The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 510 The new helper is born!

Yan Hu's sudden appearance and sudden punches exceeded the expectations of all players on the scene.

Many Aze had no idea that Yu Liang had hidden thugs under his command, and that he could also use space transfer.

What's more, this move reminded me of a troubled old friend, so I immediately felt the urge to surrender.

On the other side, Yu Liang and others were surprised by Yan Hu's punch.

No, did you forget something?

You haven't used the Five-Five-Open Ring yet, and you're going to hit it with one punch?

Then, Yan Hu flew backwards with the shocked look in the confessor's eyes, falling four to five meters.


It was probably like this, a bit like a very light child sprinting for a run, and then hit the belly of a strong man more than two meters tall, and was bounced away.

However, the problem is that this so-called extremely light child is actually a strong man over two meters tall, but the height is not displayed intuitively.

For a moment, the whole place seemed to be quiet. Everyone looked at Yan Hu with a special look, with a kind of confusion, confusion, and a little bit of pity in their eyes, like -

Dashachun, what are you going to do? !

Fortunately, Yan Hu, who flew upside down, did not suffer any damage. If there was no such injury-free state, the large difference in physical fitness may indeed cause harm to his body.

"Fifty-fifty!" After Yan Hu flew out, he also realized the difference in physical fitness between the enemy and ourselves. He immediately activated the ring to match the physical fitness of the confessor, and then rushed forward again.

How fast he flew backwards, how fast he is now approaching the confessor again. This sudden strengthening made the confessor unable to react, and he watched helplessly as Yan Hu smashed the iron fist on himself for the second time. .


This time it was the confessor who flew out.

"What?" The confessor straightened his body, recovered from the out-of-control state, and then quickly got into a stance. He could feel that the physical fitness he had always been proud of had become weaker, while the other party was... Become brave instantly.

Could it be that……

This guy can absorb other people's physical qualities and replenish himself?

The confessor mentally recorded the information about the guy in front of him, but at the same time, he had doubts in his heart.

Since you have the ability to absorb physical qualities, why wait until now to take action?

If it were used against swordsmen or soldiers early, wouldn't it establish an advantage early?

Or is it that the writer on the opposite side has always been comfortable with it, so he delayed revealing his secret weapon until the end?

"Finally, I have an evenly matched opponent, so let's have a good fight!" Yan Hu raised his fingers at the confessor, gesturing for him to come over.

As for the war that Yu Liang said, he now indeed recognized it.

How could this kind of battle involving a large number of high-end combat forces not be considered a war?

And he happened to appear here on the eve of the war. Obviously, it was fate that made him work for the writer and become a general on the battlefield.

"Come on." The confessor already had the intention of retreating in his heart, but since he had already taken action, he definitely couldn't retreat. He could only fight with the opponent in his current state.

In the past, as long as he used Confessions, he would be able to gain terrifying power like his Heavenly Father. He would often just rush forward and kill his opponent with a punch or a kick, without any fighting skills at all.

Only Haicheng's coach can crush him physically, but unfortunately, he has never fought against the coach. The coach has always been a swordsman's opponent.

Although it can't be beaten.

Now, the confessor was fighting Yan Hu with a somewhat uneasy mood. Of course, what he was thinking about was not fighting normally, but using some ingenious means to win.

This opponent has such a cheerful personality, and his ability is related to his physical fitness. His other space jumping ability is similar to that of a long-distance runner, so he is probably an individual warrior.

As a physical warrior, you shouldn't have too many tricks, so you only need to set up some traps and ask the programmer to help you, and you have a chance to take down this stupid big guy.

That's right, judging from the opponent's speech and the fact that the opponent just forgot to use the skill and came up to beat him and was bounced away, this guy is not smart and should be easily fooled.

The Confessor thought cunningly, and at the same time arranged the timing and specific effects of the programmer's skills, which would inevitably teach this young physical warrior a lesson.

What is "a good fight"?

Don’t forget, even though I am a priest, I am still a member of Aze!

However, when the confessor and the prophet fought for the third time, he discovered that he was wrong.

When he punched the opponent, the opponent just shook his body, but when the opponent punched him, he almost vomited out stomach acid.

No, it's very wrong. Why do you feel that the resistance capabilities of both sides are not on the same level?

The Confessor felt a little weird. Even if his physical fitness had declined, it wouldn't be as weak as Aze's own profession, right?

And he was clearly fighting with this stupid big guy, but why didn't he seem to be hurt at all?

For a moment, the confessor stepped back and looked carefully at the silly big man in front of him.

Vaguely, he seemed to see a layer of white light on the other party's body, which meant that the other party seemed to have a special buff.

Damn it, I knew it wasn't that simple. This two-dimensional perspective was really a scam. If it were in the real world, he would have discovered it long ago.

It seems that you can't resist so hard, you have to use fighting skills to deal with it...

The confessor immediately came up with a solution in his mind, but he gave up immediately. What fighting skills could he have?

Have you watched too many Hell Songs? He is not Father Andrew, so where does his fighting skills come from?

"Programmer, please give me some help. Why are you just standing there? I can't beat this guy!" The confessor turned around and started calling his teammates.

"Didn't you activate your skills? You can't beat him?" The designer of the Metaverse was very surprised. His attention was focused on the battle between the swordsman hunter and the sea monster tank, and he really didn't pay much attention to the confessor.

Under normal circumstances, the Confessor's side is the least to worry about, because the Confessor can often crush the opponent with the simplest combat power and achieve victory.

Not to mention that the opponent is only a T2 profession. Even a T1 physical warrior cannot withstand a few draws from the Confessor.

In the world of martial arts, speed is the only thing that cannot be broken. This is not just talk.

With such a terrifying body gap, all fighting skills are useless. If your reaction speed, flexibility, strength and other attributes are far superior to yours, you just can't beat him.

"That guy has also activated his skills, and I have become a lot weaker. My current physique is about the same as him, but my skills are not good." The confessor retreated while fighting. He had realized that he was no match for the prophet, and he did not show off. Immediately requested support from the Metaverse designers.

"My ability is just to allow us to stand on the same starting line for a fair and equal duel. Don't worry, if you feel that the intensity of such a confrontation is too high, I can slow down appropriately." Yan Hu heard the confessor's words words, he spoke immediately.

He was very sincere when he said this, completely unaware that he still had a three-minute injury-free buff.

If this can be called a fair and equitable duel, then Li Huachao's slap on Aze's butt just now can also be called a fair and equitable duel.

"Quick, I just got hurt on purpose, use the third rule." The confessor was too lazy to pay attention to this guy. He was still a little wary of the white light on this guy, but besides being wary, it was also somewhat familiar. This white light reminded him of Something somewhat similar.

The designer of the Metaverse sighed after hearing the words of the Confessor. In the end, he was still needed to play. He really wanted to paddle. After all, his ability consumes a lot of mental energy, and he is still very powerful after each use. The backlash.

However, this battle that was supposed to be a crushing battle turned into a complete balance of power. It can be said that every Aze took the greatest credit.

As the designer of the metaverse, he has a halo ability, which allows himself and the players around him to use abilities that should only be used in dungeons.

Of course, this is not the core of his ability, it is just an addition.

What he will demonstrate next is the ability of the programmer's mutant profession - the metaverse designer.

"Virtual reality." He stretched out his hand, and a layer of light blue light emerged from his hand, covering the entire chessboard.

[Virtual Reality]: With yourself as the center, a fifty-meter radius is set as the "virtual reality space". You can design up to three game rules (the rules must be reasonable, and the rules must not be inconsistent). Things in the virtual space will be affected by one of the rules. The first triggered rule is specified by you and switches every five minutes. Depending on the degree of modification, you will continue to be harmed by the backlash of the rules.

The blue light of virtual reality, the purple light of the Inversion Land and the brown light of the chessboard are mixed together, making it look beautiful and full of special flavor.

These three domain abilities can be used at the same time, but the three Azes don't like to use them together. On the one hand, it consumes too much and overkill, and on the other hand, the domain abilities collide together, which occasionally leads to conflicts.

After all, the hypnotist's ability has a random reversal effect. If there is a paradox with the established rules, he and the hypnotist will be drained of mental energy in an instant and fall asleep.

Random effects only have a one-fifth probability of triggering, and the probability of randomness becoming a paradox is even slimmer...

Don't think that they are not so unlucky. You must know that they are Aze's people, and they will also be called "Aze" in name.


This is a very scary buff effect, but when you feel that you are unlikely to be so unlucky, the aura on Aze will let you know that you feel wrong.

On the other side, the designers of the metaverse quickly formulated three commonly used rules in virtual reality. These three rules can maximize the intensity of Aze's team without causing too much mental burden on him.

[1. Within the space, two attacks by all creatures are considered as one (the damage and effect of this attack are considered as the combination of two attacks). If the second attack cannot be fired, all effects of the first attack will be cancelled. 】

[2. The use of remote skills is prohibited within the space]

[3. In the space, the injured status of the designated creature is exchanged once with the hostile creatures within a certain range (recovering health points and deducting health points as the exchange method). Rule switching is triggered after the exchange is completed. 】

For a metaverse designer, he has designed many commonly used rules, and now he has chosen three more suitable ones for triggering.

The first rule is that two attacks are considered one, but the damage and effects will be cumulative.

It seems useless, but in fact it cooperates with many of Aze's professional abilities and has minimal mental burden. It can be called the greatest map design in the 21st century.

First, the damage-free shield gained every five minutes is harder to break for the chess player's "check" piece.

If there is no second attack, the effect of the first attack will be canceled and the damage-free shield will be retained.

For some characters in Aze's universe, it is quite rare to hit them once. If you want to hit them twice in a row...

It's a bit difficult.

If two attacks are regarded as one, it means that the shield that could only withstand one attack can now withstand two attacks. It can not only restrain some small damage and large-scale shield-breaking group injuries, but also enhance the tankiness.

Secondly, the capabilities of military personnel are also more adaptable.

The damage of two attacks is definitely higher than one, so it is easier to trigger the 50% reduction effect of a soldier's fatal damage, and after summarizing, it will be easier to calculate the timing of releasing the health recovery skill.

Finally, there are the skills of the swordsman.

The swordsman's "She" is that eight attacks trigger five "She" points. Under the influence of this rule, the range of the number of attacks is doubled. Sixteen attacks are regarded as eight attacks, and sixteen attacks hit the target. The mission is completed if you hit "She" five times.

The designer of the Metaverse also followed the instructions of the Confessor and selected the rules for the first trigger.

Swap injured status for the specified creature.

In the battle just now, the Confessor chose to fight each other. It would be best if he had an advantage. If there was no advantage, he would exchange states. In this way, the disadvantage could become an advantage. It was very disgusting.

Now, he planned to use this method to disgust Yan Hu.

In exchange for this injured state, he didn't believe he couldn't win!

The Metaverse designer simply looked at the status of the players present and immediately selected two groups of creatures to exchange status.

In the first group, the Confessor and the unknown player who just came on stage. It is obvious that the Confessor has very little health and is definitely profitable.

The second group, Swordsman and Thunder Snake Eater.

Since the immediate recovery of the previous big tonic pill did not take effect, only the recovery per second (double the wood attribute nutrient, recovery 10% per second) took effect, and this continuous recovery effect was noticed by Li Huachao after it was triggered for the first time, and then he It's quite a thief to keep using the trap's heavy damage effect to destroy it.

In short, the final result is that the swordsman is in a half-loss state, with only about 40% of his health left.

On the other side, the Thunder Snake has recovered for so long and is already in 90% of its full power mode, ready to go into battle at any time. So the states of these two creatures are interchanged...

"My supplies have arrived." The swordsman pinched his knuckles, and most of his injuries recovered instantly, and he appeared in front of Li Huachao in an almost full state.

Li Huachao was slashed by him just now, and now his combat effectiveness has declined, and he is no longer his opponent.

"What the hell? Can you still recover blood? You're born!" Li Huachao didn't expect that he would wait until the effect of the big replenishing elixir disappeared, and finally he could not take the time to create a trap to restrain the blood recovery. Now, the enemy's blood was full again in the blink of an eye.

Spanking and spanking? !

The Thunder Snake, which was just waiting for an opportunity to strike, has returned to a depressed state, looking like "I may be too tired today."

On the other side, the confessor felt that his condition was recovering, and he suddenly looked at Yan Hu on the opposite side with pride. If his guess was correct, the opposite side should have received a lot of damage and was seriously injured...


Yan Hu was still lively and vigorous, showing no sign of slowness, and punched the confessor away again.

Rules broken?

How can it be? !

The words kept echoing in the confessor's mind, but he immediately thought of something and realized the truth.

Damn it, I remembered it!

This white light has a damage-free effect, just like the "check" chess piece's damage-free shield.

Why did you fight me without injury for such a long time, and then you said it was a fair fight?

Are you having such a good time fighting?

Are you the one who was born? ? ! ! (End of chapter)

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