang really knew, he would probably just smile disdainfully and pay no attention to it.

Can Li Geng's tactics be used by normal architects?

The personality clone created by your actor Aze is no different from the original person. At most, it has the possibility of promotion, but there will definitely be no criticism of the original person.

The advantage of being a writer lies in this (perhaps). Every profession can be a protagonist and can be played out.

The gambler Lu Xing also has [Thousands of Skills], and the original architect also has [Shape Construction], but they still can't do anything fancy like teleportation and aerial combat.

This is the confidence that criticism brings me.

Soon, the aerial tank found the prison trapped by Li Geng's earth and stone prison. The tank followed the spiraling downhill road built by Li Geng and landed steadily on the ground.

Everyone got off the tank and came to the trapped skeleton.

The current skeleton can only keep spinning in the earth and stone prison. Just as Yu Liang expected, it cannot pass through the earth and stone.

"Smile, smile again." Li Huachao walked in directly and slapped the skeleton man on the head.

"Stop, don't hit, don't hit, don't hit, my ribs hurt." Just as Li Huachao was violently attacking the skeleton, the phantom sleeper yelled out "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

The skull's head is made of ribs, leg bones and other messy things, and Li Huachao's attacks on it seem to be directly restored to the main body.

Seeing this, Li Huachao could only snort and let the skeleton go.

"Tear it down. Let's find our own bones and put them back together." Yu Liang looked back and saw that Li Geng had closed the door of the earth and stone prison again. The skeleton would no longer have the possibility of escaping, so he felt relieved.

In the next few minutes, everyone worked together to dismantle the skeleton into its various parts, then carefully distinguished the bones and the gaps in his body, and pressed the found bones back into his body one by one.

Fortunately, the bones that make up the skeleton's body are in one-to-one correspondence, so this puzzle is not difficult at all, just a little time-consuming.

"Phew - I finally got my hand back. It turns out I can use it, but it always feels soft inside and it doesn't work well." Li Huachao moved his left hand that had been filled with bones and showed a bright smile.

Everyone is like this, and their worries are relieved.

Indeed, they have gathered such a huge force here, and they are not newbies who have just entered the Kaitan dungeon. How can they be stumped by a simple skeleton?

After walking out of the earth and stone prison, they continued on the Road of Bones. According to Li Geng's estimation, if they took the Tank Road Mansion, they could leave the Land of Bones in half an hour.

What they couldn't notice was that on the Bone Mountain where the skeleton first passed through, a piece of complete left hand bone rolled down onto the road.

He raised his hand bones tremblingly, grinding them on the ground with all his strength, leaving the bone powder on the ground, and wrote the words.

"I am Li Huachao, where are you?"

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