The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 507 No, I am the beast tamer, right?

If Aze was asked to choose the most suitable sharp knife, he would choose a soldier without hesitation.

Soldiers do not have the powerful killing ability of swordsmen, but they have the strongest one-on-one ability among actor's personality clones.

The duel here refers to a rich connotation, not only 1v1, but also 1vN.

His ability is not complicated, he is just able to fight and resist. He is a pure warrior.

For Aze, the swordsman is positioned more like a killer, while the soldier is the absolute warrior who can single-handedly pose a huge threat to the enemy's camp.

Just like this moment, no one in Yu Liang's camp could suppress the other party. They tried their best to talk about strange creatures and created characters, but they still couldn't stop the soldiers.

[Well-trained]: All physical attributes +7, specialization in "thorn" cold weapons, additional buffs will be obtained according to the level of fighting spirit (the effects can be superimposed).


Fighting spirit 80%, overall constitution +1, damage per attack +20%-

Fighting spirit is 90%, all physical attributes are +1, and each attack is easier to hit the vital point.


The fighting spirit is 100%, the overall constitution is +1, the pain is reduced, the concentration is greatly improved, and the body's potential is exploded.


Fighting spirit 120%, all constitution +1, ignore control skill effects (same gradient and below)

For a qualified soldier, fighting spirit is something that can be activated at any time. His fighting spirit will never be reduced by half because of personal emotions or encounters.

As long as he enters the battle, he can reach 120% fighting spirit in just two seconds and obtain the maximum improvement.

In this state, the overall constitution is +13 (the chess pieces are additionally +2), the attack power is increased by 20%, the critical hit rate is increased, the potential is exploded, and it also ignores the control skills of T1 and below gradients.

The specific effect is like a tank sprinting at full power, and no one would want to appear in front of this tank.

Yu Liang simply said that he had no choice, because today's soldiers have clear goals and pursue writers without discussion.

After discovering that the control ability was ineffective against the soldier, Shou Gui and Zhong Chen also tried to directly eliminate the soldier through siege. However, as the soldier withstood more and more damage, they also developed a kind of Emotions of despair.

No, how come the paper character doesn’t hurt or itch when hit on this guy?

The character inventory of the paper people is almost exhausted, but the soldiers are still very vigorous, showing a level of calm that is beyond ordinary people.

In fact, the soldier Aze, who is called the old squad leader by Aze, does have terrifying frankness. This is not just his belief, but also has something to do with his professional skills.

[Unyielding Will]: 50% of the damage you receive will be converted into continuous damage and will be resolved within 5 seconds; when you receive fatal damage, you will only suffer 50% of the damage.

The effect of the skill is simply that it is difficult to kill directly.

50% of the damage received will be delayed, which means that the soldiers have enough time to recover from drug addiction. It would be more appropriate if it was the kind of gain effect that restores blood volume by percentage.

Among the five elements, he belongs to the wood element. Nutrients can restore 5% of his health per second. With the supply of nutrients, his stability will be very high.

When the blood is left, the soldier's combat effectiveness will continue to soar, so at this time the old squad leader is deliberately taking damage, trying to lower his blood volume.

Driven by fighting spirit, soldiers will not become sluggish or weak even if they are at the end of their health. Instead, they will become stronger.

The fatal damage is automatically offset by half, and then 25% is taken directly, and the other 25% is divided and sustained damage.

Under this premise, Aze spent a lot of energy to help the soldiers find a large number of stamps to restore blood and improve defense. They were all used to forcefully renew their lives when their health was low.

Depending on the threat level, soldiers will activate different blood recovery methods, including continuous blood recovery with a percentage, immediate blood recovery, and blood recovery skills that can restore blood to a specific percentage in one breath...

If someone could see the health bar, he would notice that the health bar of a soldier when seriously injured is like a candle in the wind, shaking and shaking, but it will not go out.

I was stuck at around 5% and repeatedly jumped horizontally. I always felt that I was almost able to kill the soldier, but it was always just that small.

According to this battle idea, the big tonic pill should actually be kept for himself, but the soldier's unique dedication made him throw the big tonic pill to the swordsman without hesitation.

Of course, this is also a reflection of his confidence, because judging from the current situation, there is indeed no existence in the writer's universe that can restrict him.

Yu Liang ran towards the outside of the chessboard, trying to delay as much time as possible. Two plans for soldiers had appeared in his mind, but he was still hesitating about which one to choose.

The first is to let Lu Baoshen take away the soldiers directly to buy time for Yu Liang's follow-up plan.

The second is to directly send the prophets who have been hiding to fight.

Only the prophet has a combat power that Aze did not expect, so the prophet's actions are very critical. He must help Yu Liang gain a certain advantage, otherwise it will be difficult to win again.

If you want the prophet to use the Five-Five Ring to win the duel, you must create a more suitable duel environment for the prophet.

The most critical thing is that the guy's career panel cannot have abilities related to fighting skills.

If he is a fighting master, even if the prophet has the ability to avoid damage, he still cannot win stably.

Possible fighting masters include swordsmen and soldiers, but these two are not necessarily the only possible T1 warriors.

Yu Liang compared his feelings and knew that if he were A Ze, he would not send all the physical warriors to such a far place for beheading missions. In that case, no one would be in charge of his own back row.

In other words, there may be a guy with strong physical fitness beside Aze.

Who is the one?

Who among the remaining alienated professionals can possess strong physical combat power?

Chinese medicine?

No, Chinese medicine is only T2. His abilities are limited in dimension and he will no longer have the potential to explode.

Then look for it from the T1 alienation profession.

Metaverse Designer and Confessor?

But the two of them don't look alike...

Just when Yu Liang was still thinking about whether to use the prophet's trump card, someone helped him make a decision.

The sleeper Lu Baoshen.

In this battle, everyone has something they want to achieve.

Li Huachao wanted to defeat the swordsman head-on and avenge his shame; An Buchen was operating room 225 for the first time in actual combat, which was very important to her; Zhong Chen was obsessed with protecting Yu Liang, so he was trying to stop him The soldier spared no effort in this matter; the prophet Yan Hu longed for a battle to announce his arrival, so he still lurked in the dark and waited for opportunities; Li Geng...

Uh, Li Geng sent it.

Only he, Lu Baoshen, was the first to become a sleeper, even faster than those strange creatures, and became an absolute idler on the field.

Since he was in the land of reversal, he did not dare to use the unblocking props given to him by Yu Liang. If he shot random characters at this time, he might hit his own people, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

So, is there really nothing that can be done?

If he was going to be a waste, why would fate choose him to stay?

No, it was not chosen by fate, it was chosen by me.

Lu Baoshen knew very well that at that time, he and Li Geng were standing there facing the swordsman, and it was the effect of "dependence" that made the swordsman choose Li Geng.

He managed to stay on the field.

This is a choice of fate, and it is also his own choice.

The gambler's will is destiny itself.

Is my will to be a waste?

Lu Baoshen always felt that he shouldn't be like this.

Although it was only a T2 gradient, the energy contained in his body surprised even Yu Liang.

From the most intuitive operational point of view, it is not an exaggeration to call the gambler the T2 gradient profession with the highest ceiling.

I have to do something.

I can't let Li Geng's elimination become a laughing stock. I must exert double or even triple Li Geng's effect, so that I can live up to Li Geng's elimination.

After thinking about this, Lu Baoshen's will rarely became focused. When facing the charge of the soldiers, he made the choice to run away.

Leave the place of reversal so that the effect of the Sleeper cannot affect you, otherwise he will definitely not be able to play any role.

In this battle situation, only he can leave the board and the land of reversal unscrupulously, because only he can choose to take away an enemy.

As a gambler, as long as he is willing, there must be an opponent across the table, right?

Lu Baoshen ran wildly towards another street. He was not a physical warrior and was not good at sports at all, but at this time he was squandering his physical strength without any care.

If you want to help Yu Liang solve the situation, you must stay away from Yu Liang as much as possible, and then capture the most hateful guy in the opponent's camp, forcing the opponent to fight with you.

Lu Baoshen couldn't remember how many streets he went around. Maybe he ran for a long time, maybe he ran for a long time. In short, he felt that the running process was very long.

Finally, he stopped, took out the goblin grapple gun from his inventory, and shot it without thinking.

The reason for the circling ritual was to completely disorient his sense of direction. Now that Lu Baoshen had already lost his way after a long-distance run, leaving only a blank space in his mind, he could naturally skip the circling ritual.

Also, spinning in circles in this hypoxic headache state...

Lu Baoshen suspected that he would vomit it out.

Lu Baoshen's expectation was placed on the hook gun. In the blink of an eye, it crossed a distance of hundreds of meters, came to the soldier's side, and fished him away directly.

"Huh?" The soldier let go of the thorn in his hand, feeling a little surprised.

In this state, he should be under immune control.

No, the immune gradient is not greater than one's own control ability.

In other words, catching one's own hook is a source of Kaidan-level control?

By the way, if this were not the case, the actors would not be forcibly pulled away by the writers at midnight every day. Only recently did they find a way to crack it.

They come, the security.

The soldier closed his eyes silently, but he opened them only three seconds later because he knew he had arrived.

This is another street, maybe only a hundred or two hundred meters away from the original battlefield, but it still seems to be far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, and it seems extremely quiet.

After a brief recognition, the soldier noticed who was standing opposite him.

T2 gradient, the occupation seems to be a gambler, the specific ability is unknown.

Aze has met quite a few alienated professionals, but he really hasn't seen many of this profession, and he doesn't have much understanding of its abilities.

So the gambler's ability is to use the hook to hook the person he wants to hook 100%?

Why does it sound like a gold miner?

The soldier shook his head. Since he was already here, he was not in a hurry to go back. It would be okay to knock out the T2 gambler in front of him before going back. Anyway, he didn't think that Aze would lose without him. After all, the chessboard was now on There is also a knife that has not been seen.

That was a machete that would give even him a headache.

"Are you the one who brought me here?" Soldier Aze breathed a sigh of relief. He had not hurt any bones just now under the siege of so many people and strange creatures, but that does not mean that he was not injured.

Now that he has the opportunity to get some news, he is still very willing.

"That's right." Lu Baoshen agreed, and then clicked on his own props in the inventory.

Temporary unblocking - character column.

Duration, ten minutes.

Like the soldier, he slowly exhaled a breath, and the belief in his heart gradually became firmer.

"I heard that your defense is very strong." The gambler said softly, "And I don't have much time, only ten minutes, so during this time, I will try my best to penetrate your defense."

He was full of confidence. He opened his left hand and held a silver coin between each finger. On his right hand, he held a silver coin lightly with his index finger and thumb.

There are five in total.



Lu Baoshen opened his mouth and spat it out.

Sure enough, I ran too hard just now.


As Lu Baoshen hooked the soldier A Ze away, Yu Liang finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he had no time to mourn for Lu Baoshen and was about to formally enter the battlefield.

I was thrown into a panic just now by the soldiers. This was just an accident.

Faced with such a domineering and blood-locked wall hanging, he really had no other good way to deal with it other than letting Lu Baoshen take him away.

Fortunately, the two strongest physical warriors in the enemy camp have been temporarily restrained, so Yu Liang immediately boarded the No. 225 tank.

Don't forget, he also has the ability to fire a volley of guns. If he finds the right opportunity, all the enemy's back rows will die.

At the same time, Yu Liang summoned the Thunder Snake back, and at the same time asked some of the paper figures with the characters to stay beside the Snake to assist the Snake in recovering and recharging its physical energy.

Next, he will launch another fierce attack, this time, the paper people will also use their new abilities.

Paper figures with the [Party Formation] ability, when used together in a group of ten, will explode at a level equivalent to the T1 gradient, and have the priority of the T1 gradient.

There are a total of 37 paper figures in Yu Liang's hands. In addition to the seven that restore blood and charge the Thunder Snake, they can also form three "party-for-profit groups". Each group is equivalent to a T1 gradient master who is proficient in illusion. .

Illusion is not just the exclusive domain of the Illusionist. The paper people under his hands can also give Azez a surprise.

Very good, let me see what the Azes are doing now...

Looking at the huge monsters that appeared out of thin air in front of him, Yu Liang fell silent for a moment.

On the huge 50x50 chessboard, there are five behemoths, and just five of them almost occupy the entire chessboard.

No, I am the beast tamer, Aze, where did you find so many monsters?


Gradient: T1

[Knife]: Overall constitution +12, unparalleled skill with cold weapons such as knives.

[Breaking]: When chopping, you can cut off everything except cold weapons, but your knife will bear karma. When it exceeds the endurance limit, the chopping will be ineffective.

[Shed]: The same target is limited to once every three minutes. When your attack hits a target, five "Shed" points will appear on the target. Within the next eight attacks, if you hit all "Shed" points If you click, the ninth slash will hit.

[Living]: You can see the "death" point on the target. When your slash hits the "death" point, the target has a probability of dying (the triggering of this probability is only related to the target's gradient level, current status, etc.)

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