The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 508 Forget it, no matter what they do!

Yu Liang never expected that at this point in time, Aze could still give him a big job.

Five giant monsters appeared on the chessboard and immediately attacked Yu Liang and others.

"Damn it." Yu Liang threw himself in one direction, barely avoiding the tentacle-like sweep.

When the soldiers were chasing him just now, he was a little confused as to why Aze and others didn't pursue the victory, but now he immediately understood.

These people are preparing to become such monsters!

"Hahahahaha, this sea monster skin is so fun." The rapper kept waving his tentacles and chasing Yu Liang with them.

It's called a tentacle, but it actually doesn't have much to do with a tentacle. It just looks a bit like a bar with spikes.

Monsters living in the ocean are basically irregular figures, and their bodies have evolved to be more suitable for hunting. The eating between figures relies on a method similar to "sucking", so they will expand themselves as much as possible. The body allows one to touch other creatures within a wider range.

This causes them to look similar to octopuses and squids, and there are also monsters with terrifying mouths that use amazing suction to devour surrounding creatures.

At this moment, Yu Liang immediately had the idea of ​​​​escaping from the chessboard, but this idea was thrown away in the blink of an eye.

The following period of time was bought by Lu Baoshen at his own expense. If he ran away now, he would be able to retain a certain amount of strength, but what will happen when the soldiers come over after they have eliminated Lu Baoshen?

There is also Li Huachao. The swordsman only needs to entangle Li Huachao, and other Aze can rush up to stop Li Huachao and deal with Li Huachao.

At that time, Yu Liang's side lost troops and generals, but Aze was not injured. He took a short rest and attacked in full strength. Then he really couldn't play anymore.

"You have to withstand it." Yu Liang didn't know the specific duration of effect of these skins, but in this situation he definitely couldn't bring out guns and cannons to support them. If he used guns and cannons to attack the sea beast skins in front of him, the most he could do was destroy them. This is just a state, and it will be difficult to pose any threat to the Dream Sleep Master and others in the future.

By the way, the somnologist.

Yu Liang's eyes shuttled among the monsters, trying to find the position of the Illusionist hiding at the end, but the bodies of the monsters completely blocked the Illusionist, making it impossible for him to start.

"Li Geng, how long has it been?" Yu Liang paid attention to the phantom sleep master, so he asked Li Geng about the current time.

Li Geng, who was out of the game, has been taken back into his body, so he can act as a timer. At the same time, Li Geng also handed over the unblocking props that he had not had time to use to Yu Liang, giving Yu Liang the ability to use the seal at critical moments. .

There might be some suspicion of violation in some sense, but Yu Liang felt that Aze would not mind.

Yu Liang had seen the ability of the Dream Sleeper, so he boldly guessed that the Dream Sleeper would set himself as a sleeper when opening the Reverse Land, and then use [True God] to increase the number of sleepers created per minute on a large scale. quantity.

If they only come one or two every minute, the ability of the phantom sleeper will definitely be greatly reduced, and there is no need to even use it in the battle with Yu Liang.

Before opening the Land of Reversal, the Sleep Master still needs to resist the Razer's attack in a static state, so naturally he has no spare time to use [Disadvantage] in advance.

[Disadvantages] With the combo of [True God] and [Sleep-Sleep], the number of sleepers created by the Illusion Sleeper every minute will increase significantly. This is something that must be guarded against.

For this kind of combo routine, Yu Liang can predict to a certain extent and temporarily invalidate the ability of [Sealing Sleep].

It's very simple. A [Universe] with a large infant carrying capacity can have a restraining effect on [Feng Mian].

"The next trigger...will be in two seconds." Li Geng immediately gave the exact time.

"Okay." Yu Liang did not hesitate and immediately summoned thirty grass babies.

However, [Sealing Sleep] was not triggered two seconds later, but five seconds later.

The error in the middle was acceptable. Yu Liang modified Li Geng's timer, and then checked the thirty grass babies he left behind.

Fifteen of them have become sleepers. These grass babies will be taken back to the universe, and the remaining fifteen will be placed on the chessboard battlefield, waiting for the next offset of the [Sleep] effect.

[The place of reversal takes effect]

【Reversal of direction】

【Have fun~】

At the same time, the reversal effect on the Sleepers was switched, this time it was a reversal of direction.

However, there were not as many sleepers on the battlefield as the dreamer imagined.

Lu Baoshen has left the place of reversal, so he will not be affected; Snake Eater is recovering from his injuries and has no intention of coming out to fight; as for the sleeper created when [Sealing Sleep] was triggered last time...


The fifteen sleepers disappeared into the land of reversal.

The hypnotist's reaction speed was not slow, and he immediately knew why.

The author has introduced the strange creature designated as the Sleeper into the universe.

However, the number of monsters fighting on the battlefield has not decreased, which shows that the author has consumed some weaker monsters to counteract the sleepers.

If this continues, I'm afraid the creative characters in the writer's universe won't be able to turn into sleepers in another ten minutes.

Do I need to use [True God] to modify the scope of [Feng Mian]?

[True God] can modify the range or number of targets in the Sleeper skill. The number naturally refers to the number, but the range does not.

For example, the original description of a skill is "creature", [True God] can change it to "Kaitan creature", or to "player", but it cannot be changed to "non-creature".

Both Kaitan creatures and players are creatures, and this is a reduction within the reasonable scope of the rules.

The dreamer came up with the idea of ​​changing the "creature" in "Sealing Sleep" to "player", but he still had some hesitation.

These Azes on the field are regarded as "players" just like the writer's characters. If this modification is made, the next [Sleep] will definitely turn a large number of characters on the field into sleepers.

Judging from the number of people, it seems to have a greater impact on our own side...

Forget it, what do you care about them?

Change, just change!

If I can't turn the opposite character into a sleeper, wouldn't my ability be wasted?

Do you know how to play if you have skills but don’t use them? !

The illusionist was heartbroken and immediately changed the effect of [Sealing Sleep] to target the players present. In this case, the next time [Sealing Sleep] is triggered, the effect will be to remove the fifteen players with the lowest mental values ​​in the area. The player is set as "Sleeper"...

Hahaha, there are only a few players on the field now?

Enter the place of reversal for me!

The phantom sleep master still stayed in place and did not move, but the speed of his operations was very fast, and his main focus was to take surprise.

The "Qi" here refers to the other Azes.

At this moment, the main general, the Dream Sleeper, was sitting in the middle palace, while the other Azes transformed directly into sea monsters and rushed forward to deal damage. Among them, the "scholar" chess piece, the Metaverse Designer, even made the chess players cancel their own chess pieces. , because the "scholar" cannot leave the general's palace, which restricts his freedom.

Anyway, no one cares about the sleep masters behind them. The choices made by the Azes have made the sleep masters completely lonely.

Of course, it doesn't matter even if there is no one to protect them. After all, there are four or five huge monsters piled up in the Chuhehan Realm on the front battlefield. Is there anything that can bypass the Azes and attack the Dream Sleeper?

There really is.

Wedding company gang.

The ghost brides and ghost grooms couldn't find any chance after completing the first wave of marriages for two or three Azes. However, they did not return to Yu Liang, but went into hibernation.

Under the influence of the ability of ghosts [incorporeal bodies], they have not become the targets of the Azes. On the contrary, the current hypnotist has become their target.

When several ghost brides and ghost grooms gathered together, they immediately seemed to be in danger of losing their lives. They swarmed up and began to attack the hypnotist.

In these wedding teams, most of the ghost brides and ghost grooms are only at the T3 gradient, which is far from the T1 gradient of the hypnotist. However, the problem is that the combat effectiveness of the hypnotist itself is not high.

"Holy shit, shit, shit!" The dream sleeper was shocked when he saw a large number of ghost brides and ghost grooms emerging from the netherworld.

However, the side effects of [Sealing Sleep] are now revealed. It can only be activated when he is in a still state. The current phantom sleep master is still a little greedy and does not choose to move the position to interrupt the timing of [Sealing Sleep].

Of course, even if he wanted to move, it would be useless, because the side effects of "will" are also obvious.

As a "general", he cannot leave the nine squares on the chessboard, and his mobility is greatly reduced, and he can hardly move.

So now there is only one way left for him.

"Help me quickly!"

The Dream Sleep Master opened his voice and called out to the other Azes, hoping that the other Azes would come to save him.

[Machine·Defense Mode]: Only once per day, create a shield that can withstand 2000 points of damage.

At the same time, the hypnotist used a seal to create a temporary shield to protect himself. He looked at the ghost bride and groom who surrounded him outside and kept beating the shield. He felt a sense of urgency in his heart, so he once again Screaming loudly: "Someone, come and save me! Come and save me!"

At this time, the other Azes were enjoying the advantages brought by the sea monster's skin, bombarding Room 225, which was repeatedly jumping and drifting on the chessboard, and they were so happy.

Although the physical bonus brought by the sea monster skin is not high, and the damage is not good, hitting room 225 with the same thing will often only cause the room to tremble violently and make a crisp sound of metal hitting each other.

Each hit made room 225 spin half a circle, which gave several Azzes a feeling of spinning tops.

Interesting and fun.

Not to mention that this sea monster skin also has extra health. The shells of the tank on the opposite side will be blocked when hitting the skin. The damage will be borne by the skin and will not hurt Aze inside.

It's just like……

Sea monster mecha!

Yes, it's very interesting.

Of course, the tank fighting with the mecha is not an easy character to deal with. It often becomes invisible and disappears on the chessboard. It also leaves some explosive symbols and the like on the path after moving, which is very dangerous to the sea monster skin. Causes a lot of damage.

As a skin, it has a certain resistance to damage from sharp weapons, but there is nothing that can be done about damage from fire.

Not to mention that there are three or four rune rapid-fire towers installed on tank No. 225.

The Azes did have a lot of fun, but the actual results were not much.

Well, actually there is one, and that is the hypnotist.

"Help me!"

Cries for help came one after another, but few Aze noticed that the sea monster's skin was indeed a bit thick.

"Is anyone calling for help?" The Chinese medicine doctor seemed to hear something, and out of the doctor's benevolent instinct, he wanted to ask about the situation.

"No, no, where can someone call?" the rapper immediately replied. Due to his ability, all Aze present gave priority to his words, so they once again ignored the cry for help from the hypnotist.

At this time, the Dream Sleep Master was a little desperate. He watched helplessly as his shield was shattered by the Ghost Bride, and then an extremely gloomy feeling came over him.

Fortunately, the damage-free shield belonging to the chess piece every five minutes was triggered at this moment, and the ghost bride on the Dream Sleeper was immediately bounced away, and he shouted at the top of his voice for the last time: "Aze, help me! "

This sound was really loud, and the sea monster Aze and the shadow puppet master on the chessboard heard it.

"Someone is indeed asking for help, is it the Dreamer?" The designer of the Metaverse also heard the cry for help, and the sea monster's tentacles suddenly stopped, wanting to ask other Aze what they thought.

The several Azes looked at the tank that disappeared again in front of them, and their thoughts were surprisingly unified.

Forget it, who cares?

I'm going to catch the writer, the hypnotist or something...

Just send it, there are others around anyway, so what are you afraid of?

As a result, the cry for help did not receive any response. Several Azes continued to chase the tank in unison, but no one looked back.

The actor Aze himself was very satisfied with the indifference of these Azes. He glanced at the hypnotist behind him and hummed in his heart.

Huh, now you know how to call Aze for help?

Why didn't you call your magician to save you?

On the other side, the Dream Sleep Master finally realized that he was alone and helpless, and he suddenly understood.

Yes, I support the magician. This actor is obviously more optimistic about the writer. Under this premise, who will save me?

It’s bad, I’m an outsider.

You are unkind, so don’t blame me for being unjust!

The Dream Sleeper who had figured this out also gritted his teeth and decided to make everyone present feel uncomfortable, so he angrily activated the high-quality stamp that could only be used once per round of dungeon.

[Time Misdirection]: Only once per round, the original time is considered to be three minutes later.

The effect is simply to make the current time count as three minutes later, but only for the releaser of the stamp.

Taking the Sleep Master as an example, it means triggering [Sealing Sleep] three times in a row and switching the reversal place three times, reducing the cooldown of other abilities such as [Disadvantage] by three minutes.

[Sleep] is activated continuously, and all players present are included in it in just an instant, and they are all set as sleepers.

At the same time, the Land of Reversal also prompted three times in a row.

[The place of reversal takes effect]

[Reversal of gain or debuff status effects with numerical values]

【Have fun~】


[Centered on a target, resulting in position reversal]

【Have fun~】

In the end, the reversal effect stopped at this one, and the hypnotist did not hesitate to choose one of the writer's paper-man targets.


The chess piece of Aze's body is the "bishop". The "bishop" cannot leave the Chu-He-Han boundary, so it will be blocked in the center of the chessboard. If this paper man is selected as the target and all positions are reversed, the hunter can appear in the middle of the chessboard. location...

Born actor, get ready for the gift before I'm out!

With a crazy laugh, the hypnotist activated his ability.

The next second, the sky and the earth rotated in the reversal land. When everything settled, Li Huachao blinked his eyes in disbelief.


Aze was silent for a long time, then smiled and said hello to the familiar hunter: "Nice to meet you, my name is Aze."

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