The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 539 Adventure! Zhong Chen’s supreme bone!

When Aze saw the spores growing from the top of White Bone Mountain, he had a vague feeling.

Damn it, it’s been so long since he’s been to Wangcheng that he didn’t notice that the two ghosts, the source of the resurrection, started fighting in this land.

It has been clearly determined that the origin of the bones is likely to come from the third ring. If the spores of the fourth ring are driven away, they should migrate to more peripheral areas, but they did not realize it during the process of entering the Forgotten City. I didn't see any spore territory, which is obviously not consistent with common sense.

He didn't suddenly realize this until he saw those spores growing from the mountains of bones on the ground.

"The spores... have not disappeared. Are the spores underground?" the adventurer said in shock. He did not expect to see traces of spores here at all.

"Yes, in this case, I can probably understand the truth of some ghost stories about bones." Aze's face darkened, and he pointed to the skeleton relics that had just been found in the corner, "Spores have the ability to 'disappear' and ' Losing the ability to sense', this ability has been stolen by the skeletons, so it is becoming more and more difficult for us to find the skeletons."

He defined: "The Bones are constantly growing. This is the growth of characteristics. When He frees his hands to deal with us, the difficulties we face will be more difficult."

"What you mean is that now the Bones have no time to tangle with us, so the impact of the ghost stories on us is not too deep?" Yu Liang understood what Aze meant.

"Of course, there is a strange story about the origin of the resurrection, and in addition, there are only a group of us in his domain. The intensity of the attack just now... is far from desperate enough." Aze narrowed his eyes and looked at the spores carefully, and suddenly he Laughed out loud.

"Why are you laughing again?" Li Huachao raised his hand instinctively. If he remembered correctly, the last guy who laughed had already been beaten by him.

"We are very lucky." Aze pointed at the spores and said, "We are really lucky. According to the situation just now, the bones can suppress the spores in all directions, because all the spores have been buried underground. It will be suppressed by those mountains of bones. If this trend continues, as long as we dare to stay in the land of bones, at least half of our manpower will be lost."

"It's so scary..." Li Huachao saw that Aze stopped laughing, so she took back the judge's hand and whispered.

"Yes." An Buchen glanced at him and spoke rarely, "If I'm not mistaken, the result of triggering the White Bone Ghost Story is not to kill us, but to control us."

She pointed to some bones in her body: "You should have discovered just now that the reason why you can control your left hand now is not because you can still control it, but because it doesn't want to make you panic, so follow your orders and try your best to Imitate your behavior.”

"Is it waiting for an opportunity?" The secretary looked at his own bones and frowned, "As long as more bones in our body are replaced, the root ghost story can directly control us?"

"Indeed." Aze touched his chin and affirmed this speculation, "Most of the source monsters will take the initiative to collect and cultivate some monster creatures, but there seems to be no such creatures in the Land of Bones. They are probably in the original chassis. The other source of Kaidan was wiped out during the battle, so his goal is to turn us into Kaidan creatures.”

On the one hand, he wanted to turn them into monsters, and on the other hand, it was because the White Bones were suppressing the spores and copying the characteristics of the spores to strengthen themselves. At this time, the White Bones had no intention of killing them.

"Then you leave now?" Zhong Chen heard the dangerous meaning hidden in it and immediately expressed his intention to escort Yu Liang and the others out of such a dangerous place.

"We can't walk. Since He wants to turn us into monsters, he may have set up a back-up plan. With His bones in our bodies, we have been tricked. If we run to the border now, we will only waste the time on the way back and forth. Time." Aze rejected Zhong Chen's opinion, "We may not be able to find traces of the skeleton next time. Once we can't find the skeleton and get our own bones back, we will be completely trapped in the dilemma of ghost stories. bingo."

"Then why were you laughing just now?" Li Huachao was a little dissatisfied and raised his hand again.

"Because that was the situation before." Aze Shang didn't know what Li Huachao meant by raising and lowering his hand, but he could vaguely feel that something was wrong, so he stood silently behind the soldier and continued, "What just happened The white bones completely suppressed the spores, but it is different now. The spores have grown out of the white bones. It is foreseeable that some unknown accident must have happened, which made the white bones weaker or the spores stronger. , the spores already have room to resist."

Seeing this, Li Huachao could only put down his hand helplessly. He didn't want to hit the soldier on the head.

It takes a lot of effort.

"Snipe and clam compete for the fisherman's profit?" Li Geng looked at the spores on the Bone Mountain, thoughtfully.

"What accident are you talking about?" Lu Baoshen was a little curious and straightened his back because he felt that this kind of accident must be related to him.

That’s right, it’s all a blessing!

"I don't know. If you look carefully, you might be able to find it." Aze expressed regret.

"So what are we going to do now?" Lu Baoshen was confused.

"Follow this idea, strengthen the spores or weaken the bones, increase the pressure on the bones, and use this time to retrieve our bones." Aze said, picking out three or two props from the inventory, "The only thing What you need to be careful about is if the ghost talk gets out of control, but that will happen later, let’s get over the current situation first.”

As long as they can get the bones back, they can be protected from the invasion of the White Bone Ghost Story to a certain extent, and they can take back the initiative.

"The question is how to enhance it?" The adventurer still blinked in confusion, and then noticed that Aze and Yu Liang's eyes were on him.

Afterwards, more and more people turned their attention to him, and it seemed that everything was unspoken.



The adventurer figured it out.

But as he thought about it, he felt something was wrong: "No, it doesn't matter if they thought of it before me. How did you know that I have such an ability?"

Of course he was referring to Aze, but Aze just whistled and turned his face away from the adventurer.

"This is a good opportunity to talk about your abilities. Don't let it go." Yu Liang didn't care about Aze's petty theft behavior. He knew that it was unavoidable. In comparison, taking this opportunity could allow him to take risks. families get more benefits.

If the bones are strong, open the box of bones, and if the spores are strong, open the box of spores. As a middleman, the adventurer can eat as much as he wants. Isn’t it wonderful?

Through Aze's analysis of the current situation, Yu Liang probably knew what this guy wanted to do.

There are two choices before him, either to forcefully pull away the bones buried in the source of the ghost talk, and leave the land of bones regardless.

This may result in attrition, and their strength will also be reduced to varying degrees.

And this is just the first stop when entering the Forgotten City. With such casualties, the subsequent exploration can basically be modified into the word "survival".

The second option is to let the adventurers steal the ability of the White Bone Ghost Story, and probably use this ability to reshape their bones and get rid of the influence of the Origin Ghost Story.

In the process of the adventurers reconciling the ghost stories between the two sides, they can also search for their own bones. It is best to find them naturally, which can save some root resources collected by the adventurers.

"I understand." The adventurer had already thought clearly about everyone's expectations for him, and a smile of "I understand" appeared on his face, and at the same time, deeper thoughts were born in his mind.

In short, his ability is particularly suitable for "contradiction reconciliation" when two source monsters are fighting. Not only can the two monsters engage in endless conflicts without having time to take care of other players, but they can also collect a certain amount of mediation from them. Fees are simply a sure-fire deal.

The only thing that needs to be noted is that it is generally difficult for source ghost stories to conflict with each other.

Strictly speaking, there is no strong or weak distinction between the source ghost stories. At most, there will only be a restraint relationship based on rules, but in actual situations, there will be many situations.

Depending on the progress of recovery, the degree of self-consciousness awakening, and the willingness to fight, the strength displayed by the two root monsters will be different.

After all, as long as there is a conflict, it cannot always be a confrontation stage. There is a high probability that there will be a winner and there will always be a situation where one party suppresses the other.

Such a scene looks like "strong and weak" to players, and what adventurers have to do is to eliminate the gap between strong and weak and achieve true world unity.

In T2, I was collecting supernatural items, and in T1, I started collecting root powers. I have to say——

It’s so much fun to be an adventurer!

While they were discussing, Tank Road Mansion had landed on the road and stopped beside a mountain of bones.

"The north is where the first wave of skeletons were trapped. Let's go south along this road and search the Bone Mountain we encounter at intervals. We should be able to recover the bones." Yu Liang first pointed to everyone. The earth and stone prison at the back pointed to the several bones mountains in front, and then gave a reminder, "But be careful not to install your own bones when you find them. Observe them for a period of time to prevent the bones from being contaminated by spores, otherwise they will be destroyed." It might just disappear.”

"Understood." Everyone agreed.

Yu Liang's reminder is still very important. After all, there are so many people here. There will always be idiots whose hands are faster than their brains. They will press on their own bones when they find them. If they are infected by spores again, it will be really serious. Death is the end.

Several people put on the protective clothing brought by Xu Cixi, and put on a skin bag brought by Aze, and then began to search the Bone Mountain with long forks.

They didn't expect that the suit to resist spores would eventually come in handy.

Fortunately, in order to punish Li Huachao, he was forced to carry a large amount of luggage. Originally, these protective suits were meant to be thrown near the off-road vehicle.

Yu Liangliang thought with satisfaction and gave him a thumbs up for his foresight.

On the other side, the adventurer chose to open the box facing this mountain of bones without hesitation.

The scope of the box attack is that even if the Root Kaitan has used power within five minutes, the current Bone Kaitan will definitely use his ability at the key point of the battle with the spores.

In this case, the adventurer will steal the root power that White Bone Ghost Story will use in five minutes, weakening White Bone Ghost Story's power to a certain extent.

It is equivalent to Skeleton going to the bank to withdraw money in five minutes. As soon as he took out his bank card, he said to Him, "I'm sorry, part of your money has been taken away by that gentleman at this minute. I can only give you so much."

At least for this minute, White Bones can summon less power, making it easier to maintain the balance of the fight.

Of course, the price to pay for this is obvious.

The guy who caused trouble for him at this critical moment must be on the blacklist of Root Monster. Once he frees his hands, the first one to deal with him will definitely be the adventurer.

"Okay, okay, Bones, I stole the Bones." The adventurer looked at the Bones icon that popped up in the temporary inventory. He was immediately excited and wanted to take it out and try it out.

Under normal circumstances, he would definitely be reluctant to experiment, but the most important thing now is to replace bones for other characters. Naturally, adventurers will not act picky at this time.

"Zhong Chen, yes, you come here first and I'll see if I can help you get a new spine." The adventurer wandered around and his eyes rested on Zhong Chen.

Among the players present, only Zhong Chen lost his spinal bones. This was the most critical thing. Replacing the bones had the highest priority.

The current adventurer has accumulated 100 points of bone's root power, which according to his estimation should be almost enough.

At the same time, due to adventurers stealing the roots of the bones, new movements also appeared on the Bone Mountain. More spores grew from these bones, and flowers with bright colors bloomed on the white jade-like bone-like branches. .

"The origin of the bones..." The adventurer deeply understood the power of the ghost stories of the bones. At the same time, he placed his hand on Zhong Chen's broad back and used his ability to replace the spinal bones for Zhong Chen.

He felt it for a while, then looked at the Bone Mountain beside him, and said to everyone: "It's a waste to directly shape bones with your ability, and the bones created are not very strong... Quickly, get rid of those that have not been infected with spores." Search the infected Bone Mountain for the spinal bones left by more powerful creatures, which can strengthen Zhong Chen."

"Can you change the bones?" Li Huachao's eyes lit up when he heard this. It sounded really awesome, so he also wanted a share of the pie, "Give me some, what about dragon bones and phoenix bones? Listen. He looks so handsome when he looks up.”

"Bone cannot be replaced casually. The bones peeled off by the White Bone Ghost Story will contain part of the consciousness from the subject. Only by suppressing this consciousness can we control more powerful bones." Through the analysis of the root power, the adventurer has been able to obtain more powerful bones than before. More intelligence information, "Zhong Chen's frame is very large. She should be able to accommodate higher-strength bones. This may be an opportunity."

"Is that so?" Zhong Chen nodded, narrowed his eyes and looked at the Bone Mountain, his tone involuntarily brought a royal aura, "It seems that I need to obtain a more powerful Supreme Bone. No, I can endure the backlash of more different types of Supreme Bones, because in this life I already have people I will protect to the death."

Yu Liang: "..."

It's broken. The spinal bone triggers Zhong Chen's keyword. The chuunibyou that I could see from the online article was almost suppressed, but now a supreme bone has been created.

But think about it carefully, why does he actually have a vague expectation? Sure enough, is the true meaning of returning to nature in this world?

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