The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 536 The Curse of the Land of Bones

A once powerful source, Kaitan, was driven out of his territory and forced to the outskirts of Forgotten City.

This news is definitely not good for the group of people who are about to enter the Forgotten City.

"Be careful, I have never seen this kind of white bones before. It is probably the source of the third ring or within the Forgotten City, but now it is driven to the fourth ring by something." Aze said, and then briefly explained what "ring" means. "The Forgotten City has roughly four rings, the inner ring, the middle ring, the outer ring, and the suburban ring. Generally speaking, it can be thought that the more peripheral the source ghost stories are, the less active they are and the more they are in a dead state, so the lower the risk."

"That is to say, the originally more dangerous Bone Ghost Talk has now come to the suburban ring?" Yu Liang understood what Aze meant.

"It's even worse than that, because the White Bone Ghost Tan who was driven out must be in a state of recovery." Aze's face looked ugly.

Even though this team has many T1-level players, it is still vulnerable when faced with a completely resurrected Root Monster, and there is still a high possibility of casualties.

"Then take a detour? Enter from another direction?" An Buchen made a rare suggestion, "According to what the actor just said, the territory of the spores has moved, so it should be nearby, so it won't be too difficult to find. "

"It's useless." Aze just shook his head, "The resurrection of this kind of root ghost story is often transitive. Once the bones are revived, other root ghost stories will also have a high probability of waking up after being stimulated. This is an instinctive response. Exciting reaction."

He glanced at Yu Liang and others and said: "Compared with this unknown White Bone Mountain, what I don't want to face more is the resurgent spores. What about you?"

I have to admit that Aze's words do make sense. Spores are easy to deal with only because they are in a sleeping state.

If revived, spores may be the most difficult thing for players to deal with.

Once contaminated, there is no possibility of salvation. You can only watch yourself being abandoned by everyone and forgotten by the whole world.

"Just go from here." Yu Liang was persuaded by Aze, and he also didn't want to take another detour.

Now their understanding of Wangcheng is extremely limited, and it makes no sense to choose. It may be easier to just go with nature and let the gamblers increase their luck.

This large team became extremely unified at this moment. Needless to say, the adventurer and Xu Cixi both followed Yu Liang's instructions. And Aze also chose to listen to Yu Liang in order to stay in this team. At most Give some opinions based on your own experience.

The group of people continued to move forward and soon came to the White Bone Mountain that lay in the middle of the road. They couldn't help but slow down and observe the White Bone Mountain.

The size and shape of the bones vary. The large bones are almost as long as Lu Baoshen, while some small skulls are about the size of a mouse.

Some are animal bones, some are human bones, some bones are as white as jade, and some are dead gray and broken.

"It doesn't smell bad." Li Huachao stepped forward and twitched his nose.

The cub next to him followed suit and sniffed the Bone Mountain together. Then she showed a dull look, as if she was thinking about something or her brain was shut down.

The returned cub has grown to a height of about three meters. When she takes on the responsibility of Li Chaoniang's mount, she can be regarded as a bird of prey.

Therefore, the task of carrying luggage that Yu Liang had given to Li Huachao was basically taken over by Zai Zi.

If one cub is not enough, Li Huachao can also split her and let the cub split into two, so that he can carry all the luggage, which is very convenient.

"It's best to stay away from these bones." Aze reminded, "We have entered His territory, so these bones are probably the medium she uses to perceive the world. If there is nothing wrong, it is best not to let her Feel our presence.”

"It's a pity." The adventurer withdrew his fiery gaze. He still wanted to steal some bones and bring them with him.

If there were no teammates, he would definitely pick the bones.

He had even chosen his target. The whitest jade bone in the White Bone Mountain looked quite extraordinary. It was unknown what kind of monster it was picked from.

"Keep walking, don't pay too much attention to the bones here." Yu Liang followed behind several Azes, and the formation was basically arranged at this time.

At the front is the soldier Aze. He can maintain 100% fighting spirit even when there are no enemies. In this state, except for the ability to avoid control, he has full strength in all directions. He is the best meat. The shield is just right for opening the way.

On both sides are Adventurer and Li Huachao. They are both high-quality physical warriors who can fight and resist. Naturally, they have to cover the two wings.

In the middle and back stages are Yu Liang and other characters who have no close combat capabilities, including Perfumer, An Buchen, Li Geng and others.

It is worth mentioning that gamblers and bodyguards Zhong Chen and Xu Cixi stayed at the end of the team, playing a role in breaking up the line.

Keeping everyone in the gambler's field of vision will help Lu Mingzhe transfer important figures in the team at critical moments to ensure overall safety.

The team's configuration is absolutely surplus, enough to cope with any emergencies. It can be said that no matter what kind of player team they are, they dare to go up and have a try.

Unfortunately, what they are facing is the source of ghost stories.

There are more and more White Bone Mountains on the road. The height and area of ​​the White Bone Mountains are different. They are like awls standing on the road, hindering the progress of this team.

But so far, they have not been attacked by any strange creatures, so there is not much panic.

Reaching the T1 realm at least means that players have a certain ability to protect themselves when facing source monsters. There are so many T1s present, so there is no need to worry about anything.

"Li Geng, let's take a look from God's perspective. How far are these bones covered?" Yu Liang turned to greet Li Geng.

Since Li Geng will be affected by deceleration when activating his skills, the team also slowed down at this time and spontaneously formed a circular formation to protect the core characters in the central area.

"Okay." Li Geng nodded in agreement and immediately entered God's perspective.

When he opened his eyes again, he had a panoramic view of the entire highway. There were countless large and small bones mountains standing on the highway. There were also scattered bones mountains on the wasteland outside the highway, but they were much sparser in number. .

Li Geng's God's perspective is not fixed, but the range of adjustment is limited, so he can only see the scene within a few kilometers, and he can't see clearly if it extends further.

At least a few kilometers are almost entirely occupied by such bone mountains, and further away...

It seems to be shrouded in a fog, making it difficult to see clearly.

Once there, is it the territory of other root ghost stories?

Li Geng didn't know the answer, but from a high-altitude perspective, they were on the right track, and there were no strange creatures active in this area.

Absolute silence, no living beings except their group.

It seems pretty safe.

Li Geng breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little relieved, but the moment he looked back, when his peripheral vision fell on his group, he suddenly noticed something.

He has always been very sensitive to numbers. The moment he saw the team, a number popped up in his mind.


There are sixteen creatures in the party.

Counting the two separated cubs, there should be fifteen creatures in the team.

One more person?

When did you sneak in?

"There is one more person in the team!" Li Geng was still able to speak from God's perspective. He said quickly, and then quickly switched the perspective back.

Within three seconds of waiting for the perspective to change, drastic changes also occurred in the team. As Li Geng's reminder came out, Yu Liang quickly jumped away and came to a relatively empty place, taking everyone in his eyes.

After counting the number of people in his field of vision, he also came to a conclusion similar to Li Geng.

Including the two cubs, there were a total of sixteen creatures, and if he counted correctly, there should only be fifteen here.

"There's one more person?" Li Huachao took out the knife in an instant, jumped on Zai Zi's back, and looked down at the other characters present.

The five Azes are divided into one category, the adventurer, Xu Cixi and the perfumer are divided into one category, and then the characters in Yu Liang’s writer’s universe are divided into one category.

it's here!

Li Huachao's reaction speed in this regard was very fast, and he quickly found the strange creature that had blended into the crowd.

It was a skeleton made of white bones. There was even a small amount of blood on the bones, which looked very fresh.

It's just that this skeleton has no head. To be more precise, he doesn't have a skull in the human mind. His skull is made up of several bone fragments. Two holes were dug out of a thigh bone. A faint will-o'-the-wisp ignited, which was probably something like eyes.

The skeleton seemed to know that the people present had discovered him, so a section of the ribs that made up the skull slightly bent, as if showing a sinister smile.

"Laughing at your paralysis!" Li Hua pinched Zai Zi's buttocks with his legs, and made Zai Zai charge like a horse.

Zaizi shrugged, and his luggage fell down, and was caught by another Zaizi clone. The original body came directly in front of the skeleton and leaned down slightly.

Li Huachao slashed down with his sword without hesitation, while the skeleton man fell towards the White Bone Mountain behind him, like a drop of water sinking into the sea, directly passing through the White Bone Mountain.

Zai Zi circled the Bone Mountain to continue the pursuit, but in the second she took the detour, the skeleton had already run far away in a rampage.

These mountains of bones are like insurmountable obstacles blocking the cub's path, but for the skeleton man, these mountains of bones will not block it, it only needs to keep running forward.

As a result, the gap was immediately apparent. Zai Zi could not catch up with the skeleton man and was thrown away in three or two seconds.

As Zai Zi ran towards the depths of White Bone Mountain, Yu Liang also stopped Zai Zi and Li Huachao: "Stop chasing, come back."

It seemed that he would definitely not be able to catch up. It would be better not to fall into the trap of the skeleton man.

"This thing can go directly through the Bone Mountain, but we can't. In this case, we will never catch up." Li Huachao said with some helplessness, "But I marked the skeleton with a hunter's mark. If you really want to chase it, it should You can’t run away.”

It seems that Li Huachao also understood that this might be the skeleton man's attempt to lure the tiger away from the mountain, so he pursued him not far away.

"When did that skeleton man sneak into the team? If it weren't for Li Geng, we wouldn't have discovered it. Is it the influence of some strange power?" The adventurer was surprised by what he just encountered. He didn't expect so much. The presence of T1 can actually allow a monster creature that doesn't look very strong to sneak into the team.

"Let me give you some fragrance." The perfumer quickly took out multiple fragrances and buffed everyone present.

Her fragrance can make the mental state more stable, slightly improve athletic ability, and have a chance to randomly clear a negative state.

If everyone hadn't discovered that the skeletons were a negative state brought about by the source of ghost stories, they should be able to get rid of them now.

"We may not be able to find that thing from a normal perspective. We must let Li Geng see it from a high-altitude perspective." Yu Liang analyzed.

Not all of the characters present were the careless type like Li Huachao. Even Azean, Buchen, and Li Geng had no idea that the skeletons had gotten in. It was obviously the influence of some kind of strange power.

Perhaps, this is the root cause of Kaitan's intervention?

"No, it didn't sneak into our team." At this time, An Buchen seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly said, "You'd better check your body. I'm fifteen and a half yuan short." bone."


As soon as these words came out, everyone present felt a numb scalp, and they all stretched out their hands to touch their bodies. From the visual effect, it looked like they had been poisoned by a group of demons dancing around.

"I feel like my ribs are missing."

"Where's my leg bone?"

"There's no bones left in my left hand."

"Here, why am I missing thirty or forty bones? By the way, does a person only have one hundred and eighty bones?"

The last sentence was said by Li Huachao, and then he got the answer.

"No, it's usually 206." An Buchen said directly, "Also, you shouldn't have that much less."

"Okay." Li Huachao breathed a sigh of relief. He was just talking nonsense because he just vaguely felt that he was missing a lot of things.

After a brief confirmation, everyone can basically confirm that each person is missing about 15 or 16 bones. If this number is multiplied by the number of people 13 (excluding Zaizi, Zaizi has no missing bones), it will be exactly 206, which is a The number of bones a normal person has.

In other words, the skeleton just now was actually pieced together from the bones of the thirteen people present, and now, the skeleton has run away.

"Don't worry yet, I have missing leg bones, but I can still walk on both legs now." Aze said calmly, "Catch that skeleton man back, and we should be able to get the bones back."

Then, his tone changed again: "But before that, we'd better not leave the bone area, otherwise we may lose our bones forever."

"Fortunately, I know its location." Li Huachao breathed a sigh of relief, "There are so many of us, it shouldn't be difficult to catch a skeleton."

"No, we have only been in the Bones Area for fifteen minutes." Azze shook his head, "If we can't catch the original skeleton and leave the Bones Area within fifteen minutes, there may be a second skeleton. Man is separated from our bodies until our bones are completely dismantled.”

"By that time, we without bones will definitely die directly."

For a time, a cloud of sadness and a sense of urgency enveloped everyone's hearts.

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