The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 509 Aze’s last knife and Yan Hu

Aze never expected that at this point in time, the Dream Sleep Master would be able to give him a big job.

You know, in the two-dimensional world, all they see are line segments, and they want to reverse the position so accurately so that the enemy hunter appears near their actor...

This is a delicate job, and it is difficult to calculate it in such a short time. This shows that the hypnotist has probably thought of such an operation for a long time.

Damn it, I knew this young man was unreliable.

Aze cursed in his heart, then looked at the unkind arrival of Li Huachao, turned around and ran away.

Although he had prepared many life-saving stamps in advance, it did not mean that he wanted to face an assassin daddy directly in this situation.

He had every reason to suspect that if he reduced his personality clones to six, perhaps this battle would be much easier.

At this moment, under the hypnotist's rampant laughter, the ghost bride and ghost groom drowned him like a swarm of piranhas, knocking him out.

With the elimination of the Sleeper, the effect of the Sleeper on the field will automatically disappear, but the Sleeper himself is not dead, so the place of reversal still exists, but without the Sleeper, it seems that it no longer plays a role at present.

It was precisely because of the disappearance of the Sleeper that Li Huachao was able to see the existence of Aze's body again after a brief period of "blindness", and he was naturally overjoyed.

"Aze? Stop!" Li Huachao threw a hunting mark on Aze's body without hesitation, and then rushed forward.

I originally said that you are too far away from me to get the hunting buff, but now you are in my face, why don’t I prepare a big surprise for you?

"Don't chase, don't chase. It is immoral to kill the commander wantonly." Aze immediately opened a stamp to increase the movement speed, and ran towards a sea monster in the direction of random.

"Haha, immoral? I have never been immoral! Stop, I haven't avenged the last revenge yet! You disgust me, don't you? Send me to a parallel universe, right? I finally caught you!"

Li Huachao replaced the short knife with a slender railing that he picked up at random, which was both flexible and hard, just like bamboo. Then he started chasing A Ze's butt.

"No, ow! Shi Ke can be killed...ah! Can't be humiliated!" Azze couldn't dodge and was hit several times by Li Huachao. It wasn't until he opened the shield to reflect the damage that he felt better.

At the same time, the swordsman was also teleported near the chessboard. After judging the current situation, he also realized what Li Huachao was doing, and immediately chased after him to prevent Li Huachao from attacking the actor.

However, don't forget that at this moment, the swordsman and the actor Aze both have hunting marks on their bodies, and they happen to be in a double hunt.

Aze's movement speed is reduced by 50%, while the swordsman's movement speed is reduced by 10%. This leads to the consequence that the swordsman cannot catch up with Li Huachao, but Li Huachao can easily catch up with Aze, and then circle around Aze repeatedly. smoke.

"Here, come and save me!" Aze noticed this after escaping for a certain distance. He immediately stopped and waited for the swordsman to catch up and protect him. As for Li Huachao's attack...

[Defend]: Only one copy per round, movement speed -50%, you can choose to invalidate the next three attacks.

[Shield Armor]: Immediately summon a shield that can withstand 5000 points of damage.

Aze is still squatting here. Anyway, he has a lot of defensive stamps. Even if he squats here and lets Li Huachao fight for a few minutes, it will be no problem.

But this can be regarded as repaying his debt. Just now he ordered the soldiers to chase the writer away and beat him up. So soon it was his turn. It was really a reward for this world.

"Is this tortoise shell so hard?" Li Huachao hammered twice and found that he couldn't break through the defense. Then he looked at the swordsman who was following closely. He was heartbroken. He put the actor Aze on his back and ran away, squeezing the invisible trap while running. The well is thrown back, causing trouble for the swordsman from time to time.

"No, what the hell!" Azze really didn't expect that this guy would carry him on his back and run away, and the other Azes also had nothing to do with this situation.

any idea?

I’ve never seen anything like this before!

And several Aze who turned into sea monsters suddenly experienced a change of position, and suddenly lost and regained their sight. They were a little confused.

Now this body seemed a bit bulky, and they turned around for a long time before they discovered what had happened to the real Aze.

Several sea monsters gathered together and sent half of the sea monsters to surround Room 225, while the other half came to block Li Huachao's way, hoping to save the actor Aze.

It's not because they have a strong sense of responsibility and want to be responsible for Aze, but mainly because if Aze is eliminated, the battle will be over immediately...

If you haven’t had enough fun yet, of course you need rescue.

"I've caught Aze, I've caught Aze! Fire at me! An Buchen, fire at me!!!" Li Huachao shouted on the battlefield with a broken gong voice, constantly asking An Buchen to Chen fired, "Ten goblin chain bombs will kill this stupid actor!"

"Hey! You don't want your life!" When Aze heard this, he was immediately shocked and started to struggle at the same time, "You want to die, but I don't!"

"Then you surrender." Li Hua looked at Tuqiong and was waiting for Aze.

"Go away, are you trying to force me to surrender?" Aze pretended to be angry, and then started calling his fellow Azes at the same high voice, "No, Confessor, Programmer, you two do something! Don't be special. It’s time to play!”

On the other side, as the only T1 grade fairy An Buchen in the writer's universe, she is not a pure bastard. By controlling Room 225, she showed off her skills crazily, leading Yu Liang to shuttle between the sea monster's attacks, and also... There is considerable spare power to release spell attacks against those sea monsters.

She didn't show too many surprises, but she was like an old cow in the team, plowing the ground diligently all the time and delivering real output.

It can be said that An Buchen alone took on the important task of protecting Yu Liang, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he turned the tide.

At least when Li Huachao fought against the swordsman and Lu Baoshen delayed the soldiers, she successfully protected Yu Liang, giving Yu Liang time to organize the next attack.

First of all, the Thunder Snake and Money Keeper who have finished charging can carry out the next wave of lightning attack, which will definitely destroy all these sea monsters.

At least it can break the state of these sea monsters and expose the Azes inside.

Wait until then to launch a volley of guns and artillery to establish an advantage, and finally turn around to deal with the swordsmen and soldiers.

Yu Liang arranged things in an orderly manner in his mind, but when he was about to send out Razer, he suddenly found that the situation on the field seemed to have changed dramatically.

According to the good news from the wedding company, they captured the Dream Sleeper. On the other side, Li Huachao was dragging Aze's body towards this side, shouting "shoot at me" while running.

No, why do I suddenly feel...

Just a tailwind?

Yu Liang felt a little puzzled, and he recalled the content of the prompt box he just saw.

It seemed that for a moment, all the players present became sleepers, and then the dream sleeper selected a creature as the center to reverse the position, and then Aze's body ran to Li Huachao?

At the same time, the Dream Sleeper was beaten out by the Ghost Bride and the Ghost Groom, so the situation developed in a favorable direction.

Is this what a hypnotist does before he leaves?

How much he hated Aze's true form.

Yu Liang vaguely understood the whole story, and realized that Aze's personality clones seemed to have major character flaws.

In this regard, I have to praise my own dog, dwarf alliance, dragon king's bodyguard and motherfucker. At least they are very worry-free during the battle.

In a way, is this a major advantage that writers have over actors?

"Quickly, go catch Aze's body over there. If you catch him, you will win half the battle!" Yu Liang immediately pointed in the direction of Li Huachao and gave an order to An Buchen.

Although Aze's body must have some life-saving seals, it is definitely not a loss to catch Aze.

That means they have gained the initiative and can take the lead in dragging the remaining Aze to other battlefields.

This can maximize the advantage of a wave of guns.

An Buchen could also understand this, so he controlled the No. 225 tank and ran in the direction of Aze without hesitation.

When the other sea monsters saw it, they became anxious.

"Confessor, I'm calling you, help!" the rapper shouted.

"Yes, and you, the programmer, go with him quickly!" the shadow puppeteer agreed.

The Confessor and the Designer of the Metaverse are also a little helpless. They have all been named by Aze, and it is really difficult for them to not come on stage.

But now, the confessor still wants to be lazy because he really doesn't want to waste his confession.

"How about this? If I add some buff to whomever I want and switch the target with the secretary's assistant, I can also create a big daddy." The confessor suggested rationally.

[Lord's Forgiveness]: Record a character's "confession" in the confession book, and the confessor will influence him with love, purify his soul, and clear away negative emotions and mental infections. After completing the confession, the confessor's overall constitution will be reduced by -1, and the penitent's overall constitution will be +1. The time limit is 15 minutes.

A small buff skill is not very powerful.

"Who else is here besides you now? Neither the swordsman nor the soldiers are here." The secretary rejected it without hesitation, and then urged, "Hurry up, Aze is going to be caught!"

At the same time, the chess player also pushed the rapper as a chess piece forward, asking him to block the two-way rush of Tank No. 225 and Li Huachao.

"Give me a big tonic pill." The confessor was helpless, and he inevitably had the urge to beat up the hypnotist, and then immediately apologized to God for his violent thoughts.

The confessor activated [Confession], refreshed the Chinese medicine's great tonic elixir, then took the medicine from the Chinese medicine's hand and put it away carefully.

As a T1 gradient profession, [Repentance] is indeed very strong, but [Repentance] plus [Lord’s Forgiveness] are still too weak, and cannot be considered a real T1 profession at all.

Therefore, the Confessor also has a professional ability, but it cannot be used for many purposes.

When the Lord forgives you, you will grow. But what if the Lord does not forgive you?

Then I have to take you to see the Lord personally.

[The Lord's Unforgiveness]: Open the confession book and absorb great power. Each confession record can provide the confessor with an increase of "all qualities +1" for a limited time of 15 minutes (the upper limit of all qualities is temporarily increased to 16).

In just an instant, the aura of the Confessor reached a terrifying level, surpassing swordsmen and soldiers, and becoming a being that even T1 gradient body warriors would be frightened by.

When the overall physical bonus reaches 16, human players will undergo a qualitative change again, almost like a terrestrial fairyland.

Such is the case with the Confessor at this moment.

He strode out and rushed towards Li Huachao so fast that afterimages even appeared. In an instant, he was close to Li Huachao, and then he pushed out with a palm towards Li Huachao's chest.

"What the hell?!" Li Huachao was startled by the monster that suddenly appeared in front of him. Even he didn't dare to take the sharp palm blow, so he quickly turned around and chose to face the guy with his butt.

It's not that I really want to use my butt to receive this move, I just want to use Aze to receive it.

"Holy shit, shit! You..." Aze looked at the fragile shield in front of him, and then compared it with the full blow of the confessor. He was fully confident that this guy just wanted to kill him.

However, the Confessor was not a phantom sleeper or a blacksmith. He changed the shape of his palm to pull, and pulled Aze back.

"That's a good fight." Aze finished the sentence without changing his expression.

"Leave it to me, the good confession book has been cleared again." The confessor threw Aze to the side, then rushed towards Li Huachao, and cooperated with the swordsman behind Li Huachao to attack in a pincer attack.

Now that he has been allowed to take action, there is naturally no need to hold back. By ending this battle as soon as possible, he can still have some time to increase his strength so that he can beat up the sissy sleep master.

"Okay, I'll come and confess to you after I do a few more bad things." Seeing that he was safe again, Aze immediately said with a smile.

That's right, that's how the so-called "born actor" came about. To a certain extent, it's all the fault of the Confessor. If it weren't for the Confessor's ability to seduce Aze, he wouldn't have wanted to do those things.

Committing a crime first, and then going to the confessor to confess and obtain forgiveness would not only free Aze's heart from the burden, but also make another entry in the confessor's notebook.

A perfect match.

Of course, some of the things he did before acquiring the personality of a priest must have been secretly instigated by the priest.

For example, locking other players into a small dark room and then wearing a special skin to live in harmony with their parents for a month, such as asking a rapper to tutor some young high school students in math.

"It's not about confessing to me, but to confessing to God." The confessor's tone was very serious, but he knew that this was of no use to Aze, so he could only sigh silently in his heart.

Li Huachao quickly retreated. He realized that his situation was not good, and he immediately made a trap and placed it in front of him. At the same time, it disintegrated, and he and Hua Niang ran away one by one.

"What?" The confessor didn't know that the hunter had this ability, so he stepped into the trap in a blink of an eye. The swordsman, on the other hand, had expected it and rushed forward without hesitation, slashing Li Huachao's back with his long sword. one time.

He has noticed that when the hunters disintegrate, the physical fitness of the two hunters will become very weak.

To put it simply, two hunters cannot beat him. Only when they are combined can they have the strength to fight him.

"Confessor?!" Yu Liang in Room 225 used An Buchen's illusion to see what was happening not far away, and realized that the physical warrior hidden by Aze had finally appeared, and it met his requirements very well.

"Yan Hu! It's your turn!" Yu Liang opened the door of Room 225 and called the prophet's name.

"Huh?" Aze looked back in surprise at the location of Room 225. The name was unfamiliar to him and he had never heard of it before. And weren't there only those five people under Yu Liang's command?

Who is Yan Hu?

At the same time, at the end of the street, the prophet Yan Hu received the order and inserted the dagger into his chest without hesitation.

There was a flash of white light, and the prophet Yan Hu descended on the battlefield and appeared in front of the bound confessor.

Without any space, Yan Hu punched him forward.

And in the place where Yan Hu originally hid, a character was left on the ground.

Prophet Yan Hu, please come! (End of chapter)

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